Posted automatically (#103024) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@Swervish: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @Basballdude)
Thanks for the article...I shared this post publicly with people and the question came up of the sources from which the author was able to write this info. Does anybody have any idea of the sources of the content?
That is a fascinating read. Only with time will we get the full story on SARS-COV-2; an actual useful understanding of the disease and properly collected and accurate statistics of the instances. Just the understanding that this is not ARDS in the traditional sense is a huge step.
One day we'll look back and slap our foreheads while exclaiming "How could we have been so dumb?", but until then we're deep in the weeds and things are anything but obvious. But it's changing, slowly.
I listened to a Doctor who is also a chemist explain how this works last night on the radio. He made lots of sense on how it works. He said that zinc was also important to use along with HCQ.
I mean holy crap if Trump tweeting covfefe and everyone losing their shit over it a couple years ago actually comes back to be relevant again because of Coronavirus and the FeFe iron ferritin Adrenochrome withdrawal issues... there’s just no way the two could be related...right?! What a fucking ride we’re on
SearchVoatBot ago
This submission was linked from this v/GreatAwakening comment by @Basballdude.
Posted automatically (#103024) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@Swervish: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @Basballdude)
BigRedDen ago
Thank you. Sharing with my contacts in medical, nursing and respiratory fields.
Tooler247 ago
Thanks for the article...I shared this post publicly with people and the question came up of the sources from which the author was able to write this info. Does anybody have any idea of the sources of the content?
Ddboomer ago
Great post!! Thank you!!
noeffort ago
Thanks for posting, excellent info. Dumb asses: send me more ventilators! Should be giving Hydroxy Cocktail to everyone now!
mac1221 ago
Please check out the following post for more information on the relationship between iron, zinc, HCQ, COVID-19, and CovFeFe.
GoddammitMrNoodle ago
That is a fascinating read. Only with time will we get the full story on SARS-COV-2; an actual useful understanding of the disease and properly collected and accurate statistics of the instances. Just the understanding that this is not ARDS in the traditional sense is a huge step.
One day we'll look back and slap our foreheads while exclaiming "How could we have been so dumb?", but until then we're deep in the weeds and things are anything but obvious. But it's changing, slowly.
hope4gaia ago
Thanks, that was very clear.
scoripowarrior ago
I listened to a Doctor who is also a chemist explain how this works last night on the radio. He made lots of sense on how it works. He said that zinc was also important to use along with HCQ.
Balthsgirl ago
Yes. zinc inhibits the virus reproduction, If I remember correctly.
Yes the most important is the Hyperbaric chamber ( paragraph 11 )
People need to start believing in the miracle of Oxygen ( Gods gift ) and everything that it does for the body.
One of the initial cases of COvid19
- they asked him what they gave him to recover while in the hospital - he said nothing except he was hooked up to OXYGEN!!!
rockyracoon74 ago
Thank you for this post. It sheds a lot of light on the issue.
Basballdude ago
Hlaf4 ago
I mean holy crap if Trump tweeting covfefe and everyone losing their shit over it a couple years ago actually comes back to be relevant again because of Coronavirus and the FeFe iron ferritin Adrenochrome withdrawal issues... there’s just no way the two could be related...right?! What a fucking ride we’re on
GritD2 ago
I'm sure it is just a coincidence, covfefe is a popular name, and there are only 7^26 combinations, easy to get a match.
Fancy451 ago
It's a perfectly cromulant word.
GritD2 ago
Trudeaus_Socks ago
Just for us
joeshkadog ago
Basballdude ago
True that!
RoundWheel ago
Medium. Com redirect.
Swervish ago
Thank You for the heads up. I just visited and joined medium dot com. I think Im gonna love it.
Lurker17 ago
This collaborative hoax is unraveling like a cheap Chinese sweater.
Ddboomer ago
That was a good one 😂
monababy_11 ago