ShaneE11183386 ago

Maybe hes satan in human form?

4841400209 ago

Isn't it interesting these people always seem to have a connection to children. Would like to know what the Children's Investment Fund Foundation does.

Education is also another big connection. Being affiliated with Oxford, he may have been the one to sponsor sending 9 Oxford professors to UC Berkeley a few years ago to train them how to teach leftist ideologies.

4841400209 ago

I remember when Jesse Ventura tried to get to who was really pulling the strings on one of his Conspiracy Theory shows. He got nowhere. Same with Dr. Steven Greer when he had the Disclosure Project and many top generals and others testified before congress. Even had Woolsey, ex-CIA Director, testify about aliens and UFO's. With all the top brass involved he wasn't able to find out either because everything is so compartmentalized. Lord Malloch-Brown may just be a step above Soros, but I'm sure there are others who are higher up the pyramid.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

And calling himself "Malloch" (aka Moloch) is showing how much of a toxic ego he has.

QDPie ago

Pull up his photo. Cover the left side of his face with your hand, then cover the right side of his face. Note the extreme difference. His left side shows who he really is. His right side shows what he wants the world to see. This works with everyone, but is always interesting when criminals are involved.

MudPuddlePie ago

L. M Mollach-Brown tied to Blavatnik School of Government.

Interesting print about L. Blavatnik.

Billionaire. Ukrainian. Ties to Russia. Gives millions to US universities. Owns Warner music. Invests in Hollywood. Trying to buy major movie studios. Ties to Abromovich. Pics with DS elite: B. Clinton, best friends with Harvey Weinstein and Brett Ratner (spit), Steve Mnuchin frequently visits L. Blavatnik’s yacht, Naomi Campbell, Prince William, etc.) Donates to U.S. political campaigns and politicians.

"Starting in the 2015-16 election season, Blavatnik's political contributions "soared and made a hard right turn," according to an analysis by business professor Ruth May in The Dallas Morning News. In that cycle, he contributed $6.35 million to Republican candidates and incumbent senators. The biggest beneficiary was Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, whose Senate Leadership Fund received a $2.5 million donation followed by another $1 million in 2017. Blavatnik or Access gave generously to PACs associated with Sen. Lindsey Graham ($800,000) and to Sen. Marco Rubio ($1.5 million).”

Vibratron ago

great info, thanks~

ghost_of_aswartz ago

AIM4Truth research

Yuke ago

I posted about him a few weeks back. Very heavy George Soros ties, working against Brexit etc.

Tyrone_Biggums ago

Soros is the front man and takes all

The heat. The people like this really pull the strings.

Sysko ago

"the man behind the man behind the man behind the throne." RTJ - Lie, Cheat, Steal

popsikle ago

damn, the twists and turns to get to the truth. there is no 1 or 2 parts. no wonder most don't believe in conspiracies. it takes a lot of brain power to process all the pieces of the puzzle in just a single event and who all was involved.

QCanada ago

Thank you for the info...more names like that are helpful...obviously anything which is in the U.N. Especially in high positions is to be investigated.

CMAnon ago

How many more like him running around the planet? Soros, election machines, globalization. You definitely have ID'd a person of significance. Good find.

LadyoftheGoldenRose ago

“Lord Malloch” ffs!!! You can not make this shit up!

SuckaFree ago

While his last name IS too close to Moloch for comfort, this guy is just another player. He's too low on the totem pole to be Moloch. Besides, Moloch isn't Satan or Lucifer. It's it's own entity with it's own power(s). Moloch is more like one of Lucifer's Generals. This guy may, in fact, be linked to the entity, but he's not high enough on the pecking order. He takes orders from Soros and Rothschild.

VicariousJambi ago

Why do you assume the bankers are higher in the pecking order? They could just be the money managers and not planners or leaders.

MIMI1999 ago

Good point. The Soros and Rothschild names are front and center...could be protecting someone else. There’s so many ‘could be’s’ and so many side tunnels through the rabbit hole.

VicariousJambi ago

Down this rabbit hole of knowledge I've learned to admit what I can't know and accept that. No, I can't ever really know some things about the cabal, conspiracies and all of that. I'm just a normal dude.

I try to live more in the moment and enjoy life lately. I don't dwell on the evil in the world anymore. I rely on the morals and logic and reasoning I've gained. When new information and situations arise that will let me know whats right and wrong.

SpreeFeech ago

It sounds like he is jewish.

Interim ago

Cold chill! The missing cog! No wonder Soros fights so hard to protect linkage- this is so sinister. Now, dig on “Trish”, the American wife. Was this why Voat was so attacked this summer? Calling Anons! Open this heinous drawer in the Cabinet of Curiosity!

Vibratron ago

........too close to "Moloch" for comfort

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Does he have a twatter account? Let's troll the fuck outta him!

Better yet find any phone number he may be at, troll the asshole with this:

Gorillion ago

Yeah, was reminded thru the week in the run-up to the Seattle thing with all the jew and masonic encoding going on, that there's a literal filmmmaker called Boaz Yakin who made a movie called Fresh back in the 90s that was heavily Chess themed. total mega jew of course. Wiki gives just one sentence to the masonic implications of his name. But it's another small indicator that jews and masons are in cohoots and that these players aren't above giving themselves openly symbolic names.

the_art_collector ago

it's actually real

Come on!

pizzaequalspedo ago

That was my first thought as well

MockingDead ago


e-traiu ago
