Celvii ago

Damn right!! Oh, and it was just so close to the Chinese taking over the world if only Hilary had gotten elected. Then they made the terrible mistake of thinking that the American public would turn on its leaders (as its own population does because they hate your guts) when they cut off the medical supplies, you know, because it was Trump's fault for fighting the Chinese takeover with a trade war. The American public will always back a fighter, a brawler willing to see through the BS and take direct decisive action. Hint: those types are not politicians. You can bully politicians but you can't bully an American.

HumanPrimer ago

I think we are going to find out the China was a victim too and double-crossed by the cabal who released the virus on them.

NoApologyTour ago

It’s a testament to the effectiveness of the propaganda and brainwashing that we don’t look at China like we do the Soviets or the Khmer Rouge.

coulditbe4Q ago

Good article. ChiComs will not escape this. E V E R Y one will remember this.

They will pay a price.

mrGaudi ago

ThanksChina #BatSoup #BoycottChina

docksofthebay ago

FTA: "Communist China’s leaders are afraid because they feel a parallel to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, which hardened everyone’s resolve and awakened a sleeping giant.

The Chinese communists are afraid. You might not guess it from the invertebrate and borderline anti-national corporate media parroting Chinese state propaganda, but they are. Beijing is shaken. Their dream of dominating the globe eventually, with the slow overstretch and collapse of the Pax Americana, was considered a matter of destiny.

Then suddenly, it all was shaken. A combination of incompetence, criminal negligence, and totalitarian suppression of a new devastating virus originating from the raw meat and wet markets of interior China let it rage through the globe.

The world’s first postmodern global pandemic, preventable but not prevented, has so far already caused the deaths of more than 13,000 people, torched all the major power centers, decimated the service sector, pushed the global economy to the brink of an unprecedented recession, devastated the stock market, closed the borders of all the great powers, ended global cooperation on vaccines, and rocked the boat of globalisation in ways unthinkable since the peak days of the autarkic 1930s. If this is the hegemonic order of the future superpower, then civilization is doomed."