kestrel9 ago

JP Morgan and a review of skullduggery

Words of wisdom:

When we begin to understand how CIA/intelligence disinformation works, how counterintelligence works, we begin to see that all along our questions were incorrect:

If they get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about the answers. ~ Thomas Pynchon

from #5

The entire MKULTRA era is riddled with banking families, and there is evidence that the CIA was aided in its founding by these families.

JP Morgan Bank and Gordon Wasson ran MKULTRA subproject 58. The Warburg family funded and ran Sandoz Pharmaceuticals – the makers of LSD, where Wasson was a director.[65] The Mellon family funded the Harvard Psilocybin Research Project, IFIF, owned the Millbrook mansion, and Billy Hitchcock LSD Enterprises, and was tied back to JP Morgan Bank. The Mellon family was also tied directly to the head of the CIA

The CIA’s Director from 1966 to 1973, Richard Helms, was a regular guest at the Mellon family mansion in Pittsburgh. Even Tim Leary thought that the ‘liberal CIA’ were ‘the best Mafia you could deal with’.[66]

~ David Black

One thing that is difficult to understand is the fable regarding Tim Leary’s getting fired from Harvard in 1963 and the exposure by Dr. Andrew Weil. It appears from the evidence that Weil’s “exposure” was just an old trick using the Hegelian dialectic: problem, reaction, solution; – or thesis, anti-thesis, synthesis.

Without Leary having been fired from Harvard he’d never have been able to create the appearance of the hippie guru he’d later use to promote the psychedelics to the youth for the CIA and Huxley and Osmond. Weil’s so-called “exposure,” and Leary’s subsequent “firing” (along with Dr. Richard Alpert), created the illusion, in my opinion, that Harvard, et al, were trying to suppress Leary’s “spiritual message”. This gave Leary and the CIA the psychological advantage they’d need to use against the public. And, after all, Leary and the others were nearly all out of the Harvard Social Relations Department under the well-known MKULTRA conspirator, Dr. Henry A. Murray – who headed the department.

While in prison Leary admitted to having worked for the CIA


think- ago

Very interesting info, thank you. Would you consider crossposting to v/pizzagate? ;-)Thanks!

@letsdothis3 @new4now @darkknight111 @gamepwn @Factfinder2

think- ago

Thank you. :-) And while you're at it, could you pleaes also crosspost to v/ElitePedophilia, it is meant to be an archive of the most imporetant v/pizzagate posts. I'll send you a submitter invite. Thanks!

kestrel9 ago

Will do :)

PGLiterati ago

Kestrel--thanks for posting. Wanted to share this site I found a couple years ago. You may be using it. If you look on the sidebar, there are several Epstein stories. I found a story similar to the one you posted here on the site a couple weeks back.

kestrel9 ago

You're welcome. I came across that site today, it has a lot of great articles and the unusual body count of bankers dying caught my attention long before I knew much about Epstein, so I had to post it :)

monsterdoggie ago

He isn't dead. Stop with the bullshit.

kestrel9 ago

What I believe is irrelevant when it comes to posting the title taken directly from an article. I've commented on other threads that I thought he might not be dead so fuck off back to the scrubbie little dog house you crawled out of.

monsterdoggie ago

He's still dead asshole.

kestrel9 ago

so you're just here to shit up the post got it


monsterdoggie ago

I mean alive lol.

kestrel9 ago


kestrel9 ago

2 con't

It should be noted that Epstein wasn’t simply serving time for soliciting sex from a minor. At the time, the Justice Department had prepared a 53-page indictment against him with evidence that he had sexually assaulted dozens of underage school girls. Why Epstein got off so easy is now also under investigation.

Bloomberg News reported just five days before Epstein’s death that Staley and his wife had also visited Epstein on his private Caribbean island, Little St. James, in April 2015. Staley was no longer employed at JPMorgan Chase at that time.

The Times article also reveals that Epstein was involved with Staley in brokering a deal where JPMorgan purchased a majority stake in the hedge fund, Highbridge Capital Management, which was co-founded by Glenn Dubin and Henry Swieca. The Wall Street Journal reported that Epstein was paid $15 million for brokering the deal.

FINRA data shows that Highbridge Capital had affiliates in secrecy jurisdictions like the Cayman Islands, Luxembourg and Jersey.

Spokesperson for JPMorgan denies reported intervention to ignore 10 year old recommendations to close Esptein accounts

...two days before Epstein’s untimely death, taking many of the secrets of his relationship with JPMorgan to the grave with him, New York Times’ reporters Emily Flitter and Jessica Silver-Greenberg wrote that compliance officers at JPMorgan Chase had recommended a decade ago the closing of Epstein’s account at the bank because of legal and reputational risks. The recommendations came after his guilty plea in 2008 to sex crimes. According to the report, which a spokesperson for JPMorgan denies, Mary Erdoes, one of the bank’s top executives, intervened to stop the account purge. The reporters add this:

“The episode is another example of how powerful institutions and individuals, eager to profit from Mr. Epstein and his network of wealthy acquaintances, looked past his criminal history and sex offender status. As a result, he managed to retain crucial business connections even as, prosecutors said in a federal indictment last month, he engaged in the sexual trafficking of girls as young as 14.”

Note that Epstein has reportedly been seen with younger girls than that.

Wall Street's Secret "Spy Center"

JPMorgan Chase has had an uncomfortably cozy relationship with law enforcement through the years. As we reported in 2012, an employee of JPMorgan Chase (along with several other Wall Street bank employees) was allowed to sit elbow to elbow with New York City Police officers in a high-tech surveillance center dubbed the Lower Manhattan Security Coordination Center watching thousands of street-level surveillance cameras as they spied on the comings and goings of pedestrians. As we wrote at the time, “Not only is it unprecedented for corporations under serial and ongoing corruption probes to be allowed to spy on law abiding citizens under the imprimatur of the largest police force in the country, but the legality of the operation by the NYPD itself is highly questionable.” (See 60 Minutes Takes a Pass on Wall Street’s Secret Spy Center.)

JPMorgan Chase has also through the years maintained a steady roster of former CIA and Secret Service officials. Thomas Higgins, the former Senior Officer and Station Chief in the CIA’s National Clandestine Service, was previously the Global Head of Operational Control for the bank. Bud Cato, a Regional Security Manager for JPMorgan Chase from 2011 to 2014, had worked for the CIA in foreign clandestine operations from 1982 to 1995 and in Middle East operations from 2001 to 2011.

After the Justice Department released the charges against JPMorgan Chase in connection with the Bernie Madoff Ponzi scheme, the Los Angeles Times asked in a photo caption of a smirking Madoff outside of Federal Court: “Bernie Madoff: Was he part of the JPMorgan ring, or was JPMorgan part of his ring?”

Throughout his serious brushes with law enforcement, Epstein also wore a perpetual smirk in photos, as if he knew his powerful connections would protect him. It’s now time to ask the question, “Was Jeffrey Epstein part of the JPMorgan ring, or was JPMorgan part of his ring?”

kestrel9 ago

James E. 'JES' Staley

  • Epstein introduced Jes Staley to the billionaire hedge fund manager Glenn Dubin.

Board Member of Robin Hood Foundation

His brother Peter Staley served on the board for amfAR (the Foundation for AIDS Research) from 1991-2004, during which time he was named to President Bill Clinton's 18 member panel: AIDS National Task Force on AIDS Drug Development.

His father Paul Staley was former president and CEO of PQ Corp (chemical company)

PQ Corporation was founded in 1831 and was known as the Philadelphia Quartz Company from 1864 until 1978.

see also

In 2010 James Staley and his wife held a fundraiser for New York Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand at their apartment

kestrel9 ago

James Staley and his wife visited Epstein on his private Caribbean island, Little St. James, in April 2015. Staley was no longer employed at JPMorgan Chase at that time. Probably a good thing, that past year was rough for some JPMorgan Chase employees.

Reported in 2014, JPMorgan had an estimated $180 billion of life insurance in force on its current and former workers.

Making worldwide news last week was the violent deaths of JPMorgan technology executive Julian Knott and his wife, Alita, ages 45 and 47, respectively, in Jefferson Township, New Jersey. However, two other recent, sudden deaths of technology workers at JPMorgan have gone unreported by the media.

Knott’s years at JPMorgan in London overlapped with those of Gabriel Magee, a JPMorgan Vice President who worked in computer infrastructure. Magee, aged 39, is alleged to have leaped from the rooftop of the 33-story JPMorgan London headquarters at 25 Bank Street on the evening of January 27, 2014 or the morning of January 28, 2014. Despite initial London newspaper reports that the jump was observed by “thousands of commuters” and JPMorgan colleagues, the coroner’s inquest on May 20 of this year revealed that not one eyewitness actually saw Magee leap from the building. Nonetheless, based on evidence produced internally by JPMorgan, the coroner ruled that Magee’s death was a suicide.

Six weeks before Magee’s tragic death, another sudden death of a technology worker at JPMorgan Chase occurred in Pearland, Texas. Jason Alan Salais, age 34, was standing outside a Walgreens on the evening of December 15 and died of a sudden heart attack according to a family member. Prior to joining JPMorgan in 2008, Salais had worked as a Client Software Technician at SunGard and a UNIX Systems Analyst at Logix Communications. Wall Street On Parade previously reported on the death of Salais.

This death has not previously been reported by the media. Richard Gravino, age 49, was an Application Development Team Lead for JPMorgan in Tampa, Florida. His death occurred on June 24, 2014 at his home in Riverview, Florida. The Hillsborough County Medical Examiner’s office said the cause of death is “pending” with toxicology tests not expected back for 8 to 12 weeks.

Gravino had an extensive and accomplished career in the computer technology field. Previous employers included Motorola and HSBC bank where he was a Senior Technical Consultant.

In the month prior to Gravino’s death, on May 7, 2014, Thomas James Schenkman, age 42, died suddenly in Connecticut. (Schenkman’s death has not previously been reported by major media.) Schenkman held the high rank of Managing Director of Global Infrastructure Engineering for JPMorgan Chase and had a highly marketable resume. Schenkman began his technology career with Microsoft, where he worked for 11 years. He moved on to Goldman Sachs in 2000 and worked there for six years. In 2006, Schenkman moved to Bear Stearns and was there at the time of its collapse in March 2008. Schenkman had been with JPMorgan for the past six years.

Not all the deaths from the links are posted, but worth a read.

more links:

The series of strange deaths has brought unwelcome attention to the fact that mega banks like JPMorgan Chase are allowed to secretly collect life insurance proceeds on the lives of their employees, and former employees, without disclosing the amounts to the families, or the public, or their shareholders. (Other corporations are likewise engaged in this practice.) The payments are a closely guarded secret between the companies and the insurers who collect the lucrative premiums.’s-death-in-london-shines-a-light-on-the-bank’s-close-ties-to-the-cia/

JPMorgan is also listed as one of the largest donors to a nonprofit Foundation that provides college tuition assistance to the children of fallen CIA operatives, the CIA Officers Memorial Foundation. The Foundation also notes in a November 2013 publication, the Compass, that it has enjoyed the fundraising support of Maurice (Hank) Greenberg. According to the publication, Greenberg “sponsored a fundraiser on our behalf. His guest list included the who’s who of the financial services industry in New York, and they gave generously.”

Hank Greenberg is the former Chairman and CEO of AIG which collapsed into the arms of the U.S. taxpayer, requiring a $182 billion bailout. In 2006, AIG paid $1.64 billion to settle federal and state probes into fraudulent activities. In 2010, the company settled a shareholders’ lawsuit for $725 million that accused it of accounting fraud and stock price manipulation. In 2009, Greenberg settled SEC fraud charges against him related to AIG for $15 million.