CMAnon ago

In general I agree but point #4 "People must always be considered above the making of money." is something I would challenge. For example, even genuine non-profits must make money to survive. An example might be a hospital in a poor community. Should they always provide free service to those who can't afford it even if it means they ultimately close their doors to everyone?

If I own a small convenience store am I supposed to give away the items I normally sell to those who say they have no money and are hungry? What if in doing do I can't provide for my family and they go hungry as a result? I can think of many examples of "no good deed goes unpunished".

My point is there's the Christian principle of being a good steward of the blessings God bestows on us. We can tithe to the church, pay our taxes and our bills and at the end of the day we should put money away for emergencies, future expenses, etc. If we took point 4 literally, we would have nothing left to save because there's always an unmet need close by, someone with a money problem, a pan handler, a charity asking for donations. We are right to sometimes think of ourselves not out of greed but to acknowledge that we are humans too and have needs.


I hear what you're saying but I'm thinking that this is referring to something different. This is more along the lines of people lying and cheating other people in order to gain money.

I know a woman who was in a car wreck. As she lay there in the car bleeding, looking like she was dead, a guy came up, stretching his arm past her, and stole her purse. This piece of shit chose money over a person.

Q20191776 ago

Your points are noted.

I shared these points from the study notes of my study Bible. I didn't write them. I shared because they are thought provoking.

GracieTracie2 ago

So true, I often get stuck in the secular bull crap. Worry creeps up with thoughts of revenge. Thank you for your post. I need to be reminded of who really is in control. Staying on track is something I struggle with, always have.

DanijelStark ago

BabyLondon falls .

Q20191776 ago

I see what you did there. 😉

DanijelStark ago

We could say that "BABYLONDON" is fitting to one extent to that definition ... as being the world's financial centre , the centre of fiat money misery , then we can say its very fitting .

Q20191776 ago

Not arguing with that premise.

Doglegwarrior ago

Revelation 18 is the eighteenth chapter of the Book of Revelation or the Apocalypse of John in the New Testament of the Christian Bible. The book is traditionally attributed to John the Apostle, but the precise identity of the author remains a point of academic debate.

dont even know who wrote this shit. 325 years after jesus died they put the bible together at the nicean conference. not one original letter has made it to our time intact. imagine with out photos or tv or recordings.. someone telling the stories of what Michael jordan did from hersay second hand accounts written down and retold and rewritten and copied and shit added to... jordan who blacks call black jesus.. would have been averaging 100 points and dunking from half court by 325 years time...

and you fucking jew dick sucking cuckchristians fucking repeat this shit like the book is infallible word of god. the biggest trick the jew played was spreading christianity into europe and destroying the white european gods

Doglegwarrior ago

from: doglegwarrior

holy shit. i might actualy get this shit show of a book. somehow proving shit that happend 2k years ago.. some of the statements in the link alone are just fucking beutiful. let me grab a couple.

lets look at this one. first what does ressurected and defeating death mean? to me the christian definition of dying is your body dies here on earth then you or your soul goes to heaven? resurrected and defeating death wss more what lazerus did he died jesus resurrected him and he lived as a living human...

Non-miraculous explanations of what happened at the empty tomb have to face a cruel choice: either they have to rewrite the evidence in order to suit themselves or they have to accept the fact that they are not consistent with the present evidence. The only hypothesis that fits the evidence is that Jesus was really resurrected. –Winfried Corduan

so jesus died and walked around as a ghost or as visions for 3 days then when to heaven.. sounds like typical christian death to me.. he fucking died and went to heaven big fucking deal nothing in the real world changed. ceasar kept rulling and taking land and killing people while jesusbdied and went to heaven like all the other christians.

Evidence is mostly written for Christians…

Christians, if you find yourself in a relationship (friend, spouse, acquaintance, or otherwise) with someone who is not a follower of Jesus Christ, this book is a must have. Evidence will give you a starting point into some contrary perspectives as well as provide a list for you to expand your understanding. Josh and Sean do a tremendous job of equipping Christians to ask the right questions, solidify foundations and strengthen the Christian worldview.

what the fuck! ya i got to get this book thanks for pointing it out... i will be reading it as a comedy that should help it make more sense

Q20191776 ago


pepefrogjr ago

God was invented by Illuminati so that people will do just this "3. Remember that God's will and Word must never be compromised" .

u were always piece of one gave you that, no god.

Q20191776 ago

Infinity hasn't done as much for me as my personal relationship with God.

You choose for yourself.

I've made my choice.

pepefrogjr ago

What is ur definition of god or who do u think is god ?


Cast not your pearls before swine.

MeanoReno ago

Don’t waste your time on the infantile types looking for attention. “If a wise man contendeth with a foolish man, whether he rage or laugh, there is no rest.”

‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭29:9‬ ‭KJV‬‬

GamerWithGlasses ago

Amen. To many times I forget this. Thank you.

e-traiu ago


When i doubt, give a hug.

Spread love, and take care of the creation ❤️

God bless

lorlipone ago

Off topic, but I was watching "Vikings" recently, and it kind of pissed me off; how they portray pagans as not fearing death because they want to get into Valhalla in style. Real Christians wouldn't fear death either. If I know I'm doing the Lord's work, I'd take death with a smile.

swimkin ago

Today is the Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary time in the Catholic Church. Interestingly enough these were today's first and second readings. In lieu of Q's recent postings I feel this may be significant of what is to come:

Mal 3:19-20a

Lo, the day is coming, blazing like an oven,

when all the proud and all evildoers will be stubble,

and the day that is coming will set them on fire,

leaving them neither root nor branch,

says the LORD of hosts.

But for you who fear my name, there will arise

the sun of justice with its healing rays.

Responsorial Psalm

Ps 98:5-6, 7-8, 9

R. (cf. 9) The Lord comes to rule the earth with justice.

Sing praise to the LORD with the harp,

with the harp and melodious song.

With trumpets and the sound of the horn

sing joyfully before the King, the LORD.

R. The Lord comes to rule the earth with justice.

Let the sea and what fills it resound,

the world and those who dwell in it;

let the rivers clap their hands,

the mountains shout with them for joy.

R. The Lord comes to rule the earth with justice.

Before the LORD, for he comes,

for he comes to rule the earth,

he will rule the world with justice

and the peoples with equity.

R. The Lord comes to rule the earth with justice.

RToey ago

Amen Anon! Keep His praises in your mind and on your lips day and night and walk full of God ALL THE TIME!

Arch-Stanton ago

We should be concerned about tax dollars because of what it funds and how it is used. As one of many examples, some amount of the fruits of your labor are funding abortion and supporting trafficking of fetus parts. This is utterly inhumane and beyond unacceptable. This is one reason why taxes matter - it's not just about taking our money. If the vast majority of taxes were used for genuinely helpful reasons for our society, I could get behind your line of thought, but the truth is so far from that.

The reality is that we, and our system, are funding Babylon.

Q20191776 ago

Your words ring true...they sound similar to my gripes to my spouse.

Spouse informed me that Pelosi moved 2.8M of our tax $ from Social Security to pay for the "Impeachment Inquiry" but I haven't confirmed that personally. It's hearsay and I cited my source. ..😇

Truly we could become captured by Satan's work if we worried constantly about it. I'm just saying I choose to ask God's will to be done with regard to all of these things. And I ask Him to show me ways I can act to help God do His work.

DutchiWolf ago

Amen to that anon and it will fall very deep!

138 ago


Fsumom ago

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy path! Proverbs 3 verse 5 and 6. This is my daily meditation. I think it keeps me focused on Gods sovereignty!

QuiltGRam32 ago

Truth always speaks clearly to those who listen!

SearchVoatBot ago

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Patriotknife100 ago

Amen, Patriot. Thanks for sharing. May God continue to bless you and your spouse. "God Wins!" We've read the book. ;)

jbakers1 ago

Amen, Thank you. very easy to forget what truly matters

pby1000 ago

What? Babylon symbolism is still on our money and is still in our government.

Shall we get cocky and get our asses handed to us like the Dems in 2016?

Q20191776 ago

I'm voting Republican in 2020 just as I did in 2016.

Caliope ago


Black_beauty7 ago

Amen. It's so easy to fall into the worldy trap of worry, but it happens to us all. When I find myself worrying about our tax dollars, I'm always reminded of what Jesus said: give unto ceaser what is ceasers and give unto God what is Gods.