1scm ago

If this contact turned over algorithms than that is the single most powerful evidence you can have. This would instantly and completely unmask these corrupt DS liars.

Skulati ago

Al Gore rhythms

badum tiss

Agapechik57 ago

Thank You! Jesus for moving on behalf of righteousness!

PacaGoat ago

Oopsie 😁😁

o0shad0o ago

According to this QRV post Google is already throwing threats at O'Keefe over this. Having trouble finding verification of this outside of anon's post though.

Don_Tomaso ago

Why isnt the "Q" team helping the guy behind the curtains?

Getting hit my a lawsuit bomb that cost him big money doesnt really seem like "patriots" are in control here.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Now he needs to turn over 1000 lbs of his ass.

Gorillion ago

Fantastic. Only improved if someone could leak the original algorithm that didn't absolutely suck ass.

Worderman ago


GracieTracie2 ago

G**gle would rather support communist China than the USA. Can’t imagine what they’ve done behind the scenes against Americans.

fireantsinyourpants ago

Oh, but look, RUSSIANS meddling !!!

petevoat ago

Probably full of misinfo, let's see

thebearfromstartrack ago

He's going to get the SHIT sued out of himself!

QPilledLib ago

It sounds like he is willing to face that because of the principles at stake. He has to know that is coming. Good on him.

thebearfromstartrack ago

I did that once. ONCE. He has NO idea, the HELL that approaches. He's nobody against a MONSTER that ONLY knows WINNING (not justice).

Ghost777 ago

This is one of those instances I'd call it a worthy tradeoff. Good for him.

thebearfromstartrack ago

Wait until YOU"VE been sued. Going in with your fine suit of armor, coming out battered and bloodied and realizing them that HAS...GETS. This is NOT a candyland. And justice is in the eye of the beholder and NOT a steadfast principle based on YOUR ignorant perspective (no offense intended fag).

Ghost777 ago

You failed to understand what I meant, and resorted to emotional name calling. He sacrificed his life in a way to give a massive blow to one of the most powerful entities on earth. That action was far larger than his life. That is a hero and someone you respect. I see nothing wrong with people such as you being "reasonable." You probably mean well.

thebearfromstartrack ago

INTELLECTUAL name calling you INFANT. I know sacrifice. That is NOT what this guy imagines (YET). Yes, no doubt, hero. MOST heroes are dumbasses. We all respect them. There is a difference between cannon fodder and hero though. Heroes WIN (survive) mostly. Of COURSE I mean well. I'm ALWAYS contributing, in my way (experience), NOT detracting. Of course it's only meaningful to the RIGHT people.

Ghost777 ago

You'd be a much more pleasant anon to talk to if your ego didn't get bruised every time someone disagreed with you, but whatever. Of course I'd like to see him get out of this just fine, but because of what he did, that's just bonus points. I wouldn't call him stupid if he doesn't care about whatever consequences this may bring. They can do anything they want to him, but that wont undo the untold damage this is probably going to cause. Throwing yourself into the gears of the machine to stop it if no one else will is one of the most noble sacrifices someone can make.

amarQ144 ago

you two should get a room

Ghost777 ago

Thanks, but he's not my type.

Squalk2 ago

pleasant anon

You practice as you preach and the 'nature' in your responses are testimony to that.

I agree with your stance.

thebearfromstartrack ago

PLeasant? You think popularity is my objective? How would you KNOW what I feel? I'm autistic (HIGH functioning). Practically a machine emotionally. I'm LEARNING how to fit in. My course of action is CHOSEN for reasons unknown to you (grad school (computer science) on full scholarship with stipend). I've determined it to be best for so far. It's MOSTLY funny (BETWEEN the lines). YOu see? Shutup tulip. Funny ehh? The FUTURE has very limited resources for shrinking emotional retards. Unless you're HOT (i suppose, dunno, don't care).

If he didn't get utterly destroyed (along with his family), I would claim he is STILL one of them, and this is some sort of trap.

Ghost777 ago

I have aspbergers so you aren't really telling me anything new. All I'm saying is that if someone wants to go on this course, let them and praise them for their bravery. Do I plan to do this at some point? No. Will you? Evidently not. And the same goes for many others. We all have unique roles to play in our life. And if someone decides to do something "out there" that has the chance for a large return, why stop them.

thebearfromstartrack ago

Yeah what I'm SAYING is I WENT and got my ASS handed to me. I did a GOOD thing and it was the WORST experience of MY LIFE. You cannot WEIGH that cost/effective going in (before). Listen fag. I have 3 patents and a $10 million dollar lawsuit that went WITH it against a senator's son and his elite cohorts (won their license in government LOTTERY...senator's son...get IT?)

I'm PLAYING my role fag. Why stop them? BECAUSE. YOU are NOT the arbiter of the CORRECT path.

Lurky_McLurkmoar ago

Sweet. Hopefully the DOJ is not the only entity to receive copies.

amarQ144 ago

they are careless with stuff like that

G45Colt_II ago

Assuming G--gle created a "pure" Neural Learning algorithm (a simple one that can read a set of numbers is only about 100 lines of code), it would require training. Training is tagging thousands of items as a fit, or not a fit, or "Good" or "Bad". As the algorithm is trained with more items, it gets better at differentiating based on what the "instructors" expect of it.

I'm guessing part of their search engine is "self learning" based on user feedback and revenue results. User feedback could simply be how often the desired result ends up on page one.

So if they want to avoid messing with the search engine too much, an AI algorithm could be put upstream to pre-filter the data fed to the search engine. That would limit the political content available to the search engine, steering it in the direction they want while honestly claiming the engine is responding to the web content available to it.

zxcvbnasdf ago

Look at FATML. They literally talk about how they can make algorithms more "fair" by biasing them towards certain groups.

Even though what they want to do has been proven mathetmaticaly impossible, they persist. Because their stated goal is not their actual goal. They are all SJWs who want to remake the world in their image.

It's really gross.

G45Colt_II ago

A neutral/un-biased self learning Neural Net AI will bias towards the majority, but not exclusively, which is great for pointing out that it satisfies the majority of users without an unfair bias. An algorithm doesn't work that way, since it has a built in bias by design. Call it an unintended consequence, but in order to do it's job, it has to be selective based on inputs and various control parameters. A Neural Net is infinitely more flexible, but requires training to be functional. How it's trained matters a lot. I may or may not have a little experience with these things in an unrelated area....

zxcvbnasdf ago

I don't think you do. You don't speak like you do at least.

A neutral/un-biased self learning Neural Net AI will bias towards the majority, but not exclusively, which is great for pointing out that it satisfies the majority of users without an unfair bias.

Wat? That's a lot of words jammed together. Who says "neutral/un-biased self learning Neural Net AI".

  • neutral/un-biased: What? The bias-variance trade off is real.
  • Self learning? Most of these aren't self learning, they're supervised/reinforcement, depending on how you want to talk about it.
  • Neural Net AI: People would say a NN, or maybe a DNN, but a Neural Net AI? No.

What is an "unfair bias"? That's literally what FATML is about. Defining what a "fair" and "unfair" bias is. And it's a stupid field full of narcissistic assholes looking to remake the world in an image that they can control. They ignore the problems of their theory because they think they're God.

This is a weird post, and I don't even know what your point is.

G45Colt_II ago

Actually, I do, at least a little, and no, I won't get into details about that (nothing to do with giggle). A Neural Net learns by being trained. In typical use cases, the trained net is used as a filter or an algorithm (if you want to call it that) after it's been trained, but it's a static entity. If you want it to self learn, it requires a feedback loop. As they say, the devil is in the details. I don't have a lot of exposure to theoretical machine learning concepts, since I'm on the problem solving side of things, and use whatever tools are available (or make my own, if necessary).

In any case, I was thinking of some of the things I've heard or read, but without context I can see how it would be clear as mud. And sometimes I try to word things to avoid saying too much, if that makes any sense.

ginx2666 ago

Even though what they want to do has been proven mathetmaticaly impossible

Nah, it's simple. Find a variable that decides about the race/religion/deviant behavior (because it's always at least one of those things that subhumans and race traitors bitch about), and overwrite is if it would result in factually correct, but politically incorrect result.

Estonia for example is pioneering in small claims courts being subject to verdicts made by machine learning AI. Just have several of verdicts that would punish a nigger/kike/faggot/tranny/sandnigger/woman overturned, regardless of what objective AI decides, keep it at a plausible level, and call it a day.

zxcvbnasdf ago

Clearly that's the goal. That has nothing to do with fairness, however.

MuckeyDuck ago

I know when you do any kind of a search on anything Trump, the top returns are all negative. I started do for example trump wins site:xxxxx site:yyyyy Site:zzzz out to maybe 10 sites that I want returned, and sometimes it will return 0 matches found even though I know there are matches.

G45Colt_II ago

Proof that it's working as intended. If someone doesn't know, they won't find out. If someone does know, find out where they complain and bury the outlet.

zxcvbnasdf ago

Just like pinterest labeled that pro-life site alongside pornography (were they all considered porn? I forget), that's what they'll do with Trump.

Anything pro-Trump? Obviously fake news! Anything anti-Trump? That's the truth!

Train algorithms that way. Profit.

I was thinking of trying to get a job at FB/Google just to blow the whistle.

G45Colt_II ago

You should...

zxcvbnasdf ago

Now that it's coming out, I'm hoping I don't have to sell my soul and put on that mask anymore. It's exhausting and really kills my soul to be around these people.

ArcAngel ago


lightmeup77 ago

Good catch OP.



Pollycracker ago

Because of Schmidt's involvement in the NWO North Korea construct, Alphabet / Google is a dead corporation walking anyway. Treason was on the menu at Googler Headquarters.

amarQ144 ago

Soros will short sell google, make a coupla hundred billion on it's demise,...and we'll get someone new to tell us what we think.

hope4gaia ago

That's probably so many of their staff are from other countries - no patriotism problem

1scm ago

Right on the money. Actually well before before schmidt.

Mscss ago

Great story.