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moderator99 ago

2002 – Chiliad forms a partnership with a failing company called Ezenia!, and within a year they will obtain many lucrative defense contracts. The number and value of these contracts (and others) will increase substantially.

2002 – Jeffrey Epstein is introduced to Ehud Barak by former Israeli Prime Minister Shimon Peres. Apart from being a former prime minister of Israel, Barak is a former minister of defense and the former head of Israeli military intelligence. He oversaw Unit 8200’s operations, as well as other units of Israeli military intelligence, in all three of those positions. For most of his military and later political career, Barak has been closely associated with covert operations.

2002 – Jeffrey Epstein, Bill Clinton, Kevin Spacey, and Chris Tucker spend a week touring AIDS project sites in South Africa, Nigeria, Ghana, Rwanda, and Mozambique for the Clinton Foundation.

2002 – Marvin Minsky holds a conference at Epstein’s Little St. James Island.

May 2002 – Epstein’s nonprofit Epstein Interests donates $100,000 to the UJA-Federation of New York. The UJA-Fed is one of the largest Jewish non-profits in the world, with a turnover of more than $200 million a year, distributed to dozens of charitable organizations in the US, Israel, and around the world.

2003 - The FBI begins working with Chiliad in setting up a software system as "a top secret/sensitive compartmented information system." Robert Mueller is the Director of the FBI at this time.

2003 - Jeffrey Epstein donates $30 million to Harvard University.

2003 - Jeffrey Epstein donates $6.5 million to MIT.

May 2003 – Peter Thiel cofounds Palantir Technologies, a private software company that specializes in big data analytics. The only early investors will be Thiel ($30 million) and the CIA front company, In-Q-Tel ($2 million).

2004 – Jeffrey Epstein and attorney Paul Hoffman attempt to get a $1.2 million underwater fiber-optic cable project passed that would run from St. Thomas to Little St. James Island.

2004 – Ehud Barak receives $2.5 million from Les Wexner’s Wexner Foundation for unspecified ‘consulting services’ and ‘research’ on the foundation’s behalf. Epstein is a trustee of the foundation at this time and one of its top donors.

July 2004 - An article in the South Florida Sun Sentinel describes Commtouch as a maker of anti-spam software (i.e. internet security).

2005 - Chiliad describes its software for DoD procurement, revealing its sophistication with regard to real-time analysis of live network data to determine predictive behavior:

"Unlike traditional approaches to predictive analysis driven only by historic data models, the proposed approach will combine well-understood behavior and patterns to anticipate likely courses of action, with new behavior patterns detected from live field sensor data, leveraging value from real-time analysis of 'unstructured' content, deriving structured data from these sources, and leveraging further value from these structured data with triggers on relational databases. Analysis and metadata generation are executed on-the-fly, moment-to-moment using live network data, not yet indexed. Detected strategy changes from field data are fed back into the continuous monitoring loop in near real-time, improving adaptive and responsive capability that is proactive, anticipatory, and reactive at the same time... Response-time can be almost immediate in time-critical situations."

2005 - The first investigation into Epstein is opened.

2006 – Stephen Hawking attends a conference at Epstein’s Little St. James Island.

2006 – Tax returns for this year show that Jeffrey Epstein’s former charity, the C.O.U.Q. Foundation, gave $25,000 to the Clinton Foundation and $6.5 million to Harvard University’s Program for Evolutionary Dynamics.

2006 - Washington Post:

"FBI Shows Off Counterterrorism Database... The FBI has built a database with more than 659 million records... culled from more than 50 FBI and other government agency sources... It is one of the most powerful data analysis tools available to law enforcement and counterterrorism agents... The FBI's Investigative Data Warehouse was launched in 2004. The system [was] designed by Chiliad Inc. of Amherst, Mass."