Justavoter ago

1:06:40ish “If that thick ankled dog face Hillary Clinton would have been put into that office...” hahahaha

grace8 ago

There could be 2 keystones.

This keystone was named as such by the Deep State.

The Keystone Q asked us to find, he later told us was the (I think he said international) Intell community. Q deleted his own post within a day as he sometimes does. I was there I saw it.

Think this through:

The keystone Q taught us is the one thing that can be removed to collapse the Deep State.

The deep State existed before computers.

The deep state has many streams of intell both computers and the personell of all intelligence agencies around the world and all DS agents embedded in all governments world wide.

If we remove the computer system then we take them back to 1967 and we remove their access to digital records of intell IF they do not have back ups we can not access because they are not accessible by the internet.

If instead we move all intell and intell human personnell then we take the DS back to its inception where they took control through force and intell. What good is it if you have intell but no worldwide loyal muscle willing to enforce your blackmail, commit your crimes and kill at will on your command?

If I got it right, The Hammer is Intell on just the US. Q has told us that we must destroy the DS world wide or they will be back. Intell on one country's people cannot destroy the DS world wide. Even if it is worldwide, if you leave the intelligence agencies in their control they still have access to old intell through backups off line and the ability to gather new intell through a massive intell personnell system world wide.

As is true with Q, there are often two different meanings. And here we have 2 different Keystones.

Invicta ago

I have generally found that someone will eventually come along and call such documents fakes. For example, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion or The Report form Iron Mountain which, by the way, concludes that without war, there is no economy. Such works and many more fall into the category of the deep state a concept that Professor Peter Dale Scott created after decades of research. It posits a covert political system that operates alongside the public state and utilizes intelligence contractors, such as the NSA, CIA assets, MSM Companies, etc.

I have observed that the deep state will only bring a dystopian world. This kind of thinking and belief (action) is like tearing down a barn then never building a newer and better one. It is just a form of madness let loose — its architects (the archons) also become, eventually, the victims of their own excesses/evil. But in the meantime we cannot sit around passively and let these people destroy what we have built.

We (not they) better understand that civilization is about civilizing Darwinian fitness. One is a fool (like the communists and socialists) who laugh at the electric light bulb, electric motors, washing machines, and potable water and sewerage systems. The list goes on. These inventions help to 'civilize' the raw, primitive Darwinian life as does the nuclear male/female family which is the keystone of western civilization.

It is religious Spirit that dominates and controls the civilizing of Darwinian fitness, but alongside this is also evil (diabolos): the powerful tendency to lose the sense of Spirit so that the many fall prey to the idols of flesh (the golden calf) which they worship unknowingly. Think of the deep state as being absolute evil. And this is where we are today. Its a war between Spirit and the flesh but more exactly a war between the civilizing force (Logos) and the destructive un-civilizing forces (chaos). It is important to note also, that civilization is not an end in itself but merely a means by which Spirit can unfold and reveal itself (Romans 8:13 For if you live according to the flesh, you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the misdeeds of the body, you will live).

doginventer ago


Anon translated leaked cabal doc from 1985 from French to English- An old French periodical called "Murmures d’Irem", volume 7.

Thread by @Inevitable_ET: After I post this I might just sit back and read it all day long. This is so epic . SO EPIC Anon translated leaked cabal doc from 1985 from…


PDF original in French


A leak of the real plan of the Globalist Elite? The Toronto Protocol


NewSouthernBelle ago


Thank you.

doginventer ago

You’re welcome

Blacksmith21 ago

I didn't watch the video, but it sounds like the document in question that is the same central tenet of Cooper's Behold A Pale Horse. It spoke of an all-seeing, all-knowing system which knows everything about our daily lives.

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grace8 ago

What verification do you see that this document is authentic and not a fake? Who is vouchsafing this document?