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Annie99 ago

Thank you for your efforts to keep Voat up and running. It's the best IMO and I've tried heaps of others.

bopper ago

I know, bummer..

Reintroduce yourself if we meet again ("the girl in west NZ" will be fine). If you wish!

ImOnAVoatSon ago

How much is needed per month/year to keep the lights on?

grace8 ago

I am guessing no amount of money will change his mind. Making this a subscription to post would fix but he doesnt want to fix it. I have always seen signs that Putt is corrupt and against GA. he has said he doesnt believe and he and SBH crowd work together to keep the sub up. When things break Putt calls on SBBH and they respond as if their boss asked them to do something. Its all very cozy.

bopper ago

Lots of folk are discussing that..