Mook4366 ago

The children will lead the investigators to the, People we trusted, perpetrators.

mathemagician33 ago

the suicide you watch thing is usually called a "red room". they are indeed said to be very popular on some dark web markets. while it's obviously a good move in the right direction, I really don't think the takedown of "welcome to video" means much in terms of any high profile arrests.

lord_nougat ago

Aw man, that's this week?

But I don't want to commit suicide this week!

Justice-Formidious ago

As of today on there are 127,407 Sealed | 14,709 Unsealed | 295,249 Non-sealed Indictments.

America can save BILLIONS!

monsterdoggie ago

It's great that they got a bunch of child abusers, but I am more interested in deep staters and corrupt politicians doing the right thing. Haven't been seeing much of that.

TurboSympatique ago

Let me explain to you why this is so important. You see those high level people that we know need to be arrested are not working alone. Their power base are in all level of civil society. But they all have one point in common. They are ALL degenerate scum that love the Type of content that "Welcome to Video.onion" Provide! Without theirs army of accomplice they are all alone! They cannot intimidate anybody anymore. This is just the start.

TSEdgar88 ago

Interesting thread. I am ready for actionable, I can see it with my eyes, broadcast live, ain't no way out solutions! I am ready for the shock and awe. How is it that so many people are in the dark?

amarQ144 ago

DOJ is agreeing to drop prosecution of anyone who successfully commits suicide...get the word out!

Justice-Formidious ago

Potentially BILLIONS saved.

127,407 Sealed, 14,709 Unsealed, 295,249 Non-sealed Federal Indictments as of 10/21/19.

amarQ144 ago

maybe could sweeten the donate $100 to any pedo that offs therself before going to trial

The1stLantern ago

I'm really sorry to burst your bubble on this, but if you have even a cursory non-boomer level of understanding about what a server is and how it operates, you will understand that "they have the server" is fucking beyond meaningless. Any IT professional with 2 brain cells to rub together has already destroyed anything that might be of use in day one, let alone 3 years later. Only hope here is the NSA having its own records, not finding "the server".

TurboSympatique ago

Man your are thick. They have been monitoring them for at LEAST 3 years! They have it ALL.

Get it now?

The1stLantern ago

Fuck yourself faggot. First of all I SAID THAT. Second of all, again, "we have the server" literally means nothing except to non IT faggots who couldnt find a USB port if it bit them in the ass.

magamoo ago

If that was true they wouldnt have needed hammers.

The1stLantern ago

There is a massive difference between a cell phone and a server.. Jesus fucking christ its like trying to converse with a wall constructed out of bricks of condensed boomer stupidity. Just forget it.


I automatically never listen to anyone who uses the retarded term "boomer". I'm young as fuck and understand boomers, although not perfect, are the best generation left on the planet that can do something about what is happening. Gen X are a bunch of lazy pussies, and millenials are even lazier and bigger pussies.

The1stLantern ago

Sadly, you dont need to be a boomer to have inheritied their special brand of stupid.

I understand the allure of wanting to believe every possible thing is the way you want it to be - but Jesus Christ when someone tries to inject reality into a conversation about how something like computer science ACTUALLY WORKS and clowns mob them like mad dogs? Fucking ridiculous. No wonder people call the movement a joke.


So incredibly easy to get you fools to shut up these days. You must be losing really bad at this point. It's not even desperation at this point. It's low effort, tired excuses of replies we get now. Not much time now...

The1stLantern ago

Wow what a non arguement youve got there! You sure showed me!

And great job proving how it really wrecks my point that "we have the server" is meaningless to anyone with an idea of what they are talking about.

Where did you learn about computers again? I learned in the Signal Corps, so please, enlighten me with your brillance on exactly where my reasoning is faulty?

Bc the way I see it - anything with a MAC address has long since been replaced, any SSD piece has been stripped and erased, any ISP logs have been cleared.. Oh wait. Your arguement is that none of thats been done, and the deep state is just keeping it all locked up in a broom closet somewhere? Bc thats whatyou do with evidence when youve got years to hide it, you just hang on to it bc why not.

Again. I repeat for your syphilis addled brain - if evidence exists, the only way it would is if the NSA has a digital backup (which we can at best hope they do). "The server" is a meme for morons to circle jerk each other without a clue what they are talking about.


Lol look at all the words you are putting in my mouth. I've said literally nothing of the sort.

I know you're an NPC because you reply to both my comments. Normal people don't do that.

You've proven that you will not be deterred from your argument so if you simply refuse to give in there, I guess I must prove you're an NPC, to which I have.

Normal people don't reply to both replies as you have. Start acting human, or else I win, because the original topic has been proven neither of us will give in, so I win here.


Not knowing every detail on how computers work and store information isn't that dumb of a thing, and not restricted to hurr durr boomers. The point being made is they have what they need to convict the bad guys and free the world. So what If their way of saying this is "we have the server". It's catchy and probably triggers the fuck out of shills like you.

The1stLantern ago

Hahaha your arguement is "idk what im talking about but its catchy so you must be a shill for pointing out my ignorance"? Good God.


Yet, you're literally doing the same thing I am.

The delusion is very strong with this one...

CaJuN-M8 ago

Bitch you are fucking retarded. Are you a pedo? U mad cause they brung down the site? U scared cause they have the server? Bitch.

The1stLantern ago

No cunt, I served years in the armed forces doing this exact job you chuckleheaded fuck. I bet you were probably some Jody who stayed comfy and safe. Eat shit.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

So maybe some scumbags in Arkansas (and specifically Fort Smith where a friend of mine has been through hell) will show the asshole psychos being on that site? I can see Belinga, and his underlings, being on that site.

pby1000 ago

Fort Smith is on the 40.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

What what what??? They got some scumbags on a list and it's #40?

Would Alma by chance be on that?

I ask because of the post of some mutual friends of mine (I'm not on fb btw) but one post is here:

Scroll down to the second to top one. She is telling about a sick bastard who stole our mutual friend's cats. That he spent time in a Utah state prison.

pby1000 ago

No idea, but I heard that I-40 is used to traffic everything.

TurboSympatique ago

Oh yeah.... All theirs minion are into that kind of sick shit.

webster_warrior ago

Not to beat a dead, or nearly so, horse; but, had this come up during the tenure of Holder, Lynch, or let's not name a couple more, guess the possibility that 1) the operator would have been tipped off, 2) servers seized & destroyed, and 3) The dark net hackers would have disappeared.

sicklepuss ago

Cummings jumped the gun. I guess he wanted to go first.

CaJuN-M8 ago

Lol i was thinking about that as well. As well as thomas Daelessadro, pelosi bro.

usmcProud1183 ago

Epstein didn't kill himself............

TexasInfidel ago

Nor was he killed

mrGaudi ago

I'm unsure how JE is not dead. If he isn't, and he resurfaces, wouldn't that destroy all credibility of those involved? I supposed the answer is, he will never reappear and is in protected hiding FOREVER. The guy was killed, they intentionally leaked a picture of his dead body to send a message. He was a loose end, given too much freedom because he could blackmail the world.

Ddboomer ago

He will eventually be executed after he sings.

mrGaudi ago

You're joking right? Why do people think he is alive is behind me, it makes no sense regardless of which narrative you choose. Sing about what? We all know everyone in his black book was either a pedophile, a human trafficker, a child trafficker, or whatever. He's got the video and now the authorities have the video and they will use that to blackmail whoever they choose to. The guy is dead, he ran an operation and was funded by the cia and the fbi and mossad. Why would they keep him alive and fake his death? They know what he knew, what he did, and why, and for whom. Him being dead is way more important than him telling stories about perverts. Those stories wouldn't stand a chance in courts that are owned by those in trial and have unlimited money for money. Now is the part you are going to tell me the trials are in gitmo.

Ddboomer ago

Yup!! I believe you are spot on

TexasInfidel ago

You are part way thru just how fcked this shit show is.

Trump is a politics master and hoseing the mass's with his template horseshit.

We are being played by the system

The REAL RED PILL has yet to drop,but its coming shortly.

mrGaudi ago

I want to see the IG report and Durham's work and then we will see if justice is a plausible course if action.

Justice-Formidious ago

I believe the picture of Epstein on the gurney was actually Anthony Bourdain .

Anthony Bourdain killed himself by hanging.

Specific_Fox ago

AB was already dead when they found him. Why would they wheel around a dead body with the face uncovered? Probably some paid schmuck that resembled him.

mrGaudi ago

You do realize how silly that is? Keeping a celebrities dead body on ice for a fucking year to pull that off? Couldn't they just find another dead old guy and add a little makeup and get the same results? It is insane to believe his death was faked.

Specific_Fox ago

They could've used a photo taken at that time - but I don't think thats him anyway.

TexasInfidel ago

All smoke and mirrors

That pic was fake and throughly beaten down.

It aint over yet

mrGaudi ago

What justifies the risks of faking his death, to keep him alive? We already know Prince Andrew is a fucking pedophile, we already know all the sordid company he kept and the sex trafficking and the yada yada yada. Why keep him alive? I'm genuinely interested in hearing from you why they would jump over the moon to keep him alive when we already know the operation? If it is because he had blackmail material well be reassured you or me or no average persons will ever see any of it for a fraction of a second. That blackmail material is in someone elses hands now and they will use it how they see fit.

TexasInfidel ago

Think of it this way.

High value target is snatch.

Who in their right mind would dump him in a city jail for holding?

That POS went straight to GITMO.

Team Trump aint stupid.

If you allow this theater to be simple it remains simple(because it is)

You follow the EMOTIONAL over think majority you find its your tail your chaseing.

85% of this bullshit is info overload with redirects.

They are moving you the pawn emotionally.

They have you conditioned now so its very easy to just dangle the Q carrot and........

mrGaudi ago

JEs information would have bottomed out the markets. No one cares if he is alive, not even Q and team. When Q said if people knew what was actually going on 99.9.% would go to the hospital? What do you think they meant? We are not going to get everything we want because we think it is right.

mrGaudi ago

Trump and his team don't call all the shots because they don't have the authority and don't k ow the systems. Deep state actors coordinate to usurp their plans and do so bureaucratically, through paperwork, through demotions promotions, side stepping, taking people off and putting others in.

mrGaudi ago

Who in their right mind would dump him in a city jail for holding? The deep fucking state that's who. There is no such thing as absolute control in a system this large. Compromised individuals line each and every hall.

mrGaudi ago

I don't know what the fuck you are trying to say. I'm more of a realist. Meaning that the deep state isn't undone in 3 years. Or 10. Or 30. JE was arrested, he had to be imprisoned, he was sent to a compromised facility for the reason he will be killed there. The deep state is still very much a part of the system and it flexes its bureaucratic muscle when it can to derail plans. The guy is dead. He is not worth protecting and keeping alive and faking his death. This isn't James fucking bond - this is Rome. It's kill or be killed. It's blackmail. It's treason. It's the mafia in a government shell. This is the world's most powerful country in history - there are no faked deaths for pedophiles. What the fuck are you thinking man?

TexasInfidel ago

Thinking Trump is ass deep in it for the same syteme.

Unlike the two party.

The other system also has two parties and one side is coming for control of it.

3 card monte,keep your eyes on Trump,they are running the shuffle with him.

mrGaudi ago

I agree that what we are witnessing are two factions of the deep state vying for power - I'd like to think 1 is more noble than the other but at this moment I believe the side we are on is going to teach the other a lesson in sloppy spycraft. By all accounts Brennen was worshiped as a master spy, it seems he was sloppy and relied heavily on media which created a house of cards. Comey and RR also appears to be the top of their spear. Capper to a lesser extent but still a useful idiot.

TexasInfidel ago

Not understanding the true system is what floats the Q party.

There is another red pill,really there is.

Folks just refuse to set thru 1hr of teaching about it.

1 stinking hour and you flip the Q boat party on its ass.

Start here,so much more to be had

mrGaudi ago

Ok I'll watch and listen. But, is this produced by Jahovah Witness's?

TexasInfidel ago

Nothing close to such bullshit.

Brandon damn good dude thats plugged right to the source.

Not a teaching one could ever be contested.

The more of his stuff you watch the further the real red pill goes down.

When you finally get it,please share it so this truth can spread.

Those with ears hear what the spirit says to the churchs

mrGaudi ago

I've listened to the first 10 mins, I'll finish it. I understand what he is saying and where this is going somewhat, looking forward to completing it.

I'll note that I've always taken issue with the worship of imagery in religion. It's the low hanging fruit of capturing peoples minds and influencing them. Did you know that Islam prohibits the use of religious imagery in its mosques? That's the reason they take it so seriously when cartoons are made of Mohammed. They use patterns and geometry where western religions use imagery of everything, which is brainwashing in no uncertain terms.

TexasInfidel ago

I was on this before I was lead to Sib.

Again his other stuff will stir you as well.

Rareity on youtube for sure,he has been shut down once before.

He busted some jew ass a few weeks back just reading their own sht back to them

mrGaudi ago

Thanks again and best of luck in your pursuits.

monsterdoggie ago

He's alive and he's smart enough not to resurface.

mrGaudi ago


monsterdoggie ago

I guess you weren't following when all this happened. The body they wheeled out of the prison was not epstein. The ear which was visible in the photo was very different from eptein's ear. It was somebody else. Also someone in the prison reported that a transport van with a guy in military dress was involved. Other people reported seeing epstein being wheeled out of his cell in a wheelchair earlier in the night, as if bringing him to the infirmary. They brought a different guy back, and murdered him in the cell, and that's the guy who they wheeled out on a gurney and who was photographed and published in the NY Post. Epsteins brother, who was in on the whole operation, identified the body.

Epstein's girlfriend's father also faked his own death to escape prosecution when his crimes were exposed years ago. This is a regular play for the elite when they get in trouble.

mrGaudi ago

Alright, you do realize there is zero method to verify this? Believe what you want, I've followed this from way back and it is my belief that guy is dead, saw the body, saw the ear, compared, blah blah blah it looks just fucking like him. What could possibly be gained by keeping him alive? Please, explain the benefits that justify the risks of this elaborate faked death?

monsterdoggie ago

I can't argue with someone who denies the facts. Have a nice day.

mrGaudi ago

What are the facts? I've seen the same shit you have, it's all paper thin. The ear stuff is bullshit.

What you are missing is one precedent of this type of death faking - literally 1. Has anything like this happened before? Never. Because it is impossible. Assassinations in prisons however are pretty much every day. Keep your feet on the ground, you are way off of it. Like you are floating in space and will likely believe anything.

rickki6 ago

agree. when was the wake? funeral? where is the MF buried? he's not

Wynterwhisper ago

He did get buried in a wall or something. I searched the internet and posted a link a couple months ago. Doesn't mean he's actually in there, but it was kept pretty hush hush

QCad ago

Can someone eli5?

TurboSympatique ago



Murphman64 ago

what is this? 2 years now of hearing this? yeah, yeah i get it..lie and make them flinch which causes them to expend ammo, but every bad guy has been allowed to save face. Whens the hammer drop?!?

TurboSympatique ago

Just go on Liveleak and Enjoy the Show!

Nice of them to save the taxes payer some money!

bopper ago

Can you give the specific link?

TurboSympatique ago

You are a big boy.... But I would suggest not using a windows computer... You know Virus and stuff.

bopper ago

Never mind lol.

reCAPTCHA_Dodger ago

This got an audible chuckle out of me...

akilyoung ago

Yes you are correct.


[Next week]

[Next week]

[Next week]

[Suicide Weekend]





Wynterwhisper ago

So last week in October.

akilyoung ago


VicariousJambi ago

but what if its next year

akilyoung ago

Could be... or it's setting up the election in 2020

akilyoung ago

Further reinforcements:

I created those threads at the beginning of RED OCT!

Peace and love patriots...

TurboSympatique ago

If you want to fuck them up. Post this info on /pol.... And watch the Shill go beserk!

Mhuahahahahaha. They know they fuckup!

akilyoung ago

Check my response below...might find those thread interdasting