solo7 ago

Some one is yanking the public's chain. Research before going rabid.

TRFBYTrC0mmies ago

PatriotEagle1776 ago

they should be SHOT

Scrolleater ago

Here is an excellent non-verbal video by WEEKEND WARRIOR. Less than 10 minutes long.

rickki6 ago

Shared with everyone I know. Lawd !

Boysrback07 ago

Blowing up on Twitter!

DuHast ago

Kids ? Why not drugs ?

PacaGoat ago

Dead cat on that line. Ive bought Broyhill and other to0 level furniture and amineties. No way an amorie costs 12 grand. Not even from the rarest wood and finest hand craftsman. And rhat hoxgepodge aint even close to high quality. And selling the name dont cut it.

That stuff is made in a factory with cnc machinary. Not high quality.

rickki6 ago

Even restoration hardware isn’t that expensive and they are expensive. I’m floored

PatrioticOkra ago

Even if -- IF, and I'm not saying it will, I'm just making a point -- even if everything about Wayfair just turns out to be some weird horrible misunderstanding, someone still has a ton of explaining to do about all the kiddie porn showing up in Yandex image search.

Scrolleater ago

I agree. Trying to follow the development in real time is why this is different. There are many eyes on the prize. This won’t be another FF but part of the Great Awakening.

MickByrne ago

This has woke me up to looking out for inexplicably over priced goods in the future. Any find will be searched with the term 'missing' because I don't believe Wayfair are alone in this type of scam.

SmellMyFinger ago

Modern Art springs to mind

PatriotEagle1776 ago

just make sure not to use google since its run by the libs...

pizzaequalspedo ago

Q, can you get off your ass and arrest these people before more kids die?


HeilGEOTUS ago

Surely THIS time Q will come through...

KidCreole ago

Fuck off, you child

PatriotEagle1776 ago

Patience. I know it hurts, but if he jmups the gun he might save a few but lose 100's of thousands more.

Scrolleater ago

This is a 2:20 video posted around 4:30est to help RedPill your friends.

AndyMan_45 ago

Are these people locked up by now? Or hanging by a rope?

Revel4ti0n ago

My twatter blowed up this story 12 hrs ago... I should start posting this stuff. In the last few weeks lot of stuff is starting to show up, what is definitely not for a light stomach

still_winning ago

This is the first time I am really shocked by something I've read on here. Horrifying if true.

Last year I bought a little kitchen cart/island that my husband and son assembled for me.

Blacksmith21 ago

And yet you're here, on Voat v/GA. Assuming you watch v/PG too. That puts you in the .001% of the public. Imagine what the normies and sheep are thinking seeing this. Massive red pill. Late Gen Z already discovered Pizzagate via TikTok over the last week. Follow it up with Wayfair and this is going to be another red pill. If there really is some followup action - like arrests - then the red pill's effect will cement.

You should check out the Ric & Morty cartoon where they cut off a child's face. I believe the producer was a self avowed pedo. Dan Schnieder maybe?

still_winning ago

"Assuming you watch v/PG too."

I didn't know about that, but I will.

"Imagine what the normies and sheep are thinking seeing this."

Good point. Some will choose to stay in denial, though.

"You should check out the Ric & Morty cartoon where they cut off a child's face."

I just can't look, knowing what I know now.

"I believe the producer was a self avowed pedo. Dan Schnieder maybe?

I've known about him for a long time from,just like Weinstein. He will get what's coming to him, just like Weinstein. A young girl from the show "Shake It Up" has publicly said she was abused, but never named names.

Blacksmith21 ago

I liked The Cars - Shake It Up, Candy-O. Paulina P was hot - another model. What does FLOTUS know?

Had a kid self red pill this week with allegations from Bassnectar. Music is a great way to connect.

still_winning ago

Bella Thorne was molested while working on the Disney kid's show "Shake it up"

Dan Schneider was with Nickelodeon so it was some other perv.

still_winning ago

Disgusting and should be shared far and wide.

pizzaequalspedo ago

Go to the pizzagate subverse. There's enough to make you sick there for 10 lifetimes. And it all ties back to the same people Q is fighting.

still_winning ago

Thanks for warning me. I don't think I can take it.

BigDickEnergy ago

You have to, otherwise they go unpunished. My father told me he didnt want to know about the red shoe club after i told him about it. He wished to remain ignorant, and believes they will be punished in the afterlife. I told him that thats how they get away with it.

toobaditworks ago

don't lie. you had no father. and if you did he never talked to you.

BigDickEnergy ago

Hey, its that pathetic hook-nosed kike with dick breath again. I sure hope God forgives you in the end.

still_winning ago

I believe punishment awaits them on earth as well and I pray it's soon.

Blacksmith21 ago

Not sure how I've been doing this for 3.8 years without losing my mind.

steven_feelsperg ago

Reminder to truncate URLs after and including the ?


Anyone that clicks this link is tracked by twitter

scoripowarrior ago

This has really been going around on twitter. That's where I first saw it. Damn, right in our face.

Helena73 ago

I dont think this is a hoax. I looked up some items by the 3rd party retailer in question and was able to match one to a missing kid’s name right away. This is sick.

FreedBy45 ago

Apparently Amazon is doing this as well:

And now we all know how the rich got so rich - and it sure wasn't through the normal means of doing business.

naughty_skunk ago

Amazon as well? Wonder who else is involved now? Looks like this is how they laundered all that trafficking money

bopper ago

Trisha UK !

Yeah it's my number one news feed on my phone.

Scrolleater ago

Blacksmith21 also posted. There is a lot of info and real-time coverup occurring. I’ll be posting on his post.

Blacksmith21 ago

Just spoke to a friend - he says same ridiculously overpriced electronics on eBay. Also Downright Eiderdown pillows for 10k on Amazon w/ bizarre reviews.

AllinforTrump ago

Yes, just read some creepy reviews with obvious double meanings. Regular pillows $30-$70, then Eiderdown pillows from $8-10K