The following was written as a response to the Post by [M]@Crensch:
I think it makes sense even if you did not read that post, but if you want to gain clearer context, then you should definitely read (and support) @Crensch's post.
In spiritual warfare (that's psychological warfare for you non-religious types), there are a number of base, fundamental forces which, if the agenda of destruction is to succeed, it must destroy and counteract.
Force one: faith.
Faith is a mental/spiritual force that is generated through the combination of intent + intellect [in relation to] a proposition, or idea, or concept.
Faith has power. it is 'belief'. The nature of the faith - its QUALITY - as opposed to its QUANTITY - is determined by the object of the belief - the proposition, idea or concept.
If the proposition is 'true' - if it is rooted in the Ultimate Truth, Absolute Truth, as defined by the Creator, then that belief is 'good', and has a positive benefit, not only for the person (or group) practicing it, but for the whole, for all humanity, and for God too. It's a positive force that enhances healthy, good outcomes that benefit the most.
If the proposition is false - if it is rooted in deceptions, lies, untruths, destructive agendas - then the belief is 'evil'. It is unhelpful to the whole, it creates greater suffering and ultimately destroys the one who practices it, enslaving them to greater levels of evil.
So WHAT you believe in, this defines the QUALITY of your belief.
The POWER of your belief, that which defines the QUANTITY - if you will allow the usage of the term - this is defined by the dedication of your intent, the focus, the heart and the will you invest in it. Thus, STRONG belief is powerful, and when good, empowers towards goodness. On the other hand, STRONG belief, when evil, empowers towards evil, destruction, even while being effective for selfish personal gain in the short term.
In spiritual (psychological) warfare, evil has to try to break the belief, the power of faith generated by those who have found truth and believe in it. Evil's strategy is to undermine, shake faith, break faith, in a number of ways: introducing seductive but ultimately false truths (lies), by demoralizing, depressing, use of overwhelming emotional force.
When a person, or group, are 'demoralized', they become vulnerable to suggestions, to untruths, to lies, to false visions and false (negative) ideas, which in their own seductive way may appear to offer some comfort or relief. But they are destructive.
We know all this is true because of programs like MK ultra. Truly Satanic, it is the embodiment of Satanic spiritual practice that has been in operation since the time of Genesis, and the Garden.
If your faith is strong, and aligned well, then the posts highlighted by @Crensch stick out very, very clearly, if you understand and grasp the nature of spiritual warfare (aka psychological warfare, aka psyops in the negative sense)
What does the viewpoint of the quoted post offer? Nothing but nihilism, blame, criticism, hopelessness, and resentment. LOL. Seriously?
THIS is the very nature of the LIE (嘘). And Evil is the FATHER of Lies.
@Crensch has my 100% support. This is not to say he's perfect and every call he makes will be perfect. (is anyone's?) But I 100% believe in his integrity and WILL to prevent evil from shaking its wooly, screwy head, replete with horns, in this neck of the woods.
One time, Crensch's bulldog ire was directed at me. I know what it felt like. It stung. I think it was a misunderstanding (on both sides) that was reasonably cleared up, much thanks to @MolochHunter, but I value the experience, and I learned one thing.
When the insane, rabid wolf if clawing at the door, and when the oh, so poisonous serpent comes slithering around just saying, "hey, let me hang here for a while. I'm not trying to hurt anyone. But about those things.... Just listen to me for a second...." Then Crensch is the one you want guarding the door.
Denizens of GA need to see that. If we cannot, then we need to expand our thinking, re-evaluate the situation, and recognize TRUTH when it's there. Obviously, that is something that requires WILL (intent), and clarity (to recognize TRUTH). No one else can do for us. We have to do it ourselves. This means taking Responsibility for the Freedom that v/GA provides.
QRV is a weird place. It's often toxic and rife, because the original moderators were either never honest about their intentions, or capable of the job (in terms of character and capacity).
GA is still the best place on Voat, because of people willing to take responsibility for GA when it counts.
Thank you Mods. Thank you @Crensch, @MolochHunter, and @bopper, etc.
Some challenges to Crensch's post involve accusations that he is suppressing free speech. Oh, you slithering serpents. This is the VERY definition of Herbert Marcuse's (a ringleader of the cultural Marxists) "Repressive Tolerance" logic. If you need a refresher, rewatch this classic: The architects of Western Decline
Free Speech requires responsibility. Someone who engages for the purpose of destroying truth, undermining faith and belief in true things is not being responsible. It is the very opposite of being responsible. It's plain evil.
Even the Devil believes he's justified in attempting to destroy all human beings and anything the Father Creator has made. And he'll argue that point UNTIL held to account for his crimes by ALL of us.
If you are willing to complain, If you think this is a Free Speech issue, then be willing to take responsibility to protect Truth. Otherwise, check your understanding of the world.
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ImReallyHighBut ago
Your mods are faggots. Following anything or anyone blindly is a recipe for retards.
FractalizingIron ago
What a moron, thou art. Thy has chosen idiocy over reality, May thee now go a slink to that dark, dingy home of your mind.
Translation: who said follow blindly, you idiot? What a moron. Obviously you follow your own malcontent blindly, mistaking delusion for vision.
Hey, but have a nice day, won't ya?
SearchVoatBot ago
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SearchVoatBot ago
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ImReallyHighBut ago
You spent some time writing that, only to have your opinion entirely discarded from the very beginning.
FractalizingIron ago
Do you think the value of my views, or even opinion, ride on what you or anyone here says?
Hey, its been entertaining. I appreciate you're struggling to find ways to believe in your own value, but I think we both know that you're headed in a futile direction.
Hey have an extra special nice day. You need it.
ImReallyHighBut ago
I still didn't read it.
FractalizingIron ago
Awesome. Now, run along and find some lego to play with.
But it's been precious. Really.
ImReallyHighBut ago
I read that one. Success!
FractalizingIron ago
You're so cute.
What a luverly bunny you are. And on Easter!
ImReallyHighBut ago
Easter was yesterday.
FractalizingIron ago
You're still here, highbutt.
How nice. (Folks, he still thinks he's relevant. Poor bunny. Send him some nice wishes. He needs them.
No, seriously. I mean, watch how he writes another comment. It's like.... like he's addicted. Please, help a poor delusional bunny out. Send him your wishes.)
ImReallyHighBut ago
Follow the white rabbit.