QDPie ago

Alrighty Class - Your course in face reading has begun. Notice the difference between the Right and Left side of the faces of this Woolf lady. She's the one who made the reports go missing. First - the Right side of the face is the side most people look to automatically. It's the side of the face that shows what people want the world to see in them. The Left side of the face is the side babies, family, and lovers might look at. It's the side over the heart that shows what's going on inside their head. i.e. who they really are. Most people's faces change all the time. Under stress, your Left side might droop a little. If someone you love dies, you'll see that shift on your own face. When someone's face is really off from right to left, there's a lot of existential struggle going on, and often part of that is the effort it takes to hide what you are really thinking, what you are really about.

So = Woolf's Right Side -The face she believes she is showing to the world - https://files.catbox.moe/6040c8.png

Now = Woolf's Left Side - The face that shows what she really is inside. https://files.catbox.moe/pcusy9.png

Wild, huh? You can do that with Comey a lot of times, too.

This was in July of 2016 when a lot of things were blowing up at the FBI.

Comey external face - Right side - https://files.catbox.moe/x7u75w.png

Comey internal face - Left side - https://files.catbox.moe/cmusf3.png

These clips are all from a single photo! Wild huh?

PatEldo5 ago

Ohhh! Just a "coincidence", I'm sure...

Qutiee ago

I think all these Pedos should have their dicks cut off in public with a dull knife and shoved down their throats until they perish.

WTFChuck ago

The linked article is a 2015 article talking about same information covered by two other articles referenced in this post: https://voat.co/v/QRV/3407965 which articles at least give more detail than this article. All of these articles are talking about something that happened in 2014. They are still noteworthy, but bear in mind that this is pre-pizzagate. Here's an interesting tidbit from the FreeThoughtProject article referenced in the above-linked voat post:

An Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA) was established by the British Home Secretary, Theresa May, on 7 July 2014. The inquiry was intended to investigate why pedophile rings seemed to be exempt from capture.

So Theresa May's ineptitude (or, viewed another way, her spot-on ability to protect the DS) was on display here long before she moved to PM and fumbled Brexit.

Here's the meat of what was lost per the website that did the losing. If this is accurate, it's fair to say that it's not "an entire database of pedophile ring evidence". Still, for a victim to submit their info and then get this notification would be adding insult to injury at the very least. Here's the notice:

IICSA posted the following statement on their website:

“Due to a change in our website address to https://www.iicsa.org.uk on 14 September, any information submitted to the Inquiry between 14 September and 2 October through the online form on the Share your experience page of our website, was instantly and permanently deleted before it reached our engagement team. We are very sorry for any inconvenience or distress this will cause and would like to reassure you that no information was put at risk of disclosure or unauthorised access.

Due to the security measures on our website, your information cannot be found or viewed by anyone else as it was immediately and permanently destroyed.We would like to apologise again to anyone who submitted details to the Inquiry during this time and to ask you to please resubmit your information through the online form. Alternatively you can call the Inquiry helpline on 0800 917 1000 to submit your information over the phone, or email our team at [email protected].”

The link in the FreeThought Project article to the Australia 60 minutes Pedophilia expose is no longer good, but here's a different link that is good. If you haven't watched this, it's from 2015 but VERY worth watching. Puts a lot into context, showing this is systemic in the elites in government, particularly in the UK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cRkUnAsqGHIYouTube

MolochHunter ago

Britain is ruled by the Wicked

Backoftheqanon ago

ThAt's why I voted for Brexit. Time for change.

It's also why I was pleased as punch when Trump won, I knew in my heart and in my gut that he was the right one.

Smells_Like_Tacos ago

So what did they do, bleach bit the drives on accident like with a cloth or something. The data IS recoverable.

Backoftheqanon ago

They didn't delete them, they have them filed somewhere safe so they have names and contact details

Backoftheqanon ago

From 2015.

The inquiry is now over, all those accused have been cleared by corrupt judiciary and the main whistle blower, Carl Beech was recently found guilty of bringing high profile names into disrepute. He is now serving an 18 year sentence in prison for this "crime".

A clear message from the DS Pedo's not to try to reveal their crimes because they are still running the asylum here in the UK at least.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

The pure evil pieces of shit gotta protect their pedo royal wrinkled raping asses! When is prince andrew gonna expose them, I wonder. So willing to make deals now.

derram ago

https://archive.ph/syfyw :

2015-10-16 | Victim testimonies permanently deleted by child sex abuse inquiry - Telegraph

"Victims of alleged child sex abuse who submitted accounts through the Government's inquiry website were told their testimonies had been deleted because of a technical blunder."

'The inquiry into historic sex abuse was set up last July but has suffered a number of delays after two previous chairwomen resigned. '

'The Independent Inquiry Into Child Sex Abuse (IICSA) apologised for “any inconvenience or distress” and reassured those who shared their experiences that their information had not been put at risk of disclosure. '

'Following a change in the inquiry’s website address, any submissions through an online form between 14 September and October 2 were “instantly and permanently deleted” before reaching staff. '

'"Due to the security measures on our website, your information cannot be found or viewed by anyone else as it was immediately and permanently destroyed. '

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