goatboy ago

Red pill, blue pill, black pill, brown pill- what color is a transcendence pill?

Here is the thing that everyone must eventually understand. A massive die off of the global human population is coming. It might be 5 years, it might be 5 decades, but it is inevitable. And when I say massive- I mean so massive the human brain isn't capable of dealing with the scale in truly meaningful ways.

Depending on what the final global population is when the die off initiates, we are looking at between 8 to 14.75 billion humans dying off in a very short period of time.

This precipitous die off will not be caused from a single man made event, although there will likely be some individual or group who inevitably triggers the collapse.

This is a result of exhaust our hydrocarbon energy supplies. If people tell you we have plenty of the stuff, then tell them to go back to math class and relearn exponential functions. Because we have two exponentials competing with each other. Human population growing at exponential rate. And net global hydrocarbon reserves being depleted also at an exponential growth rate. Surprisingly, the biggest use of those hydrocarbons is food production. Most people never stop to consider what it takes to keep them alive everyday- to get them food, water, shelter, and safety. For people who are obsessed with those trivial mundane things of daily life- the cold reality is always very close and things like freeway onramps become amazing feats of brilliance- truly when you start to understand how amazing the math and science behind freeway onramps it's hard not to be obsessed- but I digress.

Anyway, a few boring government engineers, academics, and private contractors who understand exponential growth rate functions figured this of the impending population die off decades ago. Likewise, people who know how to profit from such cataclysms in banking, finance, religion, public policy etc. also figured it out. In fact, the only people who didn't seem to figure this out were all the people would actually be involved in the die off.

Ever since then there's been a competition between the various factions. Those who want to profit from "the event" as its been dubbed; those who want there to be a future rigged class system; those who want to experiment with racial hybridization for future class structures along the lines of the Brave New World book; those who want to blow the whole thing apart and ensure no continuity between the present and a planned future; etc.

That is why Trumps election was so shocking to this New World Order group. They thought they had everything planned for and taken care of and their futures were guaranteed while they could smugly say laugh and watch the death of the rest of the human population. Now they realize their decades of planning were for shit and they themselves get the same roll of the dice as every single other human who will be around when the event starts. They don't get an automatic get out of death or the apocalypse free card. They will suffer the exact same fate the rest of humanity faces.

SolarBaby ago

it must be remembered that at the beginning of the nineteenth century rock and roll was almost strictly African-American music

Rock and roll in the 19th century?

bopper ago

Haha, that ain't correct. Jazz came first, then blues, then rock, and rock was just sped-up blues. Unless they know something I don't. When rock began to wipe out jazz then many of the talented jazz people went to work as studio musicians (The Wrecking Crew) to help produce the new rock bands. Now we have rap and it's all gone to crap. I'm trying to get into classical but it's hard.

Numberfive ago

Listen to the work of “Two Cellos”... it saved my mind... I can’t explain them they are so talented! I thought I was condemned to listen to the ole ancient stuff... it’s good and all but... well, you know!

bopper ago

I love the below piece, I hope I remember to watch Two Cellos, I'm sure I will, and I appreciate it! I think I'm nuts cause this piece makes me so sad but all the comments they say it makes them weep :)


Numberfive ago

Two Cellos will help your illness... especially Thunderstruck interpretation of AC/DC Another suggestion is Rapalje.... Drunken Sailor will make you dance alone in your living room... I know because I do it all the time! Hope you feel better soon!!!!

bopper ago

Oh those must be those hillbillies? I'll check w/ you later, thanks.

Numberfive ago

Not hillbillies at all... you will love them!

Ialwayssaythis ago

That shit was solid as fuck. Great post.

kestrel9 ago

I didn't realize this was part 3 in a series by the authors, looks like a lot more to read for me lol...

  • 1) R. Gordon Wasson: The Man, the Legend, the Myth. Beginning a New History of Magic Mushrooms, Ethnomycology,and the Psychedelic Revolution. By Jan Irvin, May 13, 2012 https://archive.is/vHyWj

  • 2) How Darwin, Huxley, and the Esalen Institute launched the 2012 and psychedelic revolutions – and began one of the largest mind control operations in history. Some brief notes. By Jan Irvin, August 28, 2012 https://archive.is/gUwUu

Investigating Wasson Brain – MK-ULTRA and the launching the psychedelic and environmental movements https://webbrain.com/brainpage/brain/6FBA86B0-0C57-9FCA-5CF9-D742DA541AAA#-4411

  • 3) Manufacturing the Deadhead: A Product of Social Engineering, by Joe Atwill and Jan Irvin, May 13, 2013 https://archive.is/wrhC6 (same as original post but a different site)

  • 4) Entheogens: What’s in a Name? The Untold History of Psychedelic Spirituality, Social Control, and the CIA, by Jan Irvin, November 11, 2014 http://archive.is/FWnQc

  • 5) Spies in Academic Clothing: The Untold History of MKULTRA and the Counterculture – And How the Intelligence Community Misleads the 99%, by Jan Irvin, May 13, 2015 http://archive.is/9h6Cf

Ialwayssaythis ago

Wow holy shit. Well I have something to do

kestrel9 ago

I'm reading #5....mind blowing and essential reading for ALL researchers period.

kestrel9 ago

from #5 https://www.gnosticmedia.com/SpiesinAcademicClothing_MKULTRA

The entire MKULTRA era is riddled with banking families, and there is evidence that the CIA was aided in its founding by these families.

Say it isn't so! /s

JP Morgan Bank and Gordon Wasson ran MKULTRA subproject 58. The Warburg family funded and ran Sandoz Pharmaceuticals – the makers of LSD, where Wasson was a director.[65] The Mellon family funded the Harvard Psilocybin Research Project, IFIF, owned the Millbrook mansion, and Billy Hitchcock LSD Enterprises, and was tied back to JP Morgan Bank. The Mellon family was also tied directly to the head of the CIA

The CIA’s Director from 1966 to 1973, Richard Helms, was a regular guest at the Mellon family mansion in Pittsburgh. Even Tim Leary thought that the ‘liberal CIA’ were ‘the best Mafia you could deal with’.[66] ~ David Black

One thing that is difficult to understand is the fable regarding Tim Leary’s getting fired from Harvard in 1963 and the exposure by Dr. Andrew Weil. It appears from the evidence that Weil’s “exposure” was just an old trick using the Hegelian dialectic: problem, reaction, solution; – or thesis, anti-thesis, synthesis.

Without Leary having been fired from Harvard he’d never have been able to create the appearance of the hippie guru he’d later use to promote the psychedelics to the youth for the CIA and Huxley and Osmond. Weil’s so-called “exposure,” and Leary’s subsequent “firing” (along with Dr. Richard Alpert), created the illusion, in my opinion, that Harvard, et al, were trying to suppress Leary’s “spiritual message”. This gave Leary and the CIA the psychological advantage they’d need to use against the public. And, after all, Leary and the others were nearly all out of the Harvard Social Relations Department under the well-known MKULTRA conspirator, Dr. Henry A. Murray – who headed the department.

bopper ago

Good stuff there, makes sense about Leary. Man we've been hoodwinked about so much.

truthdemon ago

Utube : dog latin glossa

kestrel9 ago

Simultaneously, as the LSD supply dried up, large supplies of heroin mysteriously became available. It was strong heroin, imported from the Golden Triangle in Southeast Asia (largely under CIA control). Many young people who had had their "consciousness expanded" too far to distinguish between one drug and another turned to heroin.

"Bowart describes how the government “shut down” the psychedelic revolution. However, it’s well understood that children don’t rebel with legal substances, and that LSD had to be outlawed (as well as remarketed – see “Entheogens: What’s in a Name?”), in order to launch the psychedelic movement, should now be clear. The additional impact was that American streets were now rampant with CIA drugs."

bopper ago

"Oh yeah! I knew Shawn Phillips who played with the Beatles and Donovan...that's Atlee Phillips' nephew."

Acquaintance said this last year, I didn't know that. Another musician linked to CIA way back (David Atlee Phillips.)

kestrel9 ago

Found this an interesting look at Leary via an author who corresponded with him and years later met with him. http://constantinereport.com/timothy-leary-and-the-cia/

When I finally sat with Leary in Tucson, we renewed acquaintances. A couple of his old friends were at our house when he visited and he was glad to see them. Since I'd last seen him, almost ten years before, his nose appeared to have been broken and his dentures no longer fit. All agreed, after he left, that this was not the same man we'd known before he'd gone to prison.

We couldn't tell if he'd changed because of the normal prison brutality, or because he was under some great pressures or had been tortured. In those days nobody believed in mind control. Few knew of the clandestine experiments on U.S. citizens which were run against their will and without their knowledge.

The first thought I had when seeing the altered Leary was, "He's been the victim of one of the secret prison mind control programs."

bopper ago

Wow, I had no idea Leary had been in prison, or maybe I once knew and forgot. The book Mary's Mosaic is by Mary's nephew and is a good read and very informative. There's a documentary as well.

I just now remembered the "wicked dentist" who, unbeknownst to them, spiked The Beatles drinks with LSD. Dentist to the stars.

The dentist's decision not to tell the boys what he was doing led to George's term of opprobrium for him. "We were innocent victims of the wicked dentist whom we'd met and had dinner with a few times," he says in the Anthology.

Riley's illicit action certainly went down badly with the band. Though his brush with the celebrities brought him a fleeting role in the film The Texican, all contact with him was severed after the LSD incident. He died in a car crash in Ireland in 1986. Cynthia Lennon evidently still hasn't forgiven him. "When you go for dinner with your dentist, you don't imagine a professional man would do something like that," she told Turner.


That was a good article you posted, I'm always fascinated by this stuff, my 'acquaintance' knew all the Laurel Canyon bands and celebs, he is a musician and was a child actor, and I asked him once about the CIA aspect but got no response, maybe he didn't get my DM. He knew Jerry Garcia and the others in the group as well.