If "the plan" is what I think it is and we're either in "the storm" right now or it's about to hit soon, let me remind you of that execurive order signed by Trump in December of 2017:
Whatever economic losses any of us suffer in the next several days, it seems pretty clear (to me at least) that the EO is going to facilitate that our government seizes all the stolen and ill-gotten wealth of the cabal.
If you consider who the bad actors are and what they're worth, we're talking several trillions of dollars that magically show up in the treasury in short order.
As far as "owing money to the fed," that debt disappears in basically an instant. Think about who owns the fed.
A simple example would be...let's say that I owed $5 million to a drug cartel kingpin, let's say El Chapo.
But then I kill El Chapo, take over the cartel, and seize all its assets? Guess who I no longer owe $5 million to?
In such a situation, the only other entities we would owe money to would be China, maybe some other countries? We certainly wouldn't owe a central bank, in any case.
Remember that the cabal's wealth WAS STOLEN FROM YOU in various ways. Through ridiculous taxes, the social security scam, embezzling and laundering tax dollars, the central banking system, etc.
It's not going to be difficult to subsidize the masses who need help when you suddenly come into that much cheddar. Think about it.
Reinhart ago
Lol qtards believe this
Johnny_Ninja ago
Read the EO. It does actually exist and has already been signed.
Reinhart ago
Yes yes, I know about the EO.
I think it's hilariously naïve that you fools think that not only is Trump not one of them, not only is he going after his friends, but that somehow when the cabal is all arrested (snort) the government will take all of that money and actually use it to your benefit.
ldsanon ago
We are on the verge of an American Renaissance! We are experiencing the labor pains now, but the new Republic will be delivered soon. WWG1WGA.
AUSAFVet ago
Thanks Johnny!!..I was going to post the same topic..
Even though we all can't celebrate together.. Happy St Paddy's Day!
Have a drink on my tab! lol lol
scoripowarrior ago
At this point, I think this virus came out of nowhere and had caught POTUS and Q off guard. I think POTUS is working around the clock now to stop the DS from destroying the world economies and the spread of this virus. IMO this was an accidental release of a bioweapon being worked on. Now we all have to contend with it. I also believe that the MSM has been used to expand the panic and blow everything out of context. All this "bailout" is an attempt to tank our economy and destroy American businesses.
Johnny_Ninja ago
You very well may be right. So many possibilities, but nothing points definitively at any of them.
DirtyErnie ago
Does Leo Wanta still have like $23T from collapsing the Soviet Union in his charge (allegedly wants to give it back to the U.S. Treasury but not while the Cabal runs the show), or was this debunked and I missed it?
scoripowarrior ago
First I've head of that. I remember reading a long while back about this Leo Wanta.
jrpark05 ago
Well said buddy, and great food for thought!
Bonefish5 ago
I’m behind enemy lines in the blue. Even if we get $1000 for example from this pandemic thing, it won’t even cover my property taxes for a month.
What about those of us who don’t only ‘owe the fed’ - but who are held hostage by the corrupt teachers and cops unions, municipal government grifters who demand their pensions and health benefits for 30-40+ years after they’ve retired? I’ve been trying to fight this to zero avail.
BeeBop71 ago
I would give up every penny for a cancer cure. Tired of seeing people die.
albeit ago
There's some resources in this discussion that might interest you. https://voat.co/v/QRV/3574018
I can't personally attest to effectiveness of any of these - fortunately none of my friends or family have cancer.
un1ty ago
I'm not worried.
Cashed out my 401(k) to roll into IRA about a month ago and then all this shit hit. So I've upped my prep game and am sitting pretty. Have a phone interview for a senior management position later today.
scoripowarrior ago
I think we should sit tight for now and sell low. Things will come back once the virus has passed.
numina18 ago
Yes, this is exactly right!!
brettco12 ago
I think it was decided that we all need skin in the game$$$ before the virus is shown as faked by the news and elites so people will wake up.
19810708321b ago
And now, the administration is going to cut us checks within 2 weeks! Sweet!
Astrotheologist ago
why would trump still be lying to us then? He just told us the economy is strong as its ever been.
Complete bullshit.
We are in economic freefall and Trump is being used as a pawn to usher in the NWO people.
Wake the fuck up. Everyone is jumping ship. 11000 resignations and no one arrested. They are jumping from the burning ship people.
Jonny_Ninja ago
If he's sitting on seized assets in the trillions, then technically he's right. We just don't know it yet. Take your fearporn horseshit elsewhere.
Neskuaxa ago
Adding to this thought. Something like this would need to happen world wide. Otherwise the cabal will just root in another country with a Fiat currency and quietly start over. No, all central banks need to go. Early on Q posted a lengthy list of countries Rothschild backed central banks. I wonder if other countries in on the plan have put similar laws to this into place?
Jonny_Ninja ago
You'd have to think that ALL Roth assets are seized worldwide. So yes, I would imagine a similar outcome for other countries.
HonestBrah ago
Still trying to figure out the best way to financially position for this situation. I have 1/3rd of my portfolio in stocks that got crushed and 2/3rds cash.
PoopityScoopy ago
If this storm is all bullshit I'm going to lose my mind
AdValorem ago
Troop movements might be a good indicator. Sauce?
Then, it would be nice to see a few high level arrests, no?
Leatherwood123 ago
Remember how Q said that the cabal has intentionally kept us under constant financial stress so that we would be so busy working and worrying about making ends meet that we would not have the time or the energy to notice what they were doing to us? They have also done their best to keep us in a constant state of fear, particularly since 9/11. It would seem that there is no punishment sufficient for these evil beings, although eternal damnation is no doubt worse than anything we could possibly imagine.
PrincessCinderella ago
I have never doubted. I have always trusted The Plan and President Trump.
madmardigan ago
I doubt Trump will ever say "the storm is upon us", most likely he will say something around Easter about the "storm has past".
motorcycledog ago
I would love to hear him say “the storm is upon us” . I’d be like Chris Matthews with a tingle running down my legs!
angelCole ago
At least several trillion, maybe many trillions if what we think is true about the Roths is true.
Jonny_Ninja ago
Yeah, it'll be interesting to know the real number. In any case, the amount should be sufficient.
I_Am_Nobody ago
So do we get major refunds with interest? I don’t want the treasury sitting on piles of cash that was wrongfully taken from me under the premise we had deficits/debts and funding needs.
Also, fuck repaying China. Our debt is erased through al of the IP theft they’ve conducted against us. In fact they likely owe us money.
Jonny_Ninja ago
I won't speculate on that. But I do think that since much of the money was in fact, stolen from us, it definitely seems logical.
JasonTakesMAGAhattan ago
If this wasn’t part of the plan there wouldn’t be little Q nods in his videos and he wouldn’t of quoted that Scavino post about nothing can stop what’s coming.
Come on guys. It’s on.
rockyracoon74 ago
I don't know if this is important but a test of the Emergency Alert System just happened in Bergen County NJ on 3/17 at 11:11 am. I was watching Stuart Varney on FBN at the time.
Chasmaniac ago
I wonder how this can also be the time for Executive Order 13603? That's the one everyone freaked out about because of all the "martial law" like powers it gives a president.
I hate that my “retirement” is based on nonexistent money that gains or loses value based on an intangible confidence or lack there of. Weirder though, are the large companies with massive assets that “lost” value. Did they really lose value? For example, does Freeport no longer own all that copper and the means to get it and sell it? What is the value, a perception on the stock market or the physical and actual means to convert a mineral into a necessary commodity?
Telstar ago
Yes excellent write up. Our wealth was also stolen through inflation — the Fed printing and injecting more and more paper dollars into circulation, thereby lowering the worth of the currency from what it was originally, to a few cents on the dollar in terms of buying power. And some of the enormous ways they embezzled tax dollars were through their income tax hoax, foreign aid scams, and even through fractional reserve banking. Their trillions are actually OUR stolen wealth robbed over the decades. It should ALL be returned to the PEOPLE. Thanks again Patriot for your clear and succinct explanation.
EuropeNeedsFixing ago
That has been my thoughts as well - except I don't really know how Europe is going to be fixed. We don't have a Trump (or a 2nd Amendment) and many Europeans are just too complacent to do anything. Plus, this whole Corona business is taking the hopes out of everyone. Things are looking grim - even for me, that has followed Q from the beginning.
EuropeNeedsFixing ago
Thanks Patriots!
I was a little depressed, and needed some boost (or kick in the ass), which you have kindly given me...
un1ty ago
I don't really like the guy, but he has some great soundbites:
Jonny_Ninja ago
Europe owes money to central banks, too. The same banks owned by those same people. I would have to think something similar is in store for them. Have faith.
Awokcanuck ago
I'm Canadian, we all have been ripped of by the central banking system. The clean up is ww, all countries will be experiencing a debt jubilee. The DS goes down and new systems go into place.
Like op's example with el chapo
PGLiterati2 ago
Yes, but of course that is where they want us--feeling grim and hopeless. Lots of patriots in Europe too--and people are getting angry. Stay strong--it is a challenge right now, I know.
Q20191776 ago
Remember the source of the "ill-gotten" gains. Yep the same source that paid all those lawyers for the Mueller probe.
atthefeetofmonsters ago
We have all been taught learned pessimism - things are what they are but that is just a postage stamp consensus of our download. All perception we have been programmed. Rules. What happens when you have the power to change that.
1Paydaddy ago
All the bases are covered. Good analysis Patriot.
therobots ago
Another point: the "FED" has been buying up mortgage backed securities, and are going to buy even more. So when they are crushed - those mortgages become the property of...
Jonny_Ninja ago
they become property of who? I'm no financial expert. This area is the one in which I'm least competent. I know I posted the original post here, but it wasn't based on some high knowledge of the finance world, just common sense conclusion based on that EO.
therobots ago
I don't know, but I'll make a guess: The US Treasury would most likely be the FIRST recipient of the FED assets when they are crushed and the EO applied.
After that my hope is that mortgages would be "paid in full" or at a minimum all "interest paid" applied to the principal and moving forward no interest paid.
Again I don't know, my point is that the FED owns millions of our homes (unpaid mortgages). Lastly there is the "issue" that many mortgages in these "securities" are mixed together and it is unclear exactly WHO owns the mortgage itself within the MERS system. Some have been successful in VOIDING their mortgage because MERS cannot identify the actual title owner.
TRFBYTrC0mmies ago
I forgot his exact words, but POTUS recently said something to the extent of ‘don’t worry, the market is going to come back, and it’s going to come back at just the right time’. It’s almost as if he has trillions waiting in the wings for ‘just the right time’.
Six_Cents ago
When asked about the stock market POTUS said "It'll be fine." There was not an ounce of concern in his voice. He was like Meh, whateves...
Gotta trust the plan and pray.
Qwerty321 ago
Yep. I heard that and it really got my attention. When the time is right. Interesting times.
alphazebra ago
Thanks for the post. Yes I'm freaking. I see this as a possibility and hope for it. But I must also consider the alternate scenario. That this is the NWO and it just made a move to grab full control. Mentally, I'm not steeled to that idea yet. I will be but you have to go thru the stages of grief. I'm at anger currently.
AUSAFVet ago
I believe they may have tried...BUT POTUS knew and STOMPED on it!!
And they will sing like birds!!
That is why a vaccine is being made easier then normal..
PGLiterati2 ago
Thanks for saying this. i am in the same place. Passed through anger to grief--but I am in the eye of the storm, stuck in a blue state, surrounded by sheeple, lost most of my income--but I am also safe, and will survive. Grieving for my country. Worried NWO is really in control, but remembering also that Trump has pulled many a rabbit out of his hat already, that he is a real President (only one in my lifetime) and that he is tough and smart. Also believing that it is important to throw down with the positive, while not wanting to be hoodwinked either. Prepare and have faith, stay alert and strong--I guess that's where I am.
PrincessCinderella ago
Why must you consider the alternate scenario of this being the NWO? You need to realize that our thoughts and words hold great power. Have you ever heard President Trump be negative or express doubts? NO! That man said in the 1980s that if he ran for President then he would win! He constantly said he would win! He never doubted. President Trump knows that our thoughts and words hold great power. He not only said it, he believe he would win! And look what happened. That man made history!
jrpark05 ago
Uh no Cindarella, facts hold the most power, and all the "thoughts and words" in the world don't compare to the truth.
While I hope alphazebra stops freaking out, we don't know for certain what is happening behind the scenes. Like Q said, this is the "silent" war, which I take to be between the white and black hats, that is becoming increasingly not silent. As more facts come out, a truer picture of what is really happening will become clear and guide our actions.
Inferring that someone is a "pansy" for considering the alternatives is not only absurd, but highly irrational and dangerous (if you implement the same thought process -- not considering the possible scenarios).
PrincessCinderella ago
Thoughts and words hold great power. Have you ever heard Trump speak negatively? No. Trump always said he would win. He never doubted. And he won.
One day you'll realize how powerful words and thoughts are.
Thank you for being the smart one- amazing how you read some of these posts and there are so many pansies out there crying the blues and turning against TRUMP. People man up already!! Geeeezz if you can't be strong and you're going to act like child having a temper tantrum - go outside and play! You're right princess - TRUMP has Always been positive and he just doesn't quit!
PrincessCinderella ago
Thanks Mikey! Makes me glad these pansies weren't born in the 1700s for the first Revolution.
QCad ago
I figure as soon as it becomes an NWO thing, they lose the muscle/military.
needlesdog ago
And their lives, we know who they are!! They are in a zero sum game!!
37Frogs ago
At this point it is literally one or the other. There is no going back to normal.
dundundunnnnn ago
Exactly how I'm seeing it.
SumerBreeze ago
the same normal that allows faggots to run amok, kikes to steal shekels, and niggers to be crowned as masters of prose and other achievements?
37Frogs ago
Yeah, that normal. Haha....hahaha...'weeping'
Patriotknife100 ago
Nice reminder. Thanks for posting. "The best is yet to come." WWG1WGA !
KarlKastner ago
Correct. Assumed this as much for over a year now.
National debt absolved, lower income/property taxes, lower interest rates, small business boom, return of manufacturing, retail, jobs, infrastructure boom, affordable healthcare, robust stock market....
DixiePatriot ago
And abolishing the IRS!
un1ty ago
All we really need is two things:
Agapechik57 ago
Please God let this be true!