mkt4311 ago


Adarcer ago

Here are my thought on the subject 1) He has not been in that prison since the blackout he was moved elsewhere 2) Witness protection or 3) It was not the Clintons as Hillary was an ex lawyer and would have known that would have been a bad move (remove litigation on all evidence) it was IMO Mossad and possibly IDF trying to cover their tracks if this is the case they just screwed everyone to save their own reputation.

Johnny_Ninja ago

It doesn't matter if he's dead or alive, or even who killed him if he is dead.

It changes nothing as it pertains to the investigation. DOJ already stated they are still chugging along.

I only made the original post here because the thought that the Clintons are being blamed is hilarious to me, whether or not they actually had anything to do with his real or faked departure.

All I'm saying is how ironic would it be if they truly had nothing to do with this guy's, it's the one time that they didn't murder someone, yet virtually the entire Internet thinks they did anyway.

dueces ago

This stuff has been happening for well beyond a single generation. This is a biblical battle.

Johnny_Ninja ago

I don't know. You'd have to assume that there will always be bad people.

What needs to change is the public's awareness and a dedicated return to the rule of law. If we can acquire and then maintain those two things, whatever bad people come later won't matter because they'll be dealt with appropriately.

That's my opinion anyhow.

Boysrback07 ago

They did wether directly or indirectly.

Johnny_Ninja ago

Maybe. But for all you know, he was spirited away by witsec.

thegoodprevail ago

This is EXACTLY what I think happened! This, what we are witnessing is a "movie" as it were. Purpose is to send the MSM running and flailing in the wrong direction. They're so stupid; they always fall for this stuff. NO WAY the white hats would allow anything to happen to Epstein if they still needed him. I just don't buy it.

CR302 ago

I think it may have been higher up the food chain that took out Epstein...maybe mossad...can't have a live captured asset to tip off to bigger issues than his sex trafficking/blackmail ring.

chocolatepatriot2 ago

very true, ;)

PewterKey ago

What would change in the investigation after his death? I actually don't think it would be in the Clinton's interest, unless he started talking. What's the legal barrier for a search into crimes against a dead man? How much is his estate going to oppose warrants for child porn possession? I'm not a legal expert, but I can't see an estate lawyer laying his career / life on the line to stop the feds from looking for child porn and related crimes.

Johnny_Ninja ago

That's my point, it doesn't appear to change anything in the investigation at all, except that they can't prosecute a dead man.

Victims can still sue the estate civilly. And then keep in mind there is a conspiracy charge, which I'm pretty sure inherently means that "other people" are implicated.

The DOJ seems to echo this sentiment at the end of this statement:

I also heard Trey Gowdy say that whatever evidence they gathered can be used in parallel prosecutions.

incey ago

i hope so, my first thoughts when i read of his 'death' were 'well, fuck, now he doesn't get ass raped in prison til he dies' and secondly "i really hope this doesn't end the case"

Johnny_Ninja ago

It ends his case, at least so far as him being tried. But it doesn't end shit else.

Read this and smile. Pay close attention to the very end of the statement:

amarQ144 ago

Bill and Hill are giving each other the eye...each is pretty sure the other did it.

Johnny_Ninja ago


NoBS ago

I suspect the body double skulduggery will come to light.

AnotherIrishAnon ago

DNA test. I’m sure he left a lot around the plane and his apartment

NoBS ago

They swapped his DNA's with the crisis actors medical records. That's a few key stokes in the right seat. And a lot of Pedo-Blackmail snuff stuff.

thegoodprevail ago

CORRECT! We don't know that he was "dead" anyway. Apparently Loretta Fuddy had to be killed after the stunt plane went down in Hawaii; and also Seth Rich was sitting up in the hospital bed doing pretty well, until they closed the whole floor of the hospital.....and later reported his death (murder). The media has to be fed what to report. Now they don't know who is giving them what....

Johnny_Ninja ago

Assuming that's true, which you have no way at all of knowing, but yeah ok.

No disrespect intended, either.

But I have to say, focusing on shit like "was he really killed", "he's in witsec", etc. is seriously pointless.

But most importantly, it detracts from the things that really matter:

1) his "suicide" has normies questioning the official narrative, which must happen if they are to awaken. What actually happened to him doesn't even matter. The fact that they don't believe the official story matters more than finding out what actually did happen.

2) whether or not they have anything to do with whatever did happen, it puts the spotlight on the Clintons

3) whether or not JE is alive or dead, the DS is royally fucked. With him out of the picture, that evidence can be more speedily used to go after all the other people involved who aren't dead

Just sayin'

AlphabeticalAnon ago

That's just the thing though! Who will "implicate" the Clintons? Not only live to tell, but is someone that will NOT be a Comey or a coward like that who can be bought?

THAT'S the real question.

Bringing the Clinton name to light without her and her rapist mate being in handcuffs is just more publicity for them and they will use it to their benefit.

At least me and several others in my circles are bracing and preparing ourselves for the eventual Hillary for president in 2020. Right or wrong, it's just how things are looking.

deleteme123 ago

Weiner's laptop has enough for Hilary to go down. Material evidence and victims testimony will finish off Bill.

Johnny_Ninja ago

Exactly. And hey, weiner's laptop may have stuff having to do with Bill, too.

Point is, they're all fucked. Epstein being dead or alive changes not one iota of them being fucked.

They were fucked the moment that those search warrants were executed. Everything beyond that is a matter of academics, nothing more.

Johnny_Ninja ago

It could be a "who", but it may not even require an actual person or testimony to implicate them.

It depends on what evidence the Feds have already, and/or what they will have in the future.

My assertion that they will be implicated is predicated on the fact that I take at face value when Q says "we have it all", then they have what they need to hold people accountable.

If this is simply a matter of parallel construction, which appears to be the case, then that already gamed out long ago how to inject the pieces of evidence they need.

I guess what I'm saying is that just because you or I haven't figured out precisely what those pieces of evidence are or how they'll be injected - doesn't really mean shit.

After following this shit for two years, I've learned that I don't need to necessarily know or understand how all of the pieces fit beforehand..because they keep fitting together and making sense later.

I have to assume that trend will only continue.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Side note: I have a deranged stalker who downvotes everything I post so I stay pretty much off any radar as possible. That being said, I will post this reply anyway to answer your thoughts with my own thoughts because of all this experience.

I take what Q says at face value too. The problem is, it's like a riddle and there are multiple layers to this whole shebang.

The Clintons, and the Bushes, Obamas, all of these corrupted pos have mountains of evidence against them, no doubt, the problem has always been that they own everyone that can do something against them or they kill them. That's how it's always went.

This "suicide" is disturbing because it's setting it up that no matter who goes against them, their empire of corrupt judges, lawyers, are embedded all over the country! And even globally! Even in a place as like the 80,000 population city of Fort Smith, Arkansas, pieces of Cameroon dictator shit has literally been usinng his fraudulent power as a head doctor and "landlord" of multiple properties (think apartment complexes and blocks of housing) and then embezzling money from universities a la Ephraïm Inoni and Bruno Bekolo Ebe, and hires psychopathic convicted violent felons to literally take away people's civil rights while running a huge fentanyl cartel since the feds keep finding all their meth and cocaine shipments and this is happening in just this one place.

Imagine what's been going on all over the place!

To bring the Clintons down and all connected to her, they will need to bring down ALL of them - hundreds of thousands - including the pieces of violent shit that drug kingpin Belinga hires! Even down to that fucked up psycho who is a nobody but has so far ruined the careers of the pedo judge and lawyers who all lined up to help their Obama/Clinton Cameroonese dictator on a smaller scale.

The "suicide" of Epstein may seem like a blessing in disguise but unless these sealed indictments include ALL of this Clinton swamp, and these arrests are actually acted upon and not promised like pie crust, then his being ghosted really doesn't bode well in the long run.

We're still enslaved by these psychos, and the psychos are still free to break whatever laws they want because they have the loyalty of corrupt pieces of shit in positions of power and they have abused every inch of power.

Johnny_Ninja ago

Lots to unpack here, and I'm not going to respond to all of your points.

But the idea that they're judges are embedded everywhere, well.. it's not really true at this point. POTUS has been quietly filling the federal courts with constitutionalists. So that's number one.

But look, the rest of the shit you're mentioning, I'd just tell you to read this post in QRV because it pretty much sums up why Epstein isn't important in the way you think he is:

AlphabeticalAnon ago

I know this! Really I do! What nobody is getting (from what I'm seeing) is that Epstein was a pawn and if the pawn is gone, the queen still haunts the board!

Yes, the federal judges have been replaced with better people BUT just do a quick search of a bitch named Shannon Blatt in Fort Smith. Family court judge. Check out her twitter. See the first picture there of a kid? What does his shirt say?

THIS is what I'm talking about! The whole goddamn place is CRAWLING with swamp creatures! It's why assault and battery is legal as long as it's done by those who are working for the distator doctor/landlord/university bod/whatever hat he's wearing because he is part of the Obama/Clinton machine and was brought over in some years ago to set up shop. A LOT of shops and there has been untold suffering of his and his thugs' victims ever since.

When will those people ever see justice? Epstein is a pathway, for sure, but is Epstein going to be enough to bring them all down?

Johnny_Ninja ago

Not to minimize whatever is happening in Arkansas...but it's not the focal point of the battle field.

Even if the Feds rolled into Ft. Smith tomorrow and arrested everyone you mentioned, this is a problem in many other places like you said.

The situation in Ft. Smith is a single tentacle attached to a much bigger monster.

Again, whether Epstein is a pawn, alive or dead, doesn't matter.

Epstein the the pathway to take the monster down with a headshot.

As opposed to cutting thousands of tentacles one at a time.

I'm guessing you didn't read the thread where I posted the link.

If you did, you'd understand that the whitehats would have never been so stupid as to hinge the outcome of the entire plan to the life or death of a single guy.

They only needed him alive long enough to arrest him and serve those search warrants. Both of which already happened.

Shit, to be honest, they may not have even needed him alive to serve those warrants anyhow.

Go to the link I sent. I think it clears it up prettt well.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

I did read the link you gave, probably while you were typing up this post I am replying to. And yes, it makes more sense to me now. Of course they wouldn't allow that creep to die if it really did hinge on him being alive. And from the link it's clear that him being dead is actually better.

So I did read all of that.

Fort Smith (and I'm east of there in a little town near a mountain that's named after a famous city) but I have friends in Fort Smith who have been horribly done by the Clinton and Obama beast namely through the corruption that's rampant there but also by a lowlife from Cameroon who was shipped over to set up shop when their old drug trade was being too exposed and by some dirtbag cops who got so greedy that his partners in crime decided to bring over the newest rage in drug addiction with fentanyl or whatever the fuck it is, but this is shit that they needed a third world so-called doctor to help them with and in turn he was given a green light to control multiple properties to have a literal regime - a Little Cameroon as it were. The meth and other narcotics wasn't making the same money as it did once. So they stepped up their evil and this is what the new nightmare is now.

You are right to say that Fort Smith is a tentacle of a much bigger beast, but it's a rather large tentacle. Mena is south of Fort Smith, and you do know about Mena, no?

Mena being much, much smaller than Fort Smith, managed to get half a dozen people killed, caused the Waco atrocity to happen and was a literal core location where Hell was served up for decades to all surrounding areas, towns and cities.

Now picture Fort Smith being a Mena but an updated hive of filth and corruption.

I cannot say what other places are like, and I'm sure there are tales and victims who would jump at any chance to be heard in court. God knows those who have been railroaded in court in Fort Smith never got any chance to be heard or witness against the psychopaths that work for the third world dictator there but, I just get so depressed that justice will never make it to these obscure places and that those who are literally crying for justice may never see it and will never see their loved ones again. My friend was illegally told that she would be killed if she tried to see her own mother again, and she can't see her babies (cats) that the mother is taking care of. And all because a piece of shit violent thug pair and their psycho boss wants to get away with assault and battery and terroristic threats.

I love my friend. She has been a rock for me through the years. I even dedicated a board for her here at voat. Her links I put on the side. No way that such a soul deserved the horrid and evil things those psychopaths have done to her!

So while I know how other victims (like those of Epsteins) are suffering, I know how many others are suffering too. And these are people I know and care about.

Johnny_Ninja ago

I get it where you're coming from. I won't pretend to know where that city is on the list of priorities, or even if it's on the list. I hope it is, though.

All I know is that Epstein is crucial to bringing the beast down. That's been made abundantly clear. How long it takes them to do it, I don't know. But it sure seems we're closer every day.

If these bad people in FT smith are being protected by the Clintons, then it stands to reason that if you removed those people but left the Clintons in place, those bad people would just be replaced, no?

So that's probably why the priority appears to be going after the head of the snake first.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Absolutely! And that's why you'll see me having the fears that I do...when I speak of bracing myself, and others bracing and preparing themselves, for any eventuality of Clinton getting back in power as in, the White House. Because we all know that would be the end of all law and justice and basically having our lives back. And my friend would never have a chance to see her own mother again. That was already taken from her by the slimes, but with a Clinton win, it would be all over and the only way to survive would be underground. Literally.

Johnny_Ninja ago

Oh man, don't even worry about that. Even if she ran next election, she wouldn't win. No chance. Think of it like this. Trump won because he captured all those swing states. Those people in those states who voted him in took a chance on him. They didn't really know what they were going to get.

Now they know. Unless he does something to fuck those people over economically, his support in those areas (and really across the whole country) will only have increased by the time next Election Day comes.

And I think we all know how the economy is doing right now. No one in the rust belt is wishing they hadn't voted for him now. If anything, there's people who didn't vote for him who are wishing they would have, and those people will next time.

Seriously, short of him kicking a puppy into a volcano on live tv, there's prettt much nothing he could do to lose. And even then, I'm not sure it would be enough to get people to turn on him.

It's going to be ok :)

AlphabeticalAnon ago


Well if he did that, I would kick him into a volcano and watch him melt like Gollum. Thankfully, he wouldn't do that. His sons however...I have to tell you, I don't like his damned kids. But they're kids. But I don't them.