QueenB ago

Instead of arguing with the folks that run this place (they know how to protect it, they know how much this site can handle) why don't you take your top favorite/important posts of the day and read it aloud, then post the audio to Youtube or Bitchute for those anons who couldn't make it in here before the attack.

Or perhaps, make a vetted list of people you know want to join and present it to the owners/moderators. Maybe manual accounts can be created in small ammounts, if patriots really need to get in here.

Most people who are researching actively have had a Voat login for a long time. Help the lurkers by spreading the articles and discussions via audio/video/text posts on other websites.

That or, you know, quitchabitchen.

1618 ago

I know ...just praying that Twitter and Fakebook is waking people up...and it seems to be.

Many normies wont come here but they view Imagur, Twitter, etc....thats where the truth needs to blossom.

But we will always be the inside anons who are educating and oraying dor the world.


God wins.

MinorLeakage ago

Read the stickied thread. If that doesn't answer your question, suicide is the only other option.

59Geezer ago

Pretty sure people without an account can still read the site, just can't comment or post. Poast? You know what I mean. ;)

patriotwomen ago

They can't even get on. My sister never registered but was on every day staying on top of the news. Now I have to relay the news to her.

59Geezer ago

Ok thanks, I wasn't aware of the change. Anyone could look at it before the lockdown.

cimota_miles ago

That was the whole point of my question, we are trapped in our own speech bubble.

justAnotherAnon ago

They cannot read anything without logging in first. Logout and try it for yourself

70times7 ago

I would be cool with it

Who cares what you are cool with.

369693936 ago

Why don't you read the stickied thread?

Dnomen ago

Blame Shareblue and JIDF. Cockroaches who seek to destroy any semblance of sanity in the world. They won't be happy until they control everything through their lies.

cimota_miles ago

Not exactly what my point was....are you saying shareblue is more powerful and reaches across more divides than a free speech platform such as this ?

Dnomen ago

They have George Soros money. Have you ever read this:


I used to work in this field. I have seen small well=funded groups destroy half a dozen websites like this. They can't tolerate the truth, so they have developed very devious and effective means to destroy sites like this.

During this time of DDOSing, their new accounts would be adding further misdirection and chaos, forum sliding everything, and just providing more eyes/views for the control systems they are trying to establish.

This is war. The goal is to eradicate free speech. Voat will eventually be destroyed by it, the left is ultimately corrosive to anything they cannot control.

cimota_miles ago

Again...so the point now is to limit access so those who are already members...just shit talk amongst eachother?

Dnomen ago

.so the point now is to limit access so those who are already members

No that is an unfortunate symptom. The point is to prevent untrackable traffic from hitting the site.

Again, the alternative is the entire site goes down. Why don't you focus on the reason this is happening and not how it is inconveniencing your utopian theorycrafting.

cimota_miles ago

So living in the goat bubble is the best we can hope for ?

There seems to be no utopia in a (supposedly) free speech environment.

summerwind_US ago

We still learn by talking among ourselves, and can pass that new information to outside places/people. It's not all bad. You do have a point, tho, it's very unfortunate that it's necessary to limit membership.

cimota_miles ago

Again...the thought pool is now contained to existing members only ? No new interactions with people who wish to join the discussion.

grace8 ago

Admin is not a Q supporter. Admin has tolerated the shills and refused to ban them and rescinded bans of them. Admin is suspect in my mind. Admin did not step in for a month when SBBH destroyed QRV with gay and lolli porn and supported the shills who called it free speech. Admin did not step in when they threatened the children of our mods. Admin is either weak, or...

The only way to protect ourselves and our mods is to give more up votes to every loyal Q user. The more upvotes we all have the more untouchable we are from the every day shills. Everything you read that supports Q message upvote. Now watch the shills down vote this

Dnomen ago

The alternative is no site. It is a defensive posture which is in part required by preventing botspam - which is a necessary component in a strategy of mitigating DDOS attacks.