23066985? ago

This! It’s so obvious they keep trying but nothing works

23061205? ago

What was that Q post "There is no step 5"? There was RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA, then Mueller, and then Impeachment, so I guess the Kung Fu Flu was #4 and their "RESTRUCTURE" would have been #5! PRESIDENT TRUMP'S "covfefe" (pronounced “cuv – fee- fae”) is an Antediluvian term for “In the end we win.” It was commonly used by the sons of Adam to rail against the evil actions of the fallen who had led man astray. Now how many times have you seen WE WIN and GOD WINS?? COV also could be abbreviation for COVID and the FE FE for IRON and the other condition caused by too much iron by those involved with adrenochrome! Maybe HE knew what they were planning and had already planned FOR it!

23057953? ago

The legislation was way too obvious. "These people are stupid."

23052287? ago

There was that Q drop that stated [Scare] Event would be necessary

and another one that stated it wouldn't be 100% Clean

23051901? ago

This submission was linked from this v/GreatAwakening comment by @dmanny77.

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23051631? ago

This is the deep state's death blossom attempt to end all things Trump (economy and policies). They want to steal the presedential election through call in electronic voting fraud...NO VERIFIABLE PAPER BALLOTS. This is their scorched earth strategy to regain power on public display.

The "Start" of their political destruction has begun. Information gathered by NSA/MIL INTEL is the key. Will be introduced through indictments and court procedures. Nothing...NOTHING can stop this.

23052215? ago

Looking like nothing can START this. [Arrests or GTFO]

23058211? ago

It amazes me how limited your perspective is. By the way...the "arrests or GTFO" mantra is lame and meaningless. It has been for some time. Try to keep up. It would do you a lot of good.

23061271? ago

As a mantra, I like it. Perfectly expresses my frustration and rage.

4/10/20 the next deadline to be disappointed over...

23057050? ago

It's always funny when people downvote anyone wise enough and with enough remaining discernment to be able to call this cult out on it's fantasy thinking and ability to overlook glaring problems with their programmed belief systems.

Just a simple sentence demanding that the cult leader live up to it's claims, and the entire thing collapses under it's own weight, and all the cultist is left with is 'well, I' gonna DOWNVOTE YoU! That'll teach ya not to contradict my cult behavior!'

23051445? ago


23050877? ago

There is no STEP 5....or so I thought

23050743? ago

That wont stop their mouths. You want full stop a noose is your best bet.

23050408? ago

Cuffs won't work. This is generational evil at work. The death penalty might put a dent in their plans.

23050188? ago

I was thinking exactly this yesterday. While Q said there was no step 5, apparently there was.

23050065? ago

Barr is set to testify 3/31. This is the opportunity to spill the crimes by the Obama administration. Declass before would be the right thing to do.

23051943? ago

23050064? ago

Not a false flag. The real deal. The end game.

23050113? ago

You don’t know the definition of a false flag.

23050240? ago

These aren't crisis actors. This isn't a performance play. This is end of the world as we.know it. This is very, very real.

23052265? ago

Italian "Cv deaths" average age 87. Relatively large legal and illegal Chinese population.

23052258? ago

Again you don’t know the definition. Vegas was a FF. Tons of people died. 9/11 was a false flag. Tons of people died. Yes, it’s real. A false flag is when the truth of who’s behind it and why, is being lied about.

23049240? ago


23052316? ago

Sigint might prove the virus was deliberately released. But how to disprove that it was an accidental release from the Wuhan lab or a naturally occurring mutation in the wild or wet market.

23049137? ago

There are so many doubt-fags, Man-ginas and little girls in here.

This is an intelligence war. Please go home and cry on your pillows. We'll call you when it's over.

23048942? ago

Qtards think the entire world is the USA.

Other countries exists, you fucking stupid morons.

23052326? ago

Many run by the same criminal gangs as US

23048908? ago

and should Trump, and us, survive this there are many more FF's lined up. Fuck optics and visual and the right timing. NOW!

Time is the enemy.

23048788? ago

If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck...its a duck.

23048462? ago

I want justice.

I want to believe that we are the greatest country in the world and that our military aren't just meat sacks used to enrich Jews.

If there are ZERO arrests they will have to answer to all of us!

1776 will rise again!!! 🇺🇲🦅🎊🎉

23048374? ago

The real questions is who made the wuflu and why? China intentionally bio nuked us. That should be the headlines. Not the infection rate of a curable disease.

23052384? ago


March 23rd, 2020. Origins of CoronaVirus - Metadata Says Ft. Detrick - George Webb

23050078? ago

Deep state nuked us. China was just the delivery point.

23048300? ago

FOLLOW THE WHITE RABBIT: Fresh Air And Sunshine - Q Proofs/Decode 'o-o' <



23048239? ago

Now then, now then ... now then. There is no alternative to cleaning house, which won't produce endless rancour, other than doing it by the book, whilst being seen to uphold the Constitutional Separation of Powers maxim. Having said that, if Durham delivers a blush and a wet fart, it MUST be the time for pitchforks and lanterns. We would regroup when the dust settles and all localities have been expunged of the types who frighten the kids about the weather and wouldn't know a border if it cleaved their cleft. Yes. I am browned off. Get on with it Q+.

23048213? ago

No, no, no, no, no!

When are you going to realize that the world is bigger than the US and this is a worldwide problem not one just confined to the USA. This is about a globalist takeover of ALL of us, can't you see? We're all going to be off work, we're all going to be fucked financially, we're all going to be dependent on what the state gives us and God knows what else is coming our way in the wake of this.

23048179? ago

or on the gallows

or shot by firing squads for treason


23048072? ago

So when do we take this opportunity that we have if not working to finally show in numbers to dem controlled city halls demanding they resign or we make them?

When will enough be enough?

23048067? ago

Around their Neck.

23047703? ago

Or dead

23047252? ago

By tomorrow morning some ridiculously stupid comment about how "it is not easy / we must do it right / timing is everything" that have no replies but 666+ upvoats will mysteriously rise on the top.

23047170? ago

and one wonders if they deliberately targeted Republican senators to infect them so the balance in the senate would be tipped back enough to give them some power to block and make demands

23047153? ago

Then why is Trump going along with it? Do you Qultists even think about shit?

23047152? ago

The test initially were rigged to show false positives, "rigged for red". Where have we heard that before. Pretty easy to label viral pneumonia as covid19. By the way there is over 50,000 deaths per year in the US. And know one cares.

23047081? ago

Call it what it is.....a fucking TERRORIST ATTACK! They are TERRORISTS! And O-Shitbag and his planet of the ape sidekick setup their shadow government are calling the shots!

23046941? ago

Right om!!!!! You are awake. Thank you.....

23046346? ago

I'm wondering about something>>>>How is it that Russia is not reporting any cases of Corona virus?? only a lot of deaths from pneumonia.. Look HERE [Russia].

And why is the MSM not even mentioning this? Shouldn't someone ask that question? Like someone at one of those press briefings? Did I miss it?

23052499? ago

Reporting Now!

Russian president Vladimir Putin has toured Russia’s main hospital treating coronavirus patients, donning a full-body protective suit and respirator mask, reports my colleague Andrew Roth in Moscow.

The number of confirmed victims of the virus in Russia now stands at 500 people.

https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/live/2020/mar/24/coronavirus-live-news-updates-us-trump-uk-lockdown-global-deaths-cases-covid19-latest-update https://archive.is/wip/5mZNX

23046195? ago

It's real but they're following the mantra of never letting a good crisis go to waste. Politics is their religion, so everything is viewed through the lens of political gain, even a pandemic.

23045940? ago

I knew for a fact this virus was a deep state, Democrat operation when the raghead in the house of reps, and gavin Newsom etc... were praising POTUS for his response. They were happy he was moving into their trap as planned. Fuck Them.

23045929? ago

They’re relentless and completely exposed and do not care. Death is the only thing that will ever stop them. But before they die the booby traps consisting of people, policies, and many ‘talents’ must be dismantled and destroyed.

23045830? ago

Or just not letting an opportunity go to waste...

Be evil when everyone is trying their best to be good. Pure democratic strategy.

23045751? ago

They wont stop until they are dead...

23045716? ago

Q says to use the razor. So they cannot prove, but they still know. This is a real virus and a real tool of mass murder to hang onto power. The msm are doing all they can to ensure market collapse with D assistance. But nothing is going to stop what is coming. If anything this just proves further that it has to happen. The cancer has to be cut out

23045777? ago

Qs latest posts appear to indicate that this was cabal introduced, does that eliminate the theory of using this quarantine for arrests?

23046701? ago

Not really. These people are stupid. They have set the stage perfectly for arrests without riots in the streets. Everyone has stocked up. Scared to go outside. What a perfect time for April showers to lead us into the storm.

23045829? ago

Wondering the same

23046230? ago

Doubtful- could even be that the DS finally got hip to Q and thought that they may lure Q into prematurely trying to execute the plan.

Q didn't bite.

Which can indicate one of two things:


2. There is a meticulous plan in place that cannot be rushed and is waiting for a precise set of conditions to be met before all of Hades breaks loose.

23045572? ago

Execute them. Every single one. Drag them through the streets like fucking Qaddafi.

23045547? ago

What about Italy? And Australia? And China? Did they sacrifice their own citizens just to attack Trump?

23046200? ago


23045504? ago


23045477? ago

How about the 5G they cranked up in China? Forgetting about that? Virus released as cover. All these deaths in China were radiation poisoning. Covid IMO is a flu.

23052634? ago

The authorities seem to be ignoring the 5G questions and going full steam ahead everywhere - a lamp post outside your bedroom or a smart meter under your bed - alleged lethal consequences (for some seemingly for sure).

Then there are the birds falling out of the trees (Amsterdam Vondel Park)

It is beginning to look as if there really is a covert policy to kill people.

And then there is Jordan Sather and MMS Chlorine Dioxide Covid cure not being investigated or taken up. It makes no sense to me.

23045365? ago

Whole lock down proves who is in control.Guess who it is? Not we the sheople.

23045301? ago

Nailed it

23045280? ago

Psychopaths will never stop. They have to be stopped.

23045251? ago

they wont stop till their dead.

23065336? ago

kek, like some sort of inversion of Terminator!

23045154? ago

Sounds about right... There are still a million stupid niggers out there saying Orange Man Bad as well... I just dont know how the fuck they will change their minds?! They will literally have to watch Frazzle-drip. Nothing else will do.

23045123? ago

Or it's real and that means China committed an act of war on behalf of treasonous democrats. Either way, something needs to be done about this shit NOW.

23045183? ago

when do we start? Time to march on Washington at the very least, and all that entails.

23045379? ago

Are you the same person that keeps calling for a "march on Washington" in all of these threads? I've seen that same call on half a dozen (if not more) threads in QRV.

23045419? ago

No, but surely I can't be the only one thinking it. I've heard calls on Twatter too. People have had enough of the bullshit.

23052692? ago

Not enough have had enough. You are in the 0.01% and probably not in the $$ sense.

23053114? ago

I would further state that people are also getting fed up with hearing calls to "trust the plan" a plan they have no idea what it entails, written by an anonymous "source" online. No confirmation, we have no idea who is behind it, or what it entails, but instead of doing our civic duty to rise up and get involved in the processes governing every single facet of our very lives, we are just supposed to sit back, stare at our computers and "trust it". How convenient for keeping people complacent and lazy. I'm not sure I buy it. Sure it's good info, but without knowing the source, it could be meant to inform or meant to taunt. Either way, good people are sitting by and doing nothing. For all we know, it's Obama and his Hammer program, punking us yet again! Without the source of this plan we just don't know.

"You won't believe who you're talking to here".

Yeah great. Now fast forward and imagine you wasted all these years doing not one damn thing and all it along it was Obama behind it?

And before you try and tell me that's absurd, I'd research his Hammer supercomputer, remind yourself of just how many lackeys he still has in government, including the military, and remember that he and most of his staff still have security clearances!

Trust the plan indeed.

23052965? ago

Definitely NOT in the $$$ sense, lol, but I do okay. And I don't know....I am seeing more and more people voicing calls to march. People are fed up with this shit. They are tired, scared, stressed, and these idiots in Congress are glibly diking around while real people's children , parents and friends are hurting. They don't know if they have a future to go back to. It's an unprecedented scary time and people are fed up to the eyeballs with the partisan politics and games being played at their expense. We've all had to endure the past 4 years. On both sides. Many are waking up to just where the problems are starting and I can't blame them one bit for wanting to stop it. In fact I am happy to join them. Our leaders are fools if they believe they are invincible. Just look at how many people attempted to purchase guns once this started. We have no idea what their intentions are: protection or harm? Probably a little of both. Either way, real lives are at stake, at our expense, and it's time for this to stop.

23045109? ago

It could be interference to frame deepstate actors for this white hat FF.... by know anyone would believe the DS is real and willing to do such a thing...

23052723? ago

I'm leaning towards a lethal black hat virus modified or switched by white hats to the current relatively harmless version if the virus - just a hunch at present.

23045056? ago

And of course Trump had to give Israel money. That's all part of Trump's master plan.

23052746? ago

Make your enemy think you're their friend - Wu Flu

23045011? ago

Are there two strains of this particular corona virus?

23046080? ago

Yes. One type is mild and not as contagious as the other, which is weaponized, deadly, and very contagious.

23046198? ago


23044949? ago

I went over to Home Depot this morning and bought another 1,000 foot roll of hemp Rope.

23044942? ago

To destroy Liberty.

Quit worshipping a man rather than God, faggot.

23044909? ago

Just like us. We would fight until were fully dead and if we turned into ghosts we would continue our fight.

23065303? ago


23044902? ago

Release the hounds.

23044882? ago

This is the icing on the cake. Guess it's time for Patriots to take things into their own hands. I suggest Pitchforks and torches in the streets of Washington DC, they can screw their shelter in place crap. It's time to take back control. I'm fed up.

23045197? ago


23045319? ago

Nice try you two. Trust the plan.

23045353? ago

And just what fucking plan would that be? I keep hearing about a plan I am supposed to trust, but no one has ever clarified just what this plan entails. Or whose plan it even is. Posting on the internet, while our nation and world is destroyed? What? Do tell me, I'm all ears.

23045362? ago

What nation are you in, that’s being destroyed? Not America!! Lol

23045400? ago

Yeah America jackass. And a whole bunch of other nations. So again, just WHAT is this brilliant "plan" we are supposed to be following? Go ahead. Break it down for me like I am 5. You can't. So shut the fuck up.

23045429? ago

You will be here again tomorrow with the same tired act. So gay.

Me, I’m enjoying the show and trusting the plan.

23048888? ago

Lol, sure. You have no idea what the plan is, or whose idea it was but you're enjoying the hell out of it. You just have no idea what "it" is.

Hope you have enough TP to wipe the drool off your chin Mongo.

23046505? ago

Aka sitting on your ass and doing nothing, all while expecting the government to do the work for you. You fucking brainwashed dumbass, you dont realize that's what got us in this situation in the first place? Wake the fuck up

23044833? ago

The virus was not a false flag, it was an attack by China and the Dems and the WHO the whole global power cabal of evil.

It was a two fer for the Dems, they could destroy the older more conservative generation and destroy the President at the same time.

23053007? ago

I was assuming it was a deep US state op, planting the virus at the Wuhan military games and without Chinese state assistance. Though the triads and Chinese deep state [rogue CIA infiltration] may have helped.

Q seems to be suggesting it was the Harvard professor who transferred the virus - presumably without knowing or caring what it might be used for.

Always consider it could just be a tragic accident - like the heart attacks, and car and plane crashes.

What an absolutely foul plot.

23046110? ago

The whole things is a mass ritual sacrifice, which began symbolically with Kobe Bryant's murder.

Covid converted to Hebrew and then converted back to english reveals Kobe.

They are attempting to sacrifice us all, and bring on Armageddon.

23065281? ago

I saw that earlier. How did they get "covid" out of it though? The "cov" part I get; where's the "id" come from?

23070453? ago

I worked this out the other day, and then voila, it appeared in the decode results as well: >








This is an AI war as I have said here many times.

23045401? ago

are not most of the cabal, old themselves?

23044831? ago


23044717? ago

POWER at ANY PRICE. That's how the DS and Demon rats roll. This is their mantra. POWER and MONEY is all they want, all they seek, all they strive for. And everyone else in their book can just Fuck off. That is how much the DS loves Americans. Lose your job? TFB, Lose your house? TFB, Lose your life? TFB. EVIL BASTARDS.

23044622? ago

Yup and by all accounts its working perfectly. Arrests will not happen, Trump will gone in November, and China suing Biden as a proxy, will run US policy for 4 years.

23046175? ago

U may be on to something, shillbert...Maybe it will drag on to April 1st, 2nd, or maybe even 3rd...All the while, The Guard is deployed in all the Dem states where the "reeee reeee" rioters live. While we real Americans use discernment and take care of our families...See, here's the thing...Riots only occur 1 of 2 ways...An uncivilized community or a paid promoter(s)...And GS isnt good at following through on payment...Take a look what cities and states are swarming with Guard troops right now! Trust The Plan, jackass!!!

23046196? ago

Oh, and btw...Once POTUS employs the EAS, u know it's game over...Cuz that's when the dumbest of the dumb wont be able to dispute jack shit!

23045445? ago

Since Trump "has it all", he could simply take over the airwaves, blast it all to everyone, end this all now and be done with it.

23045333? ago

Kek, you honestly think Biden stands a chance?

23044621? ago

And Kill as many people as they can in the process!

[They] Are The Enemy Of The People!

23044530? ago

Sessions is chomping at the bit... Loose the silent executioner.

23044526? ago

Yup. Indeed

23044511? ago

Arrests fucking when??

23047793? ago

No arrests. I want heads on fucking spikes.

23057262? ago

Alpha gets a spike next week, it looks like.

23044461? ago

ALSO it stopped all grand juries in their tracks which means it put Durham on hold

23044522? ago

If the civilian courts are shut down I belive civilians can be tried in military courts. Can someome confirm?

23046165? ago

For treason yes

23044337? ago

The Coronavirus is supposed to be a lot deadly. A quarter of the population supposed to die per Bill Gates over population talk.

23047018? ago

It leaves scar in your lung rendering it ineffective. You are basically a walking ATM to the big pharma even you survive.

23044311? ago

Don’t forget, it’s also to kill thousands and thousands if us off so we won’t be here to vote for them. Because dead men only vote Democrat.

23045161? ago

Lol...dead ppl are the Dems multiplier

23044289? ago

Maybe we are being duped. Agenda 21 anyone?

23044821? ago

Event 21? EVENT 2O1?!!!

23058425? ago

yeah it's a little too obvious.

23044262? ago

Video & tweet which exposed the Democratic Party's Scam Coronavirus Bill at https://voat.co/v/QRV/3722986/

23044258? ago

Pelosi/demoncraps are such a anti-American bitch !

23044224? ago

This crap has got to be put down. All involved in this treason should be fully held accountable immediately!

23044118? ago

As much as it pains me, this is not a false flag.

I’ve been monitoring this shit from scant Chinese social media since early February. It’s real regardless of how it began. Perhaps released to quell global awakening to how things really work. We all know it was catching on like wildfire.

It’s here now.

I truly believe Trump is working his ass off to mitigate this. However, he’s just a man in a den of vipers. Pray for him.

23045306? ago


It hardly kills as many as the flu. Even in China.

Fear porn til the end. Sad!

23044863? ago

So you saw the videos of people keeling over and gyrating in China and then none of that shit happens to anyone here "infected" with it too right.

23046619? ago

Right...and the chinese lady who said it was all fake and planned out

23048551? ago


23044770? ago

No fucking shit its real, no one is saying its fake accept for one or two trolls who don't believe anything. That doesn't change the fact that it was probably a controlled release by the deepstate.

23045311? ago



23044688? ago

You don't know the definition of a False Flag. This is classic.

23044673? ago

False Flags are real. People really die.

23044463? ago

You should know, the term "False Flag" does not mean it isn't real. It refers to an intentional attack which is designed so as to obfuscate.its origin.

23044549? ago


23044074? ago

Why aren't they in cuffs? Order their arrests Mr. President.

23054266? ago

How do you know they haven't been arrested?........you don't.

23059525? ago

Q's last posts made it seem like the deep state is fighting to get Biden elected. That really fucking depresses me. Why isn't that crooked piece of shit behind bars? Instead he is running for president. WTF? I'm going crazy.

23060200? ago

Part of getting a conviction with someone as well known as Biden is to get his true self known to the public. That, and cleaning out the justice system. That took awhile, but now it's done and everyone knows what a real crook he is. It'll happen, but in due time. Seems he's running for President...at least giving the appearance. [DS] plans to replace him at some point (convention), as I see it. We want to know how this goes, so let it run. Enjoy the show.

23044047? ago

Biological warfare released by China in concert with the cabal to inflict damage on the world economy and POTUS in particular in multiple areas. And that wrinkled old whore Pelosi has the gaul to push voter fraud changes into bills which would throw US citizens some crumbs in a time of need.

23044143? ago




Worth 43 minutes of your time.


Important to understand going forward.



23047605? ago

This is that great video of Pence "going off" on China and spitting truth for 43 minutes straight....must watch

23043819? ago

not so false but yeah seems this way and that's fucked up for all the innocent people who've died from this and what their families have been through .

23043652? ago

If this is true, it means that the virus is a real threat to America and that Trump is currently reacting to it; he's on the defensive.

If coronavirus is not a cover for whitehats that they planned, then arrests won't happen at this time.

If Q is saying that coronavirus was released by the deepstate, then I would assume it could be proven. If it can be proven, then why don't they just do that and end this shit?

23050261? ago

In intel there are different degrees of confidence. There are times where you have a lot of data to make deductions with context that are highly probable, but they still would not pass the test of proof in a court room.

23050790? ago

This sounds realistic. If what you said is true, then we don't have proof that coronavirus is a deepstate bioweapon AND Trump is on the defensive.

Q's first post yesterday was probably the most disheartening ever for me. There was so much speculation that this quarantine/shutdown was many were hoping for since the start of this. We were hoping it was a cover for mass arrests, etc. Q is implying that this is not their op and it was designed to destroy Trump's presidency.

23065220? ago

You are disappointed that Q didn't release the virus. I see you, shill.

23066078? ago

Yeah that's what I meant. Low IQ post.

23048258? ago

The virus is real. - But the threat from it as it is has been, and is being assessed is not as dangerous as once thought. He's being a good leader by assuaging fears and staying calm. Q posted that Corona was "offline" - This can interpreted in many ways, however, - the take away is that the threat was presumed neutralized. - To err on the side of caution is no err at all. - Trump and his team are proving themselves to be Mavericks. Plain and simple. Every move they make exposes them and enlightens us. We are protected by our military. - People have got to remember Trump is not alone. He has a royal host of the finest soldiers, doctors, scientists, and thinkers at his side. They are fighting an enemy that relies primarily on subterfuge and obstruction. His moves are bound to confound sooner or later. I'm with him and the patriots until the end without shame or fear.

23048185? ago

if they dont arrest them all durnig this wartime with the virus then we will lose window of opportunity

and it is all in vain.`all is in place

marshall law everything fits

23047255? ago

There are many ways the deep state could attack Trump & his re-election, not just the virus. They could have sent Antifa to commit violence, keep working on rigging key elections, a suitcase nuke, sleeper cells, terrorist attack, etc...

I think they knew biological warfare was a possibility, but they didn't know exactly what type of attack it was until it happened.

The silent war is still going on, IMHO. I also think the white hats are winning but it's not a simple or easy war.

I too wish the arrests were soon, but the person with the full info has to make this call.

23046853? ago

Whitehats did not create the coronavirus pandemic. http://archive.is/Jmi1o#selection-3771.2-3762.4

23046202? ago

This part disappointed me a bit also. I was hoping this was all smoke & mirrors to disguise the fact that arrests were imminent. The fact that we are on the defensive and reacting to this whole thing makes me think we are not as close to the end as I thought we were.

23046388? ago

Are you ready to entertain the idea that Q is a psyop yet? The rest of voat has been saying it since all of this started.

23049053? ago

The rest of Voat are retards. It's not enough to think you know everything.

23050105? ago

Q people aren't exactly the smartest of the bunch. At least the rest of voat isn't dumb enough to have fallen for a psyop.

23065202? ago

I bet you think we're standing on a globe.

23066904? ago

You definitely have no room to talk about intelligence if you're a flat earther lmao

23063395? ago

And yet this shill faggot still finds himself here.

23066896? ago

Muh anyone who doesnt fall for Q is a shill

23066929? ago

And this gag got remains here.... like HIV in a bathhouse. Go away, faggot.

23071113? ago

Ah so you can talk shit but I cant respond? Typical q tard. Keep projecting buddy

23071270? ago

The faggot sticks around, like some HIV or Corona virus. Hush maggot.

23073715? ago

Lol keep up with the name calling. It says more about you than me ;)

23075642? ago

You like the abuse. Kinky weirdo

23046503? ago


23046539? ago

Okay. Keep trusting the plan then. Hopefully you'll come to your senses soon

23045948? ago

It was a known propaganda event...and POTUS/Q use it to accomplish more of their mission. Yes it’s real, but is it the exact same virus the Globalists though it was late last year? That’s a question burning in my mind.

23045866? ago

There is no virus. It is the same symptoms as the flu. The only thing that makes any of this real is the fear propaganda spread by the MSM, CDC, WHO. No virus has ever been isolated according to Kochs postulates and have never been proven to exist. False flags, on the other hand, have plenty of evidence backing their existence.

23045595? ago

If they would have gotten to witnesses to stretch it out, and targeted enough GOP Senators has with it for quarantines, they could have removed Trump.

23045227? ago

No, it means the panic is the false flag and the virus is either harmless or fake.

23045032? ago

Trump has come this far with the virus situation, he gotta let it play out now which i think he will try to do quickly

23044761? ago

Patriots will lose.

5 GOP senators are out sick. DNC senators all voted to block the previous bill in unison. Dems have effective majority in both houses. Bill will pass unopposed. Bill will land on Trump's desk unaltered/more heavily porked with liberal dream provisions.

Dems will incite fear and panic to the point of causing riots to stop Trump from Vetoing the bill.

November 2020 will be rigged, no ammount of citizen voting will ever defeat their ballot stuffing.

Biden sworn in 2021, China controls senile Biden. Biden will borker treaties with China (Treaties override the constitution) to both remove citizen rights and permanently enshrine Pro-China trade provisions. Biden family will be heavily rewarded by China.

Peoples Republic of America.

Game over, nice knowing you folks. Patriots lost.

23045044? ago

defeatist cuck

23044859? ago

Trump is the Road Runner. Beep! Beep! ^Not going to happen.

23045119? ago

So is Nervous Nancy the Tazmanian Devil? Lol

23045479? ago

lol. Her teeth might fall out during the spin.

23044852? ago

Not ruthless enough.

23044249? ago

Maybe the whitehats knew it would be released, but couldn’t stop it. Instead they are using it as cover to conduct important military operations and to expose China, the MSM, and the Dems.

23051892? ago

Maybe they did stop it one or two times previously... on US soil? Remember the helicopters and biohazard suits? I wonder if this same stunt was tried earlier, with ground zero being in the US, but that plot was foiled by white hats?

Now, left without those options, the DS/CCP decided to release it inside China where they could guarantee it would reach critical mass that would then get exported around the world through travel?

23047539? ago

Perhaps they allow the emptying streets globally because it serves the White Hat agenda as well. Collective fear is the greatest danger at this time.

23046988? ago

Oh FFS, your so-called white hats got caught with their pants down. This has deep state all over it and was not foreseen by the Trump administration in any way. That's like saying I knew my cellmate Tyrone was going to rape me, so I pre-lubed my ass for him with a mayo packet from the commissary. There are NO arrests coming. No corn will be harvested.

23048122? ago

Save the cob for your gum bumpers cause they are full of shit. TP WAS THE PLAN FOR WHEN SHTF!!

23047137? ago

You are a moron. Enjoy the show.

23045702? ago

This is what I'm hoping for. Because I don't think this warranted the response his team gave it. Exaggerated even by them. Alot of people were hurt by this

23045907? ago

Alot of people hurt....according to the news.

23046626? ago

Not from the virus. From the shutdowns

23053595? ago

It appears that it's only the pedowood elites and politicians. (((They))) tell us other normal people are dying but until the fake news starts telling the truth, I wont believe them

23045422? ago

expose to the people that already know. This whole thing stinks and I'm really starting to be sure that this isn't "the storm" that everyone here said it was. This is the beginning of our end and they didn't stop it because of OPTICS.

23045334? ago


23046038? ago

That's coming.

23045128? ago

I think this has to be close to the truth. - They knew. Q proofs exist to support this. - They knew, and they did what they had to do. Military action imminent because, - you can't just let them get away with it. Gotta take them out. Can you imagine the intelligence that POTUS probably has right now? - Q warned them "We can hear you breathe." - They know every move those crooked fuckers are going to make. Enjoy the show guys.

23048190? ago

fein fucking stein in wuhan 2 years ago!!!!!!!!!

23046731? ago

Trump said this was no big deal and just like the flu. If they knew then they lied about how threatening it was in the beginning.

23047158? ago

Or the people in charge of telling him proper info were lying. The Diamond Princess was okay’d by the State Dept. after being to no by the White House...right?

23045765? ago

More evidence of treason. But did we really need more???

23046685? ago

triple dog dare treason

23046249? ago

Perhaps to overcome the protections given to the deep state players by the Obama Pardons??? Just an idea..

23044837? ago

Somehow, I don't think so. The PLAN keeps getting pushed back all the time, as the DS continues to pull one FF after another.

23045089? ago

I figured this whole “lockdown” was to keep everyone safe from potential FF while OPs were underway directed at bad actors

23045035? ago

We haven't really had a FF in a long time... this social distancing is really working against the dS... no school shootings, or concert shootings possible now... white hats are using their virus bullshit against them

23045263? ago

No groups of more than 10 in most places

23064738? ago

and no more than 2 in some places!

23044877? ago

The plan is a war plan, and we are in the middle of it.

23045735? ago

They have nearly unlimited ammo.

23044956? ago

Starting not to believe that. Seems Satan has one thing or another up his sleeve. It never ends. It will be a new distraction in 2 weeks when this is over with. Guaranteed.

23045684? ago

If you're already fatigued by this, you best stay on the sidelines...

23044675? ago

This is war, there will be innocent casualties.

If the deepstate released covid-19, what tf else are they willing to release.

23046902? ago

Diabetus. So they can reap the rewards of the sweet sweet diabetus testin supply industry, which they have conveniently cornered.

23046453? ago

This is war

23046138? ago

Hopefully they are not willing to start a war with China. Though that would kinda line up with the events of the book of Revelations.

23045259? ago

Maybe they have a virus that is MORE dangerous than the flu in their arsenal lol

23045653? ago

Don't down play something that just got started. It'll snowball.

23048086? ago

Egg Roll

23045738? ago

Doubt it!

23051644? ago

Based on what evidence?

23052602? ago

The measly death count that doesn’t come close to the flu?

The fact that 3700 people on a tiny boat with no quarantine experienced it as a cold or minor flu and only 5 people died (less than if the flu had swept through the boat)?

The way lefties and shills get FURIOUS when we doubt upon the official story that it’s “super srs guys, stop laughing, it’s not the flu!”?


If you are concerned about this virus you have not been paying attention.

23053231? ago

evidence, you need supporting evidence if you're going to make a claim. try again

23064731? ago

otheranon here, can you not see? there's ton of evidence in the post above yours! "wah, no links" but it's truth if you care to research.

23044326? ago

Wishful thinking. Complete speculation.

23045719? ago

Fuck off, it's all speculation.

23045474? ago

Nearly everything is speculation.

23045324? ago

doesn't name the jewish problem once

23045249? ago

Gotta have some faith man...

23044474? ago

I unfortunately agree. Not seeing it how Q has something that will stop this

23045252? ago

Stop what?

Good grief, don’t tell me you think the Wuhan virus is dangerous?

23044807? ago


23044442? ago

Which is why I said maybe, and you look like and uptight prick.

23044557? ago


23044936? ago

I feel as though Trump is on the defensive. I do like that man - don't get me wring. I think he might be setting himself up for a fall here. He is talking in absolutes with the virus, economy, drugs, and the things he's saying he can't possibly know for sure.

It's going to be a potential really big let down. Pelosi's shit eating grin today has me thinking she's sitting nicely.

23045783? ago

He speaks with absolute because he knows for sure. He also mentioned that he knows a lot about things like this because of his Uncle.

23045714? ago

He is talking in absolutes with the virus, economy, drugs, and the things he's saying he can't possibly know for sure.

That's what I used to think, and I still hate the thought, but they do know exactly what's going to happen, that's why Q always says trust the plan, and nothing can stop what is coming, because nothing can, because it's like it's already happened, I know, it sounds insane. But take it to the bank I say.

23045176? ago

Now thats some wishful thinking lol. Enjoy the show shill.

23045568? ago

Every show ends. Every one.

23045649? ago

As will yours very soon

23046911? ago

Fite me.

23044010? ago

Maybe more important to make sure the cure is in mass production mode, then make it so these people “can’t walk down the street”

23044946? ago

We aren't there yet.

23044270? ago

It's been almost four years. If they released a bioweapon that has killed thousands across the planet in a matter of months and that can be proven fact, you wouldn't need anything else to arrest them. If Q can't prove it to be fact, then why are they saying it at all?

Not to mention all of the other shit Q has claimed they have proof of.

What has to happen for the responsible parties to be held accountable? I'm starting to believe Q is a psyop.

23047563? ago

Me too. Kinda bummed right now. If all this ends and we are left with a great economy ONLY, after all this hoopla? That will suck.

23045919? ago

Let's not forget that "We The People" sat on our thumbs as they made it legal to kill our children up to and including after birth! Let's not get sentimental because the deceased, in this case, had the opportunity to develop rrlationships with others...Maybe we should use this as a time of reflection for the things we've slept through that have plagued our human condition! No one is totally innocent in all of this! We've allowed Satan to flourish...But, we have a loving and merciful God! We all should thank Him for that!

23045808? ago

Q is not a psyop, hes just a very successful larp/troll that fucked many people straight in the frontal cortex.

It’s actually a thing of beauty, if that sort of shit gets the rocks off.

23045743? ago

What would happen if the truth was dropped right now? How many would riot, how many would start taking matters into their own hands, how much destruction and death would be the price paid just to slake your immediate thirst for justice?

23044730? ago

All this goes to show is that you really have no clue what's going on behind the scenes. This is war, it's not that easy.

That's like saying "go arrest the [insert another countries intelligence agency here] because they're bad people". It's just not that easy.

The world is not as it seems.

23047225? ago


23045421? ago

But they can kill top Iranian generals who defeated western backed proxy armies in Syria.

23044603? ago

What you are is a lying shill and useful idiot for satanic pedophiles.

23044975? ago

There was not a lie in what was said. Keep your head Patriot.

23044662? ago

Far from it but no way to prove that. The problem with this community is that 90% of the critical thinkers from the chans didn't move here. So now when anyone doesn't blindly drink the koolaid, you get high IQ discussion courtesy of brainlets like yourself.

23045862? ago

FOLLOW THE WHITE RABBIT: Fresh Air And Sunshine - Q Proofs/Decode 'o-o' <



23044649? ago

No u

23044494? ago


23043583? ago

Makes more and more sense each day as to why they won't be able to walk the streets. If people's cognitive dissonance is too powerful to acknowledge the pedo stuff, and the 9/11 stuff, they will definitely acknowledge this as it is fresh in their minds and happening in current time.

23045216? ago

The Dems just keep on exposing themselves on a daily basis to the general public...

Im sure there are many ppl pissed rt now that she/they blocked the bill for overly partisan reasons

23043349? ago

WOW. If actually attempting a genocide (of billions) isn't enough to start arrests, i don't know what is.

23046760? ago

Or maybe there's no patriots in power at all. I prefer simpler explaination.

23045277? ago

Genocide of billions? With a flu? Lol

23045347? ago

Well, since we know from the q drop that it was indeed released by the black hats, yeah - it might be that deadly.

23045392? ago

He said “don’t fear.”

So why are you here sowing fear, as a shill would, faggot?

23046226? ago

If i'm afraid of what is happening right now then i'm automatically a shill? Is that what you are saying?

23046829? ago

Yes. That or a brainlet. Neither is an appealing look tho.

23046609? ago

Dangling fear porn makes you a shill.

23045778? ago


23045103? ago


23044741? ago

Maybe the time is ripe for average patriots to "clean the house" once and for all.

Maybe that's what Q and Trump have been waiting for us to do all along. It's been almost 4 years and the people, although now awake, are still fairly complacent.

23047586? ago

I've wondered that many times. They run a risk of patriots either losing patience in "the plan" or reading the tea leaves to say that it's "go time" and they've been unleashed. The bloodshed and chaos that could ensue might undo the plan, so this really is a balancing act.

23050315? ago

If you lose patience and leave Q, you'll soon be back in an instant as soon arrests start, who are you kidding.

23048228? ago

or the plan is just a honeypoot by kabal

and they are all fucking actors that teased us into roudning up and eliminating

23045613? ago

This thought crossed my mind before but why would they go through the trouble of all those sealed indictments

23045863? ago

The map of sealed indictments needs to be looked at critically.

Why are so many in EASTERN WASHINGTON? Its bum fuck Egypt. The reason, its to support a Rico action against MS-13.

The sealed indictments started around same time Jeff Sessions said publicly that MS-13 would be a priority for him and JD.

23044502? ago


Think about the situation here. Q is basically saying that they know where they all are, they have full intel, etc.

And yet, instead of intervening to stop a virus that has, to date, claimed several thousand lives (and will doubtless claim several tens of thousands before its extinguished), they did nothing.

How hard is it, with the might of the US military, to shoot a few fuckers in the face? I mean we'd all like public show trials and the like, but compared to the social, economic, and human lives cost of the corona virus, I could have settled for simple quiet executions.

The public would rebel? So fucking what. Release the videos of what they've done, let street brawls clear out the brainwashed and beat them into submission.

They didn't know / couldn't stop them? Then they didn't have it all

Potus knows the cure and its x anti malari drug + the other one? Then fucking release it months ago, and have the public drug trials to prove efficacy.

House cleaned in places like italy, uk, etc? Then why not share the data with them and let them demonstrate the efficacy.

Literally all Q / Potus has demonstrated is that their "plan" is worth more than the entire worldwide cost of the coronavirus. Now its easy to say the end justifies the means, and sure I don't disagree. But when there's another possible route out, and all it costs is some quiet executions and some bloody public riots? Boo hoo I'll cope.

23046848? ago

Literally all Q / Potus has demonstrated is that their "plan" is worth more than the entire worldwide cost of the coronavirus. Now its easy to say the end justifies the means, and sure I don't disagree. But when there's another possible route out, and all it costs is some quiet executions and some bloody public riots? Boo hoo I'll cope.

Problem is, if end justifies the means, why no arrests yet ? why seems patriots always must "do it right / do it legally" when its convenient for the DS only ?

23045806? ago

Gee....is that "all it'd take"? Man, you've really helped to unpack this whole thing for the rest of us dumb-dumbs.

23045869? ago





How many orders can a person give with 50 bullets perforating their spinal cavity, and their body decaying from 3 weeks of decay?

Do you "have it all"?


then you know who to target

23045396? ago

I read about many deadman switches involving nukes in the occasion they lose - so i think thats the reason He "accepts" a "few thousand" deads because the Alternative would be gruesome

23045852? ago

Are those nukes disarmed?

Or are they not?

If they're "panicking", and "losing", then either they can't activate the nukes because they're disarmed, or they're not, in which case Q is hardly in control, and there's no reason to believe most won't be set off anyway

I mean seriously, lets consider this. You have nukes as a last resort. You're "losing". You're using all your penultimate last gasp weapons. On what planet are you not sitting on a hair trigger to let off the nukes anyway? On what planet would 99% of them not be set off anyway?

Why do you believe these people will wait to use their ultimate weapon even while they know they're slowly being disarmed??

23047567? ago

Bingo. Even IF the white hats have already assured victory, they have to keep their enemy thinking they still have a chance. And with each passing day, the risk lessens.....but the price being paid for each of those passing days is getting higher and higher.

I don't think this goes on too much longer - there's a breaking point for both sides and it's coming fast now.

23046889? ago

I m glad to witness more and more reasons and logical thinkings in this community. Thank you !

23045130? ago

I'm with you. It's time.

23044727? ago

You are thinking logically. That is forbidden in the Q world.

Unfortunately we've been had.

23045058? ago

Lol ahhh shucks...

23044935? ago

Bye then

23044641? ago

True. I'm not sure anymore how much longer we should sit on out fat asses watching the open genocidal WAR on our species while posting funny memes on the internet.

23051847? ago

I'm not gonna lie. I clicked on the 3 replies link under your post hoping for memes. :-/

23046434? ago

But...but....we're supposed to be eating popcorn, enjoying the movie, and trusting the plan.....you mean complacency isn't the way? The government wont arrest itself?

23050865? ago

If you think 3 years is too long to defeat the hidden enemy and the Q team isn't doing a thing, then what do you suggest us anons do to defeat a cabal who has had control of the world for centuries?

23052677? ago

Stop being misled by false saviors and actually taking action would be a good start. You're on a website of like-minded people. Collaborate. But sitting around and waiting for a millionaire, surrounded by jews, who's been bailed out by the Rothschilds in the past, to do the work for you is laughable.

23052263? ago

I'm not at all saying that it should have be done already. I know they are ruling for centuries. I'm just not sure anymore we are fighting them at all.

If we could have a high-level arrest, just to show we are heading in the RIGHT direction, i'd bet that would calm alot of patriots down.

23045137? ago

Glad i have a skinny ass...

23044738? ago

Which is why they are rolling out the military now.

23043330? ago

What's so obvious now is how NP delayed the articles until the CV crisis started for the purpose of delaying any house action on the virus for 3 critical weeks. This ensured it took it's roots to become a real problem.

23043187? ago

Or dead.

23044866? ago

I'm torn between what I would enjoy more, seeing them executed at the hands of Patriots, or seeing them die by drowning in their own mucus because they contracted their own virus.

23046489? ago

You might have to wait a while for the mucus thing....I didnt think coronavirus causes excess mucus?

23043842? ago



23043173? ago

Whatever it is, it's a tangled web, and the evil are scrambling to fuck it up as much as possible for good people, in favor of EVIL people.

23044810? ago

This is a coup. China is backing the DNC and wants to use them to overthrow America's Republic so they can extract favorable Pro-China provisions in all future trade deals. They will use this to conquor America with soft power.

23097220? ago

The troublex is traitors. Be prepared to kill wholesale baby. LOTS of killing on the way.

23045704? ago

I wouldn't be to worried about china, they couldn't take taiwan a shitty little island right in front of them, same with japan, in fact the japanese gave china a good stomping.

and on top of all that, they can't do anything right, how much cheap shit have you bought of them that falls apart within a week

So good luck with that military hardware.

23048905? ago

You sound like Sleepy Joe "ahhhh cmon man, china"

23050022? ago

Nope its probably the most sobering description of china, they have never mounted any transatlantic military invasion, no communist nation has ever done that, they only spread into their neighbours, like china with tibet, and russia with the fringe east euro countrys.

23047193? ago

If China touch Taiwan in the slightest both the US and Japan are fighting.. despite this I absolutely do worry about the CPP - Masters of Deception!

23046499? ago

The only reason any of that is true is because of President Trump.

23043154? ago

That's never going to happen. Keep crashing that carrot pony boy.