ManOnFire ago

8kun Quickie from Twatter

SpiritualPaper ago

VanWaTYech is blocking access- whatever that is. ACCESS FORBIDDEN!

whatdefuck ago

Please note that last days every time the previous owner tweeted new 8kun's IP it has been taken down. It's an entire day now that 8kun is up, despite the mitigation service still block users access. It seems that their attacks aren't that efficient anymore. Maybe most of the problems are solved now and Jim is just waiting the right moment to open the gates.

(my speculation is that it will be coordinated with the FISA report. Have you noticed that both were planned for release last week and both have been postponed? If this is the plan, probably the reason behind it is that this way they shorten the time between 8kun up and the FISA report release and reduce their opportunities to attack the chan)

monsterdoggie ago

Time for a special ops team to pay the evil little freak a visit.

ManOnFire ago

Pussy's one and all... where's our fearless leader... oh well... Where's JA... wheres HRC... fuck it who really cares as long as the keyboard commandos are here to down vote anyone who gives a shit.

superpatriette ago

We don’t need Q... we have more than we know and we are the news now. But I do hope Q can come back. Thanks for all the info. Much appreciated.

twister16 ago

If Q never comes back, it is up to us to continue the fight to uncover corruption. We are eyes and ears everywhere.

joeneesima ago

Update from 10/20/19:

Trying Alibaba through the UK.

moderator99 ago

I never liked wheelchair gimps much.

monsterdoggie ago

They tend to smell. Bad.

hitekhobo ago

Military planning at it's finest... 😏

ghost_of_aswartz ago

Hot Wheels et al are just TIME SUCKing you // Slow Walking // Time Looping // Waiting out the Timer giving us false hope

If you REALLY want 8KUN we are going to have to build it ourselves. I strongly suggest whomever moves on this, build the site as a chromium browser extension or as a browser itself, using WEBTORRENT to store the site, settings, and userdata encrypted in the browser's data sandbox and using git for versioning (updates/edits) and command and control paradigm for a dev group to push out updates to the software itself to all subordinates but otherwise use an decentralized database system that can read / write to webtorrent

ghost_of_aswartz ago

I believe the more durable way to do 8chan / 8KUN shouldn't have been hosting it anywhere but decentralizing it by releasing it as either a browser built on say chromium with all the treachery ripped out of it (like brave); or as an extension to BRAVE

If you make it a BRAVE only extension, it also tests the validity of the BRAVE platform in legitimately being truly privacy oriented. But if they FAIL and block 8KUN extension, then you simply release an 8KUN WEB BROWSER built on chromium like I said....that would require minimual changes to the extension and you can 'bake the extension' into the browser software so that it's an immutable (cannot be removed) extension unless you build it from source and explicity remove the 8KUN material, which no one will do because that would be basically chromium

OK so what else would be involved in do you make a website IN A BROWSER?

Well you would could build off bittorrent and use local storage so that every persons' web browser becomes an encrypted store of data. In fact people have already done this with decentralized storage using WEBTORRENT

Then you basically store the website as pure data within the decentralized crypto store. VOILA you have 8kun

I believe they've already done a twitter like site this way, using WEBTORRENT. It's censorship resistant, because it's serverless. All you need is one url to get started, but that can be shared or hosted (as in posted to voat or other social), and then you install an extension which then loads its own page that looks to the end-user to be a website, when it's really being run locally, and whose data exists on all users of the extension's browser data sandbox

sunshine702 ago

And thia is why we can't have nice things. Some dude with a vendetta. A control freak that wants to dictate to the reat of us because of muh mass shooters. Like those never existed before 8chan.

GetRightNews ago

Just throwing this out there. Do a tracert of the server 8kun is current on. I find it questionable that one of the hops is "chinamobile"

joeneesima ago

Perhaps we are ferreting (((THEM))) out.

Mammy ago

Sooooo.....Anybody got a link to 8kun Q Research? Asking for a fren.

Tallest_Skil ago


Just a reminder:

8kun is the rebrand of 8chan, by the people who stole it from Hotwheels, because they’re subhuman kikes who stole it for the sole purpose of stopping whites from having a platform. 8chan was destroyed by its jewish owners. The site is gone and will never come back. Ever. This is the paid shilling rebranding. /pol/ will not be there. Board creation will not be there. All textual support of whites will be banned instantly. No pro-white speech is allowed. Oh, and Q-LARP, your lord and savior, will not be there. Your own god said that NO ONE posting off of 8chan would be legitimate. And 8chan is gone FOREVER.

Let’s recap:

  • Your god did not create a public encryption key. ANYONE can pretend to be it, anywhere.
  • Your god did not post any secondary proof of its existence, such as a bitcoin address. Its tripcode IS TOTALLY CONTROLLED BY JIM AND THE PASSWORD CAN BE CHANGED OR GIVEN AWAY AT ANY TIME FOR ANY REASON.
  • Your god is so all powerful that it couldn’t even keep a single website on the Internet.
  • Your god explicitly said that NO communicationpretending’ to be it on any platform other than 8chan is real.
  • 8chan is gone forever.
  • 8chan’s code is completely open to the website owners, who are responsible for getting rid of it, forever.
  • Q-LARP’s tripcode and trip password, if that code even still exists AT ALL, is visible to them, and they can sell it to whomever they want.
  • The site owners actively hate white people and want them exterminated, as well as the banning of all pro-white speech.

MudPuddlePie ago

You: "Go the fuck back to the Q-LARP boards and suck his zionist neoconservative civic nationalist cock there."

And yet, you're here on the "Q-Larp board."


Tallest_Skil ago

still can’t reply

still can’t disprove a word I said

You subhuman kike shills have had your day. You’ve had two years. We told you to leave us alone. You refused. You continued to spam your hoaxes and lies. You continued to support white genocide.

Now you get hit in your own fucking home.

Prove wrong a word of what I posted. You can’t. It’s fact. Straight from your god’s mouth. You know nothing about software. You know nothing about security. You know nothing about hosting. Sit down and shut the fuck up. Your fantasy land is done.

MudPuddlePie ago

...copypasta much?

Tallest_Skil ago

Your point? It’s fact.

MudPuddlePie ago

LOL..ya, okay. Cuz you said so. Kek.

Tallest_Skil ago

Prove wrong a single word I said, you fucking genocidal faggot. I quoted your god himself.

MudPuddlePie ago

Ur diaper's full.

Tallest_Skil ago

Prove wrong a single word I said, you fucking genocidal faggot. I quoted your god himself.

GoodGodKirk ago

Is no one else concerned that he's hosting services in China? I thought he was supposed to be ISP free to prevent future deplatforming?

This doesn't seem the case.

NeverLandExpress ago

OPINION _ NO FACTS => The false flag shooter manifesto crap was likely started by the C_A. It ended up mucking up Q coms by taking down 8chan. The other reasons its staying down are misdirection. Q/Trump and his team are in a constant battle with them and other DS ops that have not been found out. Q movement was too big for C_A to allow it to continue. JMHO.

Goatspecter ago

At what point does this become censorship?

At what point dose this become stalking?

At what point dose this become financially damaging?

At what point dose this end up in civil court?

salbida ago

He apparently pointed out a weakness in their defenses that they hadn’t yet compensated for. Nice of him to beta test it for them before it inconveniences anybody.

MudPuddlePie ago

Ha! :).

JJS1 ago

Is he related to CIA brennan?

Tallest_Skil ago

Just a reminder:

8kun is the rebrand of 8chan, by the people who stole it from Hotwheels, because they’re subhuman kikes who stole it for the sole purpose of stopping whites from having a platform. 8chan was destroyed by its jewish owners. The site is gone and will never come back. Ever. This is the paid shilling rebranding. /pol/ will not be there. Board creation will not be there. All textual support of whites will be banned instantly. No pro-white speech is allowed. Oh, and Q-LARP, your lord and savior, will not be there. Your own god said that NO ONE posting off of 8chan would be legitimate. And 8chan is gone FOREVER.

Let’s recap:

  • Your god did not create a public encryption key. ANYONE can pretend to be it, anywhere.
  • Your god did not post any secondary proof of its existence, such as a bitcoin address. Its tripcode IS TOTALLY CONTROLLED BY JIM AND THE PASSWORD CAN BE CHANGED OR GIVEN AWAY AT ANY TIME FOR ANY REASON.
  • Your god is so all powerful that it couldn’t even keep a single website on the Internet.
  • Your god explicitly said that NO communicationpretending’ to be it on any platform other than 8chan is real.
  • 8chan is gone forever.
  • 8chan’s code is completely open to the website owners, who are responsible for getting rid of it, forever.
  • Q-LARP’s tripcode and trip password, if that code even still exists AT ALL, is visible to them, and they can sell it to whomever they want.
  • The site owners actively hate white people and want them exterminated, as well as the banning of all pro-white speech.

3ra_3xtrana ago

Imagine being this obsessed and butthurt over someone who you think is a LARP

Inb4 kike or shill

Tallest_Skil ago

Imagine following a jewish hoax that was exposed literally TWO ENTIRE YEARS AGO. And you know what? I did it. I’m the one who first exposed it. In Q-LARP’s very first thread on 8/pol/, having moved from its original 4/pol/, I asked so many questions about its validity that the piece of shit couldn’t answer, it deleted the thread. Then it made its own board and said “don’t bother /pol/“ because IT KNEW THAT IT COULDN’T HIDE FROM US.

How does it feel to be duped by the biggest hoax in the history of the Internet? How does it feel to suck jew cock every single day of your life?


3ra_3xtrana ago

KEK u mad!

Tallest_Skil ago


Commit suicide. Now. It’ll be less painful than when you do it after Trump leaves office and he did nothing Q-LARP said he would do. And far less painful than when you’re murdered by spics, niggers, or dune coons because you worshipped the god of civic nationalism.

3ra_3xtrana ago

LMAO it's hilarious that you think I'm the one who is clinically insane. Your mommy would be so disappointed in you calling people spics and niggers over the internet. You are SO gonna get grounded, bud!

Tallest_Skil ago

Just a reminder:

8kun is the rebrand of 8chan, by the people who stole it from Hotwheels, because they’re subhuman kikes who stole it for the sole purpose of stopping whites from having a platform. 8chan was destroyed by its jewish owners. The site is gone and will never come back. Ever. This is the paid shilling rebranding. /pol/ will not be there. Board creation will not be there. All textual support of whites will be banned instantly. No pro-white speech is allowed. Oh, and Q-LARP, your lord and savior, will not be there. Your own god said that NO ONE posting off of 8chan would be legitimate. And 8chan is gone FOREVER.

Let’s recap:

  • Your god did not create a public encryption key. ANYONE can pretend to be it, anywhere.
  • Your god did not post any secondary proof of its existence, such as a bitcoin address. Its tripcode IS TOTALLY CONTROLLED BY JIM AND THE PASSWORD CAN BE CHANGED OR GIVEN AWAY AT ANY TIME FOR ANY REASON.
  • Your god is so all powerful that it couldn’t even keep a single website on the Internet.
  • Your god explicitly said that NO communicationpretending’ to be it on any platform other than 8chan is real.
  • 8chan is gone forever.
  • 8chan’s code is completely open to the website owners, who are responsible for getting rid of it, forever.
  • Q-LARP’s tripcode and trip password, if that code even still exists AT ALL, is visible to them, and they can sell it to whomever they want.
  • The site owners actively hate white people and want them exterminated, as well as the banning of all pro-white speech.

You’re done, subhuman.

3ra_3xtrana ago

  • I dgaf whether Q is a LARP or not
  • Talk to a psychiatrist
  • You're a faggot

Tallest_Skil ago

I dgaf whether Q is a LARP or not

Which is why you posted on the jew hoax board in the first place. Run along, subhuman. You’ve admitted I’m right.

3ra_3xtrana ago

You're posting too, dumb fuck hahah. How fucking retarded can you possibly be?

I have no opinion on Q it could be a psyop, it could be someone the Trump campaign trying to just rile up his fan base and gain support, he could be who he says he is, or ge could be some fat degenerate psychotic fuck in his mom's basement like you! Either way its a fun way to pass the time, I don't take it serious like you, a paranoid schizophrenic making it his life mission to try to warn every one about "da jooz" who are going to come and rape you and eat babies. Hahaha

MudPuddlePie ago


StrugglingAutust ago

I was under the impression that Brennan sold/gave up his interest in 8chan to Watkins and is no longer involved, especially after the renaming. How is the little geek able to get 8kun de-platformed?

skyisthelimit ago

Gayyyyy as fk. Fucking average fucker si gle handdaly managed to shut Q up. I wonder how the fk Q gona do drops.

heartlovealive1 ago

Pos sold his soul. They don’t want the truth to come out

Q20191776 ago

Well, I prayed for Jim Watkins this morning and lifted up Jim's goal to do an album of hymns & Christmas carols to God.

May God's will be done regarding that.

ssgrader ago

So general Cornwallis is beaten.. interesting This last week has played out similar to the Battle of Yorktown

mrGaudi ago

Fascinating to follow his anti 8kun efforts. Funny for him to think that if Q is military than it should have no problem using military resources. I like to think, the one point of Q was never to be conclusively proven as military or anything linked to government as Q essentially is leaking intelligence through a dropping crumbs make you think method. I think that would be considered illegal and condemned within the confines of American law. So, Q must remain amongst the people and their platforms.

whatdefuck ago

The fact that Mike Rothschild replies to Brennan and Brennan retweets it tells it all. CLOWN.

Allin4q ago

Sounds like Q has hitched itself to a wagon with no wheels. Can we even trust it will be the real Q if and when it comes back? At this point the Maestro is doing ok without us being spoon fed info/disinfo.

Witsend ago

My guess is that they are feeding that, that, ok I don't know what it is, but they are likely feeding some twisted perversion of it's to control it.

Rboy40 ago

Screw you censors for deleting my previous post!

DutchiWolf ago

Just another DS schmuck

beefartist ago

" A qrv post with sauce"...hardy har har.

FrenchBulldog ago

Why does this shithead care about a LARP? If it's so fake and gay, why is he spending so much time and energy?

monsterdoggie ago

He's getting paid.

MystikMa ago

This sheds some light Foster kid, Shrooms, ADL, ECT...

greatheart ago

If Q wants to be back up they will be back up. Don't worry about the little stuff (pun intended)

MudPuddlePie ago

"If Q wants to be back up...."

Agreed. POTUS/Q+ have used this playbook over and over again. Let things move forward, DS tries to counter (Fred Brennan) which outs them as scumbags, then white hats execute another/better,different plan/option.

DickTick ago

Well that's exactly what hotwheels is saying... if Q is as powerful as we've been told many times, and very military connected, then why is it so easy for him to get the website taken down twice in 24 hours..

GoodGodKirk ago

are you a boomer who actually thinks the military is in on this? It's trump's team, some of whom have military intelligence background.

CMAnon ago

Go back to Reddit, shill, and take the snide remarks with you.

Goldenhawk ago

kinda obvious … they wanted it to happen !

Khemyst ago

each time these attacks happen, they either learn how to block the attacks, or figure out where it is coming from!

monsterdoggie ago

These "attacks" consist of emailing service providers and warning them not to do business with 8kun.

greatheart ago

If 8kun does go online I am going to want proof that whoever claims to be Q really is Q. Personally I think this is just a smokescreen. I believe Q has something else coming online. I don't know what that is. If Q needs to get the message out They are not going to be stopped by someone doing this little bit of nonsense. Everything is planned out. I just don't know the details

stray502 ago

Did Q not say they were creating their own network which wont be broken?

Wwwoodchuck ago

You could look at this another way.

If it is that easy to take down, it would not have lasted long before attacked and taken over after it went live. Having someone actively working to break it before it goes live, will make it stronger. They can work on preventing takeovers now rather than later. Right now, they can see the attacks coming, later they might not.

reCAPTCHA_Dodger ago

I hate to burst your bubble, but it's not like there is some sort of security breach that is taking the site down. This is politics taking it down. Watkins does not have the funding to stand up the infrastructure 8kun needs so he has to rely on vendors. The companies with the capacity to support 8kun are closing the door to Watkins. He is not going to be able to hide his infrastructure partners from Brennan due to the way things are registered on the internet. Brennan then uses registration information to contact the hosting partners and explains to them what 8kun "is". The partners get spooked and then refuse to do business with Watkins.

ten75 ago

Could you explain what infrastructure is needed and it’s cost? At th cost of being naive, can it be self funded?

TurquoiseLover ago

web server it's usually best to go with a service provider because they provide all the support (patches, maintenance, etc.) It's always possible to buy your own server, but someone has to maintain.

monsterdoggie ago

They may be forced to go this route.

DanijelStark ago

Correct . In truth , this would be treated as a "test attack" .

Better to have a "bombproof board" , instead of going offline and online periodically .

As for Brennan , its pretty obvious to everyone hes a salty douchebag , but also the MSM has him in their pocket ( pun intended ) . The capabilities of such miserable little persona ( pun intended , again , lol ) can only go far to one extent . He will be consumed by his bitterness , and when he is not useful to [ THEM ] , he will be "suicided" , to look like he fell into depression and took his life ( and plus , so that naive idiots could be manipulated with to say - "hey , theres that bad 8chan / 8kun people again , they made this midget kill himself ..." )

skyisthelimit ago

Lol. OK man. Good thing u see positive in this. Me? Nope. Everything is fucked. Anons number dropping like flies. Scattered minds. Still in dark.

GoodGodKirk ago

Everything is already said, now we wait for the fireworks. The boards are unneeded at this point.

Q20191776 ago

Sorry, I haven't read your response as I'm totally distracted and fascinated by your name...Wwwoodchuck. Is it akin to SC Justice Kavanaugh use of the letter F?

SaltyAF ago

Any relation to John? What a total's more about my board than it is free speech. Fred's going to be well informed as to their moves because we have a RAT in the wiring.

Rocky_Bindhamer ago

CodeMonkey mentioned he was thinking of doing his own satellite. If he did, they would be their own host/provider.

DickTick ago

That has nothing to do with the fact that you still need a service to stop DNS attacks....

Rocky_Bindhamer ago

And if Ron can do a satellite, he can use the DNS.Watch unrestricted server or build his own DNS server, like:

All he would need is a single internet address for the DNS Phone book to change it to the receiving ISP number.

Commahorror ago

Strange because, didn’t he “receive” a gift of the letter Q at one point?

KillerKap ago

Either he was lying then or lying now. He needs to be taken off the map.

Rboy40 ago

That is it freedom needs to live this little sh#t needs to be gone time to put a contract out on him for freedom sake. He needs to be hunted down and exterminated!

Titaniumman ago

Where is a dwarf eating bridge troll when you need one???

The_Impaler ago


Laughing out loud !

EarnYourVote ago

Seems like Brennan makes some good points 'crippled midget from half way around the world takes down 8kun'? On the other hand, all of this for a larp? Nobody will host this? Hmmm

DickTick ago

No.. according to him his point is that how could Q possibly be military connected, or as powerful on the internet as they have claimed many times, if it is this incredibly easy for him to get it taken down twice within 24 hours..

and to be perfectly honest, after all this time and everything Q told us over the last couple of years, I'm also extremely interested in the answer as to why they haven't stepped up and done something about it, considering all the times Q made it out like they were in full control of anything internet-related if need be...

MinorLeakage ago

I'm not a believer of Q whatsoever, but you sort of answered your own question.

if need be

RoundWheel ago

Can't be a military asset. That means Congress had direct authority.

Ther military comment is low iq.

That doesn't mean they can't make an effort to effectively assist behind the scenes.

Ultimately the job of the military is and always had been to support the will of The People. Not the other way around.

monsterdoggie ago

The executive has direct authority over all things military. Trump is Commander in Chief of the military.

FirstDamsel ago

Trump has direct access to Marines without Congress from what I understand...Marines are protecting him at all times in addition to SS.

abattoirdaydream ago

Uh...not all. Crystal isn't ours, McCain wasn't ours. This is war.

HISdaughter ago

Read tweets by this Brennan guy. I'm technically impaired, so my question is is this guy trying to sabotage Watkins? Is there bad blood between them or does Brennen think he's far knowledgeable than Watkins, or is he??

ForgottenMemes ago

Brennan started 8chan and it became popular because of gamergate. When 4chan cucked to the SJWs all the gamergate people moved from 4chan to 8chan. 8chan, being smaller had better moderation, but essentially the same userbase as 4chan, so 8/pol/ became a great place for legitimate, uncensored discussion of things like jewish subversion and the truth about ww2 while 4chan was flooded by blacked porn and ladyboy threads from israeli IPs.

Brennan was just a quiet literal incel who did programming, he didnt want fame. So he tried to hand 8chan over to Watkins who would monetize it. However journalists, being retarded, kept contacting Brennan for comment on anything 8chan related because he was the founder and they're too dumb to know he's involved. Watkins sees Q as a chance to make money. He can afford to be a free speech absolutist because he doesn't live in the US.

Because 8chan was one of the few true free speech platforms on the internet, and the one with the highest caliber of redpilled users, Tarrant and others used it. Brennan isn't 1488 and doesn't want to be associated with Terrant, he's not really smart enough to simply tell the bloggers for the new york times to fuck off, so he's on a crusade to keep 8chan offline. He's honestly just a coward who's unwilling to fight for free speech.

Lurky_McLurkmoar ago

Tarrant and others used it

just one problem, there is no "Tarrant"

Christchurch was a hoax and whatever actor playing "Tarrant" didn't kill anyone

one with the highest caliber of redpilled users

with so many apparently buying into phony kike FF narratives, I wonder exactly how "redpilled" some really are. it's almost like they learned nothing from Sandy hook

ForgottenMemes ago

I've seen more death than I care to, friend. Both in video and passing away in my hands. I've pulled the trigger more than once. There's a thing about it that Hollywood can't fake. You know it when you see it.

I wont challenge your beliefs. Believe what you want, for the reasons you want.

I only ask that you don't condescend my experience. I've seen 100s of fake deaths. Game of thrones, Rambo, you name it. I've seen real death. Animals, Morocco, ISIS, and beyond. There's no video of Sandy Hook, believe what you want. I saw Christchurch live.

Trudeaus_Socks ago

Brennan isn't 1488

The_Impaler ago

he does NOT look like a geek

but like a ferocious team hidding behind one guy tweeting

Like a PR company following the online actions again Wattkins


They raise one big question:

"Normies, AKA Qboomers, really don't understand how the internet works.

There are only so many networking cables, and only so many tier 2 providers.

The US government owns a lot of IPs and a lot of infrastructure, and could easily handle almost any DDoS...if QAnon were real."

KillerKap ago

Plausible deniability still still still escapes basic bitch idiots like you. I can't imagine how you fucking tie your shoes in the morning with that addled mess of a brain.

The_Impaler ago

nope I just keep an open mind for possible threats to our freedom,

I understand the deniability thing

and when I though about it more therily they probably played liddle wheeler to look weak troughout to cabaal.

Fisa > 8ch+8kun > bring the house down > arrests

KillerKap ago

So you understand the US government will not visibly intervene in the public sector regardless of Q's true nature and is pathetically stupid to bold that fucking retarded assertion in your previous post?

The_Impaler ago

no it is not

it is a citation of the fucking smallwheels twatter

and this is exactly why I bolded it,

that is what normies and democrats all think. Considering us mad stupid and


You cant make them think smarter than they are

WokeByTheStorm ago

WELL he's trying to get him kicked out of the Philippines so there's that..

ktrout ago

Yes, he has a personal problem with Watkins and does not want to see 8ch or 8kun come online.

rickki6 ago

whatever happened to that little a-hole to make him go after 8Kun & Watkins , i wish i knew

DoubleTap ago

Apparently Watkins bought 8chan for way less than it was worth, so hotwheeels is literally just being a jew.

rickki6 ago

ha !

angelCole ago

Money from the cabal??? Threats?? I don't know but he's wielding an awful lot of power and needs to sit down and shut up.

abattoirdaydream ago

If I understand it right he is ex-mil. He went to the Philippines back before Duarte. I figure him for a cabal spook from day one. Part of why 8chan was less popular. Why he stayed after Duartes election is beyond me.

Pcpoet09 ago

some one need to deep dig into Frederick Brennen…

MinorLeakage ago

I'm surprised no one has payed the little fag a visit in the Phillipines. He thinks it's awfully funny to mess with other people. I imagine it wouldn't cost much to have a local go dump him down some stairs. I'll be surprised if it doesn't happen.

If he actually thinks he's fighting terrorists, yet it's public knowledge where he lives in the 3rd world.... He may not be as clever as he'd like to think he is.

GoodGodKirk ago

He's the original creator of 8ch and has high tech knowledge, yet is taking the site down without touching it, just tweeting details for others to consider and follow up on.

It's quite impressive really and if 8kun was taken down this easily, how long would it have stood online once activated? How many details of users would have been released?

realneil ago

Are you trying to make us look bad?

We are the good guys, please remember that. We have a responsibility to demonstrate self control.

MinorLeakage ago

Make who look bad? I can't be genuinely surprised?

If anything he's saying is accurate, then it's inevitable, right? He said he's stopping literal terrorists. People who kill other people. What's stopping these cold-blooded murderers from tossing him down a flight of stairs? This isn't 8 Chan, and he isn't anonymous.

realneil ago

We are trying to wake people up. Advocating violence allows the Deep State to easily smear us and turns off people that we need to wake up.

MinorLeakage ago

I never advocated violence, nor would I. I just mentioned my surprise it hasn't happened, based on his own statements.

I'm surprised no one...

The meanest thing I said is that I wouldn't be upset to read about it (violence against Hotwheels) in the paper. I think the quote someone posted from Mark Twain today sums up my position fairly well. I've never wished a man dead, but I've read an obituary with great pleasure.

My real point is that he's full of shit. He's not fighting terrorists, or he wouldn't be doing it so publicly. They would simply push him out of his chair, and it's all over for him. He's doing this to try and reclaim some modicum of fame. That's the whole point. He knows he's just deplatforming autists, and that none of them are actually dangerous people. Again, otherwise he's basically begging to be hurt/killed/etc.

We are likely on the same side of this issue, I think you may just be misunderstanding me (which could well be my fault).

realneil ago

We are on the same side and I agree with your point.

Thank you for taking the time to clarify so that it could not be misrepresented.

MinorLeakage ago

Well I appreciate you taking the time to speak with me. It's easy to be misunderstood when you only get text and no context.

My real point is that he is a smug little cripple tilting at windmills, and the proof is that none of the "terrorists" he thinks he is stopping are going to hurt him, even though it would be quite easy for them if they existed. Shouldn't the evil "white supremacists" be all over him by now, since they are the #1 threat facing America?

I am certainly not suggesting anyone should actually go and do it (violence is bad people). My personal, and likely unwelcome opinion, is that nothing will come of any of it. It's probably all smoke and mirrors, and maybe they'll throw one dude to the lions at the end so we can all go home happy.

Have yourself a good day/night.

Optional_Reading ago

Dutarte idolizes Trump. Dutarte would kill this faggot himself if we gave him the nod.

ktrout ago

Even if Brennan hadn’t contacted Vare, how long do you think 8kun would have stayed connected? With all the outrage against infinite, they would have gotten wind eventually and pulled the plug.

GetRightNews ago

FWIW it appears to be resolving to a different IP now. I was hoping it would come back fully protected using blockchain technology or something equivalent, as they hinted at "military technology". But it appears he is just hopping around on DDoS protected dedicated servers.

MinorLeakage ago

I think it just shows his naivety or hypocrisy. Either he's fighting a great evil, and they will just come by an push him out of his hotwheels, or he's deplatforming the very anons that he vowed to protect. Those poor downtrodden anons he used to speak so fondly of when he was one.

Either way my opinion of him has dropped to: I hope I get to read the headline when HE gets "deplatformed". Lol.

CMAnon ago

Brennen, any relation to the clown?

Khemyst ago

Wikipedia says John Brennan has one son named Kyle, and Frederick Brennan of 8chan was not linked to John Brennan......So that appears to be a NO for relation

Paladin_Diver ago

Wikipedia being such a trusted, reliable, and uncorrupted source and all......

Then again, I did date a gal with Brennan as a last name once. There was always something a bit off about her....

monsterdoggie ago

I may have dated the same girl.

Paladin_Diver ago

Little bit crazy when sober, totally psycho after a single drink? She was pretty hot, but more baggage than a 747. Same gal?

monsterdoggie ago

Nah. Not quite as bad.

amarQ144 ago

Yes. He is the son of John and a snapping turtle.

GoodGodKirk ago


amarQ144 ago

I can tell you that the guy I heard it from knows people...several. And yes, I will whistleblow for a book deal

GoodGodKirk ago


AUSAFVet ago

Turtle soup is really freaking good!!!

Mammy ago

Ugh, I disagree. Of course I never actually tasted turtle soup--I just have traumatic memories of my huge snap turtles trying to climb out of the pot while my dad began the soup. He was a dairy farm inspector and occasionally a farmer would give him a snapper they'd caught in their pond. He'd always try to convince me to eat it but I'd starve first. Another tune he brought home pickled pigs feet. OMG.Ew. But yikes almighty those poor turtles trying to claw their way out of the pot were so terrifying to watch. And gross. Shudders. 😱

AUSAFVet ago

Ouch! not a very good memory lol (We had the pig feet stuff too) you gave me a different visual..

brennan trying to claw his/their way out of hot, boiling water!! Woo Hooo!!! "Help us, please help us!" as the lid comes down over the pot..

Soup time!!!

ssgrader ago

Anon your right but funny how what you wrote brings this to mind i guess we can use a laugh about now .. I do agree with you He is a Snapper

those snappers terrible at my feet i didn't get a sting with both hands holding on to my ding a ling - Chuck Berry

MudPuddlePie ago


MudPuddlePie ago

Wondered that myself.

MudPuddlePie ago

Can someone explain who Fred Brennan is and why he is doing this?

Mysteryposter ago

Hotweels is angry because Watkins banned the ISIS and "child model" boards.

SurfinMindWaves ago

Original creator of 8chan. After reading his tweets he seems a little jealous and also refers to it being proof that Q is not connected to the military or it wouldn't be so easy to take it down.

DickTick ago

I mean I really hate to say it but he kind of has a point... especially considering all of the stuff Q has told us about their ability to secure domains....

FirstDamsel ago

Possible it's another plan to root out Deep State cyber creeps so 8kun can be completely fortified b4 launch?

2TBob ago

Maybe "Q" team has nothing to post right now and are not concerned at the moment.

fspu ago

Remind me not to buy any businesses from this Fred guy.

MudPuddlePie ago

I knew he was original creator, but why is he trying to take down Watkins? Has anyone done dug on his connections and family? I don't get it.

SurfinMindWaves ago

Some people don't need much reason to fuck with others. I think he feels left out on all the hoopla and has claimed that he regrets even starting 8chan and doesn't want it brought back.

The_Impaler ago

yeah he leaves it bored

and one year later real fun starts :D :D :

amarQ144 ago

Just like Nostradamus predicted...and we were "that close" to save'n the world,...good conquers eViL,...dark ta light and all that. Right as we were about to claim victory, a mortal wound inflicted by deformed paddle boy with a case of the ass. Sucks.

pby1000 ago

What if he is Lucifer?

amarQ144 ago

maybe the world is on the back of a turtle

zxcvzxcv ago

Are you trying to imply that it is not on the back of the turtle?

amarQ144 ago

not at all...definitely a turtle!

tokui ago

So fucked up. Is the cripple still being housed by Watkins??

MeanoReno ago

Not good. It appears getting back a platform for Q to make drops on is going to be extremely difficult, if at all possible, when the people/companies that control the means (the servers) are anti-Trump are can be intimidated one way or another.

DickTick ago

If Q wanted a platform there are a thousand other identical image boards to 4chan and 8chan out there.... Quite a few that are way more secure than 8chan ever was.

MudPuddlePie ago

T/U...just put your video up top.

rickki6 ago
