WillGreeley ago

Personally I read the Vindicator piece as far as I could stand to read and decided it was garbage.

Are you saying because it is Vindicator you cannot or VOAT cannot continue?

Is this another big lie and hoax?

What a bunch of lies and disturbing humans!

Crensch ago

Where did I say any of that?

Garbage? It's not. Our continued presence here is predicated on what we can do to fight back against an enemy with $$$resources$$$ to bot-spam us and worse.

Knowing what's going on is relevant, and supporting those that are on the front lines of this is a worthwhile endeavour.

You don't have to like it, but I'd appreciate if you kept your negativity to yourself. Quite frankly, you know dick about the goings-on here, or what constitutes garbage, and what does not.

Vindicator and I will continue to do what we have to to keep GA and PG as usable as possible while users like you shit on us.

argosciv ago

Check out this spamming mofo...

Has the nerve to call @Vindicator's post "garbage"?


banenya ago

Thank you Crench. Also, apparently ((they)) have taken down TheDonald.win (https://thedonald.win) which was created so The_Donald (biggest pro-Trump sub on reddit) have a non-censored gathering place. Anyone able to get to it? All I get is a message that the web server is down.

Crensch ago

I have a standing offer with TD to repurpose one of my old subs and allow them a place to post here.

sheepdoggie ago

Thanks for all the hard work, the machine attack alone is enough to curl your toes. But I haven't looked into these clowns but its because you keep the place neat and clean of it. I really only post here because QRV is rough and the Reddit scenario became exhausting. Your the best we got now, and many thanx. I've never done this for me, I'm up to speed, I do this for others. And when I got into memes, I have millions of shares, trillions of tears and again, I do it for US, the Patriots that fight for the better world everybody deserves. WE FIGHT ! ~ Thanks again, and THX for putting up with me too ! Your all the best !

BeeBop71 ago

TY for all you do!

TheTruthPersists ago

You are all being deceived. We are the reason the False Prophet QAnon was created.

The Anon before Q was SenateAnon who said “keep digging into Racine” before they went dark.

We are the reason why Voat was closed and censored. We are the most banned of all on Pizzagate - why?

We are the reason why Reddit Pizzagate was closed - from comments in the final submission about Paul Ryan and Racine, Wisconsin.

We are the reason why 8chan was targeted and closed. What MAP was found on 8chan, posted on Voat Pizzagate and immediately deleted by corrupt moderators?

Paul Ryan was involved in the Tarmac meeting. We are the reason why Paul Ryan resigned.

We are the reason why pedophile mayors of Racine resigned.

Jeff Epstein and Seth Rich are both Knights of Pythias linked to Racine and Anthony Weiner and Chuck Schumer.

The NXIVM doctor practiced in two locations - New York and Racine, Wisconsin.

NXIVM is modeled after Frank Lloyd Wright’s “Fellowship”.

Racine is controlled by elite families including members of the 8th Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult and the Rothschilds themselves who live in Wisconsin, New York, DC and Arizona.

What happened to the last mayors of Racine and how is Canada used to control the Great Lakes water supply?

Why are they redesigning Racine with giant obelisks and roundabouts throughout the area?

What is the Path of Souls?

Donald Trump is a Jesuit Freemason and member of the Pilgrims Society.

He made The Deal in Racine to enable the model for the Agenda and the Mark of the Beast.

Racine, Wisconsin is the “Root” of all Evil and the model for the real Agenda beyond 21 and 2030 of Eternal Enslavement forged by the Great Deception of Sustainability (Satan’s Ability) with the Mark of the Beast enforced by 5G+ AI, Smart Cities, Resilient Communities and Community Policing.

The Truth they cannot allow the World to Know is in Racine, Wisconsin.

This is The Parousia.

sheepdoggie ago

Racine, if you refer to that as a big deal, could you maybe post a more thorough outline in the main page for us to digest. we have a lot of villains and a better outline would be cool , thanks in advance.

DammitMan ago

I was tied up with Super Tuesday poll working so I missed the initial drama here.

This bullshit is getting old. I understand the shills and asswipes are getting paid and have no conscience, but damn don’t they ever get tired of this game?

Crensch ago

but damn don’t they ever get tired of this game?

Would you get tired of attacking your enemies online for money?

USAMatters ago

Message received - vote, vote, vote . . .

Cuck_not ago

It's the fucking internet! Jesus Christ help us get a grip...


MACSOG68 ago

I know this process is endless and thankless, I also know all of us here APPRECIATE the DEDICATION you make for our movement.



ThreeBladedKnife ago

Thanks for your ongoing vigilance.

tweety51 ago

How do I block the pornographic pictures from Joe Mc...? I touched on his name and thought I blocked his site but I keep seeing these offensive pictures from him.

Crensch ago

Not 100% sure, but if you click on his name and click "block", then click on his subverses and click "block", it should remove most of his posts from your view.

tweety51 ago


argosciv ago

Blocking a user won't hide their submissions, but it will prevent them from pinging/messaging you directly and will collapse all of their comments by default and will kill any reply notifications coming from them.

As an added step, if necessary, one can suppress crosslink notifications (from @SearchVoat's crosslink bot) for a specific user if they circumvent a block by spamming links to your comments/submissions.

Blocking a subverse will indeed (or should, might be broken as of last code rollback) hide all submissions to that subverse when browsing v/all, but there's no way to hide submissions if you are browsing the subverse a given submission is posted to (regardless of whether the author is blocked by you); just have to scroll past those.


tweety51 ago

Thank you for answering.

argosciv ago

Okay, seeing as how Nomo and co. are relying on consensus cracking vote manipulation to enforce their narrative now, I'm gonna go ahead and leave this link here for you v/GreatAwakening readers to follow. Decide for yourselves how much weight their fear mongering holds:


59Geezer ago

Is there a way to track IP addresses and associate them with logins to identify alt accounts? Probably a simplistic question.. Thanks for all your efforts.

argosciv ago

Only site admins can do that, and anyone invested enough in their subversion will know how to obfuscate their IP when posting from alts.

Theoretically, though, a skilled programmer can put metrics in place to potentially track any slip ups.

Busangirl19 ago


Fancy451 ago

John 8:44 - Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

AndyMan_45 ago

Who would have thought that a LARP could cause so much consternation?

Keep up the good fight, Crensch


Shiftworker1976 ago

Understood Patriot, will be diligent in this battle here. WWG1WGA

PacaGoat ago

Thank you Crench. Good work all of y'all.

freeredcaz ago

The Sleepers wake up. Be careful who you follow

grace8 ago

Yes, yes, YES!

MudPuddlePie ago

Thank you both muchly.

Vindicator ago

Thanks Crensch!

Voat is worth fighting for. The kids are worth fighting for. Our country(ies) -- WORTH FIGHTING FOR. It's a privilege to be here and to serve people of good will determined not to let evil prevail.

Let's keep on truckin'

PacaGoat ago

And thank you vindicator for your good work. 👍

Vindicator ago

Thanks Paca :-)

The_Savant ago

Hello again, old friend. It's been a while. I haven't come on voat for a long time but now it seems to be common knowledge that kevdude was not our guy - that's nice to see. I also don't see Gothamgirl or zyklon-b anywhere any more. I guess this place has changed a lot. Do you mind giving me an update with the new names I should look out for? (The names would be good enough, I know you won't have time to write out a short story as all mods seems predisposed to do.)

Vindicator ago

Have a look at the sticky in v/pizzagate. :-) There's also @Crensch's entire subverses v/ProtectGoats, v/SBBHTantrums, and v/shitlist.

The_Savant ago

Oh trust me I read it already. I guess it's just the same shit it was 7 months ago but those names are not familiar to me.

BetsyRoss17 ago

How can we search the board for an older post?

Crensch ago

GREAT question!

The user @SearchVoat has created a website called searchvoat.co that is absolutely stellar!

BetsyRoss17 ago

Thanks. I started reading 8 Chan about Dec 2018, later switching to Voat. Thank you for all your work! I’ve learned so much. Although I don’t post much, I do have a number of friends and relatives that I regularly feed info to. I also redpill someone on almost every flight I’m on. I think that is a God thing. Also, I’m not anxious or impatient about Q and the plan...a little more needs to play out.:)