25241435? ago

Laura Coomer.

25237988? ago

Too much fucking makeup, no matter what the fuck Loomer is. Can't tell who this really is. It looks like a fucking tranny to me. No one ever digs to see what the fuck this thing really is. Why not??

25236690? ago

Has to be this way. 2023 is the start of the tribulation.

25238013? ago

You got your invite, did you?

25241430? ago

Yes. It was in my Bible and described by the Saints. Read it and know what is to come. Know that no man or counterfeit god of this world can do a damn thing about it.

25236660? ago

No description just a clickbait title.

25236543? ago

What a bunch of weak minded pieces of shit we've got here.

Thy're collectivists just like the people they claim to hate. Different sides of the same coin.

25235998? ago

Literally a transexual

25236014? ago


25235959? ago

Laura Jewmoar is a fucking cockroach who won't go away.

25235934? ago

Nazitards are mad.

25236074? ago

White Genocide is Real

25236163? ago

Yeah just like the black genocide the left keeps talking about.

You people are retarded, delusional, and crazy.

25235933? ago

Laura nose job

25235761? ago

(((They))) always come up with these weird names, so people don't recognize the skypeness in them

25236398? ago

so true, Redstone.......they are fucking evil

25235263? ago

oooooh, the echoes, so edgy in 2020...

25235414? ago

White genocide is real, fuck you

25235196? ago

Great news!

Go Laura!

25235434? ago

Go Laura, back to Israel shiamlamuch