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MudPuddlePie ago

L. M Mollach-Brown tied to Blavatnik School of Government.

Interesting print about L. Blavatnik.

Billionaire. Ukrainian. Ties to Russia. Gives millions to US universities. Owns Warner music. Invests in Hollywood. Trying to buy major movie studios. Ties to Abromovich. Pics with DS elite: B. Clinton, best friends with Harvey Weinstein and Brett Ratner (spit), Steve Mnuchin frequently visits L. Blavatnik’s yacht, Naomi Campbell, Prince William, etc.) Donates to U.S. political campaigns and politicians.

"Starting in the 2015-16 election season, Blavatnik's political contributions "soared and made a hard right turn," according to an analysis by business professor Ruth May in The Dallas Morning News. In that cycle, he contributed $6.35 million to Republican candidates and incumbent senators. The biggest beneficiary was Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, whose Senate Leadership Fund received a $2.5 million donation followed by another $1 million in 2017. Blavatnik or Access gave generously to PACs associated with Sen. Lindsey Graham ($800,000) and to Sen. Marco Rubio ($1.5 million).”

Vibratron ago

great info, thanks~