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TRFBYTrC0mmies ago

If the first sentence of a post tells me I’m stupid, then the very next sentence proclaims how high OP’s IQ is due to their expensive’s at that point that I no longer give a single mother fuck about a single word that comes out of OP’s irrelevant mouth.

Crensch ago

If the first sentence of a post tells me I’m stupid,

Good thing it doesn't.

then the very next sentence proclaims how high OP’s IQ is due to their expensive education...

Thanks for thinking that; I didn't graduate high school.

it’s at that point that I no longer give a single mother fuck about a single word that comes out of OP’s irrelevant mouth.

Thanks for showing how stupid you are without me even starting anything with you whatsoever.

ScorchedEarthAnon ago

he was talking about the linked posts, not what you wrote...

Crensch ago

Was he?

@TRFBYTrC0mmies if that's the case, you have my unreserved apology.

And thank you, SEA.

Voatering4life ago

Obviously there was a misunderstanding and your protectionism is honorable but unnecessary. Seriously WTF?

Crensch ago

There was a misunderstanding with TRFBY.

Unnecessary? Apparently you don't have a clue about what's going on.

Kindly keep your opinions to yourself.

Voatering4life ago

Um yes, I was commenting on that reply (I do know what happened and I am not trying to be rude. What I was getting at was why delete the entire thread and poster? There was some decent points being brought up as well as counter points. Is free speech too demoralizing or was it just in the wrong thread? If in the wrong thread, why not move it (if that is a tool at your disposal)? Seriously not understanding.

Crensch ago

I deleted the thread because it was a vector of attack and morale boost for the types that want to destroy GA and ruin it for everyone.

Can't move threads.

Voatering4life ago

Vector of attack? It didn’t see it but who knows...morale boost...ok

Guy can go start his own thread...I thought it was an interesting discourse and unlike others-I did not see shilling and have seen some of your back and forth name calling with posters (not a judgement-just an observation) and to me this was regular opinion and back and forth...not attacks but legit opinions-maybe people piled on and I didn’t see it. Also this was the 1st time in a long time, I have seen lengthy discourse.

IMHO opinion we are missing out-the questioning did not change my mind one way or another but it is interesting to see how far apart some future visions are.

There could be some back story with Johnny_ninja but I enjoyed reading and responding to his post.

Crensch ago

There were at least five big submissions just like this after he posted that. Numerous invitations for sock puppet accounts in Scheels to create new user names to spread blackpills.

There is no back story with the op. His post was an immediate Call to Arms for those that want us off this site.

I don't believe he was a bad guy but this kind of shit is really frustrating.

Go there and look up my username and see what happens on a daily basis. He just kicked all of that into high gear on Easter weekend.

How was yours Easter? Do you miss the dialogue and discussion of that one submission?

Voatering4life ago

Agree-somebody did whether AI or by person. There was an echo chamber. I didn’t see it as a flood but I get it. He can go make a thread. The ‘inciting’ in my opinion is only going to work on people who are weak minded and deflated (without inner strength). What-eves I have no personal beef but when I comment or post on things people don’t like-I am ignored so anyone can use that tactic.

Crensch ago

That's not quite how it all works. When that consensus is manufactured and enough of those wake minded people agree with it and start using their own votes, the strong-minded people get drowned out and the lies and blackpills make their way to the top.

Then the strong-minded get discouraged because good information isn't making it to the top and really bad information is.

Then the strong-minded leave.

Voatering4life ago

JHC! You are AI.