R2_1234 ago

It's all taken off now wowww

Userly ago

Seems a hoax: Samiyah tells on YouTube, she’s alive. Another missing kid allegedly shipped as furniture has been (unfortunately) found dead long time ago. Annabel is a regular name and the CEO has not resigned, the absurd price tags are used to keep listings alive on purpose (listing should stay but nobody shall buy it because they temporarily don’t have the stuff on stock)

It smells like a staged thing to discredit true conspiracies. Don’t chicken around like snowflakey chicken but stick to professional research. Many people are way to emotional.

YogSoggoth ago

I have been looking at this for days, and there is some psyop going on in all the comment sections that is annoying, but the Pincus of it all is the Allen & Company Sun Valley Conference

Search domain hyperleap.com/topic/Allen&_Company_Sun_Valley_Conferencehttps://hyperleap.com/topic/Allen&_Company_Sun_Valley_Conference. Pincus is modern for Phineus in the so called Bible. It is all about the symbolism.

Ggfd ago

People need to look into Value City in Columbus Ohio. The owner Shottenstein is besties with Wexner.

I know personally for a fact he's involved I just cannot find the connection

I searched Value City and their furniture is named people too.

Value City would go way back like to the 70's

Look into New Albany Ohio who does the zoning?

Please help me I've been at this one alone for years

volunteerwork2020 ago

Make a separate thread for this

Otto- ago

This is blowing up a lot now. I'll just say be careful. These are the first, impressionable days, so watch how you all handle this, we want the best optics for publicity.

plancktonne ago

A good indication if WayfairGate is true is if Jake Tapper's wife has rushed to their defense proclaiming them to be the Tappers' fave establishment for fine family furniture.

Wayfair's claim that the exorbitant prices are fair is because the products are industrial, nor consumer quality. Which may true if the furniture and pillows are lined with lead for soundproofing. (As was the secret lead-lined bathroom in Wexner's and Epstein's New York City mansion.)

plancktonne ago

It seems as if the percentage discount on an item closely corresponds to the age of the missing child for which the furniture or product is named. The other unusual thing is the percentage discounts are weird numbers like 13% and 16%. Usually they'd be 5% or 10% or 12.5% or 15%.

I was only able to check the first two .jpg in the original post, so it may just be a coincidence.

jpwhistle ago

What if the #wayfairgate is an intentional leak? Is disclosure beginning? What if they have it all already?

darkknight111 ago


Found alleged testimony from a former wayfair employee.

He says the official narrative/statement from Wayfair is full of shit.

cueanon2 ago

This is blowing up almost as big as #pizzagate on twitter. There's so many new leads and clues. Product listings similar to Wayfair have been seen on Amazon Prime and Etsy. Ghislaine Maxwell is pictured with Bill Hutcherson, President of Operations of Wayfair.

pepefrogjr ago

Related to SRC USA of tom hanks .

SRC full form might be search real children .

cueanon2 ago

This is big on twitter. Being hit hard at #wayfairgate. Too many tweets to keep track of.

Wayfair had a message to buyers that said "no passport required" next to one of their products. WTF? Passport? Why would there be a question of a product needing a passport?

darkknight111 ago

I just had a horrific hunch. One based on the SRC China search results:

The CCP is an active provider of children. Possibly adrenochrome too.

This could explain why the entertainment industry is selling out to China. Selling out in exchange for a source of adrenochrome and children to rape.

The source for both: The children of political dissonants in China. Given how awful China’s human rights record is and the CCP’s utter devaluing of life, I would NOT be surprised the CCP is doing such things.

Also, the Golden Triangle (a major sex trafficking route in which kids are 2/3 of all victims) touches south eastern China.

I believe we need to start investigating the CCP and any connections they have to sex trafficking.

volunteerwork2020 ago


Subject: Help!

Georgetown Law Faculty and Staff,

My parents are visiting this weekend, and I need to sell my enormous collection of beanie babies! I've approximately 480 little creatures of joy, and I'm selling each one for $20.00. You must buy all 480, though. It is a collection (not an auction)... They are very respectful and amicable with one another, and they are (for the most part) cat and dog friendly. Some are sassier than others, naturally.

Please let me know! My parents can't find out.

Peter Mattingly




MercurysBall2 ago

@argosciv I'm beginning to think Wayfair needs to be in the spotlight.. I have no time today coz family.. but I'm dropping some quick links.. look into Kidco ...

Wayfair used to be CSN Stores.. https://www.kidco.com/locations/csnstores-com/

Notice on Kidco's website they avoid any names: https://www.kidco.com/about-us/

Ken Kaiser, CEO https://www.newyorkfamily.com/whats-new-at-kidco/

Father Dan Kaiser also at Kidco but story gets weird there.. fill that in later..

Kidco twitter account https://twitter.com/KidCo

Kidco philanthropy - March of Dimes (that involves Dalk Institute and a whole other story) https://www.kidco.com/about-us/philanthropy/

Kaiser Family Foundation https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kaiser_Family_Foundation

Andrea Jung is one of Wayfair's directors.. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrea_Jung

KidCo Names New President https://www.earnshaws.com/news/kidco-names-new-president/

argosciv ago

I'm still heavily reserved.

Some of what you're posting I have already seen from various sources.

I just... maybe I'm looking at it with the wrong lens, but it just feels too easy and simultaneously too contentious.

I'm willing to let the chips fall where they may of course, but for some reason my gut says "inoragnic".

My gut isn't always correct, I won't pretend it is. If something definitive comes of it I will gladly eat my humble pie.

cueanon2 ago

Get on the twitter threads and gasp, #wayfairgate, #wayfair sku, #wayfair, etc.

MercurysBall2 ago

feels too easy

agree... but it also seems to be a company with Deep State links.. don't worry I'll look further into Kidco myself later..

argosciv ago

If you so desire, but for a moment I have to facepalm...

Now some dingus is claiming there's a relation to the alleged but never proven "Kappy deadman switch": https://voat.co/v/QRV/3919411/

Whole thing fucking reeks from my perspective. Sorry. But what the fuck.

Best I just, as said earlier, stay away from it until someone can prove something beyond all doubt.

kestrel9 ago

Dingus is right. kek That was a painful video to listen to. Idiot still doesn't know what a water pitcher is.

Samson134 ago

I cannot believe what I'm seeing.

Explain your way out of this one Wayfair.

Pay attention to the name and price


douk_nokum ago

This is way too on the nose. Do you have the link for the first one? Editing a webpage locally and taking a screenshot of it would not be hard.

RevoltNow ago

Big if true.

volunteerwork2020 ago

This is huge.

SearchVoatBot ago

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781842_Anon ago

I have been following this and noticed people searching yandex. I recall this video I watched about a month ago about Tom Hanks and pedo gate. Starting at the 5 minute mark, Tom Hanks is being interviewed by Conan and they discuss the pictures that Hanks takes and posts online. In one photo, you can see SRC USA written. The video then goes on to explain the significance of this.


NinaSparrow ago


darkknight111 ago


Jordan Sather has a thread on this.

Someone searched src china on yandex and a bunch of chinese children came up.

Vindicator ago

Wow VW. I'm giving this the Potential Lead flair.

darkknight111 ago


Look who’s financially connected to the company.

Something stinks about this. Not sure what yet.

everythinggate ago

The fourth link from the bottom made me tear up- its INSANE to see the pictures of the missing kids and the names of the items for sale match up. This is so fucking sick. Wayfair has also struck me as sketchy in terms of quality and sourcing, I woudn't be surprised in the slightest if it was a front for trafficking.

darkknight111 ago

I suspect the same in regards to fronts/shell companies.

Maybe check for cia/mos ties.

3141592653 ago

Has anyone verified this on the actual wayfair website?

volunteerwork2020 ago

They deleted the listings.

jpwhistle ago

Wow, voat is 10x more lame than Twitter what took you so long?

Angelis_Solaris ago

Still pretty fast all things considered

darkknight111 ago

https://mobile.twitter.com/GodandCountry11/status/1281718431579082752 Moar digz from Twitter.

@Vindicator. What do you think? Spoopy enough for a new lead flair?

Vindicator ago

Yep. I flaired it.

argosciv ago

I'd be wary of this one tbh...

Smells like bait.

Truthseeker3000 ago

So you are supposed to download the Russian browser Yandex.com and in the search engine type in SRC USA and then the sku numbers and pics of kids are supposed to come up. Way fair is deleting the skus on the sites with the products. Walmart also has really expansive overpriced junk in the thousands of dollars for some unknown reason.

Angelis_Solaris ago

Tried the search in chrome on Yandex site, didn't work. So I guess it only works when you use Yandex's browser?

volunteerwork2020 ago

More research on Yandex needs to be done over the next few months.

MercurysBall2 ago

Yandex came up during the Hampstead case in the UK too... I felt that anons were being encouraged to go visit it as a number of accounts on the David Icke forum suddenly started to mention them.. my spidey senses made me stay away...

volunteerwork2020 ago

The Russian government isn't all angelic like the Putin shills say it is.

pizzaequalspedo ago

Let me guess... the CEO of Wayfair is a huge anti Trump guy

cueanon2 ago

Wayfair is looking shady AF. Could be either an overcharge-and-kickback scheme or actual child-trafficking. 2 founders Shah and Conine. They took a contract from BCFS (Baptist Child and Family Services) to provide furniture to migrant camps in Texas. BCFS is San Antonio -based.

Looks like it's loosely run. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/BCFS_Health_and_Human_Services Not sure what their game is.

pizzaequalspedo ago

Holy fuck

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Helena73 ago

It took me 5 minutes to find a match

Jaylin Pinnock missing Jul 4. Who names a utility shelf “jaylin”? Wtf?

The missing kid is 4’5” = 53”

Jaylin shelf listed as 52”




I cant believe this.

ChickyNugNug ago

Missing child is 4'5"

Shelf is 52"

An inch out.

Helena73 ago

Measurement error

jthun2 ago

That is fucking creepy. Time for the authorities to raid the company, or for some patriot in the area to torture the truth out of the CEO with a few sharp implements.

Helena73 ago

I mean this is a third party not wayfair. It could be someone playing a sick joke. But too many names match for it to be a coincidence.

SaneSmith ago

It's weird you can buy a kid for $107? The other ones I've seen of this have high dollar amounts, freaky either way.

Helena73 ago

Perhaps there is an “auction” when they jack the price up?

This could all be bullshit, but if it is, it involves this wfx company.

kestrel9 ago

People should look into the third party angle, the woocommerce sku (private commerce on wordpress?). If there is anything to the connection, then the items don't have to the exact kid but a type (M/F, white/black/asian) etc. Could be related to selling CP or like you said, notice of an auction. IF there is something to this, then the same or similar type of thing could be happening with other products, where existing product advertising is used by private parties for black market distribution. Or someone may be trying to get attention the to Bain Capital/Wayfair connection, the real message could someone giving anons a lead.

One thing I noticed a long time ago but not anymore. For the longest time I could do a search on any mundane word and if I looked at 'images' for results there was nudity and porn related results. (Not CP). Also, it used to be that some search results would include words within the text that didn't belong. But that line of thinking would be relevant only if those cabinet names are false, something the company did not claim to be the case.

Helena73 ago

Maybe it is a child trafficking syndicate that processes payments through wayfair. But that doesnt sound like a smart way to run that sort of criminal enterprise. Does Wayfair take bitcoin? I dont think they do.

It could be a political or commercial entity trying to ruin wayfairs reputation. Maybe chinese entity. This seems plausible to me,

Older webpages used to make heavy use of “keywords” embedded in the html code. For example, if you were selling jeeps on your site you could embed hidden phrases like “SUV” “trade-in” “financing” and the search engines would promote your site if those terms were searched. Too many web programmers abused the feature, embedding keywords like “SUV” on pages for porn. So you would search “SUV” and get pictures of penises. Search engines dont prioritize keywords over other content anymore so the problem isnt as bad.

SaneSmith ago

That's a solid theory, sad you were down voted. Way to think outside of the box, I hate that saying.

kestrel9 ago

It could be a political or commercial entity trying to ruin wayfairs reputation. Maybe chinese entity.

Here's an observation...nothing more.

Guess who really is hostile towards India.

Guess who founded Wayfair

http://archive.is/vVi2F https://www.inc.com/larry-kim/get-to-know-wayfairs-founder-10-facts-about-niraj-shah.html

And activists don't like Wayfair. http://archive.is/KmjVE

Helena73 ago

And who knows what other motivations someone might have that we are totally oblivious of. It just seems like china is an organized bad actor behind a lot of these things. I hope it is a hoax and not real children being bid on.

kestrel9 ago

^Me too.

kestrel9 ago

Search engines dont prioritize keywords over other content anymore so the problem isnt as bad.

Thank God, it was ridiculous. Any kid could do a search and be bombarded with porn pics if they chose to look at images feature.

It could be a political or commercial entity trying to ruin wayfairs reputation. Maybe chinese entity. This seems plausible to me,

Definitely sounds plausible, corporate sabotage. If Ebay security team was willing to commit cyber stalking to terrorize the couple that criticized Ebay in their online news letter, who knows the degree to which the FE corporate "fixers" are willing to eliminate or sabotage global competition.

ChickyNugNug ago

If those screenshots are from the last 24ish hrs then the prices will have changed.

Check some of the videos of people confirming on twatter.

They changed prices and removed products QUICK.

Not suspicious at all, kinda like ordering a cement truck for your underground lair if you know you're popo'd very shortly.

SaneSmith ago

Dude, if I had a underground lair my cement needs would be bananas.

RedWhiteBlues ago

It matches the pricing of onion web sites. If this is a hoax, it is pretty complex. Not sure what to make of it just yet.

The last time I found something like this, you could buy almost any type of slave and have them shipped to your door.

Black Lives Matter should buy these slaves and set them free' if they cared about slavery.

I wonder what would happen if someone just ordered one of these things.

Also PrincessPeach is the best driver in MarioKart64.

Lurk541 ago

I'm replying to your comment because you seem to be looking at things more rationally than some others here, which I appreciate.

I had a strange experience with the Wayfair company which I can't prove without doxxing myself but here is what happened: I received a brochure in the mail from Wayfair, which had something to do with a wedding registry, and offered discounts on products that newlyweds are likely to buy. I have never bought anything from Wayfair and hadn't even heard of them before this. What was most strange was that the brochure was addressed to a person who doesn't exist - a woman with my last name and a Spanish first name. I have a relatively rare last name and as far as I can tell there is not and has never been a person with the name this brochure was addressed to.

I was very perplexed, so I called Wayfair to ask them how this had happened. A very polite lady answered my call, looked into it, and told me it had been a mistake, but couldn't explain why this brochure had been sent to my address with the name of someone who doesn't exist. She said there was no account in their system using that name, and no purchases had been made by this imaginary person.

Maybe this is all meaningless, but it made me suspicious about how the Wayfair company operates.

YogSoggoth ago

It is the same as if my last name was McCain. They assume.

Lurk541 ago

I'm not quite sure what you mean, sorry.

YogSoggoth ago

I mean that they know they can't just put their real name there, so they use fake names, but certain names might be on a hidden list. Maybe a part of your actual name is on that list. They assumed you were someone on the list. https://www.foxbusiness.com/lifestyle/ellen-under-fire-for-wayfair-partnership-amid-conspiracy-theory

Lurk541 ago

Thanks for the clarification.

3141592653 ago

Where was the last time you found something like this?

jthun2 ago

The company's response is weird though. They said the items were industrial items that should be at that price point, which is obviously untrue for pillows.

RedWhiteBlues ago

That is true. I tried to free a slave, but the price reverted to normal when it got to my shopping cart. So, that's that, for me.

Onetime1 ago


Snopes just came out and declared the whole thing a hoax.

Get this ... not only did the company deny trafficking, they actually CONFIRMED $10,000 pillows as being a valid price because it was a big pillow with good quality.

NinaSparrow ago

Yea my sis just told me about this.. I've been on twitter reading it all.. this sh*t is next level crazy!!

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Angelis_Solaris ago

Are you serious??

NinaSparrow ago

That's what is literally all over twitter.

Rustybuckets ago

What is SRC?