pueppp ago

Covfefe has a literal definition it's an actual word. Google censored the definition to make him look bad. This information comes directly from the Google whistleblower

littlestown ago

covfefe is Covalent Iron Iron. Or Ferris iron.

Fancy451 ago


littlestown ago

It's just a chemist trade term. My Question I guess is the same as yours... What is the significance? Why was this something to hide? One thing I did find was a connection to treating Cancer/disease by altering the Iron in a persons system for killing Cancer but I suspect there is something special here. Something we keep missing.

admouser ago

I think it has to do with washing the 5G system to make it safe for use. Various article’s on this on Twitter. Check Laura Chambers and Brian Shroski. They discuss it. Probably could just do a search in Voat too.

Ihatesports ago

Of course he did

sheepdoggie ago

Yes, he was front loaded way before. One of his first 'raids' was the CDC, twice. He took truckloads out , including samples that supposedly went to Israel where they developed the vaccines. Usually first measure of the plan, have the cure. I call it AX7 . Avenge Sevenfold. He's been working on a plan to settle the score for a while now.

lightindarkness ago
