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July 10, 2019 – Carbyne announces its partnership with Google to offer advanced mobile location to emergency communications centers throughout Mexico.

July 11, 2019 – More than a dozen more women come forward to accuse Jeffrey Epstein of sex abuse.

July 17, 2019 – Drone video of Epstein's island shows computer equipment that was set up on a table in a room of the main residence has been removed.

July 23, 2019 – Epstein attempts suicide, is put on suicide watch.

July 23, 2019 – AG William Barr gives a speech at the 2019 International Conference on Cyber Security at Fordham University, in which he states that “warrant-proof encryption is also seriously impairing our ability to monitor and combat domestic and foreign terrorists.” Barr states that “smaller terrorist groups and ‘lone wolf’ actors have turned increasingly to encryption.” He notes that he is specifically referencing encryption used by “consumer products and services such as messaging, smart phones, email, and voice and data applications.” This would necessarily include those tracking programs that have backdoors inserted. He ends by saying that he anticipates “a major incident may well occur at any time that will galvanize public opinion on these issues.”

July 29, 2019 – Epstein is taken off suicide watch.

July 2019 – Ghislaine Maxwell closes down the TerraMar Project.

July 2019 – Bloomberg reports that Epstein’s Southern Trust Company is identified in US Virgin Islands filings as “a DNA database and data mining” company.

Aug. 4, 2019 – Drone video released showing FBI/NYPD on Epstein's island, gathering evidence.

Aug. 8, 2019 – Jeffrey Epstein makes out his last will and testament. A copy of the document shows what appears to be a forged signature.

Aug. 9, 2019 – 2024 pages of Epstein-related court documents are released. 1000s more pages of documents await clearance for release.

Aug. 10, 2019 – Epstein is allegedly found dead in his cell. No official confirmation of his death will be forthcoming. The closest thing to a confirmation will be AG Barr’s reference to it as a “supposed suicide”.

Aug. 15, 2019 – The New York Post publishes a picture of Ghislaine Maxwell at an In-And-Out drive-through in Los Angeles, CA, suggesting that she is not in hiding and hasn't been arrested.

Sept, 2019 – Epstein friend and procurer Jean-Luc Brunel disappears. Brunel is known to have procured girls for Epstein.

Sept. 2019 – Joi Ito of MIT’s Media Lab resigns after it is publicly reported that he was involved in accepting millions of dollars in illegal funding from Jeffrey Epstein and covering it up. Leaked emails will show that Ito and other lab employees took numerous steps to keep Epstein’s name from being associated with the donations he made or solicited. Epstein had also acted as a conduit for other ‘anonymous’ donors, such as Bill Gates and Leon Black.

Joi Ito, who has zero academic or engineering qualifications to run Media Lab in spite of his many honorary acclaims, once ran a nightclub in Roppongi, Tokyo’s drug-peddling and prostitution district that was run by a yakuza boss who had an interest in Caucasian models performing coprophilia and bondage. Joi Ito also claims to be a godson to Timothy Leary, MKULTRA’s drug guru of the 1960s who enticed young people to “tune in, turn on, and drop out” with LSD.

Sept. 23, 2019 – French police carry out searches of Jeffrey Epstein’s Paris home, as well as the home of his friend Jean-Luc Brunel and his modeling agency, Karin Models.

Sept. 24, 2019 – Les Wexner is named in court by Virginia Giuffre as one of the people she was forced to have sex with.

Sept. 2019 – Some of the clients of Palantir in the civil arena at this time include Polaris Project, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the United Nations World Food Program, the National Institutes of Health, Team Rubicon, and the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.

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Oct. 17, 2014 – Jeffrey Epstein is granted a license to set up an 18.7 GHz microwave radio transmission for private communications to Little St. James Island.

2015 – Through funding from his Southern Trust Company, Jeffrey Epstein teams up with Ehud Barak to set up a company called Reporty (later changed to Carbyne). Peter Thiel is an early investor. Nicole Junkermann will be another investor. Carbyne sells its software to 911 call centers and emergency service providers and is also available to consumers as an app that provides emergency services with access to a caller’s camera and location and also runs any caller’s identity through any linked government database. The program also lets emergency dispatchers commandeer the camera and microphone of any internet-capable device within a certain range of the person who made the call. The company specifically markets its product as a way of mitigating mass shootings in the United States without having to change existing US gun laws. It will be implemented in several US counties and will partner with major US tech companies like Google.

Members of the company’s executive team are all former members of Israeli intelligence, and are also deeply connected to the elite Israeli military intelligence division, Unit 8200, known for its prowess in using surveillance as a means of obtaining blackmail on its targets. Carbyne is just one of several Israeli tech companies with direct ties to Israeli intelligence agencies that will market themselves as a technological solution to mass shootings. These companies’ products are all built in such a way that they can easily be used to illegally surveil the governments, institutions and civilians that use them. Unit 8200-linked tech companies will receive US government contracts to place ‘backdoors’ into the entire US telecommunications system as well as into the popular products of major US tech companies including Google, Microsoft and Facebook, many of whose key managers and executives are former Unit 8200 officers. Unit 8200 is an elite unit of the Israeli Intelligence corps that is part of the IDF’s Directorate of Military Intelligence and is involved mainly in signal intelligence (i.e. surveillance), cyber-warfare, and code decryption.

2015 – Investigative journalist Nick Bryant publishes a redacted copy of Epstein’s ‘black book’ in a Gawker article, revealing the extent of his personal connections to very wealthy and powerful individuals. He will also publish the flight logs for the Lolita Express in a subsequent article.

2016 - Isabel Maxwell is a member of the World Economic Forum, and president of Blue World Alliance.

May 2017 – Jeffrey Epstein donates $25,000 to the Film Society of Lincoln Center as a gift for their 44th Chaplin Award Gala, which is honoring actor Robert De Niro.

Nov. 11, 2017 – Q posts about Epstein’s island for the first time.

Dec. 2017 – Epstein’s foundation, Gratitude America Ltd., gives a $50,000 donation to the Jewish UJA-Federation of New York.

Apr. 12, 2018 - An alleged fire on Epstein's island. (There will be no signs of a fire in later drone videos.)

July 2018 - The Miami Herald publishes an exposé on Jeffrey Epstein's long history of alleged sexual abuse and the 'deal of a lifetime' he received from Acosta. The public becomes aware of his background for the first time.

2018 – In a conversation with New York Times reporter James Stewart, Epstein claims to have “potentially damaging or embarrassing” information on Silicon Valley’s elite and tells Stewart that these top figures in the American tech industry “were hedonistic and regular users of recreational drugs.” Epstein also tells Stewart that he had “witnessed prominent tech figures taking drugs and arranging for sex” and claims to know “details about their supposed sexual proclivities.”

Epstein is known to have associated with several prominent tech executives, including Google co-founder Sergey Brin, Facebook co-founder Mark Zuckerberg, Tesla CEO Elon Musk, Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates, and LinkedIn co-founder Reid Hoffman.

Nov. 7, 2018 - Epstein ships a $50k cement truck to his island on a rush order.

2019 - Some of the companies that Cyren is currently working with include Intel, Google, Microsoft, T Mobile, Dell, and Check Point.

2019 – Christine Maxwell’s online resume states that “Chiliad does substantial business for Homeland Security and the US Defense department and now is moving into commercial markets – in particular, healthcare and education.”

Feb. 2019 - The DOJ opens an internal review of Jeffrey Epstein's plea deal.

April 2019 – Carbyne announces its partnership with Cisco Systems. Cisco will begin aligning its unified call manager with Carbyne’s call-handling platform, allowing emergency call centers to collect data from both 911 callers and nearby government-owned IoT [Internet of Things] devices.

July 6, 2019 – Jeffrey Epstein is arrested in New York on conspiracy to traffic in sex. His NY residence is searched and evidence confiscated. An Austrian passport that was issued in 1987 is discovered bearing his photograph. Ronald Lauder, a member of Les Wexner's Mega Group, was US Ambassador to Austria at that time and could have easily procured the passport for Epstein.

July 2019 – Soon after Epstein’s arrest, George Nader is arrested on federal child sex trafficking charges.

July 7, 2019 – Drone video of Epstein's island shows computer equipment set up on a table in a room of the main residence.

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2011 – Laura Silsby becomes part of MYSTATE USA, an emergency notification company. MYSTATE USA will change its name to AlertSense. AlertSense will start another company called Konexus because of bad press when its software is used to launch the only known live Nuclear Alert in Hawaii in 2018.

2011 – Donald Trump bars Jeffrey Epstein from his Mar-a-Lago resort “because Epstein sexually assaulted a girl at the club.”

Sept. 2011 – Joi Ito becomes director of MIT’s Media Lab, in spite of not having any academic degrees that would qualify him for the position.

2012 – Jeffrey Epstein founds the Southern Trust Company. It is described as a DSB providing extensive DNA database and data mining.

2012 – Ghislaine Maxwell founds the non-profit TerraMar Project for the conservation of oceans.

Jan. 2012 – “The Jeffrey Epstein Foundation” announces its sponsorship of a conference organized by MIT’s Marvin Minsky, under the headline, “Top Scientists Meet to Discuss Greatest Threats to the Earth.”

Feb. 2012 – Epstein’s foundation, C.O.U.Q. Foundation, contributes $50,000 to the YIVO Institute for Jewish Research. The Institute, based in New York City, is a library, archive and research center of Jewish history and culture.

April 2012 – Jeffrey Epstein founds the non-profit foundation Gratitude America, Ltd.

Jan. 2013 – Computer genius Aaron Swartz is found dead by hanging. Swartz, who would otherwise have had a successful future in the computer industry, was facing at least 30 years in prison imposed by the FBI for hacking into MIT’s Media Lab computers and allegedly stealing a large number of research articles that were of little value to him or anyone else. Many suspect that Swartz had stumbled onto a child pornography ring and had been collecting evidence when he met his demise. Swartz had been one of the founders of SecureDrop, a whistleblower site, which was a target of the Deep State.

Media Lab was founded by Nicholas Negroponte, a former senior columnist at Wired magazine and the brother of former UN ambassador and intelligence official John Negroponte (Bush era). They are Greek Jews. Media Lab is heavily involved in military-related projects with the US Air Force, the Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center, the Army Research Office, and Google, which is a high-tech contractor in artificial intelligence for DARPA. Nicholas Negroponte runs a UN/Agenda21 affiliated program through Media Lab called One Laptop Per Child, in which cheap laptops are distributed to children in third-world nations in the hopes that this will (somehow) teach them to read. Nicholas Negroponte was involved with his brother in a child pornography ring run out of an orphanage in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Prior attempts by others to expose the ring have met with bad ends similar to Aaron Swartz’s.

May 2013 – After the death of creator Aaron Swartz, SecureDrop is launched by Freedom of the Press as a platform for secure communications between journalists and sources.

2013 – A leaked document reveals that Palantir's clients include at least twelve groups within the US government, including the CIA, DHS, NSA, FBI, CDC, the Marine Corps, the Air Force, Special Operations Command, West Point, the Joint Improvised-Threat Defeat Organization and Allies, the Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board and the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. US spy agencies also employ Palantir to connect databases across departments.

2013 - An article on Commtouch describes them as selling their services exclusively through third parties, including anti-virus companies like McAfee. Commtouch is working with Google, who will integrate the Commtouch Software Development Kit into their Gmail software. Commtouch estimates that 25% of all email vendors are using their products.

2013 - Chiliad releases an updated version of its big data analytics software for collecting and analyzing big data, called Discovery/Alert 7.0. The software has largely been aimed at the intelligence community prior to this time. Ken Rosen, a Chiliad spokesperson, describes it this way:

"With this system you don't just get a list of documents returned to you, but also all the concepts that are in those documents," Rosen said. "It's like having an assistant gather all the documents you need to search, then reading them to you, pointing out all of the most relevant passages, even passages that were not part of your original search... You don't have to move data anywhere or send it to the cloud. It simply wakes up and begins performing like a virtual data center. So right away, that first step of having to consolidate all your data as part of this whole process is already done..."

Aug. 2013 - CNBC reports that Bill Gates recently met with Jeffrey Epstein to discuss “ways to increase philanthropic spending.”

2014 - Commtouch changes its name to Cyren. Cyren is listed as a cloud-based internet security firm. They are headquartered in McLean, Virginia.

2014 – US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) award Palantir a $41 million contract to build and maintain a new intelligence system to track personal and criminal records of legal and illegal immigrants.

Oct. 2014 - MIT's Media Lab receives a $2 million 'anonymous' donation from Bill Gates at the recommendation of Jeffrey Epstein. Other donations are being funneled to Media Lab through Epstein as well, including $5.5 million from Leon Black, the founder of Apollo Global Management, one of the world’s largest private-equity firms. Some of the things Media Lab is involved in are AI, blockchains, and synthetic biology. Joi Ito, director of Media Lab, is also being funneled money from Epstein for his own private enterprises.

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May 2006 - Epstein is charged with multiple counts of unlawful sex acts with a minor.

Sept. 2006 – Peter Thiel donates $3.5 million to foster anti-aging research through the nonprofit Methuselah Mouse Prize foundation. By 2017, he will have donated over $7 million to the foundation. Thiel will state that he wants to make progress on anti-aging research, and that he is registered to be cryonically preserved, in the hopes that he might be successfully revived by future medical technology.

2007 - Carly Fiorina becomes chair of the CIA's External Advisory Board when it is first created in this year by then-CIA director Michael Hayden, and spends two years leading it.

2007 – Alan Dershowitz and other Epstein lawyers claim that Epstein had been part of the original group that conceived the Clinton Global Initiative.

2007 - Epstein's lawyers meet with Miami's top federal prosecutor Alexander Acosta and secretly negotiate an illegal plea deal for solicitation of prostitution and procurement of minors for prostitution. Acosta will later claim that he was ordered by a superior to withhold charges against Epstein because Epstein is an intelligence agent. What agency he works for is never revealed.

Jan. 2008 – FBI Director Robert Mueller makes a trip to Phnom Penh to open up a new FBI office in the capital and discuss Cambodia’s cooperation with America’s ‘war on terror’, meeting with his counterpart General Lundy. Previously Lundy had repeatedly been refused US visas for his known participation in trafficking young Cambodian children, but after the FBI director’s trip to Cambodia’s capital and meeting with Lundy in person, suddenly the general will be granted his visa as a VIP Washington guest.

At this time, CIA and State Department personnel operating out of the Phnom Penh Embassy are also involved in rampant pedophile abuse. Bush’s Deputy Secretary of the US State Department, John Negroponte, has a satellite link tower set up at one of the orphanages where boys and girls aged 8-14 are made available for sex parties for Negroponte’s diplomatic and VIP visiting pedophiles. John Negroponte and his brother Nicholas, founder of MIT’s Media Lab, are using the orphanage kids to make child pornography, uplinking photos and video files through deep encryption back to the US for wider elite distribution. A teacher at the orphanage will report:

“Nick [Negroponte] was a frequent visitor and one of the orphanage sponsors who arranged the weekend pajama parties in the city whenever foreign VIPs arrived… Since he gave us the computer equipment, our staff was in no position to say no. The average age of the abused orphans was 10 years old.”

June 2008 - Epstein accepts a controversial non-prosecution agreement in Florida.

Nov. 9, 2008 – A helicopter crash in the Svay Rieng Province of southern Cambodia kills all occupants on board including General Hok Lundy, the nation’s police chief. This ‘accident’ occurs just after General Lundy had told Deputy US Secretary of State John Negroponte that he was no longer welcomed in Cambodia. The wife of the former king and mother of current king had been pressuring Lundy to start cracking down on the rampant child sex trafficking ravaging their country.

Nov. 2009 – Laura Silsby founds the New Life Children's Refuge, an orphanage “dedicated to rescuing, loving and caring for orphaned, abandoned and impoverished Haitian and Dominican children”. The orphanage intends to provide adoption opportunities for American "loving Christian parents". At this time, Silsby is facing a number of civil lawsuits for fraud, wrongful termination and unpaid wages mostly related to an internet company she founded in 1999. Silsby had once worked at Hewlett-Packard.

Jan. 29, 2010 – Laura Silsby is arrested in Haiti for attempting to take 33 children out of the country after an earthquake disaster, under the guise of a rescue operation. Bill Clinton will step in to rescue Silsby and bring her back to the USA. Silsby will end up working at AlertSense as their Vice President of Marketing. AlertSense works with the federal government on FEMA’s Integrated Public Alert & Warning System (IPAWS), which issues Amber Alerts during kidnapping events.

June 18, 2010 – Vice President Joe Biden credits Palantir in a press conference for the success of the Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board in fighting fraud, and stated that the capability will be deployed at other government agencies, starting with Medicare and Medicaid.

Mar. 7, 2011 – Sarah Ferguson admits publicly that she had accepted GBP 15,000 ($24,000) from Jeffrey Epstein to help pay an employee to whom she owed money. She will later tell journalists that she had no knowledge at the time that Epstein was a pedophile, and that that put a clear divide between them, based on that new knowledge. Epstein will respond by making threats to both the journalists who report the story, and to Sarah Ferguson, demanding a retraction. Prince Andrew will allegedly cut off his friendship with Epstein after these threats are made.

2011 – Marvin Minsky holds a second conference at Epstein’s Little St. James Island.

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2002 – Chiliad forms a partnership with a failing company called Ezenia!, and within a year they will obtain many lucrative defense contracts. The number and value of these contracts (and others) will increase substantially.

2002 – Jeffrey Epstein is introduced to Ehud Barak by former Israeli Prime Minister Shimon Peres. Apart from being a former prime minister of Israel, Barak is a former minister of defense and the former head of Israeli military intelligence. He oversaw Unit 8200’s operations, as well as other units of Israeli military intelligence, in all three of those positions. For most of his military and later political career, Barak has been closely associated with covert operations.

2002 – Jeffrey Epstein, Bill Clinton, Kevin Spacey, and Chris Tucker spend a week touring AIDS project sites in South Africa, Nigeria, Ghana, Rwanda, and Mozambique for the Clinton Foundation.

2002 – Marvin Minsky holds a conference at Epstein’s Little St. James Island.

May 2002 – Epstein’s nonprofit Epstein Interests donates $100,000 to the UJA-Federation of New York. The UJA-Fed is one of the largest Jewish non-profits in the world, with a turnover of more than $200 million a year, distributed to dozens of charitable organizations in the US, Israel, and around the world.

2003 - The FBI begins working with Chiliad in setting up a software system as "a top secret/sensitive compartmented information system." Robert Mueller is the Director of the FBI at this time.

2003 - Jeffrey Epstein donates $30 million to Harvard University.

2003 - Jeffrey Epstein donates $6.5 million to MIT.

May 2003 – Peter Thiel cofounds Palantir Technologies, a private software company that specializes in big data analytics. The only early investors will be Thiel ($30 million) and the CIA front company, In-Q-Tel ($2 million).

2004 – Jeffrey Epstein and attorney Paul Hoffman attempt to get a $1.2 million underwater fiber-optic cable project passed that would run from St. Thomas to Little St. James Island.

2004 – Ehud Barak receives $2.5 million from Les Wexner’s Wexner Foundation for unspecified ‘consulting services’ and ‘research’ on the foundation’s behalf. Epstein is a trustee of the foundation at this time and one of its top donors.

July 2004 - An article in the South Florida Sun Sentinel describes Commtouch as a maker of anti-spam software (i.e. internet security).

2005 - Chiliad describes its software for DoD procurement, revealing its sophistication with regard to real-time analysis of live network data to determine predictive behavior:

"Unlike traditional approaches to predictive analysis driven only by historic data models, the proposed approach will combine well-understood behavior and patterns to anticipate likely courses of action, with new behavior patterns detected from live field sensor data, leveraging value from real-time analysis of 'unstructured' content, deriving structured data from these sources, and leveraging further value from these structured data with triggers on relational databases. Analysis and metadata generation are executed on-the-fly, moment-to-moment using live network data, not yet indexed. Detected strategy changes from field data are fed back into the continuous monitoring loop in near real-time, improving adaptive and responsive capability that is proactive, anticipatory, and reactive at the same time... Response-time can be almost immediate in time-critical situations."

2005 - The first investigation into Epstein is opened.

2006 – Stephen Hawking attends a conference at Epstein’s Little St. James Island.

2006 – Tax returns for this year show that Jeffrey Epstein’s former charity, the C.O.U.Q. Foundation, gave $25,000 to the Clinton Foundation and $6.5 million to Harvard University’s Program for Evolutionary Dynamics.

2006 - Washington Post:

"FBI Shows Off Counterterrorism Database... The FBI has built a database with more than 659 million records... culled from more than 50 FBI and other government agency sources... It is one of the most powerful data analysis tools available to law enforcement and counterterrorism agents... The FBI's Investigative Data Warehouse was launched in 2004. The system [was] designed by Chiliad Inc. of Amherst, Mass."

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1998 - In an interview by Mark Stokes, Christine Maxwell reveals her globalist vision for the future:

"During our conversation, I [Stokes] commented on the breadth of her reach globally by indicating that she seems to be a world citizen rather than one tied to a specific city or country. This is the essence of a new perspective of women via the Internet... 'It is true that I feel I don't belong to any particular country,' she says. 'I do feel like a global citizen. I think women have a particularly important role to play as they rear young children into the new millennium. I believe that as geographic frontiers become less relevant and as we find that becoming citizens of the world means something to more and more people, women - and all parents - must learn how to educate their children in what it means to live locally and act globally. It's more than just words. We are only just beginning to understand what global citizenship is all about, and the Internet is fundamental to our ability... to achieve a better and more effective understanding of our individual and collective role in this highly networked world.'"

1999 - Chiliad Inc. is allegedly cofounded this year by Christine Maxwell. This contradicts other sources, and probably reflects the co.'s first introduction to the public sector.

1999 - Chiliad Inc. partners with Hewlett Packard. Carly Fiorina is the new CEO of HP at the time.

1999 – Ian and Kevin Maxwell, brothers of the Maxwell sisters, round up private investors in the United States to create Telemonde, a company involved in the business of buying and leasing telecommunications bandwidth.

Dec. 31, 1999 - The Boston Globe:

"Commtouch will help Microsoft in international markets where the software giant doesn't yet do email business... Companies and web sites such as Excite Inc., Discovery Channel, and Business Week pay Commtouch to provide email and other services to their customers. About 8.5 million people use Commtouch's email system, which is available in 16 languages. The company said it adds 25,000 new users daily... Microsoft wants to capture a little bit of that value for itself... Commtouch provides email services to telecommunications equipment maker Ericson AB, while Microsoft plans to work with Ericson to develop software to bring internet features to wireless phones."

Mar. 23, 2000 – An article in the New York Post describes Jeffrey Epstein as “an enigmatic figure. Rumors abound — including wild ones about a career in the Mossad and, contrarily, the CIA.”

July 2000 – A Guardian article describes Isabel Maxwell, president of Commtouch, as "one of the toughest and best connected female internet entrepreneurs. In Israel she is lauded for her charity work and sits on the board of governors of former prime minister Shimon Peres' Centre for Peace, alongside such luminaries as Boutros Boutros-Ghali, Jimmy Carter and Larry Ellson.”

Nov. 2000 – "Started last year with $3 million in angel funding from family and friends, Chiliad jumped from the shadows [recently] by announcing a $24.5 million investment from Hewlett-Packard Co... The two companies also formed a strategic alliance in which Chiliad will use HP servers, storage, consulting, and software, while HP will explore how to use the start-up's search technology in its products..." The company also has a working relationship with Cisco Systems.

2000 – Christine Maxwell delivers a discussion paper to UNESCO's InfoEthics 2000 Conference.

2000 – Epstein founds the Jeffrey Epstein VI Foundation to fund and support cutting-edge science around the world.

2001 – Reports indicate that there are over 100,000 child pornography sites on the internet.

2001 – 17-year-old Virginia Roberts is forced by Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell to have sex with Prince Andrew.

2001 – Michael Isikoff Interview with Carly Fiorina (Sept. 2015):

"In the weeks following the September 11 terrorist attacks in 2001, she received a phone call from Michael Hayden, then the director of the NSA, asking her assistance in providing HP computer servers to the NSA for expanded surveillance."

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1993 – According to the New Yorker, Lynn Forester de Rothschild requests ‘financial help’ from Epstein during her divorce from Andrew Stein. She also introduces him to Bill Clinton during this time. Forester de Rothschild is a long-time associate of the Clintons and has been a major donor to both Bill and Hillary Clinton since 1992. Their ties are so close that Forester de Rothschild will spend the first night of her honeymoon at the Lincoln Bedroom in the White House while Clinton is president.

1993 – Jeffrey Epstein donates $10,000 to the White House Historical Association and attends a Clinton donor reception alongside Ghislaine Maxwell. A. Paul Prosperi, a long-time friend of Bill Clinton from his college days, is intimately involved with the fundraiser and has also had a decades-long relationship with Epstein, and will even visit him at least 20 times while he is in jail in 2008.

1993 – Jeffrey Epstein purchases the Zorro Ranch in NM from Governor Bruce King.

1994 – Commtouch Software partners with UniPress Software Inc. to create Pronto Mail, a Windows email program that supports communications between PC and UNIX networks.

1995 – The internet is commercialized. More ISPs quickly come into service to meet increasing demand.

1995 – Magellan is sold to a company called Excite for $4.4 million. Excite will merge with a US cable co. called @Home in 1999.

1995 – Chiliad Publishing is cofounded by Christine Maxwell and a man named Paul McOwen at least as early as this year (despite reports to the contrary). The company will grow moderately, opening offices in London, Germany, Brazil, France and the US.

1995 – Les Wexner signs over his 45,000 square-foot New York mansion to Jeffrey Epstein.

1995 – Lynn Forester de Rothschild, currently a member of Clinton’s National Information Infrastructure Advisory Council, writes the following to President Clinton:

“Dear Mr. President: It was a pleasure to see you recently at Senator Kennedy’s house. There was too much to discuss and too little time. Using my fifteen seconds of access to discuss Jeffrey Epstein and currency stabilization, I neglected to talk to you about a topic near and dear to my heart. Namely, affirmative action and the future.”

1995 – Epstein attends a very exclusive Clinton fundraiser, hosted by Ron Perelman at his personal home, with the guest list that includes only 14 people.

1996 – The NSA’s ‘Intelink’ system goes online as part of the ECHELON system, connecting 13 different US intelligence agencies and some allied agencies with the aim of providing instant access to all types of intelligence information. Just like logging onto the internet, intelligence analysts and military personnel can view an atlas on Intelink's home page, and then click on any country they choose in order to access intelligence reports, video clips, satellite photos, databases and status reports.

1996 – America Online, the world’s largest internet service provider, reaches five million members.

1996 – A news article describes Pronto Mail (Commtouch) as having a built-in recorder for creating voicemails. (This would allow for eavesdropping.)

1996 – Maria Farmer reports to the NYPD and the FBI that Epstein sexually abused both her and her then-15-year-old sister in his New York City home. Nothing is done about it.

1997 - Epstein sexually attacks Alicia Arden, a former Victoria’s Secret model. A police report is filed but nothing comes of it.

1997 - Christine Maxwell joins the Board of the Internet Society (ISOC), where she will play various leadership roles until leaving in 2002. When she applies for a position, she offers a brief resume and position statement, in which she affirms her international character and intent to engage the world community in the work of the organization, which work includes acting as "a facilitator and coordinator of Internet-related initiatives around the world," including "public policy and trade activities," "education and social issues," and "the globalization process" for targeted populations.

1997 - An article states that Israeli firm Commtouch hired Isabel Maxwell this year, and that Commtouch was founded in 1991 by a group of tech-savvy former army officers. This contradicts other sources that claim Maxwell founded the company herself years earlier.

1997 – After becoming Prime Minister of Israel, Binyamin Netanyahu enlists Ronald Lauder and George Nader to serve as his peace envoys to Syria. Lauder had been a major donor to Netanyahu’s campaign and helped him win.

1997 – Jeffrey Epstein begins making donations to Harvard University. Donations will continue to 2007, when he is arrested. According to the university, the donations will allegedly total $9 million, although other claims will indicate it was much more.

1998 – Les Wexner transfers ownership of his New York townhouse to a Virgin Islands business called NES LLC with which Epstein is affiliated. In 2011, Epstein will transfer ownership of the home to Maple Inc., a Virgin Island–based company he controls. No money is involved in the transfers.

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1987 - Leslie Wexner (L Brands, Victoria's Secret) becomes a client of Jeffrey Epstein.

1987 - Donald Trump meets Jeffrey Epstein.

1987 – An Austrian passport issued this year will be found in Jeffrey Epstein’s safe after his second arrest. Given that Epstein was unable to meet the conventional qualifications for an Austrian passport — which included long-term residency in Austria (the passport lists him as a resident of Saudi Arabia) and fluency in German — it appears that the only way to have acquired it was through the assistance of a well-connected Austrian official or foreign diplomat with clout in Austria. It is very likely that he was issued the passport from Ronald Lauder, who is the US Ambassador to Austria at the time and has the ability to issue such passports.

1988 – At about this time, the first commercial Internet Service Providers (ISPs) become available for connecting to the early internet (ARPANET). Connecting to Europe’s CERN network expands it further. Expansion into Asian countries follows soon after this.

1989 – Tavistock convenes a seminar at Case Western Reserve University to discuss the means to bring about a ‘stateless’ international fascism – a new global information world order. In 1991, Tavistock will devote its journal, Human Relations, to the publication of the papers from that conference. In several of these papers, the call will go out for the deployment of the mass media on behalf of this project. In addition, there has been a new technology at the disposal of the brainwashers – the internet. According to Harold Perlmutter, one of the participants at the Case Western seminar, the internet represented a subversive means to penetrate national borders with ‘information’ about this new world order; it also serves as a glue for a network of non-governmental organizations, all circulating propaganda for the new world order. These NGOs were to be the superstructure upon which the new world order is to be built. Perlmutter and other conference participants will argue that their movement cannot be beaten, because it doesn't exist, in a formal sense. It resides in the minds of its conspirators, minds informed by Tavistock's mass-media brainwashing machine. As television was the information drug during the last half of this millennium, so the internet, with its glut of mostly useless chatter and ‘information’, with its subversive, programmed messages, is to be the new ‘drug’ of the next millennium.

1989 – The number of internet hosts exceeds 100,000.

Dec. 1989 - Riding the Electronic Wave -- Document Delivery: Proceedings of the Library of Congress Network Advisory Committee Meeting. This meeting focuses on ways in which newer technologies and document delivery networks are changing current practices in document delivery and information services. Information On Demand is listed as a participant. Information On Demand is also listed as an information broker that can deliver printed materials of all types from any country or source.

Christine Maxwell's Proposal at the Library of Congress Committee:

"I would like to think that public and private sector document suppliers, libraries and information centers will increasingly contribute their holdings to cooperative document supply ventures of all kinds. As an information resource of the first magnitude, the Federal libraries need to re-assess current restrictions imposed on their use. In principle, INFORMATION ON DEMAND is prepared and would like to enter into a joint venture which, for instance, could better disseminate the information held in Federal libraries, while providing more rapid delivery and assuring copyright compliance at a level that is often not attained in the public sector..."

1990 – The first commercial provider for internet dial-up access is established.

1990 – George Nader is caught for the second time possessing large amounts of child pornography.

1991 (?) – Isabel Maxwell cofounds Commtouch Software Ltd. (an Israeli co.), whose SEC filing in early 2000 will describe it as a leading global provider of outsourced integrated web-based email and messaging solutions to businesses. At that time (2000) they will have 250 global customers and serve approx. 8.4 million active email accounts. They will also serve over 1 million active email accounts through their ZapZone Network. They will offer fax and voicemail services, email forwarding, and will handle a variety of languages. These accounts will provide the company with important demographic data that will be used to create highly targeted marketing campaigns.

1991 – The Mega Group is founded by Les Wexner and Charles Bronfman as a pro-Israeli philanthropy group. Its members consist exclusively of Jewish billionaires. The Mega Group is closely associated with the World Jewish Congress and B'nai B'rith. Ronald Lauder, owner of Estee Lauder and president of the World Jewish Congress, will soon become a member of this group. Lauder is good friends with both Roy Cohn and Alan Greenberg. Steven Spielberg will also become a member of this group. Many of the members will have long-standing ties to organized crime.

Nov. 4, 1991 – Robert Maxwell is found dead under questionable circumstances while cruising on his yacht off the Canary Islands. Having looted $600 million from the pension funds of his employees in a vain attempt to keep his media empire afloat, he leaves his family in a bankrupt state and publicly disgraced. It will be rumored that he was murdered because he had threatened the MOSSAD and told them that unless they gave him £400 million to save his crumbling empire, he would expose all he had done for them. During his funeral on Mt. Olive in Jerusalem, attended by no less than six serving and former heads of Israeli intelligence, Prime Minister Shamir will eulogize: “He has done more for Israel than can today be said.”

Ghislaine Maxwell will move to New York after the funeral, where she will soon meet Jeffrey Epstein.

1992 – The number of internet hosts exceeds 1,000,000.

1993 – Christine and Isabel Maxwell cofound the McKinley Group (previously Information On Demand), an international search engine and directory site. Through this enterprise they will develop a search engine called Magellan.

moderator99 ago

1974 – Christine Maxwell completes a Post Graduate Teaching Certificate and takes up work as a middle school teacher in Oxford.

1976 – After being fired from the Dalton School, Jeffrey Epstein is hired by Alan Greenberg at Bear Stearns as a junior assistant to a floor trader at the American Stock Exchange. Greenberg is good friends with Roy Cohn.

1978 – The first computer bulletin board system (BBS) is developed, allowing users to dial into a computer using a modem to share files and leave messages.

1979 - CompuServe becomes the first computer network to offer email service to personal computer users.

1980 – Isabel Maxwell makes her second film, a documentary on lesbian women.

1981 – Jeffrey Epstein leaves Bear Stearns.

1981 – Isabel Maxwell moves to the United States, where she continues to produce and direct documentaries.

1981 – ARPANET is expanded when the National Science Foundation develops the Computer Science Network (CSNET). The number of host sites is 213, and new ones will be added regularly. These are all military sites, universities, or research centers.

1981 – The NSA becomes responsible for detailing trusted computing and network platform specifications, meaning that they can easily implement and secure hidden functions in any computer architecture. This gives them the ability to surreptitiously insert spyware or malware in any computer, which would be completely undetectable (even to computer manufacturers and technicians). Computer chips that have other functions could also be designed and then surreptitiously inserted as well.

1981 – At about this time, the US Justice Department begins using PROMIS software, owned by Bill Hamilton through his company Inslaw. PROMIS is an extremely sophisticated tracking program that was designed to easily interface with data banks in different computer systems. The program could effectively be used to probe into the lives of people in a way never before possible and track the movements of untold numbers of people in any part of the world. The DOJ will withhold millions of dollars in lease payments which will force Inslaw to file for bankruptcy. Once Inslaw is effectively destroyed, the DOJ, headed by Attorney General Edwin Meese III, will transfer PROMIS to the NSA and CIA, where a backdoor will be put in that will let them eavesdrop on any other organization that uses the software. With the backdoor in place, the CIA will secretly install PROMIS in the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) in Switzerland to keep track of electronic fund transfers to allegedly combat money-laundering and other criminal activities, including drug trafficking, securities and banking frauds and political payoffs. The CIA will also furnish the software to its agents in the field to track data, and will then begin marketing it to other intelligence agencies around the world in order to tap into these agencies at will. The NSA will also begin using PROMIS to penetrate the global banking industry.

1982 – A secret federal database called Main Core is set up by Lt. Col. Oliver North using PROMIS software. The database contains personal and financial data of millions of US citizens believed to be threats to national security. The data, which is believed to come from the NSA, FBI, CIA, and other sources, is collected and stored without warrants or court orders. Main Core is believed to have been initiated by FEMA as part of a Continuity of Government (COG) program. By 2008 it will have over 8 million Americans listed in its database as possible threats, often for trivial reasons, whom the government may choose to track, question, or detain in a time of crisis.

1982 – Jeffrey Epstein sets up J. Epstein and Co., where he will allegedly manage the investments of billionaire clients, demanding full attorney privilege over their finances.

1983 – Israeli intelligence acquires a copy of PROMIS software from the DOJ and puts their own backdoor into it before using Robert Maxwell to market it to intelligence agencies of other countries through a company he owns called Degem. Maxwell will sell PROMIS to the intelligence agencies of New Zealand, Australia, Thailand, Turkey, Belgium, Poland, East Germany, Egypt, Bulgaria, Nicaragua, Colombia, Guatemala, South Africa, Zimbabwe, China, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, and the KGB. The Israelis will also sell PROMIS to the Eastern Bloc, Nicaragua, Colombia, Chile, Brazil, and the Rothschild controlled Credit Suisse. The sale to Credit Suisse will give Israel the ability to monitor all of their transactions, giving them an unwarranted advantage over the world’s financial market. PROMIS will also be sold to the infamously corrupt and now defunct BCCI (Bank of Credit and Commerce International).

1983 – Ronald Lauder (of Estee Lauder) is appointed to serve as United States Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for European and NATO Affairs. During this time, Lauder is also very active in Israeli politics and had already become an ally of the then-Israeli representative to the United Nations and future prime minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu.

1984 – George Nader is caught in possession of large amounts of child pornography.

1984 – Using money funded by the MOSSAD, Robert Maxwell buys the Mirror Group Newspapers, adding the Daily Mirror and five other national newspapers to his publishing empire.

Jan. 1985 – Robert Maxwell sells a copy of the Israeli’s doctored version of PROMIS software to Sandia National Laboratories (Los Alamos). He represents himself as the president of Information On Demand.

1985 – Robert Maxwell reveals PROMIS software’s backdoor to Chinese Military Intelligence (PLa-2) while selling them a copy of the software. The Chinese will later use this backdoor to steal nuclear secrets from Sandia National Labs.

1986 - Christine Maxwell is listed as president of Information On Demand, which is described at this time as an information retrieval service that can access over 300 databases, millions of published articles, market research studies, trade publications, corporate intelligence, and industry surveys. Information On Demand uses 15 'runners' who can retrieve information from libraries and universities in cities across America. They can also retrieve information from sources as far away as the Lenin Library in the USSR.

1986 – Ronald Lauder leaves his post at the Pentagon to become the US ambassador to Austria.

moderator99 ago

1920s - Sam Bronfman is bootlegging to Meyer Lansky and other members of the mafia during Prohibition. Roy Cohn is a friend to both Bronfman and Lansky, and will develop close ties to J. Edgar Hoover.

1930s – Sam Bronfman becomes the head of the Canadian Jewish Congress and begins to try to build a reputation for himself as a philanthropist for Jewish causes. In spite of this, in the years ahead he will become actively involved in the illegal shipping of arms to Zionist paramilitaries in Palestine, and his associates in the criminal underworld will be doing the same, using their clandestine networks to establish a vast arms smuggling network between the United States and Zionist settlements in Palestine. Throughout this time, they will strengthen their ties to US intelligence after formally (though covertly) establishing them in World War II.

1940s – Meyer Lansky obtains compromising photos of FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover. The photos show Hoover engaged in sexual activity with his long-time friend, FBI Deputy Director Clyde Tolson. Hoover is also engaging in sexual blackmail operations against others at this time. Meyer Lansky and Roy Cohn are involved.

1945 – At the end of World War II, Robert Maxwell is given a job by MI6 (which is under the influence of Lord Victor Rothschild, a Zionist Jew). Maxwell is a Czechoslovakian Jew who escaped from Nazi occupation, joined the Czechoslovak Army in exile during World War II and was decorated after active service in the British Army. It is suspected he also has ties to the MOSSAD at this time.

1951 – Robert Maxwell buys ¾ of Butterworth-Springer, a minor publisher, and changes its name to Pergamon Press before rapidly building it into a major publishing house.

Oct. 29, 1969 – The military’s ARPANET goes online as a secure electronic communications network. This will eventually develop into the modern internet. The first ARPANET link is between the University of California, Los Angeles and Stanford Research Institute. By the end of the year it will add the University of Utah and the University of California, Santa Barbara.

1971 – Christine and Isabel Maxwell found a company called Information On Demand (also called Research On Demand and the McKinley Group), a global information retrieval service that likely developed as part of Robert Maxwell’s growing media empire.

1972 – Christine Maxwell receives a BA in Latin American Studies and Sociology.

1972 – Isabel Maxwell graduates from St Hilda's College at Oxford with a BA and MA in History and French. She also earns a Masters Degree in Education (French) from the University of Edinburgh, Scotland, before beginning a career in film and television production.

1973 – Isabel Maxwell makes her first film, an adaptation of Jonathan Livingston Seagull.

1973 – Robert Maxwell installs computers at his Headington offices, anticipating future trends in business. His daughters Isabel and Christine start learning how to use them.

1973 – Jeffrey Epstein begins teaching calculus and physics at the Dalton School, in spite of the fact that he had not earned a college degree. He is allegedly hired by William Barr’s father, Donald Barr, who is headmaster of the school at this time. Barr is having problems with how the school is being run and will resign the following year.

BlazingBear1 ago

Nice job. Once it’s in chronological order completely maybe new connections will become evident.

moderator99 ago

The connections are there in what I posted. It shows a progressive advancement of Israeli spying through gov. agencies and private internet co.s, using the Maxwells and others like Epstein.