cabalstone ago

Interesting link, PansyMan...but then you fuck it up with a phony macho bullshit threat. What part of this do you not understand?

ilikeskittles ago

WTF is Tier 2?

getshanked ago

Tier 2 restrictions

the rule of six

Some seriously nightmarish, Orwellian phraseology.

SuckaFree ago

Wow. Fuckkng retarded, that is.

1scm ago

sounds reasonable

Sarcasticus ago

In people < 70 years, infection fatality rates ranged from 0.00% to 0.31% with crude and corrected medians of 0.05%.

The virus can no longer be classified as a pandemic. Civil disobedience is the only way forward. Do NOT comply with a single regulation.

RedOctober18 ago


ThreeBladedKnife ago

If you accept what they're giving you, you deserve what you get.

brighterdayz ago

What a boat load of horse sh!t!! Come on sheeple!!! 😫

lepersbell ago

Boyfriends and girlfriends will be able to meet outdoors in Tier 2

Or, optionally at their local Chestnut Tree Cafe.

ThepowerofQ ago

EU is doing its best to commit Seppuku

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

What I can't believe is just now England is starting to force this pandemic bullshit on their people at the rate that America was doing it to our people 8 months ago. Now within this last 9 or so months of pandemic, we have all found out that it's nothing but bullshit throughout the entire world thanks to the Internet.

So why the fuck are people in England starting to believe this shit when everybody already knew it's bullshit?

Absolutely 2000% cuckold.

ThepowerofQ ago

1) The only thing I can think of it's a stall move because there are not enough jobs to go back to.

Trump is trying to bring jobs back to the US for the rest of the world this is a loss of jobs.

2) Trump is pulling troops, making new deals, import taxes, the Iran 150B bribe, and living off beggar thy neighbor is coming to an end at a time when Worldwide Debt is enormous.

3) The EU Central Bank rates are at neg interest rates and they are now telling commercial banks to prepare for 0 rates.

4) The reset I believe is in motion. but how this happens exactly that's still to be seen.

qanon1776 ago

Banning indoor sex will result in a population boom in about 9 months - all conceived indoors, my prediction.

KyJane ago

Yeah, when something is forbidden, it makes it that much more tempting to do because it puts it in people's minds more and so thinking more about it makes them want to do it more. And what the crap, it sounds like some sick voyeurs want them to do it outside in the open so they can watch.

Wheatstone ago

Looks like the pedophiles are trying to outlaw consensual sex between adults!

Who the fuck would obey these mason rapists?

ZKX ago

But only for whites.

Hogitha ago

Honestly, if the white ppl are so retarded that this is ok then they deserve everything that they are getting. I cant even.

nx6bg ago

amen to that ...