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moderator99 ago

Don't you start getting all sentimental and shit.

Oh damn..... I'm starting to cry now.

Lurker17 ago

I think you were the very first person on VOAT that I reached out to long ago. You used to read and comment on some of my posts at very odd hours and my curiosity got the best of me ... so I asked. I'll be Lurker17 wherever I go. I think I'm already Lurker17 on theDonald, POAL and Parler, but VOAT always took most of my time and interest ... so I haven't spent much time elsewhere. Looks like I will have the time very soon.

moderator99 ago

I remember you asking me about that. I was always days behind on the posts because I like to go through them all and I could only get on for a few hours each day. Memories..... :-)

I just joined Poal, as Moderator99A. I also joined Gab with that user name, but it's set up like Twitter and I don't really like that format so I don't know if I'll use it much. I'll be watching to see what most of the others around here decide to go to before I choose the one I'll favor. I need a good group of people like we have here.

Lurker17 ago

It would be great if we can move together as a group, retain our old handles. An optimal solution if we can find the right platform. POAL was a slow site with few users the last time I was there many months ago. We would light it up!

Joys1Daughter ago

That would be an ideal solution @Lurker17!! Then we happy band of anons could remain family.

Do you think this is possible?

Bless you for wanting to try!

Lurker17 ago

It's already happening. Rickki6 is there, I'm there as Lurker17, many others from GreatAwakening and other sub verses. Everyone is getting used to the new surroundings. It will be comfy for us.

Joys1Daughter ago

Yeah! I registered on Poal for the Q sub. So happy to hear that lots of friends have moved there!

I wish the format looked like Voat...I'm so stupid I can't figure out how to make a comment!? 😵

Lurker17 ago

Have you figured out how to comment on poal yet? You can direct message me there if you still need help. I'll be on voat as long as I can this morning, but need to leave and travel in a few hours ...

Merry Christmas!

Joys1Daughter ago

No, I haven't... still hanging out here.

Can you tell me how if you're not on the road?

Christmas blessings!🙏🎄

moderator99 ago

I like that idea of a bunch of us moving to a semi-dead site like Poal and continuing there.

Lurker17 ago

I just tried to get in, I muffed my password at least 3 times, then I think I got it (no more error message) ... did a couple dozen captchas and still can't get in. I'll try again tomorrow.

moderator99 ago

I had no problem. Only one captcha ("PEDOLLYWOOD").

You could use Lurker_17, or Lurker17Q or something similar.

Lurker17 ago

I am Lurker17 on POAL, if I can ever get back in!

29again ago

I was debating changing my screen name IF we ever do find a new home... I guess it all depends on where we actually end up. I guess I would keep my name if we all move together, just to keep some continuity.

Ranger113 ago

Found you on Parler brother, there are a few of y'all that I've looked to for knowledge and confirmation of things I've heard that have shown wisdom.....I will miss this site

Lurker17 ago

Parler is fair as a Twitter replacement but it doesn't replace VOAT very well. I hope Crensch finds a good subverse to recommend to us. I'll try to retain my Lurker17 handle wherever I go. I've tried, nearly impossible to keep up on the "new" page. Lots of funny stuff, memes, non-news and non-dig items posted there. Not really for me, I'd rather be buried in breaking news, digs and shared insights. I tried POAL a while back, very little activity on the Q related subverse. That could change if enough of us migrated.

standwithuQ ago

Merry Christmas and I hope and PRAY the New Year will be GLORIOUS like President Trump said it will be in all of his rallies. I am soooo worried that this site will be gone and we will be scattered to the winds. Sorry if I sound weak but I REALLY NEED that NOT to be so! If we do get separated, I will be looking for you and others on other site(s). I'm going to try to keep my handle as well. Thanks for all you do.

Lurker17 ago

Merry Christmas and may we have the Happiest of New Years! And Trump for 4 More Years! :o)

I'll always be lurking somewhere, and if possible retain my old Lurker17 handle. I am Lurker17 on POAL and Parler too.

Ranger113 ago

I'm on pol too, check out mewe (yes sounds gay) but very active annons on there posting a lot of news and such. Merry Christmas brother

Lurker17 ago

Hoping you have a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a TRUMPIAN NEW YEAR!!!