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Pizzalurker15 ago

Kennedy woke many up. 9-11 made that feeling current. If you can’t see that Trump is working towards ending the wars without getting fucked in the process.

truehistory ago

JFK was murdered on my birthday. I was 7 years old. I've searched for the truth ever since. 9/11, building 7 was the impetus for me actively researching what was really going down in the world. Boy, was I surprised how little I knew until then. It's a Luciferian world, run by the Vatican/Rome. That's why we have the City of London and Washington DC and the Act of 1871 that sold the soul of America. All true, I researched many years to arrive at that conclusion. First I thought it was Jews, but they are NOT Jerish. THey're fake Jews: Satanists. They're ALL Satanists, which is how you explain the Neocons and filthy rich being involved.

Marsbase ago

Probably Jew is Dragonslayer.

Pcpoet09 ago

saying its the Jews is just providing a useful target...when you try to explain to people that Satanists are active internationally and in US government they think you are crazzy but say its the jews and a lot of idiots will look to that as a explanation.

truehistory ago

The fact is, they WANT you to believe it's Jews who are perpetrating this. Rothschild isn't a real Jew. That whole family is Satanist. Ditto for the rest of the perps who claim that religion.

As a born Catholic, I never understood the history of the Church: The Inquisition, Indulgences...once I did a deep dive into the history of that infernal organization I knew they were involved up to their scrawny necks. So, just like fake Jews, there are fake Christians and the Vatican PERSONIFIES this fact. All one has to do is look at the architecture in the Vatican itself. Their freaking CHURCH looks like one big freaking snake.

Pcpoet09 ago

as Q said symbolism will be there down fall... I wont say who is or is not Christian or who is or is not Jewish. I will say you will know a person by there works...any one can claim the mantel of a religion but it is only in there hearts that they know there true identity.

MetaCog ago

Satanism can't exist without Jewery and Christianity (and Mudslims). Waking up means realizing your hand-me-down belief system was concocted by Satanists to turn believers into virtual slaves.

Voat_Has_Fallen ago

But you have family who are jewish.

Pcpoet09 ago


Voat_Has_Fallen ago

You've been on here 3.4 years and haven't read any posts?

Pcpoet09 ago

I know pathetic when I read it...this place has a lot in common with reddit but most don't understand that it does. this is one big Echo chamber where one relieves themselves of the responsibility of thinking for themselves.Most join in the same sort of group think that Redditt has looking for a validation of there idiotic thoughts. I am in here daily reading posts. the only reason I like the place is that the yahoo's(not the defunct search engine) who I dispise with a passion and engaged in this group think about racial superiority are allowed to post here. so while you may see me rip into them about there racial bullshit I know as long as I see there posts here free speech and honest debate is here unlike reddit that has its own SJW form of group think that is just as bad as the racial supremist bullshit.

Voat_Has_Fallen ago

one relieves themselves of the responsibility of thinking for themselves.

I'll accept that as a no.

Pcpoet09 ago

forgive me I love to rant....I find it theraputic

totallynotQ ago

I don't get how you don't understand people's frustration when it's pointed out that "ze jews" have so many fingers in so many pies, are at the helm of so many organizations detrimental to the human condition, orchestrate the mudslime invasion of europe, keep up the holohoax, make it criminal to criticise them... but still they're the fucking victims. Obviously nobody is talking about your average nobody who chooses to follow the same religion as Jesus. But as to the rest, the leaders of the ADL, onlyfans, the mainstream media. They're all fucking up all of our lives and they're all fucking jews. That is what makes us want to fire up the ovens (for the first time in history)

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