Blood-is-Nature ago

The laws of nature never change. You just shed off (a few) beliefs of human lies. Nature doesn't lie to you.

Patti_McGreen ago

I see us returning to values of my youth. Your thoughts deeply resonate with me. There are many folks in my immediate circle that may experience severe mental breakdowns and immense spiritual tear downs.

thebearfromstartrack ago

I can't even watch smooching in movies anymore.

Sutie ago

Amen! I still have family and friends that think I don’t know what I am talking I stopped unless they ask me. Everything old will become the new...My belief Stay safe and well..Love to you all🇺🇸❤️😊🙏🏻

numina18 ago

The old will become new. I have been involved in bringing back food traditions that are nearly lost. This is one thing everyone should consider. The leader in this movement is the Weston A. Price Foundation. Check it out and learn how to be healthy through nutrition.


Money is important for reasons that the media will never tell you about, because they only make money by encouraging consumerism.

I think the most red-pilled attitude to have towards money is that it is a tool to help you acquire freedom and power. Money in the bank is freedom, but fancy cabinetry that you bought with money borrowed from the bank is slavery. Examples: If you lose your job you're safe with money in the bank. If the economy hits rough times and you hear of a good business opportunity available at a bargain price, then you have the power to take advantage of it if you have money in the bank. You can't put a down payment on a 4-plex with fancy cabinets that you still owe money on.

malloc ago

Without arrests nothing will change

1bonnie ago

This has happened to me also I no longer care to watch tv programs or the news my husband and I used to watch these together now he thinks I'm a wack job . I really don't care he will find out sooner or later . I know this life change has definitely brought me closer to Jesus and I will keep my eyes on him . God bless us all and God bless America WWG1WGA!

NicotinicAcid ago

Not to darken the vibe, but Trump is bound to "them". What you are realizing is far greater than Trump, don't lose focus.

5B3854C ago

"This has been a real struggle with my wife who chooses to follow the trends and refuse to even look at real, important things."

Female construct is - "Making small difference large, and large differences small". Think of the phrase -"Making a mountain out of a mole hill." It's important for women to fit in. It gives them a sense of security... It's a herd-like instinct. It's not typically central to the male though. Male construct is -- "Making small differences smaller, and making large differences larger".

It's up to you in this new paradigm to make her feel safe and connected.

standwithuQ ago

Really?! Don't think you can generalize like you are. I'm the one that's been following Q since the beginning. My husband has been fighting the awakening tooth and nail. Sometimes I think he's starting to wake up but then he slides back into his dream state. Sometimes he even screams at me. He wants to be left alone to play xbox for 8 to 14 hours a day.

dclaffey ago

My wife and I went through the same thing. In fact we are selling everything, bought an RV to travel in. And our biggest expenses will be a RV payment, small piece of land we want to keep, food and gas. It will be a much simpler life and I cannot tell you how happy we are. NO more trading time for money. When we were asleep I owned 3 business and my wife was a C level exec in CA. As you can imagine we did very well, but were always busy. We have traded that all in.

GrizzlyDark ago

Then, Nat Soc.

At least for a while. Agree or disagree long term, there's no better way to quickly fix 80 years of kikery than to go full on Nat Soc. Kick out kikes and muslims and shitskins of all types. Focus on our birth rate and our own well being. We have the added advantage of having only snowniggers to the north, and taco niggers to the south. Much more land mass, and everyone is armed. Much better communications, and there'll be a movement in Europe as well. This sets up very well. Unlike Hitler, in the Middle of Europe, against the entire fucking world.

coulditbe4Q ago

So proud of 95% of the Patriots on this thread. Inspiring!

greatheart ago

We are returning to what is really important. God, family, country. For years it's been about bringing in the bucks. God was put on the back burner, the family was put on the back burner. Our eyes are opening to the truth. We cannot blame others for who we choose to believe. We always had free will. For myself, I choose the easier way. Sure I "tried" to live the Christian life. Now it's time to live a holy life. That does not mean religion. That means setting my life apart from what the world is pushing.

It means

God First, then family, then country. God must be first or family falls apart. Without strong families, the country falls apart.

I have to admit my part in accepting the delusion that I so easily followed. If I blame others I will never be set free.

It's time for all of us to step up.

It's time for The Great Awakening

Awokcanuck ago

I could have wrote this post. My wife used to have a look of disgust if i happened to click on a POTUS video without ear buds and she heard his voice. Last night i walked in and she was listening to POTUS on her phone. The only info she trusts is the task force broadcasts.

We were at our home in Florida until Wednesday. We returned to Canada only to look out for the kids and grandchildren in case this gets worse before it gets better. However when POTUS says the churches should be full at Easter, and the best is yet to come. I believe he means world wide.

llwish ago

I see more and more waking up! My mom and I have been talking about what's going on with the celebrities, all acting odd and looking wrecked. I've been slowly trying to give her tidbits here and there without sounding like a crazy person.

My sister called me the other day to ask about what I thought was going on with this "pandemic" I've been VERY vocal with everyone I think its bullshit and fear mongering. She laughed and said her friend thought it was all a conspiracy to cover crimes. I told her I agreed with her friend and just flooded her with info.

Long story short... she is now going down the rabbit hole.

Thank God!!! I am very optimistic for the future...

24601_JeanValJean ago

Quartz countertops? Nice!

telleveryoneyouknow ago

Modern women are pathetic. They cannot handle even the slightest bit of hardship. Not even to think about hardship. More or less endure actual hardship.

Not a single woman I know can actually fathom or digest that filthy Jews actually fuck real infants to death, then eat them as a form of satanic ritual abuse to appease a fake made up cow statue.

Women need to be forced into awakening. We cannot have simpletons among us

Trudeaus_Socks ago

It’s true. But there are also a whole shitload of men who eagerly buy into their own slavery as well.

Smokybubbles ago

I'm hoping everyone's life will demonstrably improve soon because it's been only bullshit from those in power for decades.

YoikesandAway ago

Here’s what Jesus said about: “Do not worry saying, ‘What shall we eat?’or ‘What shall we drink?’or ‘What shall we wear?’. For the Pagans run after these things, and your Heavenly Father knows you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” Matthew 6:31-33

These material things in our life are not what is important—It is God’s Kingdom and Righteous Living that matters. When you get these priorities in order, then the beautiful things will come, and when they do, give thanks to God for them and treat them as a gift.

redtoe_skipper ago

as was writte in the letter of James:

looking in the mirror and seeing is one thing.

what happens next is another. he was talking about people with spontaneous forms of amnesia.

For a lasting change to happen, pain must be felt. The evasion of pain is the driver that makes most people tick.

it inevitably leads to the road of virtue.

TheRightSideofThings ago

Did she know MY wife?

AlternateSelection ago

The trap is about to be sprung. Long list of indictments have had their escape routes cutoff. All that's left is to cut off communication. This shit is about to go down April 1st. 10 days of darkness is needed to truly trap the bastards. Internet, phone, radio, TV. All this weird behavior from "celebs" makes total sense now. They are completely fucked and they know it. Suicide weekend is still coming. When they hear boots in the streets coming for them, it's over.

We are about to enter the first day of THE UNITED STATES.

HelloThankYou ago

Our old life is ending right now. Prayers that the new will be full of love.

dontstopmenow ago

My wife fearfully asked me last night...."what's going to happen to us?" ... mostly worried about financial security. None of us know right now, but I put together a scenario of minimalism, and another of great prosperity. Rather than leaving her with that, I concluded with an explanation that either way, the most important thing would be LOVE... throughout the world and destroying evil.

HelloThankYou ago

In this times families are getting closer. Beautiful. We, my wife and I, prayed together for the first time in our life.

CarpenterforChrist ago

Praise the Lord!

telleveryoneyouknow ago

I always say... no matter what happens to us, we’re not alone. If we have to endure trials, our friends and family will endure with us. We will pull together, obtain what we need to survive, and when we come out the other side, we’ll be stronger, smarter, and more aware of the enemy we’re truly facing.

The beat thing that could happen to our movement is some temporary setbacks to wake us al up from our slumber and ignite a real fire beneath us to five us the courage we need to destroy these evil psychopaths for good

jamesyb0i ago

If she doesn't want to think about it... She might be an ISFJ

downvoatmachine ago

I feel like you need to see some things through a different lens, watch a mob/criminal enterprise show/movie and see how the characters turn to evil every time they are cornered. How does it always turn out for them in the end? Listen to the righteous music that you never thought of as being religious previously. The message has always been right in front of our faces if we just open our eyes. I was listening to some Biohazard yesterday thinking that it was prepared for us some 20 years in advance. You will find the message in what seems like the strangest of places until you realize how much value there is in someone who has walked in the darkness and chosen to turn to the light.

Eurelines ago

Welcome to the new normal. God help us.

Lurker17 ago

When you have been in a deep dream state you need to be shaken to awaken. This and what is to come should do it.

joeneesima ago

All good...especially for the indoctrinated younger ones.

One of the BEST things I have seen so far is WP diparaging Homeschooling and Evangelicals.

Safe to say that whatever (((THEY))) mock or discredit during this time is something that should be reconsidered as important.

RebelRed ago

We got through 9/11, Vietnam, Korea, WW2 & 1 and the Great depression. We will get through this and come out stronger and better. Everyone has different ways of coping. I like that I am seeing good things from this, like kids playing in their yards outside, people walking around their neighborhoods and reconnecting with their neighbors, people helping out each other including the elderly and at risk, and families reconnecting at home. People and businesses using their creativity and private businesses to make hand sanitizer, masks, and more .

The Cabal forgets what a great nation we are of great people. They have tried to brainwash the masses to forget and to divide and distract us. This pandemic is just bringing us back together more to the way things should be. Thank God for the USA and capitalism (what little we've had) that enabled us to build the Internet, cable TV, streaming video, and the website/social media and more that is allowing us all to stay connected throughout all this.

I think we will all come through this changed in many ways but I'm believing in good ways.

ldsanon ago

Good points. What it took was a hero with very specific traits. We needed to have a leader who was wealthy enough to not be beholden to the Cabal, yet not so set upon wealth and power that he could be corrupted by it. It took a man who had it all and was not afraid to lose it all. Trump is the only guy I can imagine who could have led this movement. God raised up a deliverer, another Washington and Lincoln, perhaps greater than both of them.

ALIENS2222 ago

All the things you listed were their fake events.

HelloThankYou ago

Fake events doesn't mean it wasn't real suffering.

Cloudrdr ago

The events, in large part, are not 'fake'. The reasons and rationales given? That is were the brilliance of the Fake Narrative to cover the actual event is able to rule the Narrative Machine that is the media.

ALIENS2222 ago

Of course.. But what it does mean is that we, as a race and a nation, must cease glorifying it. We should instead say:

We [were stupid enough to become entangled in] 9/11, Vietnam, Korea, WW2 & 1 and the Great depression. We will get through this and come out stronger and better [by teaching our children the deep and terrible errors made by UN and our ancestors SO THAT THEY MAY FACE TYRANNY WITH CLEAR EYES AND A CLEAR HEAD]

If we glorify stupid mistakes and those who were punished/suffered for it then it will happen again.

dontstopmenow ago

Right, and many more. It's impossible to project where we would be without all of that. IMPOSSIBLE!!! And such, our future is also impossible to project beyond a decade or so.

New game and new rules very soon.

TexasInfidel ago

Now your waking up OP

So much is still to come.

Many are trying to get the word out.

Pray for the worlds repentance as well as your own

A10eod ago

Well spoken sir.

8_billion_eaters ago

The only thing that matters is yourself and your family.

We've been living under the new world order since the industrial revolution and while most things have improved, we've lost the sense of ...oneness... with the universe at large.

e-traiu ago

I think thats why we are here,

Guiding and comforting the afraid and asleep ones coming back to life.

The_Impaler ago

**like we are chosen ones heh ?

like there is a plan afterall .....**

e-traiu ago

Divine design.

Liquidtree808 ago

Weird did my husband write this? Sounds like our story.

smokratez ago

this movement

You joined the white nationalist movement. We were doing all of these things before Q was a thing.

Nangasohu ago

Poor Leftard troll. Your time is coming to an end. You and the rest of your ilk will soon be on the ash heap of history where you belong. I

An old white guy wrote a poem that describes the fate of you, your "heroes", and the rest of your kind.

Ozymandias -- Percy Bysshe Shelley

"I met a traveller from an antique land

Who said: "Two vast and trunkless legs of stone

Stand in the desert . . . Near them, on the sand,

Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown,

And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,

Tell that its sculptor well those passions read

Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,

The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed:

And on the pedestal these words appear:

'My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:

Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!'

Nothing beside remains. Round the decay

Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare

The lone and level sands stretch far away."

smokratez ago

Read what Q has to say then, you dumb faggot.

smokratez ago

I'm a white nationalist. A Polish conservative.

Poor Leftard troll.

You're an inbred mongoloid it appears. Can't stop loving niggers and jews huh. You are why white Americans will be a minority in America in one generation. Piece of trash.

DavidGydeon ago

Q has NOTHING to do with being white. How can you read drop #3907 and still say that...other than being an actual retard?

smokratez ago

Q calling out the jews. Can you read you inbred jew faggot?

smokratez ago

Yeah, I am not a q follower. I am a white nationalist. As long as your interests coincide with mine, you are welcome. If you want to love jews and niggers, you are trash and can fuck off.

DavidGydeon ago

Oh, well then it is simple - you are FUCKED. Please see drop #3907.

And for all my Patriotic friends, there it is folks, proof that nazifags ARE NOT part of Q's Great Awakening...

smokratez ago

jews are behind white genocide, you inbred mongoloid.

DavidGydeon ago

Is that what you tell yourself? Gross.

smokratez ago

That's what jews brag about, and has been confirmed countless of times. You are gross. You piece of trash.

DavidGydeon ago

Jews brag about white genocide? Countless times? OK nazifag...

smokratez ago

Yeah, you inbred mongoloid.

DavidGydeon ago

Explain why there is a 2-order of magnitude difference between the avg citizen and a nazifag being either an ex-con, in prison, or had a parent that was in prison....all of which participated in gay prison rape. Please.

It also explains why you hate black people so much, they left your ass loose and leaky....

smokratez ago

jews can't stop thinking about faggot sex

NotPolice ago

He says he's woken up to the real world but still posts about Q.

Hey OP, let us know when you're willing to openly call out the reasons for why niggers get gold medals in crime, why the people who own media, banks, and board of most major corporations are all familiar, and why Trump hasn't fulfilled any of his major campaign promises and his kids are all going outside the US for their religion.

smokratez ago

People in the q sub can be redpilled on niggers.

Crankbait ago

I choose music and entertainment based on the message of the song or movie plot and characters. I can’t watch a movie with a child actor anymore because I think of what happens to the child when the camera is off.

I’m right there with ya brother. I LOVE watching movies over regular tv. Ever since I’ve gotten woke it’s so hard for me to find something to watch. I tried to watch war dogs 2 nights ago and I’ll I got out of it is jews ruin everything. That’s what I take away from most movies these days.

DavidGydeon ago

found the nazifag

Drain0 ago

found the rabbi

DavidGydeon ago

found a huge nazifag

Blacksmith21 ago

It's kinda like watching Hunters, but with basement dwelling shills.

AndyMan_45 ago

Reject evil in all it's earthly manifestations and pray for righteousness to replace it where ever it may be found.


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MAIDENanon ago

actually, I think it is the opposite.

We ARE going back to the old life.

Old in before any of us were born.

I also have people close to me that not only don't get it, but don't WANT to get it.

I am hoping that the next couple of weeks will bring on the Great Awakening for the masses.

Amazing time to be alive.

ldsanon ago

I am so grateful to be alive to see this. We are living though history.

whatisbestinlife ago

disagree. we are going back to the spoon fed times 80s-90s but without the bank loansharking and seeing our money go overseas. without intervention things will continue to be made in china and we will continue to import them and the people wont care.

NewSouthernBelle ago

I grew up in the old life as a rural hillbilly American from the South. We grew our own food and stayed close to family.

My goal is to bring back a new, improved version of it.

ALIENS2222 ago

You are absolutely positively correct. And good fucking riddance to all that shit.

InABlinkOfAnEye ago

I think people realizing they have been duped or brainwashed is the hardest red pill initially. Most importantly they need to be assured that it happened to everyone and not just them. I think this eases the betrayal a little better.

Deflo56 ago

I agree if you view the old life as being more self sufficient. As far as waking people up. I’ve found an abundance of red pills. The latest is the overt obstruction of the cure. There are few things that top cold blooded murder for political purposes.