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singlebrain1 ago

Combine this with Trump taking control of the ESF and WOW. Patriots in control. End of Fed end of CIA.


Wow, just wow. Mindblown. Hope all this is used for good.

MuckeyDuck ago

And Nancy Pelosi never every had a clue.

fringe--dweller ago

Nancy was not invited to the signing of the bill

no democrats were invited.

That is a strong signal.

MuckeyDuck ago

Got to love this president.

I am sure, to the best of their ability, they consider what Trumps reaction will be to certain events. Problem is, I think they believe their own press that Trump is dump, incompetent, does not have a clue what he's doing.

Let me ask you this. How many times has Trump come out the winner in contest between his leadership, and his enemies? I count Trump X dems 0. Add to that him being the first person in history to win the presidency with no military, or political experience, while having no sizable campaign, with the entire press, and you own political party against you.

Now how stupid do you have to be to believe, as Rob Reiner believes, that Trump is a intellectual buffoon, and mental incompetent.

think500 ago

Biggest story of the century.. The WORLD has just changed!

VotingGodWins ago

Trump has said a few times now, the best is yet to come! Could this be what he was talking about?

Q20191776 ago

And still...

"The Best Is Yet To Come"

ouspensky ago

My god you are right. He still has a multi trillion infrastructure building plan to implement and space force

fringe--dweller ago

The money system needed to be transitioned from private ownership first,

before the real changes can be commenced.

well, the money system is now in the hands of Team Q & DJT.

All of the money that has been loaned out by the Fed to banks, corporations, etc, all over the planet, is now owed to the US Treasury.

DJT has already revealed how he plans to operate.

any entity that owes a previous debt now has to meet DJT's terms.

He will make sure that he has HIS people on the boards of the borrowers,

end of the kick backs, bribes, campaign contributions etc.

He' basically telling the old school, that if they want a loan, they agree to his terms, if they owe money to the old Fed, then they must agree to his terms.

He has massive leverage to re-shape so so much in industry and society.

This will be particularly useful for internal loans, eg grants to States and funding for US commerce.

He really does own the whole game.

THIS is the time that we have all been waiting for,

while not daring to expect that it actually would happen.

Kzintrooper2016 ago

Not an idle threat.

He was just recently talking about getting other members of NATO to pay their fair share.

marlflof ago

So what about all the US debt? Other countries won't just forgive us the debt...

telleveryoneyouknow ago

So let those other countries complain about. Are they coming to collect? Doubt it. We can always strike up a new deal if they’re so fucking butt hurt.

corrbrick ago

What's to stop other countries from destroying their own central banks. It's good all around.

ouspensky ago

They can't collect it without an army stronger than ours. Its called an unenforceable contact

dclaffey ago

Think about how much they steal from us a year, how much we have recovered from their crimes, how much could be written off against monies we are owed or we just tell them to pound sand like Iceland did in 2008.

The amount will amaze you it will be over double our nation debt so around 44 trillion.

rj850 ago

Trump just said in the pressor “our money our currency”

Luis_Sphincta ago

Snownigger from America's hat here.

I get that he's a retarded globalist probably-formerly-trafficked dumb-dumb, but if I gave enough of a shit to look it up and embed it, I'd decaprio-martini-toast.gif the Patriots down south right now.

Screw it, I'll actually toast #THEFEDISDEAD! Not like I'm driving anywhere soon.

Hastur77 ago

auf English?

Luis_Sphincta ago

Cheers to Ameribros?

Monteriano ago

It only means that they now have each other's backs

Awokcanuck ago


TRFBYTrC0mmies ago

Article says ‘this scheme’. Uhhh, that would be ‘the plan’ mother fuckers. Boom!

G45Colt_II ago

Important things are changing. The liberal media will find some way to make this look bad, but a lot of people have been complaining about the fiat system for a long time. This might even wake up the neighbors. :)

telleveryoneyouknow ago

They already have. All the Ivy League status quo pushing Jew faggots are already crying about it on Twitter

Bunch of pussies

TheRealIndianaJoe ago


bamadeplorable420 ago

i can't just keep clicking up up up up up

dmanny77 ago

My stomach turned a little. Can feel something coming. don't know, maybe just cabin fever?

AlternateSelection ago

Nervousness and excitement are the same thing as far as your body and mind are concerned. Be excited for the awesome new technologies and cures coming our way. Be excited about new solid currency coming and the demise of the old debt slavery ways of the cabal. Be excited about what life will be like in the New USA!

QbertAnonymatti ago

im so excited i need to poop! WWQ1WQA

Luis_Sphincta ago

im so excited i need to poop! WWQ1WQA

I believe you meant to type WWP1WPA.

dclaffey ago

Save your TP.

therobots ago

With such big news... could be a sculpture.

MrPancake ago

Godspeed man!

bopper ago

Upvote this you guys, this is incredible.

Captainzoomer ago

You go have the best poop of your life!

bopper ago


fringe--dweller ago

The next election will be for:


Restored 2020

Hey Hillary, Joe, Bernie, what you got ?

We see what Donald J Trump has for a hand


BCKeeper ago

All of my life, presidents have been Acting like presidents. For once, our president is BEING one.

therobots ago

Just had a thought.... Remember the book "The Last President"? That book from the late 1800's (i.e. project looking glass)

I wonder if TRUMP is the LAST PRESIDENT of the Corporate USA?

AUSAFVet ago

Exactly what I was thinking..just hope he still loves the common person after all this...

The_Real_Wahrheit ago

I would say that he will still love the common person since he already had it all in terms of glamour and fulfilment, and he shows love now just because he does, why would he suddenly lose that warmness?

In the old system one got by taking, in perhaps the new one we can get by giving. As not what your country can do for you!

AUSAFVet ago

I am believing and hoping (prior- military..we don't trust everything completely)

VQTmom ago

It’s in his DNA. He loves the regular guys, workers.

fringe--dweller ago

exactly Dear Watson

He's the last

and he'll be the First

eddrell31 ago

I'm stunned (and delighted) at how big this news is!

75usmc79 ago

I guess that means Potus also controls this 2.2 trillion dollar monster. No?

bamadeplorable420 ago

i was thinking the same....he ain't worried a lil bit about 2 trillion....he has gathered up more than that in pedos money and assets from his EO signed the first of 2018,,,,,,,GO PRES GO.USA USA USA USA TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP

dclaffey ago

Could be, redirect it, maybe or use it to beat the Dems with as we come closer to the election. I think the latter is more likely. As people are pissed they added all of that extra stuff.

BigRedDen ago

Prevent payments to corrupt entities. There goes the campaign money.

fringe--dweller ago

It's been allocated not yet spent

depends who is holding the chequebook now.

therobots ago

Ah, good point. But I'm sure the dims will reeeeeee about they get to say how the funds are spent. Trump to Pelosi: Possession is 9/10 of the law... fuck off now. kek

fringe--dweller ago

dems are running on momentum only

they are out of fuel

yapping in dumb opposition to everything positive

they are now vapour-ware

VoutGuy ago

This pandemic is so worth it, then!

Jim_Bob ago

Can't create a new thread, so here goes:

Let's not get too over-hyped about the recent Q post. It's not quite as simple as some are making it ("taking over the Rothschilds"), but it could be the beginning of the end of central banking (AND the income tax!). Here's my take. Anyone who understands the system is welcome to add/dispute, but "it's the jooos" is not a valid debate. So, here goes ...

An SPV is a "Special Purpose Vehicle." It is some sort of legal entity (corporation, trust, LLC, etc.) that is used for a specific purpose. Nothing magical about it, just that it is a legal entity used for a special purpose.

The Federal Reserve can print money out of nothing, but what can it do with that money? It can buy US gov't guaranteed assets, such as treasury debt and mortgage-backed securities. Since the FR has never been audited (in any meaningful sense), it can also spend money however it wants, with no accountability. That is the REAL power of a central bank. Print money out of nothing, use that money to buy interest-bearing notes, and then spend the income from that interest however the hell you want -- all with no accountability. Imagine what you could buy with unlimited income! What does the FR do with its expenses? Who are the "contractors" that siphon off the money? We don't know, because it has NEVER been audited.

So, because the FR cannot buy corporate bonds, for example, there is a problem. This economy is on the brink of disaster, not because of a cold virus, but because of a deep state plot to wreck the economy by fear mongering and getting their idiot bureaucrats to (unconstitutionally) shut down businesses.

Let's take General Moters as an example. GM is cranking along, and then suddenly vehicle sales falls through the floor. What to do? Sure, maybe convert to other production, like face masks, but this is a car company, not a face mask company. With sales dropping massively, the stock price does, too. It already has, in anticipation. But something else also happens.

GM cannot pay its debt. It borrows on bank loans, but it also borrows through the corporate bond market. Say it issues $100 million in bonds, the company gets $100 million cash in exchange for paying annual interest payments (say, 6%) for some period of time (say, 20 years). It pays off the principal at the end of the 20 years, with cash or by issuing more bonds, or more stock, or borrowing on loans, or whatever.

But with the current shock to the economy, what if it can't pay the interest on the bonds? Bankruptcy is likely. Bonds only get wiped out in bankruptcy after all stockholders get wiped out first. This means 401k's, pension funds, and investors all over the world lose all their stock equity and maybe some or all of their corporate bond investments, too. Huge financial wipeout. And GM is only one company. Multiple by 1,000 for the overall picture.

So, the FR might want to buy corporate bonds to stabilize the situation, but it is not allowed to. This is the reason for the SPV's. The SPV is set up, the US Treasury owns the stock of the SPV, and the FR makes loans to the SPV by printing money.

Then, the SPV (managed by Black Rock) purchases corporate bonds from GM and other companies. This provides liquidity to the markets. Mom and Pop get cash for their potentially-worthless GM bonds. Their 401k gets cash, as does their pension funds. Soon, the SPV owns all the GM bonds. GM now has only one bond holder, the US Treasury's SPV. This makes it possible for GM to negotiate a deal where they can have a moritorium on bond interest payment for some period of time until things improve. This means their interest expense goes to $0, making it easier to survive the economic crash. This also helps keep stockholders more satisified that there won't be a bankruptcy to wipe them out.

On it's face, this move is to provide liquidity to the financial markets and calm things down. It also serves as a real tool to keep corporate America in position to survive the economic crash that has been engineered by the criminal cabal.

Is there more to it than that? Maybe.

While the SPV's are busy buying up non-US gov't assets, the FR itself is busy buying up US treasuries. What treasuries are they buying?

As the federal government goes into overdrive to dish out money to people and businesses who have been harmed by the criminal cabal's scheme, the FR is buying up that new debt. The US gov't borrows the money by issuing bonds, and the FR is buying those bonds. But the FR is now geared up to buy way more bonds than just this amount. The FR is buying at a massive pace. There is already more than $22 trillion in federal bond debt. The FR is buying $625 billion per week, or $2.5 trillion per month! Some of that is NEW debt because of all the massive new spending, but the rest is buying other US debt (if they keep up that buying pace).

Who exactly owns the federal debt? There are two types of federal debt: marketable securities and non-marketable securities. Non-marketable securities are just a paper game where the US gov't "borrows" from the left pocket to put into the right pocket. Back when Bill Clinton was president, they claimed they had a budget surplus. It was a lie. They had shifted debt between the Social Security "trust fund" and the regular budget. In reality, total debt increased during this time because they were using real borrowed funds to pretend it was revenue.

Anyway, these funds owed by the US gov't to the US gov't are "non-marketable securities." They are not traded on the markets, because they are just debt on the books (left pocket/right pocket). They are an accounting gimmick.

The marketable securities, however, are real debt. The US gov't has not had a real budget surplus in many decades. It constantly spends more than it takes in in revenue, and the difference is borrowed each year. That's why the national debt is over $22 trillion.

Currently, the marketable securities are about $17 trillion of the $22 trillion, and the other $6 trillion are these non-marketable securities.

What these SPV's might be is a one-two punch to take down the Federal Reserve, AND ... eliminate the income tax!

As the FR prints money to fund the SPV's, which buy up corporate bonds and other non-gov't assets, the FR is also printing money to buy up US treasury debt. At $2.5 trillion in purchases per month, if the FR is buying the real debt and not the fake debt, then they will own ALL of it in about 7 months -- right around the time of the election.

Of course, if they are also using that new money to buy up the new bonds being printed because of the stimulus bill, then it would take a little longer. If they are also using that same money to fund the SPV's, then it will take longer still. But sooner or later, the FR will end up owning ALL OF THE DEBT -- either directly, or by issuing loans to the SPV's.

You see? Instead of everybody else being in debt to the Federal Reserve, the Federal Reserve will be in debt to everyone else!

And then ...

Congress passes a law abolishing the Federal Reserve, and letting it die in bankruptcy court. In bankruptcy court, all of its transactions for the past however many years would be made available to the trustees (and ultimately the public) to learn what they have been doing with all that money all these years.

The US Treasury then takes over the printing presses, but backed by gold.

Over time, and without interest-bearing money, the federal government could get back to its constitutional limitations, and Congress could abolish the income tax. This would be such a mind-blowing phenomenon to the general public that they would have NO CHOICE but to wake up.

End the Fed.

SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

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itsmytime ago

Wow you went to a lot of work to write this up. Thank you.

G45Colt_II ago

Anyone who down-votes this is the enemy.

telleveryoneyouknow ago

Definitely the Jews...

late2thegame ago

Excellent information, thank you !

5B3854C ago

Thank you for the fantastic article. You explained the nuts-and-bolts of how Federal Reserve system works.

From a slightly different vantage point, and in consideration of Trump now having control over the Federal Reserve, this news is a culmination of acts that Trump has been performing.

We have seen that control with Trump's shakeup of the IMF, the World Bank, and his trade deals. The US (ergo, Trump) has control over the IMF and World Bank, especially with appointing his "man" in those positions. This is why Trump called for the World Bank to halt loaning to China.

The Federal Reserve System is actually the world's largest running Ponzi scheme (PS). It has become increasingly over-extended and doing everything it can to keep from suddenly collapsing. A total reset is what the global elite has wanted for many years now. Several pieces had to be put into place before this could happen.

One of these mechanisms the FR has come up with was Quantitative Easing (QE). In the financial world, these are referred to haircuts. It is desired to "ease" us into this total reset. Otherwise, too much of a financial shock wave could awaken the world to their fraud. If this happened, extreme measures using police-state style force would have to be used. Obviously, this is something they want to avoid. I believe if the queen witch won the presidency, a very different set of circumstances would have occurred.

Trump was the proverbial 'wrench' in the wheel spokes that prevented the reset from occurring in their terms. A Ponzi scheme (PS) relies on two main factors to keep the fraud perpetuating: #1) Willing dupes, and #2) an ever increasing supply of new dupes coming into the system. One of the characteristics of a Ponzi scheme is that it must keep growing (accelerating) in order from collapsing. As it grows, it accelerates in its growth, ever increasing demands are required, and the frequency of demands accelerates until it becomes unmanageable. In order for it to survive, it needs to become increasingly unfettered to bring increasingly more people into the system. This is where the FR is today.

This helps to explain why Open Borders was such a important talking point to fulfill for the global elite and all their supporting caste of members (Refer to PS factor #2 above). What has Trump done with Open Borders? What is the coronavirus done? First, it's a travel ban with China, now the EU. Do you wonder why Trump exempted the UK? Did you see where Britain downgraded the coronavirus pandemic? It is providing support for populist UK and not for the Soviet European Union. EU business has to get channeled through UK. I can hear the sound of toll money already. The EU is a product of FRS and the model for the North American Union with the envisioned Amero as currency. It was created by them just as Israel was a Rothschild creation.

The FRS has had the absolute power to expand and contract the money supply. But at this point, there is nothing they can do to prevent the FRS collapse. A total reset needs to happen. And a completely new Ponzi scheme has to be set in to place. To the global elite, this would the introduction of a global digital currency. Why do you think Greece's financial restructuring required eliminating paper currency and implementing digital currency? The same thing is occurring in other countries as well. I believe Sweden has elected to go completely digital. Here in the US, other methods to entice people to use digital currency are now seen in shopping malls where entire areas require the use of only credit/debit cards and no paper currency/checks are allowed. The American dollar is still the reserve currency of the world. Why do think the FRS has publicly stated their desire to change the reserve currency to China? This was in preparation to launch the FRS financial reset. China has installed the infrastructure for the new age.

It is no secret that the vast majority of the FRS is based on petro-dollars. But, what has just happened to the price of oil? Do you think this is by accident? Do you think the prince of SA knows who controls the FRS? Why was there high level arrests in SA? Timing? Why did he announce lowering the price of oil at the same time the coronavirus hysteria is shutting down travel. The global elite can't escape. No in-person secret meetings. Avoid detection? All has to be done remotely. No Such Agency? Why has all entertainment shutting down? NBA? NHL? Mass arrests of gang members? DNC muscle? Who is actually contracting the coronavirus? Is it really the coronavirus? A cover? How do you shut down criminal operations? Border? Travel? Money supply? Causing China's economic collapse? Preventing the reset from occurring?

Yes, it is Trump's economy. The international banking system is no longer controlling their own destiny for reasons provided above. What does Trump have up his sleeves? Gold-based currency? Government issued currency? We shall soon find out.

late2thegame ago

Thank you for the additional information. It has helped me understand better.

ouspensky ago

Ah this would explain the [4] year

It will take 4 years for all that to happen

VQTmom ago

Truly amazing! Best news in the midst of the FF pandemic. No wonder, PDT keeps saying,it’ll all be good. March is turning out to be a good month after all. God is so good.

RightSideUp17and6 ago

Wow. ThanQ! I call this comment a labor of love. Time will tell how this all rolls out.

dclaffey ago

Never let a good crisis go to waste I say. LOL

Trump keeps saying we will be stronger after this is over, now we know why.

The_Real_Wahrheit ago

You are so right dclaffey! Nice little reversal of their own crisis scene!

soserious ago

Did Trump end the Fed without anybody even noticing?

dclaffey ago

I think the plan has always been to merge corrupt agencies into small good ones. I also think this was part of the plan, have them walk through the front door, require funding from the Treasury and by doing so it put Treasury was in control based on emergency powers.

bopper ago

I know you haven't the time, but a lengthier explanation would be nice, would help explain to family.

Okay? Okay?

So when??

mac1221 ago

Bongino rule.

dclaffey ago

What exactly did you want explained and I will try my best?

bopper ago

I think the plan has always been to merge corrupt agencies into small good ones. I also think this was part of the plan, have them walk through the front door, require funding from the Treasury and by doing so it put Treasury was in control based on emergency powers.

Like preachers, they take a scripture, and break it open, and expand. Lol. I know you don't have the time and I know it's difficult, I have a hard time explaining it to family members (the whole fed thing) but what you say here is more complex.

What's weird, this very subject, just now, today, is starting to draw some family members in, I'm really happy about it.

Patriotknife100 ago

Restructured. :)

Patriotknife100 ago

threesevens & fringe-dweller ahead of Q. Well done, Patriots.