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Agrianian_Javelineer ago

No retard

Conspirologist ago

I still wonder if these qtards are trolling, or genuinely demented.

SearchVoatBot ago

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that_guy_pming_tits ago

I like these posts because they help the newbs. But this seemed pretty obvious from the beginning. Just sayin.

seawinder ago

Wonder if they're ever going to prosecute any of these suckers they've taken the time and energy to point out to us over the past 4 years are corrupt criminals?

dmanny77 ago

good rundown - very understandable. You hit the nail on the head me thinks.

ConantheLibrarian ago

Are you surprised by this?

Intlrnt2 ago

Agreed. This is how I read these last drops.

I not completely clear on the purpose of Pelosi rushing the impeachment, then holding the articles. Q mentions the importance of the timing, and the GOP decision on witnesses, but I’m not certain how to read that. Was the corona release date predetermined? And she was trying to manipulate the impeachment calendar to match?

hydra12340 ago

It appears you are over the target brother

CMAnon ago

Don't forget the media covering it up. Add CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS and yes, even Fox to the list of Chinese and globalist mouthpieces.

TheTruthTheFacts ago

The Left, do what they do because of the Rothchild Army here in America called cops.. (Do you really think that when America refused to pay tax on tea that the Rothchilds just said,"Ok?") rothchilds-->Robert Peel-->Boston cops-->surrounded America-->remove American pride called civil war-->separate the people from the Bill of Rights.................................. 1830 Americans are willing to give their ability to 'police' themselves for an outside 'police force?'

Depl0rablEllie ago

It was their(the globalists) plan all along. Remember, "they never thought she would lose"

Q posted about the 16 year plan to destroy America (don't remember the specific drop). First Hussein, then Hillary. It's the whole reason Military Intelligence recruited Trump. Q talked about a "scare event was necessary". It was already in the works and it couldn't be stopped. But what if Trump could turn it and use it against them? People would be scared. Trump needed a way to bypass the Fake News media and reach out to the people to awaken them to the reality of what was and had been going on behind the scenes. The whole reason for Q. The Storm and The Great Awakening. THE PLAN. Now here we are...looking back at the enormity of it all. The absolute EVIL that has gripped the world. Those who know cannot sleep. Don't forget Bill Gates' role in all of this. His event 101 pandemic drill, his push for vaccines with trackers, his depopulation fantasies. They can't reach their NWO goals until they take America down. God entrusted Trump and is using their plan against them. Satan wants control of the world and these Luciferians are working to hand it to them with Satan at the helm. Think about all that's happened since the pandemic started~the quarantines, the rise of the police state. churches closed. The economy shutdown. A reason to push for mandatory vaccines. Making people afraid and touting Government as their savior. Who does that benefit? The globalists. It's a Leftists' wet dream...absolute control. Perfect Plan or so they thought. Then Trump burst on the scene and along with MI, Q and us we are awakening the world to God's Plan and GOD WINS.

housefly13 ago

At this point, I'm tired of expecting anyone to do anything.

Sumeriansister ago

So true unfortunately. Is POTUS the ONLY person fighting the swamp. Jesus nobody helps him.

BonesDC ago

And again without action and anyone being held accountable this is all just TALK!

ChimpEvader ago

I hope it's the execution of Nancy Pelosi by Trump. That would be the best Hollywood movie twist.

corrbrick ago

That's right, spare the turkey, and ax Nancy.

369693936 ago

We didn't really need Q to tell us this, it's pretty obvious watching the daily pressers and network news.

coulditbe4Q ago

100% agree with this statement.

Chasmaniac ago

Think it was more a confirmation as well as making the point that it was an actual coordinated act, not just a coincidence or sheer chance.

They colluded with a foreign power to try and overthrow our Government, and that really pisses me off.

369693936 ago

They colluded with a foreign power to try and overthrow our Government, and that really pisses me off.

They've been doing it this whole time, with Izitreal and China.

TheRealIndianaJoe ago

How about them d'ing doing something about it, other than just bitch!

swimrobin ago

Yep. RICO and bioterrorism indictments are warranted.


Dont forget also to march in U.N. troops to "help" with the crisis.

75usmc79 ago

These Un troops could be in the Dumbs waiting to move and Military is taking them out. Just a thought.🤷‍♂️


An army marches(idles) on their belly...who feeds them? Where do they shit and piss? I doubt that they are waiting idly in a DUMB. I think more along the lines of a 5th column.

akilyoung ago


They had massive human meat farms.

'Soylent Green' wasn't just a movie.

Wynterwhisper ago

They always wanted a global financial reset and the ability to take advantage while that was in the works by the mail in ballot push.

Ddboomer ago

Definitely Bioterrorism.

Ddboomer ago

They’re in the same team. Of course they did.

mf1776 ago

Add the Democrat officials encouraging huge public gatherings long after the virus started rampaging through the country.

Tucker summary



Gregg Bishop

De Blasio

John Liu, Brian Kavanaugh

This was intentional.

MolochHunter ago

he didnt go quite so far as to say that

but it could well be inferred

TexasPatriot972 ago

There are a number of possibilities as to who's truly involved versus a useful idiot, but rest assured, this pandemic was no accident. Anyone proven to be behind this should be executed.

BTW, Fauci and Birx are likely just useful idiots. They fancy themselves as insiders, but they're simply tools in the eyes of Obama, Clinton, and the puppeteers, Rothschilds/Soros/Buffett/Gates/Bezos.

coulditbe4Q ago

Super 20 upvoat from here Patriot! Your description is spot on. They both are loving all the attention. I call it the "weather man" syndrome. Trump is there to keep them in check. He suffers them. ... .. .. for now.

Christosgnosis ago

It was full-on asymmetric bio-warfare - a Pearl Harbor kind of strike against the US (and the world), which indeed has resulted in a higher causality rate and vastly more devastating economic impact than did the Pearl Harbor first-blood act of aggression.

HistoryQuest ago

Well, “if that bastard wins, we all hang from nooses."

hg74rhyd9 ago

Not to mention murder, I would think.

threesevens ago



Is Q saying that the Democrats colluded...

At this point we can stop using the word "democRats" and just call a spade a spade.

Is Q saying that the Communists colluded...

It's more accurate that way.

petevoat ago

Why are you still sounding surprised?

Call_Of_Goat ago

Thanks for the heads-up Q

You speak out of your ass and have dumbasses thanking you for literally nothing

Grunge ago

I really hope so

pizzaequalspedo ago

Hopefully our side starts hitting back at some point

Drkadrka ago

It's about time for Space Force to flex their muscles. Let's see what black budget weapons the spooks had put into space that Trump was able to snatch up and secure with the creation of USSF.

Blacksmith21 ago

I'm ready for some rods of God or a space-based laser to wipe a few things off the planet.

kestrel9 ago

If we flush the Democrat turds we might have a better chance.

Gitmo-or-Bust ago

Well in Feb WHO was saying not to stop flights from China. 1st week of March you have Pelosi on TV with reporter walking around Chinatown and telling everyone to come on out and not to worry.......looks like they wanted to make sure there was plenty-O virus spread. Sounds about right to me. And that bitch has the audacity to say Trump acted slowly? He initiated travel bans from China 4 days after China itself issued travel bans from Hubei province. And then Nancy 5 weeks later encouraging people to get out and mingle!!! She knew!

VotingGodWins ago

That bitch has the audacity to say a lot of things.

coulditbe4Q ago

Accuse POTUS of the very thing you are doing. many times have we seen this simple ploy in the last 3 yrs. ???

kestrel9 ago

DeBlasio, and the NYC health commissioner encouraged people to go to the Chinatown celebrations. Chuck Schumer attended.

This one is early Jan 28 but even 12 days political correctness ruled the day over actually doing the job as health officials and mayor.

Dr. Oxiris Barbot hopes the city's first coronavirus case will appear "sooner rather than later" so New Yorkers can see how ready we are.

NYC Health Officials Urged Crowds on Feb 9th to Gather and “Not Change Plans” Because of the “Coronavirus Scare”: “If you are staying away, you are missing out”

NYC Healthy Commissioner Oxiris Barbot tweeted:

“Today our city is celebrating the #LunarNewYear parade in Chinatown, a beautiful cultural tradition with a rich history in our city. I want to remind everyone to enjoy the parade and not change any plans due to misinformation spreading about #coronavirus.”

Also City leaders seek to allay fears of coronavirus in Chinatown

BT1100 ago

When I see the reaction of the WHO boss Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus: “Please do not politicize this virus," he said. "If you want to be exploited and if you want to have many more body bags, then you do it. If you don’t want many more body bags, then you refrain from politicizing it.” I give some credibility to this theory.

There are other indicators, like videos of Chinese people in the underground licking the handrails, persons with Chinese background coming in from China being arrested because they transport test tubes with bio-material and so on.

yodtavyod ago

maybe its part of the nwo punishment the usa gets for ousting diane feindsteins chinese chauffeur

CarpenterforChrist ago

The eye opener is, they don't even bother with veiled threats. They put the threat right out in the open for all to see.

Enaashby ago

I think it is becoming clear that the Demtards, DS, and China are all in on this. Look at the communication's arm of the Demonrats- most of the journos are parroting ChiCom talking points. Both China and the DS+Demtards ALL want the same thing- no more PDJT. This should be treason. Glad that Federal executions have been approved. Just in time!

seawinder ago

You left out that Democratic governors released prisoners.

Aslanisonthemove ago

They're a lot of bad actors involved in this. How big is cabal?

Jfunction ago


Keneo77 ago

Well yeah.

Gitmo-or-Bust ago

Well, I’m assuming they know they are already on the hook for treason.....what’s a little bio-terrorism gonna add to the death penalty?

kathydiane ago

The deep state dems and China have some serious ties

anotherdream ago

You nailed it. - That's why ... "We're at WAR." - They all fucked up. Woke the sleeping dragon once again. - Movie title is - Pearl Harbor II - We Were Ready

whowantsgingersnaps ago

Pearl Harbor II – I See Your Carriers Motherfuckers

Hudat ago

That's obvious, however they are still just puppets

SilverAlaskanWolf55 ago

In Lord of the Rings there were two major battles that would determine the

hg74rhyd9 ago

it was the 5th day actually. I just watched that a couple days ago kek.

kestrel9 ago

Watching 2 of 3 earlier. Sooner or later we will run out of old movies and will be ready for action /s

User7867 ago

Doesn't take a rocket scientist.

moderator99 ago

Yep, That's where we're going. Trump goes all the way.

Gitmo-or-Bust ago

All-In 2020

SilverAlaskanWolf55 ago

Ding Ding Ding-Yes it is an Act of Treason and is Punishable by Death!

Grunge ago

ahh, the USA doesn't punish treason anymore. In fact it's rewarded with cold hard cash, lots and lots of cold hard cash.

monababy_11 ago

Which is why it has been treated like a war. Why are you just now asking this? Must be new

PacaGoat ago

Its bigger than stealing the election. Its about the planet. Boris infected, US elections, Asia all of it give to china as a toy. About the NWO, and the enslavement of humanity. Its the whole enchladia.

OriginalRealityCheck ago

Gosh, who'da thunk it?

redtoe_skipper ago


In the discussion of the Q posts of today, ot is focused on US elections and reshaping the US into the DS heaven.

bingbang ago

China, Democrats I knew that as many of us already. The WHO doesn't surprise me. They are all over Bill Gates like he's a god....well then....the 4 Princes..

kestrel9 ago

According to this source, Bill Gates is WHO's second largest donor. The United States is the largest donor. No wonder they do his bidding. It's almost as if Bill Gates and China and WHO were coordinating the roll out of the virus /s.

Providing proof that the independence of the World Health Organization (WHO) has been severely compromised, a document from the 2018 annual meeting of the World Health Assembly (WHA), the WHO’s decision-making body, gives revealing details of where the organization’s funding comes from. During 2017, the total amount of money provided to the WHO by countries was exceeded by that coming from non-state actors, including the pharmaceutical industry. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation contributed almost $327 million to the WHO’s General and Fiduciary Funds, making it the second-largest donor overall. The only donations to these funds higher than those of the Gates Foundation came from the government of the United States.

amarQ144 ago

Guess what.... its a life or death situation...for all sides and all sides will take losses before its over

User7867 ago

That doesn't answer question. Not helpful.

amarQ144 ago

How about this..."yes". Hope that helps

Intlrnt2 ago


I chuckled and upvoted

User7867 ago

Smart Patriot!

Mcoli ago

That’s my takeaway

KurtAlbert ago


swimkin ago

Well but of course. They are the party of CHI-NA.

bingbang ago

Can't say it Chin-na?? haha any other way.

redditbelowsme ago

The Chi-Ni-Nay.

Or Chinks.... IA

Silver_Sky ago

Say it with me; Chinigga.

swimkin ago

Nah the first syllable would sound like chin instead of chi