20186730? ago

Set your Amazon to donate to them when you buy shit online. Make bezos write James O'Keefe a nice fast check!

20185355? ago

IMHO Project Veritas and Judicial Watch deserve donations.

20169417? ago

20167593? ago

G👀gle needs to die the death. And facepuke with it!

20167121? ago

This submission was linked from this v/GreatAwakening comment by @o0shad0o.

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20165988? ago

I'm sorry but I am a poorfag. What I will do is shit talk on the internet anyone who is against you. I am a pretty devastating writer as well and can change some fucking minds when I get going. You guys are gods amongst men and thankyou for fighting the good fight. If I can get some fucking drone gigs soon I will put you at the top of my list but, literally I am kinda homeless with a wife and baby so I gotta sheckle-pinch.

20165489? ago

Thanks James.

20164984? ago

you are 1000000% Patriot!! The info you get us makes our job of exposing and destroying the corruption and evil.

Now if you can get access to anything that points to and shows direct treason that would be gravy!!!

let us know what we can do to further take down these seditious jackoffs... Stay safe and thankQ

20164621? ago

That link above is not the same as the one on their website.

20163296? ago

FYI - For those that use amazon (sorry but in sticks u almost have to) u can donate automatically (no extra cost to u) with every single purchase u make.

Use might have to use Amazon smile (err dick) to set up auto donate to a charity/org of your choice. I still donate several times a year outright because I know James and Crew are Patriot Warriors who sacrifice and risk alot to do their part in this war.

20162276? ago

Anons, our insider has decided to release MORE documents from inside Google.

I mean that's great and all but why hold anything back?

20161375? ago

donate smomate, if you have the goods on faggots trying to take down our republic release it. Patriotism before the dollar.

20161270? ago

Donated 17 dollars! 3 times

20160734? ago


President Trump just tweeted about Project Veritas and our efforts three times this afternoon!

Anons -- the PRESIDENT is taking notice of what you and I are accomplishing.

One of his posts was about our investigation into The New York Times in 2017. This is particularly interesting because The New York Times JUST made national headlines for changing one of its headlines due to anti-Trump public pressure. An absolute embarrassment.

Here’s the backstory:

In our 2017 investigation, Project Veritas exposed numerous Times employees. One even admitted that his reporting wasn’t objective!

After Veritas published the videos, I confronted the Executive Editor, Dean Baquet on the street, and he refused to talk with me.

Though these journalists act like they have a higher ethical standard than Project Veritas, I often find that they’re ashamed to actually talk about their practices.

A year later, I saw Dean at a conference at the Duquesne University National Conference on the First Amendment.

I decided to approach Dean to say hello, but when I walked up, he grimaced and quickly turned his back to me. He couldn’t even look me in the eye.

Did he fear me? Was he ashamed? I guess I’ll never know.

In that moment, to me, he was no longer the head of the Old Grey Lady. He was just a man in a restaurant.

I’m sharing this story with you now because tomorrow Project Veritas will shatter another mainstream institution: big tech. Veritas will spur another crack in the dam of the Google goliath.

Another insider is stepping out of the shadows and he’s releasing hundreds of pages of internal documents at Google.

He’s going to speak out and share his story with you -- and I hope you’ll listen.

Media figures like Dean Baquet might not acknowledge what this young man has to say -- but people like you and I will.

Please keep an eye on your inbox. Tomorrow morning’s Google story is incredibly important, and it deserves your immediate attention.




James O'Keefe

President & CEO

Project Veritas

20160559? ago

Help... james needs a lambo

20160432? ago

Watch for false flags tomorrow. Remember the first Google video he released

20160276? ago

Umm, didn't this happen back in July?

20160454? ago

I was wondering too. The OP should have given a date for the newsletter. Amateur patriot error there I think; the alternative is deliberate deceit.

20163278? ago

Is this legit? Alot of comments seem very keen to donate, just something a bit shilly about it.

20159367? ago

Just donated.

20159168? ago

Good. Fuck those slimey motherfuckers. I wish google would die.

20159131? ago

thanks, James we support all your good work.

20158713? ago

I usually tune out faggots who promise "big news - tomorrow" but O'Keefe and Project Veritas are actually legit

They deliver the goods as promised

20160381? ago

Except the most recent Google insider was not the band I had hoped for. More of a fizzle.

I fully support O'Keefe and his exposure of Twitter, Google, planned Parenthood, and more

20158653? ago

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....this is how you handle threats...look at them as bluffs and go all in.

But...asking for money...in voat?....on QRV?.......ummmmmmmmmmm

20158295? ago

Slightly OT, however after an automatic update on my iPhone, I was searching for a yt video of X-22 report to send to an anti POTUS. I kept getting misdirected to similar titled dumb shit foreign kid videos. Finally I realized my search engine had been switched back to gargle without my permission or notification. I found it quickly on duck duck, however gargle refuses to find it after several pages of looking.

20159498? ago

My old laptop (windows/firefox) was doing that, switching me to googly, my android phone hasn't done so and I am on a different laptop now.

Stealing from Mr. Rogers...can you say 'fookery'?

20164541? ago

Fookin A! Thanks for responding, I had entertained the idea of doing a post on this, but said fuck it, they all probably already know. I get so bored with “reactionist pieces” that are put out.

20170657? ago

otheranon here, i encourage you to make this post, it seems relevant to all of us researching Q stuff

20157528? ago

Get 'em James!! Keep up the GREAT WORK!

20157527? ago

I have amazon smile setup to donate to Project Veritas.

20170642? ago

kek, now do it with a google property, topkek

20157487? ago

get the popcorn ready!

20157380? ago

Sooo.... how does google already know who the insider is if he hasn't gone public yet?

I'm just confused on that part.

Are they engaging in illegal spying too?

20158076? ago

Google does whatever the fuck they want.

Do what thou wilt.

Don't you notice that all these social media companies swear they won't do something, and then just do it anyway?

20157277? ago


20157191? ago

OKeefe is smarter than to publish plans to release 1000's of internal google memo's. Google's team of lawyers and sympathetic liberal judges will have an injunction on him by close of business today. OKeefe will have his money bomb na danother reason to raise even more money to fight back the injunction and release the memos.

GD I am so tired of being played...you?

20158395? ago

I have to say my heart dropped as I read his request for money. I just can't like it. Yes, I am aware these kinds of endeavors cost. Perhaps I'm naive but I would think people who have money would be handing him money to get this exposed.

20162330? ago

I am poor but I have five dollar a month donation to O'Keefe. if you look at the media today one can easily see the corruption of the media is caused by 30 pieces of silver and a willingness for the heads of news aggregates to take the money of people who don't give money except as carrots to get what they want.

20157978? ago

All you need to do is wait 24 hours to see if he right, relax and get comfy.

20157182? ago

Donate in the name of Julian Castro.

20157168? ago

Fantastic. Bring em down.

20157165? ago

I've given to Veritas before and will do so now.

They are heroes - doing work the MSM refuses to do.

Same with Judicial Watch.

A donation is a small price to pay for truth & transparency.

20158998? ago

Donating to these sites is cheaper than my TV cable used to cost me and, I get more in return.

20160227? ago

Think how much you have been saving in Federal Income Tax (and it would surely have been much more additional tax if the Clintons had won!)

So some of that can go to this donation instead, and it will actually be solving some major problems.

20157939? ago

Just donated $55

20157969? ago

Everyone talks about “we need to take action” but does nothing besides post online. That does have an indirect affect, but James is directly going after these people and organizations. Even if they end up not needing it and 100% goes to O’Keefe I am happy with that

20160322? ago

I'm certain he needs good security for himself at minimum

20158776? ago

Do research. That's our job Anon.

20160338? ago

And sharing/spreading our knowledge, that's also very important

20157582? ago

^^^^^^^fully agree that both are worth our investment

20157153? ago

Google sucks shit, fuck you google

20157083? ago

bunch of whiners commenting here. This is Great news!

20157079? ago

They have done great work so far. That being said, I have not donated. I would think there are at least a few deep pocket donors that would be willing to finance the exposure of google, probably not publicly though.

20156995? ago

To receive, you must first give. I want the documents before I hand over some paper of my own. If they're damning enough, I might get some others to toss into the hat as well.

20158822? ago

Think you have that bassackwards ... gotta give to get.

20156974? ago

Sounds like a money grab scam to me. I'll pass.

20157483? ago

That's exactly what a shareblue faggot would say.

20159404? ago

The search for truth is a uniquely human process, a quest guided by our perception of an event. But what happens to the truth when what we see and what we think we see… are two very different things? Some say that the truth is only what we persuade others to believe. If so, we should be wary… for truth is easily and often hidden by the arguments of those who are false.

20161368? ago

The fact that got your stupid ass comment voted right off the page is a uniquely human process, a quest guided by anon's hatred of your retarded bullshit. What we see and what you see ...are two very different things. You are a fucking retard and we are not. So be wary...for excessive retardation (like yours) can easily lead you down a deep and hidden path to statements that are always false.

20161464? ago

It is a common scientific belief that humans use but a small fraction of the brain. You are proof of that. I could care less about up votes or down votes. People often down vote TRUTH because they do not want their delusions destroyed.

Have a nice evening.

20161547? ago

It is a common scientific fact that there are many who are severely retarded. You are proof of that. I could care less what you could care less about. Anons voted your dumb ass of the page because you are a fucking retarded faggot.

Have a nice evening.

20156725? ago

Let’s see the documents first.

We have more than just money waiting for these asshole communist traitors.