bopper ago

That would be amazing. I just read something about what you're talking about, the DPA and the power the pres now has, fascinating in light of the coin.

SeekingUltimatums ago

And he is jewish, involved in many red-flagged foreclosures and sued for asset stripping. Cant wait for what this guy has in store.... ROTHv2

FractalizingIron ago

I wanna see a nice simply breakdown by some financefag, accountingfag, or bankingfag.

you know, layanon readable.

Xmarduk ago

"LAYanon..." HA!!!! That is gold right there... Cheers!

Banky1974 ago

NO OP. Someone is CLAIMING that Trump and Munchin seized the assets of Rothschild banks.

Jesus Christ I am getting fed up with this shit and this board. People constantly posting unsourced rumors as truth. You guys are as bad as the goddamn mainstream news.

winterdreams7 ago

Don't believe this shit.

Mnuchin's family is Jewish AND he is part of the skull and bones club. His father was a partner at Goldman's Sachs. He's part of the same machine.

telleveryoneyouknow ago

Would this also mean he could be leveraged as an insider? Switching sides in exchange for his “fealty”?

I don’t necessarily trust him or anyone really, but depending on who is in power, any swamp creature could be useful for making progress on the game board.

As much as “force” seems appealing and efficient, the game is rigged with booby traps everywhere.

I would rather have an insider, someone you can leverage, than to go toe to toe with the enemy

fasterth ago

Can someone ELI5 me what's going on? does trump now have a huge power no one had before?

TheRealIndianaJoe ago

The Federal Reserve has the soul power to determine which federal reserve notes are real and which ones are not. They sure as hell would not become bankrupt. Nationalized maybe, but not bankrupt.

theshopper ago

First off, this is a screenshot of a chan post.

Secondly there is a lot of reaching and zero fact about the UST controlling the Fed.

??????? Are you guys going to allow yourselves to be manipulated in such a trite manner?

keeponsearchin ago

Trump spoke at a press conference about possibly Nationalizing some airline companies. WTH

ThreeBladedKnife ago

As I understand it, taking stock as partial payment for a bailout package.

keeponsearchin ago

OK hope so. well he said Nationalize.

uvulectomy ago

Oh look, more Qtard hope porn and idiots acting like a chan-post is proof that "it's happening."

anamazonslittle ago

"But the yahoo article!"

Without the least hint of irony that it was a yahoo article that started the Russian Collision hoax.

quillsong ago

Can't wait to have new printed money without all that satanic, mason, illuminati, shit all over it. Not even Franklin's fat face on it either, he belonged to the Hell Fire Club, worshiping satan underneath churches. Jefferson was banging his slave, they were not nice people.

fringe--dweller ago

Why wouldn't the Treasury issue new

Trump Bills ?

With a beaming smiley Donald on the face ?

KillerKap ago

they are gonna put niggers on the new money. was it worth it kek

LargePeter ago

So Donald is now like the king of the free world? I’m confused.

demoschatous ago

Yesterday I bought 1k worth of gold and 1k worth of silver. This is great news for the USA, now I wonder if I made a mistake for me though lol.

metricisokay ago

I don't think that's a bad idea the value of precious metals isn't going anywhere. I expect eventually those become the standard for currencies around the world again.

ThreeBladedKnife ago

I was thinking about buying junk silver tomorrow. If this move upsets the paper metals markets, wouldn't the price of specie and bullion go up?

rj850 ago

Trump during the pressor. “Our money our currency”

dueces ago

Buy GLD or no?

threesevens ago

Too late, try and find some to buy, you'll see.

dueces ago

I mean the fund not physical

dontstopmenow ago

No. It will be impossible for them to deliver on your paper. Physical is HAAAAARD to get right now.

dueces ago

Well glad I only bought stocks then. Did buy a small bit of silver over the past year, like 50oz so here’s to hoping that translates to silver increasing too

dontstopmenow ago

That's great. It should be fine.

popsikle ago

if this is true, the elites have the britches full right now

Doglegwarrior ago

price of gold just went down. aka this is bullshit

fringe--dweller ago

Gold went up bigly then dropped again.

there is a lot of volatility right now in the market.

look at the graph of gold prices over the last 3 years.

That is how long I have been invested.

I've made over 31% on my investment during this time.

I would have made next to zero if I had invested in a saving account of bond.

Anonymous_D2L ago

Can someone please explain it to me. These 2 1 trillion coins are still fiat currency? Yes, so even though Trump now controls the tap, it's still money from nothing. Where does the gold standard come into this, or does this happen down the line? Or are we looking at a digital fiat currency which is controlled by the treasury?

UnitedStatesPatriot ago

This is amazing!

Intlrnt2 ago

Interesting move.

There are some known bad actors involved with Blackwater. I wonder if a ‘trap’ is part of this fix.

Revodude2 ago

Double Wow! Confirmation....

MadWorld ago

Wow holy shit!!

singlebrain1 ago

Dont forget that the secret service is part of treasury

ldsanon ago

We just repossessed our biggest creditor.

ThreeBladedKnife ago

Well put.

singlebrain1 ago

Dare I hope. Let this be true. If so, the entire shutdown was worth it.

SCRoadTrip ago

Which is where the Secret Service is likely to be relocated soon, if it hasn't happened already.

RunOverByASchoolBus ago

Why is this unsourced low IQ bullshit on the front page?

voatsecurityguard ago

I've never seen so many posters crammed into a hopium den.

RunOverByASchoolBus ago

Hopium den? That's great, I'll have to use that.

voatsecurityguard ago

glad you like it! Personally I came to the hopium den for the same reason, it just doesn't work on me... I spent the 90s watching David Duchovny and "wanting to believe" and have followed every conspiracy theory since "wanting to believe" but always just watching in awe as everyone else goes in whole-hog and I'm left wondering where the proof is.

Jfunction ago

This is the turning point.

pattrik01 ago

Does this mean I should get my little savings out of Chase?

maga1234 ago

No. Banks are still operating, not sure if this changes any of that. If it does, we'll know about it in plenty of time, I'm sure.

KaputtmacherNL ago

Some idiot on Yahoo Finance comments: "Socialism is here" This idiot doesn't understand that this is the end of socialism.

goat-ditarod ago


giving money out like candy is destructive socialism

TPTBNewsReviewer ago

Does the Q phrase, "This is not another [4] year election." mean this is the FIRST four year election...of the restored republic?

lipids ago

Trump is now GEOTUS. No more elections ever.

TPTBNewsReviewer ago

I'm good with that.

If I had been able to attend one of his rallies, I would have started a chant of "EIGHT MORE YEARS" all by myself.

ThreeBladedKnife ago

Or four more terms.

TPTBNewsReviewer ago

I like the way you think.

BettyLiberty ago

Whoop Whoop TRUMPBUX!!!

BarbaricHamSammy ago

Big if true trip7s. The timing of this is interesting given the $2T+$4T which POTUS just signed. Staying frosty and cruising the chans o7.

eddrell31 ago

Wondering if there a tie-in to Executive Order 13818, "Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption"

If that property is the privately owned Fed, then BOOM!

DirtyErnie ago

^^^ this. I really want it to be this.

Idkitall ago

We all do.!!!!!!!!

dontstopmenow ago

zactly! BOOOOM

httbmc ago

Brings a Whole New Meaning to "Returning Power Back to the People"! AND "The Best Is Yet To Come"!!!!!

TPTBNewsReviewer ago

Does this mean the COMEX might be forced into bankruptcy?

PygmyGoat ago

The central bank in Germany was already on the brink of bankruptcy. Don’t remember if Deutsche Bank finally went through with it or not.

therobots ago

They are already "bankrupt" just needs to be made official. IMHO.

Smokybubbles ago

POTUS is essentially the chairman of the Fed going forward, correct? He calls the shots now.

therobots ago

Or Mnuchin who works for Trump. (Is he trustworthy?)

SearchVoatBot ago

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QPilledLib ago

How did this happen? Seems like an important data point to include.

tjollahei ago

One World Bank

One World Currency

One World .......

Justlikeus ago

Need proof

voatsecurityguard ago

that's a nice 20-hour read... is there a relevant part you suggest viewing?

Q20191776 ago

Title II, which has the individual & small business provisions.

Also, Section 19011 is kind of interesting.

Snuffy_5_Smith ago

Bongino rule for me Monday or Tuesday WE should know.

jbo5112 ago

Somebody didn't read the article, just the out-of-context excerpt.

We're opening more categories of government backed debt. We've basically just created Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac for businesses. US Treasury will only be newly involved with the Fed where we are rolling out more socialism.

The taxpayers will be on the hook for business losses under this power grab. It's only good if you think the costs of housing and college education have been on the right track.

mac1221 ago

I'm with you. Bongino rule for sure. Q has posted disinformation before and there be plenty of trolling habbening right now.

Blacksmith21 ago

I agree too. Need more proof. Close friend is an economist/money manager and he is dialed into this story. He hasn't seen anything to indicate it is true as of 200p today.


USAMatters ago

No documentation yet -

Fasteve ago

I can't believe there were No false flag events before that happened !! Is the quarantine

working ?

fringe--dweller ago

unless COVID

was the false flag

Idkitall ago

The whole country is shut down and the Market just CRASHED.... AND.... there’s a Killer Virus on the loose around the whole world... yeah, nothing to see here. Move along

reason247 ago

Let's demand a literal interpretation of the original constitution!

Xmarduk ago

Q just dropped confirming the merger of the Treasury and Fed into one organization!!!

jbo5112 ago

You didn't read the article.

We have been issuing government backed debt for college education and housing. These have been the areas of the economy spiraling out of control.

The article basically says we will be doing the same thing for business debt.

FractalizingIron ago

Note: Q's drop referenced a twiffer that referenced a Yahoo News report of a Bloomberg Article.

Is this a confirmation of each and every detail of the article? Hmmmm.

Is this a confirmation of the article's conclusion on this point? Hmmmm.

FYI, Brain Cates (drawandstrike) did a run through of the article, and found a bunch of questionable stuff. So, perhaps jury out.

Maybe a step, maybe a leap, but personally, Anons should NEVER take things just at face value. Applied autism helps.

OpakapakaCaca ago

Didn't he just place the Secret Service back under the purview of the Treasury too?

1031grnis ago

What would the purpose be to place SS under Treasury?

29again ago

For one thing, that's where it originally began. Their objective was counterfeit money.

TomThung ago

To safeguard the currency. Counterfeiting is a threat to our sovereignty. You know like the fed printing funny money.

OpakapakaCaca ago

That's where they used to be. Counterfeiting, bank robberies, etc.

ThreeBladedKnife ago

That's why US silver and gold coins are always more trustworthy than bullion. Secret Service stands behind our coins.

pattrik01 ago

Yes He did

threesevens ago


Qanonplus1 ago


More info somewhere?????

HelloThankYou ago

Red shield broken?

Revodude2 ago

I will wait for some confirmation on this. But hopefully the Trump team took back control of the CIA mega slush fund. Many Trillions.

AUSAFVet ago

Let's see the follow through..give it till Tuesday/Wednesday to get too excited

singlebrain1 ago

Trump involked defense production act. GE has been in bed with lots of bad actors including Iran.

AUSAFVet ago going to be nasty for some.. They are going to fight it in court..(no sauce on it though)sux to be them! ain't gunna work

singlebrain1 ago

I doubt that they can fight it. State of emergency and defense production act. Checkmate. Potus playing chess with like 17 opponents.

Meme_Factory_1776 ago

GE doesn't produce shit. They get rich trading money around.

Quite a bit of basics.

1 hour

Idkitall ago

Then why have I been making Aerospace parts for GE for 35 years? Not to mention my Dad and many my friends that actually Work at GE machining Aerospace parts for decades?

Meme_Factory_1776 ago

You don't know much about GE too brass actions do you. Sure some things are still made but they are not e en closed to being the alliance manufacturing power house they once were. They likely work you on a loss and make up for it in the market trades. Labor and production is nit even 5% of thier business model today. Watch that shit i sent you. It's entry level knowledge. In fact it's been so long I need a refresher so I'll watch it with ya.

Idkitall ago

I’ll give it a look.

Meme_Factory_1776 ago

See here. That link is spanish voice over.

Idkitall ago

Thanks, cause I don’t know Spanish.

Meme_Factory_1776 ago

I can work a taco truck fine but not much further than that. Usually I just pull my pistol and they start doing English but I did that and it didn't work this time.

JohnQ-Arkenstone ago


Dambuster ago

Sounds too good to be true. The red shields wpuld be on those two like a fat girl on a french fry.

goat-ditarod ago

Governments world wide printing money. Sounds like a plot to introduce new world currency as all other currencies become worthless.

Cheetah1964 ago

With the coronavirus panic, the globalists are distracted. And there is no news coverage. This is the perfect time.

Bern666 ago

Isnt it funny......?

The red shields😂 WHO?

oneinchterror ago

What do you think "Rothschild" means?

newera ago

"Red Shield"

Bern666 ago

Bauer....~Roman empire~Vatican..

oneinchterror ago

Stupid faggot boomer. Kys.

Bern666 ago

Well you do work for who is stupid?

Next time think....before you fart...ok?


oneinchterror ago

Kill yourself.

SCforTRUMP ago

"fat girl on a french fry" - now that's BAD - but funny! I used to ask people "You know why they invented the Electric Slide? So the fat girls could dance too"!

ClowniusMaximus ago

Finance tard here, can someone please explain to me what this means?

jbo5112 ago

I can explain the article Q referenced in 3904. I cannot explain the unsourced, undetailed excitements of RandomAnon.

We have been issuing government backed debt for college education (where prices are going insane) and housing (which crashed the economy). These have been the areas of the economy spiraling out of control.

The article basically says we will be doing the same thing for business debt. Companies will be able to trade junk bonds that are rated AAA, because taxpayers are on the hook for the losses.

29again ago

I don't quite understand it, either. All I know is I won't do digital $$. Not for anything!

TheBookWasBetter ago

Rather than trading money with the Fed, foreign countries are now doing commerce with the us treasury. This creates leverage for Trump.

ketoll ago

The Fed is the bank giving money to the U.S. government to enable them to buy equity shares in the U.S. economy. So the Treasury is going to own part of the companies/economy of the U.S.

I don't understand how that dethrones the Fed though. They are still a banker indebting the U.S.

Idkitall ago

The Treasury (Government) owning part, or all of a business is called what kids..???? Starts with a C.... Ends with an ism... got it?

goat-ditarod ago

Republicans get their socialism day pass during crisis

shillaccount3344 ago

national socialism.

ketoll ago


Idkitall ago

Yes... I agree

incey ago

Pretty sure the Fed lends the US money at interest rather than gives. And this money is created out of thin air. Nice racket if you can pull it off

angelCole ago

I think it means we own our own money.

ketoll ago

So we have a domestic currency instead of the world reserve currency? That seems like it was already inevitable after the Petro dollar died and BRICS was set up by the Chinese to compete with the dollar and settle oil in Yuan instead of USD.

TomThung ago

The fed is an illegal bank ran by hidden elites to enslave the world.

philmchawk ago

Read the secrets of the federal reserve, it isn't "hidden".

ketoll ago

Correct. The IMF too.

TPTBNewsReviewer ago

The clue is in the Q post.

The third link in the OP's comment explains it better than I can.

ClowniusMaximus ago

Thank you

PygmyGoat ago

It’s a Bloomberg article though so I’m not sure it’s reliable.

Qanonplus1 ago

Logistics tard here as well.

Can someone explain to .e HOW this happened?

Layman's terms?

Xmarduk ago

Tard tard here, reporting for duty!

HndrxMn ago

...I knew it, I'm surrounded by retards

Xmarduk ago

Give me a helmet and a window to lick. I'm happy.

acmecoyote ago

I eat glue!

The_Impaler ago

all the tards in one place\

asking the right questions



httbmc ago


Meme_Factory_1776 ago

Wrong place only Pedes report for duty.

Iheartcatfood ago

I too am a tard, what are we meeting about?

Meme_Factory_1776 ago

Idk. I just just passing by and heard a guy say , reporting for duty... And kindly informed him.

Andrewisboredx2 ago

Potato potato here, potatoing for potatoes.

DirtyErnie ago

Please slice yourself up real this and jump in 350°F oil for 5-8 minutes.

magzy ago

Q drop just now explains...

"This scheme essentially merges the Fed and Treasury into one organization. So, meet your new Fed chairman, Donald J. Trump."

Holy shot balls! This is 4D chess.

Ddboomer ago

This is a comment, but there articles to back them up.

Humanizzimo ago

This sure looks like a Boom!

bopper ago

Are you saying thru the trillion dollar coin, is Mnucin doing it that way? Would appreciate more info...

rickki6 ago

Check this out , I posted earlier today. Maybe really true !!!

giveitup ago


Fawkes_in_Henhouse ago

I agree. The last I heard, the Exchange Stabilization Fund is run through the NY Fed with the Treasurer calling the shots. The ESF is a black box. By law, no rules or laws apply to them. They can do whatever they want to stabilize markets.

Fawkes_in_Henhouse ago

Wow! Based on QPost 3904, this appears to be a different game - one with the President and Treasurer on a different team than the banks which control the Fed.

barebrain ago

Sauce ? oh sorry just saw the rest

threesevens ago

[Statement from Secretary Steven T. Mnuchin on the Establishment of the Money Market Mutual Fund Liquidity Facility]



Mnuchin: Federal Reserve Will Buy Corporate Bonds, Treasuries, Mortgage-Backed Securities In "Vast Amounts"](

400 billion in liquidity from the Fed = Mnuchin SEIZED the Fed assets.

Trump just stole the cabal's piggy banks. Enjoy the show!

Time for Constitutionally sound, gold backed currency.

Gold shall destroy FED.

I will add more info and links with relevant information as I come across it:

JohnQ-Arkenstone ago

@threesevens, it just sounds too good to be true. The information that you present here is very convincing and is giving me a glimmer of HOPE. What does not make sense however, is how can a private corporation like the FED, be merged with a US Government Department like the US Treasury? If this is what has actually happened, it means that the 2Trillion dollar stimulus package will NOT cost the taxpayer one penny, being that the FED CANNOT charge us any interest on the debt. This is so awesome that I still can't believe that POTUS pulled it off. Have been praying for something like this where globalist banksters would face a reckoning to where honest money like gold would rule once again. Thanks for this submission.

threesevens ago

No problem patriot...enjoy the show!

jbo5112 ago

Q drop 3904 is a link to an article that the Federal Reserve and Federal Government are leveraging each other and they're both growing vastly in scope.

We're opening more categories of government backed debt. We've basically just created Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac for businesses. US Treasury will only be newly involved with the Fed where we are rolling out more socialism.

The taxpayers will be on the hook for business losses under this power grab. It's only good if you think the costs of housing and college education have been on the right track.

Paladin_Diver ago

"The taxpayers will be on the hook for business losses under this power grab."

I don't believe this is the case. Corporate losses don't pass through to shareholders. Taxpayers could lose their initial investment if the saved business fails in the future, but no further claims could be made against them.

jbo5112 ago


Taxpayers are stuck paying for any of the government backed loans that businesses do not pay (those losses). Taxpayers are not covering any other business losses.

Paladin_Diver ago

Fair clarification.

My hope is that taxpayers don't pay for any of it, after the global debt reset. Absent that, we've got some serious fiscal housecleaning to do, that's for sure. I'm not entirely sure it is mathematically possible.

IAmJohnBarron ago

Does this mean buy gold stocks

quick_and_dirty ago

Someone is going to have to explain how the treasury putting up collateral for the fed to buy assets is gold bringing down the fed. Unless DJT plans to default on purpose and bankrupt the fed.

threesevens ago


Idkitall ago

Someone’s gonna have to explain to me how, (no matter what they did).., we’re Not on the hook to pay these Trillions of dollars back in Taxes.?!?!?! UNLIMITED FUNDS

Paladin_Diver ago

Debt which cannot be repaid will not be repaid. Sounds simple, but if you start with that premise, the endgame writes itself.

I just can't figure out what mechanism should be used for asset re-pricing. The implications for the mortgage market alone dwarf the 2008-9 GFC.

The_Impaler ago

when I heard aboyt that symbolical sell out in Austria I knew the gae is on

they are in "honorable" retreat

singlebrain1 ago

And he waited until congress passed the bill

BarbaricHamSammy ago

Just saw Q's is HAPPENING!

Waffles_The_Cat ago

No where does it say the fed entered bankruptcy.

redtoe_skipper ago

They do not have to. You already know every bank is de facto bankrupt. Only the extend to which it is differs.

pizzaequalspedo ago

The Fed isn't bankrupt. It's just now controlled by the Treasury (Trump), rather than begging for handouts from the banking cartel families that have controlled the world economies for over 100 years.

TomThung ago

Possession is 9/10th of the law.

ketoll ago

Doesn't the fact that the Treasury is still using Federal Reserve Notes being loaned to them by the Fed mean that the Fed still owns the debt of the Treasury? I don't see how buying shares and assets using Federal Reserve Notes gives the Treasury leverage over the Fed. They're still indebted to the Fed.

Put simply, if a bank finances me to buy a bunch of assets, I still owe the debt to the bank.

fringe--dweller ago

Bank doesn't loan their cash to you

you don't take out a loan

you enter into a contract

a credit agreement

The bank creates the money by typing some numbers into a computer, on the strength of your signature.

They did not posses the money before you signed.

QE is not printed paper

It's just adding more ones & zeros

into the computer

quaranteed ago

I know very little. Take with mine of salt. What if the Fed claims to back the loans with its assets? When it is revealed the fed has no assets (i.e. fraudulent loan) then the debt would be destroyed. But so would be the fed note so it would need to be exchanged for a currency that is backed (by something of value).

Bern666 ago

Debt? well do collect it......

TPTBNewsReviewer ago

It's kind of like mathematics, where you use one proof to prove another; the article included it and described it.

Xmarduk ago

You're not supposed to actually read the article, just trust the headlines! /s

Vc83 ago


Q20191776 ago

Better yet, read the bill.

Wheatstone ago

If we really are seeing a full scale power transfer we should be seeing the USA civil peace flag soon instead of the current war flag!

When this happens I will be very excited.

ssgrader ago


The " National Colors " is a Battle Flag.

The US Flag isn't ..

The difference between the Flag and the Colors is the yellow fringe.. National Colors (Battle Flag) has the fringe the American Flag ( Peace time ) flag doesn't..

that is the difference between the two

I hope this helped ...

Jessecuster ago

I get your point but isn’t admiralty / maritime law more conducive to quick trials via military tribunal for ds rats?

2730002 ago

Buy Greenland next Trump! Then free and annex Canada!

fringe--dweller ago

Canada is a Crown Colony,

at least it was,

same as the USA

Like it or not.

That just changed

expect to hear news on this

in due course.


DJT was in London a couple of times,

first time to lay out his demands

second time to collect the paperwork.

walking in front of the Queen was no mistake.

He just showed all The Queen's horses

and all the Queens men

That he has usurped their pecking order

big time.

TPTBNewsReviewer ago

Hopefully, patriots will learn from the mistake of pledging allegiance to a flag, which can be/was usurped by the enemy, and will pledge allegiance to the Constitution, which can NOT be usurped, AND has lawful consequences!

redtoe_skipper ago

it is not allegiance to a flag but to The Flag and to The Republic for which it stands. A rather convoluted and obscure way and not very direct.

It would have been easier to simply say: Allegiance to The Constitution of These United States, The Bill of Rights, and the Flag that stands for a republican form of government of and by We, The People.

Wheatstone ago

Well said fren.


What does the flag mean?

Wheatstone ago

This explains it all!

The peace flag means that civil law and the constitution are intact and the law of the land.

The current flag represents military law. The gold tassels represents admiral law. The gold fringe represents the suspension of civil law, rights and the constitution. That you have left the USA and are now effectively on a ship with the judges and beurocrats as all powerful dictators of the slave ship.

zech7 ago

*admiralty law, or maritime law. the beast of the sea (admiralty law) is being replaced by the beast of the land (noahide law)

dundundunnnnn ago

I'm glad someone else sees what is coming.

zech7 ago

as far as I can tell, there are two of us.

fringe--dweller ago

three, with me