86USSLiberty ago

Yeah....no more dual citizens

SecurityReasons ago

(((lara loomer)))

WhiteChickens ago

jews do the jobs White Christians are not allowed to do. lol

WhiteChickens ago

Yes, more jewish and negro females to run the country!

Pattern matching is evil, goy.

Retired_Warrior ago

We could use about 534 more of her.

uab ago

Larry Loomer is allegedly a Jewish man from Mossad.

Mossad Agent Laura Loomer before he became a woman [sic]


combatveteran ago

They cannot allow ANY movement to exist without Jewish leadership.

yellowrose ago

To anti-semites: Stop the bigotry.

All are sinners. You find "good" & "bad" people in any group. It's inappropriate to paint the whole by the actions of some.

In the Bible, God has a Jewish REMNANT who do NOT fit into the evil Jew category. Your hatred makes you look foolish.

WhiteChickens ago

Your stupidity and ignorance of history makes you look foolish.

PacaGoat ago

Eggzakery! Thank Q! It is abundantly clear Lara scares the shiznick out of the leftest retards.

SaxonWolfcock ago

Shes a jew you fucking idiots. When will you learn?

WhiteChickens ago

They will never learn.

These people are stupid.

Charapajo ago

Wow! Just wow!

heroinwinsagain ago

How many trains dudes do you have to elect to American Congress Jesus Christ

WhiteChickens ago

You have to or you're a "bigot".

Which basically just means "intolerant to opposing viewpoints". Ouch. lol

dadudemon1 ago

Add up all the GOP votes in that district and it's only 25k, so far.

The Democratic Primary challenger, Guido Weiss, had almost as many votes as Loomer did (10K vs. 12K). Not anywhere close to enough GOP participants in the primary to get Loomer a win in the general election.

I'd say stop getting your hope sup for an upset.

dundundunnnnn ago


PacaGoat ago

James cormeyšŸ˜‰

COAnon ago

Kudos Lara.

Patroller ago

Not surprising. I've lived in Florida. We Gentiles call it little Tel Aviv. Laura Jewmoar had it in the bag because her tribesman love her "I'm getting shoahed!" antics.

Patroller ago

Just what we need. Another zionist. Is she also another dual citizen of our greatest ally?

NamelessMofo ago

Weren't the Fake Polls just the other day saying she was at <10%?

God those fucking stupid ass loser MSM niggerfaggots never learn, do they.

Zooope ago

Great I'm glad that in politics where there is a small minority of less than .05% in control we can get a Christian white woman in office with our common person values that represent America. I mean how hard is it to find a white person to represent us . OH WAIT

jthun2 ago

Great, another Jew.

GovernmentShill ago

Can't wait for the next Murdoch Murdoch, lol.

Risen_In_3 ago

Of course she did. She's a Jew

ThesePeopleAreStupid ago

Iā€™m a Jew. Heā€™s a Jew. Sheā€™s a Jew. Weā€™re all Jews, hey!!!

WhiteChickens ago

We know you're a jew.

ThesePeopleAreStupid ago

Welcome to Jewburger hoke of the Jewburger can I take ya orrrrrrda?

ALIENS2222 ago


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MolochHunter ago

there's always one retard who is such a simpleton they cant imagine a world where some jews are actual patriots

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SumerBreeze ago

fucking kike

MomsDontMakeGoodDads ago

The only state jews are loyal to is Israel. Now fuck off kike lover.

SaxonWolfcock ago

Typical cuck moderator.

Crensch ago

He came to a different conclusion based on the evidence provided to him.

I think all Jews need to be fitted for a necktie, but that's not what Q is about, apparently. That's not what this sub is about.

Stop the Jewmongering. This is a Q sub, not the rest of Voat.


usernameisnotthis ago

jews make up 2% of the population, are over represented in government by 3000%, are under represented in our military by over 3000%.. ya sooo patriotic huh? they're only patriotic for their tribe.

MolochHunter ago

so if theyre over represented in government then that suggests us white people are slack about taking up the responsibility of governing our communities

if that troubles you, go pick up that slack and stop bitching

usernameisnotthis ago

they infiltrated our ranks because they look similar to us and they do not outwardly profess they're jews...do me a favor. reply back to me with the word -GOD- just like i have it spelled.

MolochHunter ago

im not subject to your loser purity tests, asshole

usernameisnotthis ago

what does it feel like knowing the masses are waking up to you disgusting creatures tricks? your tribe's time at the top is comin to an end soon. enjoy it while it lasts.

ThesePeopleAreStupid ago

Not sure if shill or retarded...

Ima go with shill. Even retards know there are good and bad people in each religion.

You can either work with us to fix the corruption or sit there shrieking about the Jews like a child.

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

no one's buying your shit, shlomo. Get lost

ThesePeopleAreStupid ago

Lol ā€œmy shitā€ is just reality. You can accept it or be a little sensitive bitch.

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

Your "shit" is a flopping pile of JIDF propaganda written by faggot jew who shits their diapers.

MolochHunter ago

'my tribe' is patriots working against the globalist deep state

the same deep state that tries to discredit the Q anon movement by trying to depict it as a racist hotbed of white supremacist mouth breathers who cant or wont differentiate between jews working for mossad and jews who just want to live in peace, prosperity and safety

usernameisnotthis ago

you disgust me jew. nothing you could ever say or do will ever change my mind about any jew.

MolochHunter ago

which is why im banning you from this subverse

not only can you not distinguish patriotic jews from treacherous jews, you cant even distinguish gentiles like me from treacherous jews

the Ethos of Qanon is to resist the deep state division tactics. You clearly refuse to uphold that ethos

user banned

KosherHiveKicker ago

She's an overt "Israel First" Zio-Cunt.

We have enough of those already.

SuckaFree ago

She's a Zionist. It's doesn't matter what "religion" comes next with their title. ZIONIST Jew, ZIONIST Christian, Islamist (that's their term for a Muslim ZIONIST), Rastafari ZIONIST. If you believe in a ZION, you are a ZIONISTA and are actively working to bring about the destruction of mankind.

Too many People and Patriots have been sleeping on that fact for far too long.

Y'all need to fucking wake the fuck up real quick about it, too.

KosherHiveKicker ago

Show me a Christian Zionist that speaks out against the Jews, or even dares to call our their persecution of Christians across The Middle-East, or even in The United States.

ALIENS2222 ago

Well... This is their reality. They can stick with the Goyim in the cattle pen slaving away and being robbed and beat down and subjugated and scammed and abused and taxed to death or they can join the system that does this to those useless slave cattle. That is their choice... literally. Imagine if you were in jail and you could simply say a few words and cease being a prisoner and instead be THE WARDEN. What would you do? That is how it is for them. Want a million dollars? Write a book about how horrible white people are and convince them to have no children unless they are with blacks. Want power? get into politics. As long as you do EXACTLY what AIPAC says you can abuse the goyim all you like forever with no problems. No issues. No blowback ever. This is their reality. This is why they are not trustworthy... They ALWAYS have that available and nearly all of them take it in a small way or large way. This is why their morals are compromised. They are presented a road that is so easy and so lucrative and so sweet that one would be a complete idiot to not take it. Is there some jew somewhere who denied this shit all their lives? Probably, probably in a gutter somewhere. Definitely not going from media to politics. NEVER one who is successful. Nope this jew will work for Israel FOREVER and you and your grandchildren will pay for it all... As will mine if I can't convince you to wake the everliving fuck the fuck up... but I won't because their brainwashing and manipulation is so fucking pervasive and powerful that you cannot work your way out of it. It is really tough to do so and if you manage it by the time you get there you will mostly have no family/friends/job/etc left because in the process of learning you will be FORCED to act. It is that terrible of a system. Once you see it you simply cannot grind under its thumb any longer. It can't be done. This is the real hangup of people who find themselves facing the great gigantic nose of israel hovering in the air over them controlling everything and everyone around them.

Now don't get me wrong... Jews are not the top. Not by a long-shot. There are levels above them and we can really only speculate about those but jews are compromised because they are easy to compromise and it is part of their culture. They are likely not even bad people for the most part but nonetheless they are compromised by the lure of limitless sheckles and power and immunity. I hope that makes sense. I understand your frustration but really think about all this stuff. Only 300k jews died in WW2, and that was probably mostly from starvation/disease. Find holocaust in an encyclopedia from pre 1960... Its not there. Its all made up dude... Look at the system I laid out above and it is obvious HOW and WHY. You need to wake the fuck up. Moloch is a jew dude... Moloch is a jew.

MolochHunter ago

"jews are compromised because they are easy to compromise and it is part of their culture"

look around you at us white people

we're in the mess we're in bc white people are also very easy to compromise

take responsibility for your shit dude

Awokcanuck ago

As George Carlin said, it's a really big club, and we're not in it.

Zooope ago

Lol why would they be Patriots ??

Because they happen to have citizenship? While having citizenship to another country? While having a religion America was not founded on. That never fought for anything, that never sacrificed anything for freedom. You're a fucking cuck. Tell me one reason Jews would be patriots for America. Is it in their blood? They fought against the British for independence? They are real pro freedom? They are the salt of the earth and are live and let live and want to be left alone to raise a family? I've never ever seen someone stick out as much as you, I've seen people call other people out for petty dumb shit and I thought it was retarded. But you have to be working for someone or literally retarded, like got in a serious car accident and had to learn to walk again retarded


MolochHunter ago

if 'all Jews are anti American' then all white people are 'colonial oppressors'. Right?

you're as retarded as AntiFa to be making these arguments

go join their ranks

Zooope ago

So you gave no argument on why a Jew would be an American Patriot. Do you think there are black Muslim patriots?

MolochHunter ago

i dont need to give any argument why a Jew would be an American patriot. You can ask the patriotic Jews themselves, and they can give you their answers. But it really doesnt take much imagination to predict what their patriotic responses will be, because the reasons a Jew would be a patriotic American are almost identical to the reasons a white or black person would be a patriotic american

Blacksmith21 ago

I guess Seth Rich doesn't count.

MolochHunter ago

was he jewish? i did not noes

Blacksmith21 ago

Like a bagel. Also Aaron Swartz.

User890020 ago


most are inbred gold medal winning special olympians

Gigabump2 ago

Some never read Revelation. They will before this shit is over ...

Lurker17 ago

She's running against an incumbent (D) this fall. Odds are good ...

1Paydaddy ago

She's like the ugliest beat up truck at the Mud Hole that Rips all Weekend! Congrats Miss Laura!

SumerBreeze ago

disgusting kikes

BT1100 ago

Very good for her. It shows censorship can be overcome. But very sad is, that the participation in this election is surprisingly low. Her neighbor district showed only close to 25% of cast votes. That means 75% of the voters did not participate.

Voter participation in District FL-20

Blacksmith21 ago

I swore I saw she was polling at 2% in the primary this morning.

PacaGoat ago

Correct. And hilldawg was a 99% shoein in 2016. šŸ™„

Blacksmith21 ago

This will be a race to keep a close eye on. Hard not to notice it's Jewish woman vs Jewish woman. The dynamics of this race will be very interesting to watch.

PacaGoat ago

Palm Springs is libtard central oddly Rush decided to invade their domain. Now Lara bringing heat. šŸ˜„

Blacksmith21 ago

Interesting connection. Pretty sure Rush helped Loomer out behind the scenes. She'll fuck shit up. Would love to see her issue a beat down on AOC in the hallway of the Capitol.

PacaGoat ago

Like Diane franenstein.

coulditbe4Q ago

She is the Anti Occasional Cortex candidate. She will break many pieces of fine china in DC. Wish her well.

coulditbe4Q ago


u_r_wat_u_eat ago

And we should kick her the fuck out of our country

coulditbe4Q ago


u_r_wat_u_eat ago

Gas yourself kike

coulditbe4Q ago

Sad for you.

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

Dont care what a kike thinks.

coulditbe4Q ago

Well you are what you eat. Isn't a kike some you fly with a string attached?

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

No, try learning English you stupid Israeli faggot fuck.

coulditbe4Q ago

LMOA.....and it has no sense of humor either. Do you get a sheckle per response?

ThesePeopleAreStupid ago

Lots of Patriots are. Stop trying to divide people.

SumerBreeze ago

you are a fucking retard

ThesePeopleAreStupid ago

Might wanna reread my comment and what I was saying.

Your link has nothing to do with it, ya smelly vag.

npc88 ago

the jewish talmud says all non jews are their slaves, also that jews can have sex with young children that are nonjews

ThesePeopleAreStupid ago

You know more about the Talmud than any normal American Jew. Most donā€™t even know what it is or whatā€™s in it. But you do.

What does that tell us....

Lol. Donā€™t be stupid.

npc88 ago

again. the talmud says jews are allowed to deceive and lie to non jews, much like you are doing now, and your "normal american jews" do everyday. godbless.

ThesePeopleAreStupid ago

Youā€™re assuming Iā€™m ā€œdeceivingā€ you? Based on what? You just assume all Jews are lying because of what an old book most of them are ignorant of has written in its pages? Thatā€™s dumb as fuck.

WhiteChickens ago

You're definitely a lying sack of shit.

That or just plain stupid.

ThesePeopleAreStupid ago

What am I lying to you about?

You clearly know a shitload more about Judaism than me...

Qdini ago

Great news!

jbakers1 ago


TRFBYTrC0mmies ago

I hope she wins. Sheā€™s not perfect, but she will straight up call a mother fucker out, in public on camera. America could use more of that.

survey_girl ago

Yeah, not sure if she is a gatekeeper for (((them))) or just a grifter making some shekels.... I don't trust her. But she has pulled some amusing stunts and seems pretty fearless.

SaxonWolfcock ago

Uh huh...

Gas her.

usernameisnotthis ago

she's a jew and jews are never good for anyone but themselves.

stelleta ago

She's a staunch Zionist unfortunately.

ALIENS2222 ago

This bitch is a jew... You are shit.

Double_D ago

And you're a weak minded bigot feeding from the same collectivist trough as the marxists.

ALIENS2222 ago

...look! I found a jew.

Double_D ago

Look! I found the weak minded collectivist who blames all his problems on other people!

Get fucked, faggot.

ALIENS2222 ago

A sheckle has been deposited in your account for this response. AIPAC APPROVES OF YOUR MESSAGE!

Double_D ago

Not only are you intellectually dishonest, youā€™re lazy.

Those who seek to erase the identity of the individual will always lose.

ALIENS2222 ago

Funny, you never refuted that you are a jew.

Double_D ago

Iā€™m Irish / German, faggot.

TRFBYTrC0mmies ago

Wow, thatā€™s a powerful retort. Never thought I would have to confront such overwhelming evidence. Nice work, well done. šŸ–•

projection ago

If you knew the Jew, you'd know that his retort was valid.

TRFBYTrC0mmies ago

If you were a real man, you would help me understand why his retort is valid. Ball is your court. Fire when ready.

projection ago

I'm not a real man.

Don't be a lazy cunt - undertake your own research.

KosherHiveKicker ago

Another Israel First, Zio-Cunt inside the U.S. Congress?

No Thanks... We have enough already.

TRFBYTrC0mmies ago

Ok smart guy. Whoā€™s your pick? Who would you have instead of her? Which candidates do you support? What is their name?

KosherHiveKicker ago

I'd start with making it illegal for individuals with dual-citizenship from holding any Federal Office. (Just like Israel does currently). I would also force AIPAC to register as a foreign lobby, and require all agents for it to do the same.

THEN I would start selecting my candidate.

usernameisnotthis ago

100% truth.

TRFBYTrC0mmies ago

You too mother fucker. If not her, who? Tell me their name.

Podingo7 ago

Fuck off with all every Jew bad bullshit! Its the same as calling every white racist, every black a criminal, every Mexican an illegal, every Chinese a spy, etc..each person stands in account to God for what they have done in this life, either good or bad..i for one, am tired of labeling, because that Jew, or whoever, may save your life one day, because they believe the same as you do..Good vs Evil has no race boundaries..

Rizzo9000 ago

Youre wrong. We are all (or were until miscegenation became widespread) all tribes, just as the american indians describe themselves.

WireResource ago

Well, she did say she wants Jews listed as a protected class.

Podingo7 ago

So what!, aren't you proud to be who you are, and somehow think you may be entitled than another group?

usernameisnotthis ago

but the sole reason whites cannot be proud of who we are(despite all we have done) is because of her tribe. get educated on how much they hate you goy.

Podingo7 ago

I don't need someone else to justify my existence ,to be happy with who I am..and hatred goes both ways! Do you personally know every person of Jewish faith on the planet( I'll go out on a limb and say no), so that makes you no different than Antifa or BLM.. now live with that in your miserable, lonely, and pathetic world!

usernameisnotthis ago

you're a jew huh? if not then go ahead and reply back with the word -GOD- just like i have it there.

Podingo7 ago

GOD is the creator of all things, both seen and unseen, He sent his only Son Jesus Christ (and I confess Him as my Lord and Savior ) into this world to die for the sins of ALL who call upon his name( that includes Jews, blacks, Latinos, Asians , and any other race your small mind can name)..any other 3rd grade mentality games you want to play, or is it nap time for you..

usernameisnotthis ago

oh not a jew. ok but you need to get educated on how jews feel about us and Jesus. read the talmud which is their holy book. judaism is nothing like Christianity. they are opposites. just know they HATE you, ALL OF THEM.

Podingo7 ago

Once again, see if you can comprehend for longer than Joe Biden. Many of the Jewish race believe in Jesus Christ and some don't.. you are still trying to lump an entire race of people into a single mindset..try reading a very popular book called the BIBLE. I'm done with you, but pray you will see the truth, and your blind hate ,of any race of people, will not lead to your destruction.

WireResource ago

I don't want special treatment from anyone. I would be fucking insulted.

Podingo7 ago

Neither do I, so we think the same w/o knowing what the others ethnic backgrounds may be..so, logic would have it, we're in this fight for truth and justice together?

WireResource ago

No, I don't know you. You aren't in my tribe. Neither is that Loomer bitch.

Podingo7 ago

My tribe? Lol

MAGAman69 ago

AIPAC A+ Candidate. Canā€™t go wrong.

lorlipone ago

I would invite you to watch this. She does some good stuff, but I don't trust her.

White_pride_cis ago

Fuck off kike. She does nothing good, she only does things to further an agenda

Sheneyney ago

Yes I have reservations about her too. I keep hearing she is Mossad. Keep your eyes on her just incase.

Rizzo9000 ago

Lol kiss the kikeboot, "reservations"

maggiethatcher ago

Probably. But we need some MOS on our side too. The fact that she has been censored into near bankruptcy suggests she is not deep state

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

She's a fucking jew you retard fucks wtf


ThesePeopleAreStupid ago


Thatā€™s you. Thatā€™s what you sound like.

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

get the fuck out of here with your #notalljews bullshit

how many times can we kick you faggot kikes out of countries before we learn the real solution?

ThesePeopleAreStupid ago


Trump 2020. Socialism sucks. Communism sucks. America is the best.

Deal with it, bitch.

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

America will be the best when all the jews are 6 feet under.

ThesePeopleAreStupid ago

I love you too.

TRFBYTrC0mmies ago

I watched this bullshit. Are you serious? This is what youā€™re bringing? A ā€˜flat tireā€™ vid? Fucking weak, at best.

ThesePeopleAreStupid ago

Shills gonna shill.

OandAPartyRock ago

I donā€™t like liars. We have enough of those.

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Cando ago


HappyGoLuckyGoy ago

Pretty sure the story is the Scorpion and the Frog but I like the reference nonetheless.

errgnomeous ago

she's one of them... I don't see her doing anything worth while

pixelkitteh ago

She's literally a MOSSAD agent, some guy they tranny'd up.


RabbiRabbit ago

Reminder that she's supported by pedo faggot Milo and she supports him as well. Yet look at all these Qtards in the comments still thinking there is a political solution while voting jewish

KebabAndNoseRemoval ago

A literal brown haired Jewess with bleached hair and a nose job that wants to make protected classes out of (((Democrats))) and (((Republicans)))

brettco12 ago

She reminds me of Michelle Obama because they both have a penis like a man would have.

lord_nougat ago

Or because of media antics!

Good for her, though.