Kzintrooper2016 ago

I like the phrase "black pill pushers" that is it.

I for one would like to see things move faster, but I also don't want the whole Jenga tower to fall down and take a couple of billion people with it -- that is exactly what the NWO wants!

ghost_of_aswartz ago

It's shitty cousins are "nothing will be done by anyone" and "She'll never go to prison"

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

dark can truly be brought to light

The dark is being brought to many of our light communities across the country.

Conway2 ago

Fine, not enough is happening to make any meaningful long term difference.


Same swamp, same corruption, same bullshit. Different faces. How many more decades are we going to pretend their is a political solution?

SearchVoatBot ago

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SharkShack ago

Some good people are frustrated about the snail's pace BUT their attacks on AG Barr, nothing's happening is not helping.

I'm seeing people turn on AG Barr claiming that he is DS because they aren't seeing things happen fast enough.

CMAnon ago

I am in general agreement however to your point that nothing can stop what is coming. I disagree. Dying of old age will stifle the best of plans. When the perps are partying and enjoying life, spending their ill gotten gain and live their lives fully in plain view of the world, then die in old age, they were successful in keeping mortal justice at bay. If they are allowed to do that, then we should all live without the intervention of police, judges, juries. Otherwise justice isn't just blind but dead.

Maersk ago

They are not shills. They are blackpilled old goats who hate Q tards.

crazy_eyes ago

All you have to do is notice the website that the Q drops were posted is no longer online

ghost_of_aswartz ago

They took down the Q sites just as fast as they've taken down every flat earth site...

Oh wait.

No that's wrong

Thats_not_my_dog ago

Not shills, not an attempt at brainwashing.

Just cynical after a lifetime of seeing politicians and the rich NEVER get held accountable for their crimes.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Thanks! Exactly this! ^^^

I have personally been waiting to see certain criminal scumbags in Arkansas that I know are drug and human trafficking and have hired and kissed the ass of a lowIQ meth/jinks addicted piece of shit given a license to break the law and a fake certificate by way of the same fraud that his boss used in Seattle and they are atill in control of so many lives and there are actual people that I know and love, dear friends of mine who are powerless and penniless to be free of that regime!

The scumfuckers are still not arrested, the people they are enslaving are still not free of their evil clutches and the PSYCHOPATHS keep projecting all the EVIL they do and are guilty of onto their victims!

When I see arrests of those pieces of shit Clinton/Obama minions, then I will see actual proof of the white hats being "in control".

I'm not here to make anyone feel there's no hope, I'm not here to offer the gloom that is, unfortunately, our reality, but the slaves in the Arkansas regime of the violent satanic psychotics have not had one day where they won anything. Some of us are still waiting for a day when we win something. Anything.

That day still hasn't happened. So yeah, I get depressed because I talk to some of these people in email everyday. The situation is only one step ahead of being on the butchering block. Which has also been threatened to my dear friend who doesn't even have ONE single person who can fight for her file lawsuits on her behalf or fight for her that can do something! So I not only get depressed, but I cringe sometime, sometimes, when I see the WWG1WGA. Because you see, some are utter alone in the evil that these psychopaths have done to them! If we truly are "one" then the white hats should know that INDIVIDUALS need help on an INDIVIDUAL basis!

Q cannot "wake the masses" and "feed the masses" all at once. Like we're all in the same situation, and that our problems can all be gathered into one place and ta-da it's taken care of! It doesn't work that way. Each person who is being victimized and has been victimized by a couple of psychos who then victimized their victims through a very corrupt system needs to see justice for very personal reasons. Not just for entertainment or popcorn! There are those who are hurting everyday and living a nightmare everyday because nobody has taken these SCUMFUCKERS down and freed the slaves - individually!

You know, I was listening to someone the other day about the hosts of heaven. About them being so great in number, so massive and vast. And I had to shut off the video. With numbers like that of heaven, and the good guys, I have to wonder what evil there must have been to have no one entity or one, just one, of these great numbers, not be able to help those who have begged and pleaded for help, and not one prayer, not one request was ever heard.

So yeah, I too am bitter. And have every reason to be.

FuggBenis ago

That's a lot of words to explain the concept of 'blackpilling'.

singlebrain1 ago

Like a Narcissist or Psychopath, they are attempting to undermine your self confidence. It is gaslighting.

ColonelFlag ago

They do this with voting too. Oh so and so can't/won't win so vote for a winner (aka NWO candidate).

Thoutzan ago

"It's happening" is more like brainwashing to me.

"everything is working fine, don't worry, go back to your daily life, goys" that's what they want to you to content with.

elites4prison ago

"nothing is hpapening" is equivalent to sharing pro trump content on facebook and no one sees it in their feeds


Nothing is happening, boy am I sleepy. Time for bed.

amarQ144 ago

It will really suck if they all commit suicide before they get charged!

Texasjoker ago

"you have more than you know". End of story. FK watching any news including FOX. Trump and Q have given us all an opportunity, extended time frame to Kick ass and take names. MAKE MORE FKING MONEY! End of story. In a dead end job, Find a better one. Start a business, work your job and start a business. The end game is make as much wealth as you can, give to patriot causes, connect with other patriots, build a bubble that you enjoy hanging, living in, Thank God Everyday and forget all the noise. We are not in control, GOD, Q and Team, and Trump are doing the hard work. Annons are the news and doing their part. But bottom line, if and when the DEMS take back control and you are net financial secure....then you will be in a world of hurt. I would like to believe that this "Run" "with Trump and Patriots will last a life time, unfortunately I live in the real world. I know one day, in my life time, the Dems will take back control. "Prepare" Q says. Re-read and for those who haven't yet, read ATLAS SHRUGGED. We have been giving "TIME" by GOD and Q/Trump Team. Don't waste it with bullshit noise from talking heads and idiots who say, "Nothing is happening".

UnbreakablePatriot ago

This is an information war. We need to be strong enough to watch our enemy so we can point out their fallacies and meme them hard to keep awakening masses. I am not saying we should pay for cable as I unplugged that evil years ago. Get a shield box or something. Then be strong: do not let the fake news influence you.

Texasjoker ago

Good Job Patriot. People have to be willing to make changes, take risk. I left Los Angeles, loved California. Surfing every day, snowboarding in the mountains, Desert trips, Palm Springs trips, PCH drives, all the bells and whistles. Once I saw that California was not going to embrace Patriotism, Trump's economy and they started to go Rouge... I decided to pack up and move to Dallas. Found a bigger client and more money in Dallas. Found a pretty much clean city, a lot of Patriots regardless of race, able to have guns for protection, booming economy. But I had to make a big change. People who live in Blue States who are conservative or capitalist better wake up fast. Those states are going rogue, will pass more local and state socialist policies, more taxes will be added in those states etc. California is leading they way.

Texasjoker ago

As for the info war. At this stage, with all 20 dem socialist out in the open, the AOC plus 3 squad, being in the light- Those who are still sleeping, are lost. We are going into the 4th year of Trump and team. If they haven't waken up yet FK them. God gave them enough evidence and time to break the zombie mode. I personally couldn't care less about them. It's like a stock, that you hold on to because you believe it will "Turn" around and stop falling in price. I cut loses fast. Patriots have to understand that, IMHO, 30% or a little more will never wake up. MSM, including FOX will not change. Social Media controls will only become worse until a patriot creates competition for Twitter, facebook, Google, et all. Blue State Cities are not going to change, This is reality. Fantasy of the entire country becoming patriots is nice and feels good. But it wont be the case. It will be based on Local governments, States. Effort to shore up those who are Pro America is a better use of energy than going into say California and pushing an Info war. Q has a good idea, annon's are def pushing good Memes to wake people up. But until the entire current system is destroyed and socialist pushed out of the country.... then IMHO % of people waking up has hit Max capacity at this point.

UnbreakablePatriot ago

I dont know, kids dont pay attention until they are in mid twenties, educating that generation for the future is important. Also more people will tune into politics next year and start paying attention who aren't being reached right now. LOTs of people tune it out until time to vote.

Dressage2 ago

We also need to keep red pilling and waking up the people. Every time a person is awakened, a little more light comes forth. Dark to light.

IamJulianAssange ago

Preach it, Brother.

Billeee ago

Well said, very true and a little “Power of Positive Thinking” can’t hurt either!

369693936 ago

Just post the link below and move on. Don't give the ROLCON black pill pushers any of your precious time and energy.

avanti ago

Why aren't we all looking at it this way:

What took them centuries to build, is now crumbling before our own eyes in just a few years...


GracieTracie2 ago

So true. I figure it goes back to at least the titanic maybe further.

Sutie ago

Amen I agree wholeheartedly..

Lauraingalls ago

I agree.

UnderRadarWildCamper ago

Nothing can stop what is coming, meaning shills can't either.

We are witnessing the systematic destruction of the Old Guard. Its a beautiful thing.

lipids ago

We aren't witnessing shit. Hillary is still free. Comey is still free.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

I don't think they're all shills. I think a perecentage of those people are good ol fashion retards.

Cheetah1964 ago


Pcpoet09 ago

I agree...never under estimate unorganized mas stupidity.

ghost_of_aswartz ago

It's 23%

23% is the number across societies that are "highly susceptible to hypnosis"

I have found, through research (which I will compile and publish soon) that this number 23% is the same number of people who are 'highly susceptible to media narratives"--ie 23% of our society is Trump-deranged

There are others that are moderately susceptible,. about 26% This is a bad number

But conversely, there are about 51% that are not susceptible to hypnosis...these are the independents, the centrists, the anarchists, and of course, the Q movement patriots

Welcome to the 51%

Lauraingalls ago
