DickTick ago

Lol..... Wow

standwithuQ ago

Thank you for this post. I hope you don't get the responses I got from posting about this which included' "fuck you" and called an "idiot". My Oh-Shit-O-Meter went off too so I wanted to get people's thoughts on it. Instead I got attacked. It may be a 'nothing burger' but it may be something important. I just know that Q has talked about xbox and also them causing xbox live to go down before. See Q posts 1891, 1905, 1906, 1907, 1946, 2476, and 2984. Then you have the random numbers that appeared after an hour of a black screen with a hole in the middle. I just thought people should check it out is all. You know? Part of being awake. My other thought was that it freaked me out that millions of people would stare at it for such a long time and how that COULD BE used for bad purposes and how so many people are mind controlled.

mcpaperclip ago

At first I wasnā€™t sure where you were going with it, but then the internet just went nuts and I was like ā€œhey this is a good call.ā€ There are some empty rabbit holes in research but this one has some glaringly obvious hints. People are skeptical and a little down right now because we havenā€™t seen the hints weā€™ve been aware to look for, but itā€™s okay. This sticks out as well as some of the upcoming scheduled stuff, so thank you for the good call.

sheepdoggie ago

High Satanic Evening + FULL MOON, HARVEST MOON ;-/

Juneysunshine ago

Hunters Moon is this Full moon or blood moon.