emit_time ago

A wise person used to keep me in check by constantly reminding me that’s it’s an evolution, not a revolution. I’m not patient, just accepted that the corruption runs so deep and wide that revolution is suppressed and we have to hope evolution prevails.

Seawinder1 ago

Amen brother! Same boat here, age 68. The whole school cried. Not just because President Kennedy was dead, but because he was assassinated and we all knew it was a black curtain being pulled, in full view in public that we were being 'ruled'. An underground government that we did not elect was able to be in charge. Government stank from that point onward. Until now. Now there is hope. (I hope).

whataretheythinking ago


Conspirologist ago

With internet it's easy to find the truth. What are you waiting for exactly?

KurtAlbert ago

waiting for ppl to awake.

Conspirologist ago

Most people don't awake. They are born to be slaves like cattle.

75usmc79 ago

I’m right there with ya. Still hanging in though.

ShadowHelp ago

Classic Q-tard boomer. You just keep on waiting, buddy.

TraditionalCode0 ago


To be regaled and demonized by false friends, family and society for 50 years is a curse nobody else could begin to understand.

It also is frustrating to be opposed by only recently barely-redpilled anons countering, denying or ignoring research you did decades ago that allows you to simply fit the new pieces accurately into the puzzle because you saw the picture on the box years ago.

Same shit but worse, different day.........many of the same names.

Age DOES bring experience, knowledge and WISDOM to some. All the 'Boomer' baiting aside.

MetaCog ago

Ok, boomer.

DarkKnightPatriot ago

The funny thing is that most of the 'woke' people in the 1960's and 1970's still loved American and stood up against corporate tyranny, Big Pharma, polluted food, water and air, and excessive government control and overreach- they believed in Freedom and Liberty. Now, they have done a 180 turn. They have been brainwashed by media, the web, and public schools to embrace the opposite of everything they opposed back in the day. Weird. I know more people on the right that are more fiercely loyal to the old 'ways' than current Lefties.

This was actually why I left the idiots on the Left and finally embraced the Conservative I knew I was....I firmly stand tall against corporate tyranny and Big Pharma, and government overreach, and polluted food, air and water, but I do it as a thinking rational man that does not also feel 'forced' to embrace the cultural marxism that came later on the Left, and destroyed what remained of the Moderates. I am thoroughly disgusted by the Radical Left and what they have done to eager young minds in America.

Hamnegg ago

I’m 61. Yeah, I’d say we’re overdue for another truth bomb.

Tracimariesimmons ago

Yes Sir! That's being extremely patient! Do you think it will happen this time? Will arrests happen (ppl like Clinton, Obama, etc.)? Just trying to pick ur brain. #WWG1WGA

COAnon ago

I am 71 and waiting for the truth to come out about what really happened on 11/22/1963.

Conspirologist ago

The jews killed JFK for trying to end the Fed. Are you happy now?

User890020 ago

God I hope 9/11 truth sees the light of day way sooner than that

GODiscoming ago

I too, am waiting for the truth to come out...

His name is Jesus Christ

wasupwitdis ago

same boat brother

GODiscoming ago

There is nothing hidden that will not be revealed, and nothing concealed that will not be known and illuminated.

Truth is coming

Truth has come

His name is Jesus

Retired_Warrior ago

I'm a couple years behind you and while I had a pretty good idea things were not as we were being told it wasn't until I went into the military where I saw one thing with my own eyes while seeing something completely different on television.

Since then I walk around with one arm held over my head so I don't get shit on my watch.

divine_human ago

Hang in there, m8, it's starting now and will take a generation or two to clean up the mess.

I'm 55 and took my first massive red pills in 1981. It's been a long lonely path, so happy that now, millions are on board and things are moving...

GODiscoming ago

You taken the Christ pill yet?

He's coming

divine_human ago

Last October, in a night on the train, an angel chorus has been singing to me (it's still singing) about the second coming that is close and will happen within you and me and all those in divine alignment that are able to ALLOW IT.

MongolianPaellaFish ago

I hope you have a good healthcare plan, because you're gonna need it to last another 20 years of disappointment.

GODiscoming ago

You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

There is nothing hidden that will not be revealed, and nothing concealed that will not be known and illuminated.

It is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret. But everything exposed by the light becomes visible, for everything that is illuminated becomes a light itself.

"The light at the end of the tunnel"

His name is Jesus Christ

mismacheta ago

Sir, in 1968 at the tender young age of 11, when many were wrapped up in free love, you wisely set upon the path towards the mastery of patience. In 2020, at age 63, you absolutely are a pioneer and I daresay, the equivalent to a Jedi Master of patience. You have much to teach many here and in the world.

GODiscoming ago

Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the LORD.

Hoppinmad ago

Jedi Master of patience. Good

When I was much younger I prayed for more patience.

I wish God would hurry the hell up answering that one.

based80 ago

Tell me more about Daniken. How did you encounter him, and what tipped you off as a kid that he was a fake? He was a best-selling author that a lot of people bought into.

KurtAlbert ago

thats an easy one, I was fortunate to have a friend in school, witch had a father that subscribed an old fashioned newspaper all in Black and White, called UFO-Nachrichten from Germany... they used to publish all kind of fringe stuff, so I was not really happy after reading into von Dänikens Book, that he practically just copied and pasted everything and got famous, after he left Jail, condemned for income tax fraud, he moved to our street, and everybody in that little village knew he was in Jail and did not want to have contact at all... Due a school project me and my friend where assigned to his street to do some research, and his wife opened the door and was really nice to us. I do not remember much, just the smell of that pipe-tobacco in the air in the living room full of strange posters and bookshelves... I just did my questions, and got the hell out of there... I was pretty scared! LOL

DeathRayDesigner ago

Heh. I'm 67...been waiting since 1963. But the truth has to walk backwards from the present, so there is still plenty of time for me to die before it all walks back. Who knows?

GODiscoming ago

The truth does indeed walk

His name is Jesus

KurtAlbert ago

LOL !!! yes man! you got 4 more yrs than me... enjoy every second of the next BOOMS

QNirmanakaya ago

lol. I am only a few years younger. I get it. Still want it now. Everyday, for years.

GODiscoming ago

Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the LORD.

The truth is coming. His name is Jesus Christ

wonderfuldonut ago

Yes very patient, life is way stranger than fiction, True Von Daniken is as loopy as a cut snake, clearly drinking too much schnapps, just a crazy swiss german new ager, Most Churches as BS as are those that pretend to be holy and 99% of taught History is more fake than Pamela Anderson titties. Most are still fast asleep to the scam of "those in power"

Many squeal make people woke etc. The problem is most cant be honest with themselves, let alone absorb the hidden truths that exist in all ares of life. Many truthers believe they have a bead on things and my answer to that is "laugh snort" not even close

GODiscoming ago

You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free

wonderfuldonut ago

Truth is only part of the equation, it is what one does with the truth how it is handled, nurtured etc. that matters. One that refuses to acknowledge the wisdom gained from knowing the truth is destined to repeat the mistakes of the past.

GODiscoming ago

Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ.

wonderfuldonut ago

Faith is a very different construct from truth, something my be true without the element of faith involved, Faith in Christ and GOD for that matter is a given and not an if or not. others may wrestle with faith, however Faith has never been an issue for me, it has always been present.

GODiscoming ago

Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.

wonderfuldonut ago

Yes, it is stated in the Bible and is a true now as it was when it was originally written long ago.

GODiscoming ago


KurtAlbert ago

hey, you got something here= most cant be honest with themselves... bhooooaah... thats a real tough one... how one can even be sure one complies with that?

wonderfuldonut ago

How many people so you know that find reasons not to do things? Most people are afraid of the What if's failure, being disliked, being rejected, being different etc

Being honest with oneself is having balls to make clear decisions, sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, its that simple, the being honest bit is "the decision"

Its all a matter of tolerance, most tolerate the crap they are fed, and yet very few say "be damned, I want" truth, something better and go looking for it

KurtAlbert ago

right on!

wonderfuldonut ago

I was red pilled the day I started school. Fear not thigh self, fear those that do not think for themselves, that question not and have no innate ability to reason.

KurtAlbert ago

OK... cool message... but better check spelling... pls LOVE

wonderfuldonut ago

my bad, apologies should have read thyself not thigh self

KurtAlbert ago


voatdied ago

okay karen.

KurtAlbert ago

nope my name is Kurt, and did you really follow the post? Guess not... Bye!!!

KurtAlbert ago


swan854 ago

65 y.o. Been waiting since about 1967. Felt like mythical Cassandra who saw the future but no one believed her. Watched our people get taken in by con after another by the Deep State. So glad, it's all starting to get straightened out.

GODiscoming ago

Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.


KurtAlbert ago

RIGHT! Soon!

Wacinda ago

You're my senior by more than a decade. I too have been waiting a long long time. Good to know I've not been alone.

KurtAlbert ago

may GOD bless ya!

Wacinda ago

And you, fren.

PGLiterati2 ago

Aren't you instead pleased that, most unexpectedly, despite all odds--the truth just may come out, finally? I never thought it would. I am thankful every day.

GODiscoming ago

There is nothing hidden that will not be revealed, and nothing concealed that will not be known and illuminated.

KurtAlbert ago

slowly , but yes :)

KurtAlbert ago

I hear you! Of course I do wish for it just to happen... but its our day by day job, cyber or real world to push it farther everyday! Bless ya!

SuckaFree ago

Ueah, so what's another 52 yrs, huh?

KurtAlbert ago

its a day by day battle, you too can do it! please do!

SuckaFree ago

I'm a disgruntled Navy Vet that used to blow things up for a living. My patience is running thin.

Don't worry though. I'm not THAT impatient. I am also a single father of 5. I have patience.

But [they] need to be dealt with soon. We can all feel it. Another civil war is coming.

"Nothing can stop what's coming" goes both ways. Remember, symbolism is everywhere and POTUS/Q use it too. Words have double meaning.

GODiscoming ago

You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

God wins, sir.

SongDog ago

Oh I am with you Brother! Patience? Ya Think?

GODiscoming ago

Truth is coming

Truth has come

His name is Jesus Christ

KurtAlbert ago

I gotcha... you can choose between patience, and still doing your underground work, or you just comply and desist. Not my case.;)

AlternateSelection ago

Just turned 51 and not confident at all that any of this insanity will be resolved or that one damn criminal be arrested. The bullshit runs too deep

GODiscoming ago

It is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret. But everything exposed by the light becomes visible, for everything that is illuminated becomes a light itself.

Voat_Has_Fallen ago

Am 63 like OP. Pretty confident that they're years, if not decades, ahead of any "awakening", and are quite on track with their plans. They supply "saviors" as needed, before the people even realize they've been wanting one. Our society and civilization live and breathe on the bullshit they manufacture.

AlternateSelection ago

We need some kind of Alien referee to show up and call time out. Some kind of disinterested 3rd party to straighten out the horrible mess humans have created. We are all kids that refuse to grow up.

KurtAlbert ago

You now what? I don't even care if anyone is arrested... that's not really the point. I think it much more important that as much as possible ppl are aware of this big scam, the better is the outcome our future! TRUTH!

Pizzalurker15 ago

Kennedy woke many up. 9-11 made that feeling current. If you can’t see that Trump is working towards ending the wars without getting fucked in the process.

truehistory ago

JFK was murdered on my birthday. I was 7 years old. I've searched for the truth ever since. 9/11, building 7 was the impetus for me actively researching what was really going down in the world. Boy, was I surprised how little I knew until then. It's a Luciferian world, run by the Vatican/Rome. That's why we have the City of London and Washington DC and the Act of 1871 that sold the soul of America. All true, I researched many years to arrive at that conclusion. First I thought it was Jews, but they are NOT Jerish. THey're fake Jews: Satanists. They're ALL Satanists, which is how you explain the Neocons and filthy rich being involved.

Marsbase ago

Probably Jew is Dragonslayer.

Pcpoet09 ago

saying its the Jews is just providing a useful target...when you try to explain to people that Satanists are active internationally and in US government they think you are crazzy but say its the jews and a lot of idiots will look to that as a explanation.

truehistory ago

The fact is, they WANT you to believe it's Jews who are perpetrating this. Rothschild isn't a real Jew. That whole family is Satanist. Ditto for the rest of the perps who claim that religion.

As a born Catholic, I never understood the history of the Church: The Inquisition, Indulgences...once I did a deep dive into the history of that infernal organization I knew they were involved up to their scrawny necks. So, just like fake Jews, there are fake Christians and the Vatican PERSONIFIES this fact. All one has to do is look at the architecture in the Vatican itself. Their freaking CHURCH looks like one big freaking snake.

Pcpoet09 ago

as Q said symbolism will be there down fall... I wont say who is or is not Christian or who is or is not Jewish. I will say you will know a person by there works...any one can claim the mantel of a religion but it is only in there hearts that they know there true identity.

MetaCog ago

Satanism can't exist without Jewery and Christianity (and Mudslims). Waking up means realizing your hand-me-down belief system was concocted by Satanists to turn believers into virtual slaves.

Voat_Has_Fallen ago

But you have family who are jewish.

Pcpoet09 ago


Voat_Has_Fallen ago

You've been on here 3.4 years and haven't read any posts?

Pcpoet09 ago

I know pathetic when I read it...this place has a lot in common with reddit but most don't understand that it does. this is one big Echo chamber where one relieves themselves of the responsibility of thinking for themselves.Most join in the same sort of group think that Redditt has looking for a validation of there idiotic thoughts. I am in here daily reading posts. the only reason I like the place is that the yahoo's(not the defunct search engine) who I dispise with a passion and engaged in this group think about racial superiority are allowed to post here. so while you may see me rip into them about there racial bullshit I know as long as I see there posts here free speech and honest debate is here unlike reddit that has its own SJW form of group think that is just as bad as the racial supremist bullshit.

Voat_Has_Fallen ago

one relieves themselves of the responsibility of thinking for themselves.

I'll accept that as a no.

Pcpoet09 ago

forgive me I love to rant....I find it theraputic

totallynotQ ago

I don't get how you don't understand people's frustration when it's pointed out that "ze jews" have so many fingers in so many pies, are at the helm of so many organizations detrimental to the human condition, orchestrate the mudslime invasion of europe, keep up the holohoax, make it criminal to criticise them... but still they're the fucking victims. Obviously nobody is talking about your average nobody who chooses to follow the same religion as Jesus. But as to the rest, the leaders of the ADL, onlyfans, the mainstream media. They're all fucking up all of our lives and they're all fucking jews. That is what makes us want to fire up the ovens (for the first time in history)

SearchVoatBot ago

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Not_C ago

The truth is that the system is rigged. They tell you that you have a choice, but the truth is that you are only allowed to choose between their options.

Option A - They win.

Option B - You lose.

Now you know the truth. You're welcome.

GODiscoming ago

God wins.

You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free

Not_C ago

God gave us free will.

God gives us the tools, knowledge, abilities to fulfil our destinies. It is our choice whether or not we sit back and do nothing, or if we use the tools, knowledge, and abilities God gives us.

The world is not in this state because God wins, but because weak men do nothing with what they are given.

Silex ago

It's a spiritual war.

THIS IS A CHOICE, regardless of actual physical outcome.

I prefer to die as a truth warrior than as an enslaved moron.

Hoppinmad ago


I get a rush of hope remembering that GOD WINS NO MATTER WHAT.

Ps37-27 ago

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. These people are too arrogant to think about the day when He comes for them.

KurtAlbert ago

LOL nope! I win! because I do not fall into that silly game!

doublejj ago

You were awake when you were 8? Please. Don't be stupid.

GODiscoming ago

So it is said: “Wake up, O sleeper, rise up from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.”

KurtAlbert ago

I started to awake at the age of 9. Katlick church... then in europe at the age of 11 UFO news... then conversations with Erich von Däniken at the age of 12, and so on...

crazy_eyes ago

instead of waiting for someone else to do your job for 50 years why haven't you got off your ass and done something about it yourself all this time?

KurtAlbert ago

I am a Millionaire

crazy_eyes ago

so what?

KurtAlbert ago

I feel you do not have any positive input to give here... or else challenge me or whatever

crazy_eyes ago

You been waiting patiently since 1968, why haven't you expose the truth for yourself instead of waiting for someone else to do it?

KurtAlbert ago

I always talked to anybody about it, I had homepages I made in the late 80's but in those times you where just the crazy one... I did not mind, and until today all my schoolmates form the 70s and 80s remember me as the crazy guy... no problem with this.... AS I do know for a long time WHO are the real crazy ones... MSM believers!!! LOL

crazy_eyes ago

Talking to people individually is not going to spread the message very far very fast

KurtAlbert ago

I would be surely happy if you could just grab it all and put for a wider audience!

crazy_eyes ago

You're a millionaire, why don't you start a media empire spreading the truth. People are starved for the truth

KurtAlbert ago

millionaire that has bills to pay... all my employees need my assistance, as out state does not give a f**ck and no help at all. So my money is fading day by day... Rent / electricity/ water/ Et all... I can survive just one more month... and all my savings from 15 yrs are gone! Its just OVER!

crazy_eyes ago

You must have a lot of extravagant bills to burn through a million in a month.

KurtAlbert ago

you bet

crazy_eyes ago


KurtAlbert ago


KurtAlbert ago

yes, you are completely right! But If I can plant one seed at all... my life has been worth it!

tweety51 ago

Hey Kurt I got you beat by a few years and it does seem like a very long time for the truth to come out. I started way back with the Humanist Manifesto. I am not very phone/computer savvy but you will get the hang of it all and hopefully learn something from all the incredible posts. This is a pretty intelligent group of committed Patriots. And yes, you seem like a very patient person.

GODiscoming ago

He is coming

KurtAlbert ago

Greetz Tweety51 Thanks for the info, gonna check it out, from what year is it? ...but did you really beat me by the age of awakening? Mine being 11 yrs... aka 1968... heheheheh... this is not a competition at all grin,

tweety51 ago

I just meant I'm older than you.

KurtAlbert ago


tweety51 ago

I knew something was wrong with the Kennedy assassination. When abortions became legal that was eye-opening. About mid 70's I became aware of the Humanist Manifesto and have pretty much been awake to different degrees since then. Truth has come in drips and dribbles over so many years. All at once would have been too much.

KurtAlbert ago

absolutely! like Q mentioned, truth would put a lot of ppl into the hospital... one step at a time

olieman ago

63 too but only been waiting since about '77.

GODiscoming ago

You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

His name is Jesus

Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the LORD.

KurtAlbert ago

great! I was fortunate to have a neighbor called Erich Von Däniken ... and I disagreed with his worldview at the age of 12 LOL

MariaGoretti0706 ago

How frustrating! It’s only been 6 years for me. Patience certainly is a virtue.

GODiscoming ago

There is nothing hidden that will not be revealed, and nothing concealed that will not be known and illuminated.

Truth is coming

Truth has come

His name is Jesus Christ

HelloDolly ago

Less than three for me. I stumbled upon the Q thing reading the comments in Conservative Treehouse. I was just furious about the FISA stuff. Talk about feeling like you fell down a rabbit hole!

Notimportant36 ago

Personally, was awake in time that my reaction to 9-11 was "if they have a suspect before the dust settles then it was definitely self inflicted." By dinner Bin Laden was introduced to the world.

nomoss ago

Yeah funny how that was.

All I need was the color of the smoke to know it was ALL a LIE.

KurtAlbert ago

Not all, nomoss... people really died! But it was a FF

nomoss ago

Yes a LOT did and are still. Sad as a lot of us knew back then it was a LIE.

KurtAlbert ago

yes, and a lot of us fought it but the feedback was too little... nowadays we do have Q ! and this is a capacitor!

KurtAlbert ago

Yep! 911 I was screaming all over my chat places ****its not true !!!! ***

MariaGoretti0706 ago

I cannot imagine the level of frustration with being wide awake durning 9-11! Kudos to your critical thinking.

KurtAlbert ago

yes Maria... I was in a couple of Chats back then, and I was watching it live on TV while having my lunch... I could not even look at the meat balcony in the supermarket without feeling to throw up during some 3 or 4 months... Instant Vegetarian! It was horror!

Notimportant36 ago

For me at least was not "wide" awake, was still something of a communist, so, was really going at it from that angle, my views of general corruption and that my first look at Bush and I saw the evil in his eyes.

The biggest frustration was answering the question "why would they do that to themselves" so many times when people don't seem to recognize that billions per year in munitions at a minimum might be worth a bit of "collateral damage."

KurtAlbert ago

THX Maria... it was devastating. I turned vegetarian in a second seeing the guy jumping into death.

SleepySleepy ago

Me neither and I was there.

BillyLuath ago

Start making your own truth, it works great here.

GODiscoming ago

It is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret. But everything exposed by the light becomes visible, for everything that is illuminated becomes a light itself. So it is said: “Wake up, O sleeper, rise up from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.”

For there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed, and nothing concealed that will not be known and illuminated.

You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

KurtAlbert ago

Oh, that's not the problem :) I certainly do have my own truth... or else I would be suicidal at the age of 14 ! grin

ParthianShot ago


GODiscoming ago

You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free

His name is Jesus

bopper ago

You're s'posed to post a link or discuss it further.

KurtAlbert ago

gotcha... still learning how to get some real replies in here

bopper ago

No problem mate.

MisterGrieves ago

My mother swears that Kennedy wasn't dead. That his body was secluded on a private floor and nobody was allowed in. Etc. Etc.

brettco12 ago

As chopped as the film was we don't know what really happened. Why do Kennedys teeth match carters?

Jiggggg ago

Wait wait what? Elaborate please!

MisterGrieves ago

Half a brain would explain Carter. Lol

KurtAlbert ago

this is not about Elvis is alive too, is it?

HelloThankYou ago

Look up pastor Bob Joyce.

MisterGrieves ago

I am just telling you what my mother always says, as someone from the area, whenever we bring up that the CIA killed Kennedy. I mean I guess people have lived after such trauma to the head but I don't doubt he was killed.

KurtAlbert ago

Right! Gotcha!