Bravo1XRay ago

And There You Have It☝️

Patriots In Control Of (((Corona))) 😉 Tired Of Winning Yet??

Fateswebb ago

What's even more fascinating is THE NEWS PREDICTED IT WOULD STALL AND THEN IT DID.

just what the fuck is going on here?

moderator99 ago

Ain't weather modification wars great???

banenya ago

We own the skies.

TexasPatriot972 ago

Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

Qwerty321 ago

Thank you!

reason247 ago

Didn't Tesla say we will see weapons and horrors that we cannot even dream of?

redwing14 ago

sounds unrelated. The investor is british who lives in Hong kong. And he's doing business. If he was british in britain, then its somehow better. Its just business. I haven't seen anything sketchy

giveitup ago

Don't forget his comment about nuking a hurricane.

Qwerty321 ago

So you are implying that the US Government “created” a Cat 5 Hurricane that destroyed at apocalyptic levels and killed innocent elderly, women, and children to get rid of a Chinese owned port? And this is something that should be celebrated because of white hats and all that? This is off the rails batshit crazy on so many levels!

Fateswebb ago

I'm not saying I agree 100 with your statement. But what has me scratching my head, is the news predicted the hurricane would stall for 36 hours.... And then it did exactly that.. how the fuck would they know that? Also how the fuck do they know it's going to change courses after its stall and head north? But they can't accurately predict if it's going to rain 12 hours ahead of time where I live....

Aprioned ago

They had no fucking problem killing just under 3000 people just to justify a war in Iraq, so I don't see why this isn't possible

Ardithla ago

You know what they say, truth is better than fiction. You’re not looking at the fact that our President and Military Intelligence has access to far more information than we do. And if there was chatter of the imminent attack then collateral damage is sad but necessarily. Besides, do we trust anything the MSM tells us. Remember the child doused by water by a supposed gas attack only to find out he was lured in with a cookie and sprayed with cold water while filmed.

5B3854C ago

"...and killed innocent elderly, women, and children,..."

Borrowing a phrase from Gene Hackman on the movie "Unforgiven", eh?

How do you know this as fact, especially the part at "apocalyptic levels"? Are you comparing it to a biblical event?

You can believe the very bizarre behavior of Dorian was an act of God, but I know there exists many, many patents on weather modification starting in the 1930s. The patents on heating the ionosphere are particularly interesting.

Power2Tread ago

God controls the weather for His purposes not matter the tech the use.. He allows it or stops it, the decision He makes is the best one, however, we are not always privy to it. IMHO

Chasmaniac ago

There's a huge difference between "modification" of the weather and steering a cat5 hurricane at a target, let alone creating it and steering it like some video game.

FatLadySings ago

The technology is here. It's been in use for a while. Look at Houston. Do your research.

5B3854C ago

You didn't understand the last sentence - "The patents on heating the ionosphere are particularly interesting."

This is how hurricanes are amplified and steered. And yes, with HAARP systems located in a grid pattern worldwide triangulation easily makes it possible to take a tropical disturbance having potential of a low pressure center, energize it, and direct it as if it was "some video game".

Whether modification has evolved far beyond the seeding of some clouds to make it rain.

Again, research the patents. It will blow your mind.

Chasmaniac ago

I've seen this debate many, many times before and watched people much more knowledgeable than myself dismantle it.

Do you have a link handy to those patents or info on 'em? Would be interested in taking a look.

CluelessInTheDark ago

Don't be lazy. Dig for yourself.

Chasmaniac ago

Did it years ago. Heard the same arguments and seen them dismantled. Hears the first problem I have with heated ionospheric "control" of tropical depressions. It sounds exactly like the argument used by the people arguing for man made climate change that's going to "destroy" the planet - small changes in upper atmospheric temperatures are going to have massive consequences... Sound familiar? Creating hurricanes and driving them at a target? Color me skeptical at the very least. Too many other influencing effects that have to be right for that. Its just too big to do at current technology, IMO.

AnotherIrishAnon ago

My theory is that DS we’re heading for the nuclear reactor on the coast and white hats deflected it to the Chinese port

Qwerty321 ago

Dear Lord

Hispeedtim2876 ago

Wrong, military is there (China).

Do people dig and research before they make comments here?

How’s the weather in Tel Aviv ?

Qwerty321 ago

It just seems a bit messy to conjure a storm to destroy and kill innocents then and have it spin 70 miles off the coast of Mar a lago! Would have been cleaner to summon the lizard people that live underground to take it out. I swear this movement is devolving into a shitshow with posts and farcical theories like this.

CaJuN-M8 ago

Oi vey

WeAreUnited ago

Without 8chan and, people are lost and going to reddit and Twitter for sauce. Worst places to find it

skyisthelimit ago

So fking true.

Qwerty321 ago



so was 9/11

JasonTakesMAGAhattan ago

Many vs the few? Of course they'd implement this.

Qwerty321 ago

So when you say “they” you mean the good guys, white hats, patriots, Q Team? Destroy a peaceful island and kill innocent people. To get rid of a Chinese port? That’s the cleanest way to shut it down? You really believe that? It’s completely fucking insane.

Chasmaniac ago

Occams Razor: Either a hurricane happened (as they do) or... [Insert various theory of weather control directed by white/black hats to disable/destroy the port/under water tunnels used for human trafficking/nuclear weapons]

Simple enough.

errihu ago

Hurricanes happen, I'd say.

Of course, there's no reason to let a good hurricane go to waste now, is there?

Time4puff ago

This is Chinese water torture...

Runspotrun ago

China is ready to go and will attack the US allied with Russia, Iran and NK

Nukes followed by ground invasion

The Great Tribulation

Power2Tread ago

Not quite yet.

amarQ144 ago

Iran just got it's nuts cut (launch failure tweet?) NK has been wavering. Just to get their attention we are sending a hurricane to Pongyang now...should be there this weekend. Russia is way to good at chess and will side with Trump...and survive quite well. China is no where near as strong or as advanced as you may think. Every bit of tech they stole is at least a generation old for us. We have known about their hacking and methods for how long now?...and have let them stay open shoveling them how much crap? China would do well against most in a defensive posture but can't project power very far or for very long...and they are fucked if they have to engage multiple fronts...India would suck big for them...

EnterTheUnKnown ago

Yea, I pointed that out yesterday in the chinese installation thread. Wasnt sure if it was still there cause the article was from 2017

FatPanda ago

MSN and Rense huh? I guess you will accept any news source as long as it fits your narrative

OregonAngel2 ago

Actually Rense just reprinted a NewsMax article, and provided a link:

It seemed to be a real link, but my internet is slow today so I can't confirm it loaded. Nevertheless, the source is NewsMax. Rense just made it available.

FatPanda ago

Rense does not have a solid reputation. He pretty much publishes any conspiracy stuff without any regard to it's possibility of begin true. No real verification of research of any kind.

MetalThatMatters ago

Rense is turrible

JackANorey ago

Is that Jeff Resnse? The guy that was taken by Intel agencies to the bases on the dark side of the moon?

MetalThatMatters ago

Yeah. That's the guy. Weirdo.

TexasInfidel ago

Its that way with most Q'tards.^upvote^

TurquoiseLover ago

I don't understand how this solves anything. Don't the Chinese still own the deep sea port? It's still there and the decks will dry off quickly.

whowantsgingersnaps ago

Hurricanes come every year. On top of that, the Bahamas won't even exist after a couple more like that.

amarQ144 ago

They didn't wack themselves. The port is out of business for now and the cost to restore combined with lost business will be in the billions. Also, 1. China owns the business, Bahamas owns the turf (same with the other port that was hit that was owned by Denmark...that would be the same Denmark that owns Greenland) 2. They got the message that no matter how often the rebuild we can wack the crap out of them at will...they can't win this one. 3. Chinese military control Marsh Harbor. If they want to shred documents they don't need to call in an air strike on themselves to do it.

MACSOG68 ago

I am of the theory it was what was under the port?? I keep hearing more about DS underground bunkers under Nuke plants, ports etc which may have nukes in these bunkers. Can't bomb them so flood them out.

amarQ144 ago

they aren't floodoutable

MACSOG68 ago

OK my bad !!!!!! I assume you have inside information on the construction??????

Kaptaan ago

What other port? I thought there was just one owned by the chicomms...

amarQ144 ago

Denmark has investment in a few...including Marsh. They are big in the cruise line business. As for cargo, consider Maersk. I believe it is the largest company in Denmark. Huge company that in recent years has been hand in hand with China's "silk road". They are a participant in the Clinton "10 Islands". If I were to take a wild guess as to the underlying message to Denmark regarding Greenland has to do with their cozy relations with China, who just happens to be looking for a turf claim in the arctic. Chine would love to claim Greenland. I suspect Trump would nuke theirs asses back to the stone age before he let it happen on his watch.

Kaptaan ago

Thanks. I didn't realize about Maersk, I thought it was Dutch for some reason...

Ardithla ago

I believe we have a treaty to use the land in Greenland for defense. Maybe someone in the know can tell us precisely about this agreement.

TurquoiseLover ago

I like that answer! I guess also if we're not buying from them, they won't be needing the port much.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Sure, this time.

What happens when a typhoon hits mainland China?

Maybe the port of Shanghai?

CMAnon ago

Isn't that where the fentanyl comes from? Imagine a YUGE storm smashing one of those factories and the dust is spread over a wide area of China. Hmmm.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Mother nature sure can be cruel..................

TurquoiseLover ago

Doesn't China still own the deep sea port in the Bahamas? How do we undo that?

redtoe_skipper ago

The same with long Island port cali. Check who the owner now is.

Jehoshaphat ago

I couldnt find a quick answer. (Long Beach Port, right?) I was under the impression that is was Chinese owned until very recently. Who took control?

redtoe_skipper ago

That was exactly the point. Q posted a picture, and of course, we descended on it. I am mobile right now, so, I can't give you links. Search voat should give you the details.

I suspect, Potus has some people in the background willing to spent some dough, to retake what was lost.... But I have no proof. Just a thing in the back of my mind.

I'd think, if I had 8 billion, I could, after divesting, haven't directed into my plans, although I would not be the main beneficiary.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

We tell them if they don't dismantle it and leave we destroy something they like.

Why did you ask me in two comments?

TurquoiseLover ago

Your point?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

If it's true that we can control hurricanes, and we put one in a holding pattern over a currently disused port while pointedly asking China to negotiate something, the obvious threat is that if they don't acquiesce we will park another one somewhere more valuable to them.

Lonegunman65 ago

Apparently weather control is possible with Tesla technology that was invented back in the late 1800’s/early 1900’s. There’s even a UN treaty making it illegal for nations to use “Weather Control” against another state.

amarQ144 ago
