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TurboSympatique ago

I have look over the latest ban and I would say that those "participant" had nothing pertinent to add to the discussion.

Noting of value was lost.

Crensch ago

And I agree with him on a lot of his anti-Jew sentiments.

But he hasn't said anything pro-Q or pro-Trump that I can see, and many of his comments are blackpill crap that has been spread around here quite a lot lately.

His comments go back a massive 2 months, and 3 pages of them on searchvoat.

Let me know what you think.

TurboSympatique ago

He maybe not be a Gold star researcher but he is not Yelling Nigger faggot and Kike like the rest of the Shill in here. Blackpill maybe..... But who is not frustrated by the time it take to clean this mess.

If he is not a nuisance I would tolerate him.