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WhatIsVirusX ago

@ababcb - look at the 6th image posted by @derram

What was Virus X?

A mysterious “Virus X” has stricken one of every 10 persons in Los Angeles.

What is directly to the right of the articles?

@MercurysBall2 @pizzagates @carmencita

ababcb ago

Wait, all of these nearby articles in the Southeastern Missourian are related and grouped together??? Here is the entire newspaper:,2749808

and a better, zoomed out screenshot where you can read all the articles:

The articles say:

A mysterious "Virus X" has stricken one out of every ten persons in Los Angeles during the last six weeks, reports City Health Officer Dr. George M. Uhl. He said more than 200,000 cases have been reported, but there have been no fatalities. It has hit adults and children equally, with attacks lasting from three to seven days. Victims suffer from chills and fever, cramps, nausea and pains. It's similar in some symptoms to influenza. Apparently highly communicable, the virus has yet to be put to laboratory test. But Dr. Uhl expressed the opinion it was not the same as Q fever, another mysterious malady being investigated by state health authorities.

The total influenza vaccine failure of 1947 revisited: Major intrasubtypic antigenic change can explain failure of vaccine in a post-World War II epidemic

It is generally accepted that epidemics of influenza A virus infection are of two distinct types: the first, which occur annually or biannually, are regional epidemics in partially immune populations, and the second, which occur at irregular and unpredictable intervals ranging from 11 to 30 years or more, confront essentially nonimmune populations and are global (pandemic) in distribution... The worldwide influenza epidemic of influenza in 1947 after the close of World War II has never fit neatly into either epidemic category. So different were the strains of 1946–47 that initial classification of human influenza A viruses designated them as “A prime” (1) and somewhat later as “H1in contrast to the “H0” designation of all earlier strains

I only vaguely understand what I am reading, but if I understand correctly, Covid-19 is an H1, and virus X was the first H1 to ever exist. So, the current coronavirus pandemic is based off of a mysterious "virus x" that was first seen in 1947? Has it always been their plan, as early as 1947, to unleash a virus in response to their pedophile network being uncovered? Is that why Virus X occurred contemporaneously with the arrest of Donald Graeff, just like coronavirus occurred shortly after Keith Raneire was convicted?

What is directly to the right of the articles?


This is nuts. Could all of these stories be related somehow?

The British Communist Party has announced it will enter the forthcoming parliamentary by-election at Wigan as the first step in a campaign seeking to force the British Labor Government farther to the left. Decision to enter a candidate, a spokesperson at Communist headquarters declared, was taken to "present the lead for a real Labor government based on forces of the left." The date for the by-election, in the heart of the Lancashire textile district, has not been set."

Helen Miller was part of a communist group plotting a long range takeover of the United States. H1 strains of the flu repeatedly show up in a communist country, China. That's followed by an article saying Chinese ginger was used by the British as a cure for plague (which is a topic currently censored on google). After that there's an article about a lawsuit against

the Barrymore family, who are multigenerational hollywood elites who have a well known involvement with pizzagate through Drew Barrymore, who was allegedly doing cocaine at nine years old. and finally there is another article about a bizarre kidnapping story involving an actress who was accused of kidnapping her manager, years later, had her conviction overturned.

CupOfTheCarpenter ago

These are absolutely related. One is sacrificed for the other to become a star. Many are sacrificed for the power of the few.

This is the real Virus X. What is X?

Why all the extreme censorship and banning when so many other posts are promoted? What did you discover? Who is your Savior?

Have you seen Vindicator’s tweets? What lies do they share? What is a honeypot? What did Q share yesterday?

What is The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know?

ababcb ago

This is the real Virus X. What is X?

X is more than just a placeholder for the unknown? X is a rating for pornographic videos, but I don't think that term was being used in the 1940's. "X" is also said to "Mark the Spot", and it certainly puts a mark on all these related newspaper articles.

Why all the extreme censorship and banning when so many other posts are promoted? What did you discover?

I am not sure. I know Helen Miller was the target of a secret Reagan-era operation that was illegally canceled during the Clinton administration. I may also have stumbled across a cult of vampires, because it is not very hard to catch a glimpse of this cult if you use Graeff as your starting point. For example, take the name Gijsbert Carel Rutger Reinier de Graeff. Google "Rutger" and you immediately get results for Rutger Hauer, a Dutch actor who starred in productions like Buffy the Vampire Slayer, The Rite (which is about an Exorcist. The Exorcist was one of the movies, along with Return of the Jedi, that inspired Jeffrey Dahmer) and The Heineken Kidnapping. This last movie, The Heineken Kidnapping, is interesting because the plot is very similar to that news article in The Missourian about Madge Meredith kidnapping her professional adviser.

"On July 2, 1947, a warrant was issued for Meredith's arrest, charging her with being responsible for the kidnapping and beating by three men of Nick Gianaclis, Meredith's business manager, and Verne Davis, his bodyguard."

"Freddy Heineken, chairman of the board of directors and CEO of the brewing company Heineken International and one of the richest people in the Netherlands,[1] and his driver Ab Doderer, were kidnapped on 9 November 1983 in Amsterdam."

Rutger Hauer also received a Rembrandt award, and the De Graeffs were major patrons of Rembrandt.

What did Q share yesterday?

Yesterday Q said China, the WHO and Democrats colluded in bioterrorism:

Is it just a coincidence that Q is dropping this around the same time that I discovered the newspaper articles linking the stories about Graeff and Miller to bio-weapons, Communists and China?

In one of these "drops" he said "Why did select [D] govs ban the use of hydroxychloroquine [key]?"

Her skin has become progressively light sensitive over the years, to the point four years ago when exposure to even weak sunlight would burn as if she was “standing too close to a fire”.

She says her condition has gotten to the point where even certain types of indoor lighting – the kind that mimics sunlight – will bring on the rash.

“Polymorphic” means she’s allergic to both UVA – which penetrates deeply into the skin – and UVB rays, which burns the skin’s surface.

She recently found some relief from her symptoms when doctors prescribed her hydroxychloroquine, traditionally a malaria prophylactic and medication.

Is this why Q says hydroxychloroquine is [key]? I never pay attention to Q because I view him as a disinformation op, so I do not understand why he would bring this up when they want to censor it so badly on Voat. Whose side is Q on?

41020Q ago

Q must not be with Jesus Christ and The Truth. Death and disinformation are not necessary. The [D] and [R] are two sides of the same coin. How many sides to a die? How do you control the outcome of a game?

What roles does Kristin Bauer van Straten play and why? Is it a role or is it real?

What role does the Meredith family she knows play and why?

Q is right about one thing. There are no coincidences.

X is the Mark and the logo for Saturn.

Q can Repent and Share The Truth any time.

What will happen this weekend?

ababcb ago

Q must not be with Jesus Christ and The Truth. Death and disinformation are not necessary. The [D] and [R] are two sides of the same coin. How many sides to a die? How do you control the outcome of a game?

There are 6 sides to a traditional die. You control the outcome by fixing the dice.

What roles does Kristin Bauer van Straten play and why? Is it a role or is it real?

She plays vampire and witch/sorceress type roles. It must be real. Does this have anything to do with why Racine is supposedly the dialysis capital of the world and supposedly has tunnels underneath many of the dialysis centers there?

What role does the Meredith family she knows play and why?

It looks like Madge Meredith played a witch:

She had a starring role in The Falcon’s Adventure (1946), as a woman who is kidnapped by a gang who are after her father’s formula for making diamonds and she was a slave in The Ten Commandments (1956).

Her father was F.A. Massow. I am not sure who he is, but there are a few interesting people with the name Massow. For example There is an Ivan Julian Massow (born 11 September 1967) is a British financial services entrepreneur, gay rights campaigner, and media personality.[1][2][3] He is also a former Chairman of the Institute of Contemporary Arts in London. He has been active in UK politics, formerly as a member of the Conservative Party[1][4] and since 2016 in the Liberal Democrats.

There was a Prussian commander in the American War of Independence that fought for the British who married a woman named FRIEDERIKE CHARLOTTE LOUISE VON MASSOW

Charlotte von Massow inherited the entire estate of Steinhöfel from her husband Joachim von Blumenthal, who was the Prussian Minister of War and Finance.

Also, George von Massow is a German tennis player.

Earlier today someone who you told me not to trust sent me a private message telling me I might want to look into the German tennis player Stefi Graff because Graff and Graeff are interchangeable. Should I start looking for a connection between these two tennis players?

X is the Mark and the logo for Saturn.

Are you saying the cross is the Mark of the Beast? If so, that is very interesting because I have been talking about Racine and the Witch to a friend I met in an online game. This friend met another person in a completely different online game who was from Wisconsin, and so he started talking to him about what I had told him about Racine and the Witch. It turned out this person from Wisconsin had family from Liechtenstein. So I asked my friend to ask this person who his family from Liechtenstein was and it turned out to be this guy who makes paintings about the coming of the Anti-Christ, and who claimed that the Christian Cross was actually the Mark of the Beast...

What should I think of this? Is this Norbert Cox person trustworthy? The way I found his site, through an online friend of an online friend, now seems as bizarre as what caused me to freakout about Austin Steinbart. Can you explain why bizarre stuff like this keeps happening?

What will happen this weekend?

Easter without church being held? Is this the first time in history that church gatherings will have been banned on Easter? Will there be a false flag? Perhaps blaming a Christian who is angry about being locked down and unable to attend church?