salbida ago

For the people who aren't up on Fornite:

Every few months the online game with a shared world enters a new "season," with some live event that you can experience if you happen to be playing when the event happens (there are in-game countdown clocks so everybody knows when to stock up on their popcorn). Everybody livestreams it, and it's always easy to find on YouTube the next day. The transition from season 10 to 11 happened yesterday.

This time the event was the entire game world getting sucked into a space-time rift, leaving just that black-hole-looking image. (There's also a mini game you can play on that screen, if you can work out how to trigger it.) The difference this time is that instead of season 11 starting immediately afterward, that screen is still all anybody can see, for now.

So right now nobody in the world can play Fortnite because the studio is having fun with their audience, keeping them on their toes. Season 11 will presumably start in a day or two.

In the meantime, the stupider people are staring at a black hole graphic.

CokeOrPepe ago

Look at the top reply. Their moms gonna be pissed! even at the bottom of that thread, there’s another guy punching his monitors. In the voice of Napoleon Dynamite, “Idiots!”

CokeOrPepe ago


sheepdoggie ago

This could be MASS Programming. TV Flicker Rate etc etc. Tonight is a HIGH SATANIC EVENING 10-13 FULL MOON , HARVEST MOON. Opposite of a black hole. White ORB.

standwithuQ ago

What's creepy is that millions of people spent a long time starring at a black screen with a hole in the middle. Huge potential for mass suggestion /brain washing. on the other hand, I remembered when Q said they had caused xbox live to go down. Then, I saw the numbers and wondered if they, maybe, were relevent to Q somehow. If you don't see that it's creepy and an opportunity for evil or that it could have something to do with Q, than fine, so much for people claiming to be awake. Sorry the link wasn't great but I was told about the thing happening by a family member (since I don't spend my time playing games) and when I looked at their screen and was told millions had spent over an hour staring at it.... well it just seemed crazy and well....potentially dangerous. Just was wondering what you guys thought. But, instead, I get "fuck you" and called an "idiot". I often see things here that I think are lame or things that have been posted over and over numerous times. Sometimes the same day and it gets under my skin but I don't slam people on here because I know we're on the same side and we get enough bashing by the other side. Some are on here only for the pleasure of bashing people though. Pretty pathetic.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/GreatAwakening submission by @mcpaperclip.

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mcpaperclip ago

This is huge.

PacaGoat ago

Shilled. Over the target. Numbers are Q drops and an IP address. Declas Friday. New map is coming, news unlocks

DickTick ago

You're an idiot and that's not even close to me most watched event in history... Not even 10% of the top watched thing in history...

But it appears we're now just making whatever the fuck we want to up, so I guess it doesn't matter anymore....

standwithuQ ago

The GREAT MAJORITY of your comments on this site are negative and hateful. You constantly bash people. If that's your greatest contribution, maybe you should choose a different site. I didn't ask for your opinion, was just wondering what peoples thoughts were about millions of people staring at a black screen with a hole in the middle for such a long time and the possible implications of that as I just further described above. And to clarify, I am well aware it was not the most watched event in history, I meant to put that in quotations because it was being pushed as that. The thing is, when you can get so many people to stare at something like that for an extended period of time, how hard would it be to use it to cause a mass event.

Vozlo ago

You mistook the user known as dicktick as a non-scumbag, actual human being. Confusing ITS verbal output with something deserving of your attention is understandable, but little more than a waste of your time. Thanks for the effort to report the anomaly on fortnite.

Cutter17 ago is an IP address operated by DoD Network Information Center

Yahoo Search

highdisgust ago

This is nothing. OP may be a faggot. No offense, OP.

jjmichaels ago

you're just putting random words together.

SkelSoc ago

Does this really creep out anyone else or is it just me.?

No, pretty much everything in this society creeps me out.

Lauraingalls ago

What is the name of the video? LOL.

PacaGoat ago

Here is an article.

Fortnite video game. Could be linked to Q. The random numbers are supposedly Q drops. New map coming.

News unlocks. Declas=Friday.

Lauraingalls ago

Where is the ARTICLE?

Lauraingalls ago

Doesn't say one thing about Q.

PacaGoat ago

No it doesnt. I was showing you where the news was coming from. Look at the numbers. It leads to a DOD website. Also the numbers refer to Q posts.


Lauraingalls ago

I like you but the idea that this has ANYTHING to do with Q is NUTS.

PacaGoat ago

Laura, not saying it is a direct link. But worth a dig. Read what I am saying. Thx. God bless.

magamoo ago

^^^ relevant

Nosfewratsjews ago

Outside the fact that you posted this in.. the GA subverse for some reason, fuck you for making me actually go to and see the autistic wastes of flesh making millions for showing their tits and advertising for the monopoly C-corps.

The younger generation is so fucked.