JoeBigCheeseParchesi ago

For the fact you can't just stumble into Voat and need to be logged on to view content means ppl who would otherwise be on the site don't want to take that step .. open the whole site up and see if that doesn't improve participation levels.

Lightrush ago


oaf ago

But it concerns existence of voat and existence of this existence!

Lightrush, you are going to cause it to be deleted!

Lightrush ago

I know its a gay rule.....I hate the rule (no posting questions)

oaf ago

I deleted POST for you, though I can guarantee only 10% of v/GreatAwakening subscribes to v/AskVoat ! 10% I bet.

in summary, you ruined a possibly important relevant thread.

Lightrush ago

It seems like you love VOAT. That's cool. But the Owner of VOAT is the one that should love VOAT more than you. If VOAT dies it is because of owner neglect, your thread can't stop VOAT from dieing. The owner of VOAT can see the health & sickness of their website with a single click. Welcome to the world of business.

Q20191776 ago

Correlates to Q posts?

oaf ago

Correlates to the experience of Q fans on voat. If you read the post it concerns voat users hostile to Q irrationally ruining their own site via disenchanting the higher educated.

skatyg ago

The gay porn and LSC bullsht doesn't help. I just down vote and move on. The last few people I've steered to VOAT made negative comments about both. I come here multiple times a day to catch up on the latest news.

KillerKap ago

PuttItOut must take notes and purge obvious shareblue

accounts. but muh free speech.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Getting rid of you and your alts would be a great start!


KillerKap ago

lol crensch knows me you are just a triggered low iq cunt.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Suuure. You have no idea how retarded you sound when I've been pointing him to trolls and shills like you for a while now, bitch.

KillerKap ago

editing your posts like a triggered cunt who couldt think of the "right thing" to say at first, lol

Hint if you want to ban others.., dont come at GA REGULARS like me with "arrests or gtfo". you are likely to get your stupid self banned. but please carry on, vagina idiot.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Wow. Hey @Crensch take a look at this asshole!

I've been here a lot longer than your stupid shill ass, KillerKap, what are you, 5 years old? Only assholes with an inferiority complex calls themselves Killer. And yeah I do edit posts when there's any spelling mistake. I avoid grammar Nazis that way. But you can feel free to get over yourself. And you can also GTFO and leave GA members alone.

KillerKap ago

Friendly fire asian beauty. lol why did you think I liked Obama? Typically obama posters will post "Arrest or gtfo" to disrupt the board thats why I thought you were a stupid shill.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

What a DUMBASS! Where in flying FUCK did I ever say "arrests or GTFO"???

I want the goddamned arrests and I will NOT rest until they fucking happen! Totally motherfucking different than "arrests or GTFO" and everyone is feeling that way!

But your triggered ass just saw some words and flew right off the handle! Maybe fucking turn off the computer and go outside, bitch.

KillerKap ago

That sounds fine. Seemed like the same vibe as arrests or gtfo so I jumped at your asian hot cunt.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Shut the fuck up, bitch!

KillerKap ago

lol stop deleting your posts. you are fine. but definitely dont doxxx your hot ass asian self.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

I didn't delete any of my posts! What the fuck acid are you on??? Car battery?

KillerKap ago

God Im glad you are on our side, What a spicy dragon chinese princess. Hotness. This is the deleted post my slant eyed beautiful buxom babe.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Again. I did NOT delete any fucking posts! That was whoever submitted the goddamned topic! What is wrong with you? I replied WITHIN the fucking topic! I did NOT create it.

You wanna sniff glue? Go ahead and try the one labelled "cement"! Do us all a favor!

KillerKap ago

Confirmed topic is history, Gone. You could doxx yourseld here an no one but me would ever see it now!

AlphabeticalAnon ago

I'll be sure to create a topic that doxes myself then.

KillerKap ago

dont do it!!!!!! ;)

AlphabeticalAnon ago

LOL. I think they'd run screaming into the night if I did. I'm the one to be feared.

KillerKap ago

femanons are seriously unafraid and bold as fuck. you are up there with lisa mei in my opinion kek

AlphabeticalAnon ago

That's a good comparison. I like her.

KillerKap ago

Shes the only Q movement person I doxxed myself to because she tweeted a post of mine from the old 8chan boards and I facebooked her to tell her thanks for spreading because I was unable.

I am in the american music industry as a producer and songwriter and I would lose everything if people knew that I was a Qresearcher. I have a wife and two kids so I for their sake I stay anonymous.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Good call. But sooner or later, you won't have to be afraid. Also get some other accounts. Spread as much info that you can. Promote those links I've been giving, There's a reason she leaves all her stuff public. Nobody can go after her for any Q stuff. Her enemies are literally scum Hillary-tards who are trying to destroy her real life. Not her online life.

KillerKap ago

You are in the right place. Hope you post QRV too. Voat is one of the only remaining free speech platforms on the internet.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Well there are others. Forums are everywhere like horseshit. And then we have the Q map. We'll take back the internet. And stomp those nigger faggots into the deep parts of abyssal points of no return.

KillerKap ago

yes. yes we will. slowly but surely we will finally make the internet great again

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Never give up. Never surrender.

KillerKap ago

Check if Im banned. Keep checking you stupid vagina. Check post history if you are actually serious. Otherwise gtfo. The men are working.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

The men are working. And you're here starting shit with people and acting like a total spazzed out meth addict. Shove your fucking hissy fits up your ass and get your nigger faggot Hillary lovin' ass on back to soapbox.

KillerKap ago

this is good shit to throw at shareblue but make sure they follow the leftist faggot globalist cult before you open fire my asian princess.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Fuck you. I'm of Asian descent, but I'm AMERICAN and I fucking stand with AMERICA! China is second. A distant second to me. Nor would I ever want to live there. So you can shove it!

KillerKap ago

I will shove it but damn babe u gotta stop narrowing down the search parameters for your avatar! please be safe

AlphabeticalAnon ago

My avatar? It's from a fucking MOVIE! The girl who kicked some pedo sicko asses. I can't even remember the name! For fuck sakes! You wanna know where my real pic is? It's on youtube. Look to my friend who posted some self made fan videos of Trump An Innocent Man and you'll find my pic. Like I said. I got nothing to hide! I don't fucking care who doxes me. I'll still kick ass and take some names for myself and make use of some homemade remedies that I like to call; equalizers.

KillerKap ago

was it Hard Candy starring ellen page and patrick wilson?

AlphabeticalAnon ago

No. Some Swedish thing.

KillerKap ago

god dam baby stop doxxing yourself kek. also i think im in love.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Here. I left a comment on my best friend's video:

Showing once again that I really don't give a shit if someone doxes me. I really have nothing to hide. And my original name is Linn-dei which I changed to Linda.

There. I just doxed myself. LOL. Try to find me or my location with that! Psst. You won't.

KillerKap ago

Of course I wont try to doxx you. Ive had run ins with ex cia faggots and I know they can be quite a bitch so I dont want you to have any trouble since we are on the same team it seems. I only wish more americans had your fire and confidence when dealing with this globalist faggotry.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Watch the video. THAT woman is really the one I came here for, to expose the filth that's been making her life a torment.

Also send those faggots my way. I'll deal with them. I have doxes on them. See, that's why I don't care if they dox me. Check out the name on that yt video. Now google it. She's got a whole kingdom built up.

KillerKap ago

fucking yeah. im in. ill watch and help if i can. Im only one but have considerable resources. fuck these faggots

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Well you can promote it if you'd like.

But check out what she's recently been up to:

KillerKap ago

just curious why you and your friend have such a strong conviction about Trump? its pretty awesome.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Well, we didn't orinally come from Arkansas. But we've lived here for a long time. Of course she lived here much longer than myself. And we remember the Clintons. We've had a front row seat to them whereas the rest of the country haven't been witness to the destruction they've done here. We were goddamned determined she would NOT get in the WH again!

oaf ago

I was right in my prediciton, Share Blue or lower IQ normies already downvoted my vital post.

To chase away people like me to other sites.