Johnny_Ninja ago

Not to piss in your cheerios, but it doesn't even fucking matter if he's dead or not. See this:

Nachose ago

I think they were still doing, or pretending to do CPR until the doctor "called it." Also, maybe they wanted pictures of this man, presumably dead, to be seen by the public, right?

What about Witness Protection Program? Isn't Epstein more valuable to the cause alive?

IndigoEyes ago

Not Epstein different nose

TheRealIndianaJoe ago

Almost as if they wanted you to know :D

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago


They got him out. That is the real reason Barr is so pissed!

WolfFangs ago

I was 100 percent with you until you said GITMO. Yall should really stop it with the damn gitmo stupidity.

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

That was the point of my post. No way in GITMO. That would be the announcement this morning once he was transported. But to say he's dead and think you'll see him testifying from GITMO is nuts. Wishful thinking at best. I believe the CIA clowns under him out. Ghislaine and Bill C having dinner three weeks ago in NYC. It's obvious to me. They got him out. The guy on the gurney is not Epstein. Just look at the nose! So...they say he died...and not escaped via our own feds.

WolfFangs ago

Exactly. I bet he ain't dead. Mossad pulled a fast one and got him out. Ghislaine's father was a top Mossad operative and they will help her out of this mess too.

TexasPatriot972 ago

In the photo going into the hospital, he's being ventilated, looks like LMA, with an Ambu-bag. If they got to him fast enough, he may have had a pulse or PEA (pulseless electrical activity). If this was the case, in the absence of a DNR order, EMS has to attempt resucsitation, hence, no sheet.

cynicaloldfart ago

Agree, EMS has to continue cpr/resus once started. They also would want to at least appear to be resusing him for optics and to cya.

rickki6 ago


showbobandvagene ago

A persons nose continues to grow as they get older so i dont think the difference in the nose's in the photograph proves that its not epstein, you're theory could still work with it actually being Epstein on the stretcher, and thats how they got him out.

Personally i believe he's dead, we all knew he was going to be suicided sooner or later.

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

Grow...? Maybe spread out....flatten...but not a hook up top!

showbobandvagene ago

We will probably never find out one way or the other, And with the FBI doing the investigation it's going to be a cover up right from the start.

One thing that will be interesting is how they will claim he supposedly killed himself, theres nothing to tie too in a cell. I wonder what they will come up with...

Timmy2 ago

A corpse looks different after life's final heartbeat when the muscles relax and the blood leaves the face. I think this likely is the same guy.

Furlefonce ago

You mean: Half “the” same guy. His legs are missing.