DaraChaos ago

No way did he commit suicide. Remember that Epstein is a textbook Narcissistic Personality Disorder. They almost NEVER commit suicide. Their inflated ego simply won't allow it. The last time he got off with a slap on the wrist, thanks to his high-powered friends. I'm pretty sure that he thought that it would be the same situation this time around. Only two scenarios make sense. Either he was murdered (my opinion) or he was whisked away to a secure facility to be trotted out later to catch the bigger fish.

nothinglasts4ever ago

Agree! If he was not murdered, but instead if he was taken out of the facility he was in, then he may be going somewhere that allows “aggressive interrogation,” or “enhanced interrogation.” The secrets he knows will be discovered.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

He was obviously killed to keep his mouth shut, but you're wrong about the conscience. He went from hundreds of millions of dollars, private islands, houses all over, and anything he wanted, to 23 hours per day in a prison cell for the rest of his life. And this after he believed he'd completely put it all behind him. Could be a little demoralizing, don't you think? Suicide is the one escape from spending the last 20-30 years of his life living in horror.

UnbreakablePatriot ago

He was already 66, he wasn't going to live another 30 years as a prisoner.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Exactly. He faced spending the rest of his life living in horror, that would only end with his death.

Vibratron ago

he had "escaped" certain life in jail before, Israel wouldn't let him down would they ......surely he believed strings would be pulled again......besides, I still think you have to have a shred of moral decency to take your life out of guilt..........he didn't commit suicide

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Sure, but there was no guilt involved. Completely amoral people commit suicide too.

Vascodegecko ago

He at GITMO.

fujison ago

Turns out Epstein might be a better witness dead than alive. https://twitter.com/KlasfeldReports/status/1160188170698469376

trackselling ago

I was a drunk tank guard for the RCMP for a period of time, and had to do suicide watch twice. There was no possible way for the perp to commit suicide. none. Except maybe if he climbed onto the top bunk and head first dove to the concrete. Not very effective. Most likely outcome is paralysis. Also guards have to check every 20 minutes the status of am iffy perp. This was a murder, plain and simple.

Tiptoper619 ago

OK ..here is my 2 cents ...retired CA corrections here 26 yrs.... most CA prisons have a infirmary AKA mini hospital and they had a section for terminally ill and PYSCH inmates who were suicidal...

the cells were specialized with no edges points areas to tie anything they had tear proof mattresses and mumu style gowns (no underwear) that you practically needed a blow torch to even damage it... when inmates were put on suicide watch we had a officer or nurse assigned to sit in front of their cells that had window slots for observation and LOGGED EVERY INTERACTION OR UNUSUAL EVENT!! ... the lights on 24/7 water was controlled from the outside via valves and toilet flush were every few hours and random ...inmates that had many prior attempts were also on video and recorded .... so.... I worked 18 yrs in this section and had 100s of suicidal inmates come thru .... WE NEVER LOST ONE EVEN IF THEY TRIED!! sometimes they would try to smash their head on the walls ..we would go in full force shield up by force and gain control of them ...then he was sedated with a few shots and put in a 5 point harness specialized portable bed ..... even if the cameras failed we had a window slot to visually see them...

I know that the FEDS have pretty much the same procedures

HE WAS EXECUTED ...he did not kill himself... no way ..they will SPIN all kinds of BS on the fake MSM DO NOT BELIEVE IT!!! feel free to ask any questions .....

Allin4q ago

Let's not solve this too quickly. If he is alive they want people to think he is dead.

KnightsWhoSayREEEEEE ago

8chan is down (10 days of darkness?)

Jeffrey epstein dies (Suicide weekend?)

standwithuQ ago

Absolutely. Finally someone using logic! So many people here saying narcassists don't ever commit suicide...he was use to having the best of the best. He was facing being in a prison cell for the rest of his life with possible violence from other inmates. That would be reason enough to kill yourself. BUT I don't think that's what happened. NOR do I think he's already been tribunaled and put to death. It's too soon for that. He's not the top dog, this goes WAY higher and he is too valuable to kill....at least right now. Given the timing....document dump release, and a possible previous attempt on his life, I'd say the 'suicide' is a cover story to have him moved ....probably to Gitmo so the Cabal can't get to him.

chocolatepatriot2 ago

dead men cant talk. therefore the DS avoids a trial and public exposure.

Anon1492 ago

He's in protective custody. Think about it.

summerstormAK ago

I'm not convinced he was suicided, but you don't need a conscience to kill yourself. You just have to be unwilling to face the consequences of your actions.

Ddboomer ago

A thought..... I read comments on many of the Fake news you tube sites and every SINGLE COMMENT DID NOT BELIEVE IT WAS SUICIDE!! Minus one dumb ass who put POTUS w/pedo Epstein🙄

People are waking up!! Q aside they have everything.

Ddboomer ago

Good questions!!! Or, “they have it all” and let him be killed.

quidproquo ago

PLANEFAGS: any reports before or after (EPSTEINS DEATH) to gitmo.

bizzywiz ago

to avoid an edit tag...

EVERY page of previous testimony in regards to him needs be released, along with every bit of evidence currently going on.

On the flip side, there should be NOTHING to prevent a total unearthing of his sex/slavery/sacrifice compound

chocolatepatriot2 ago

yes, release the docs to the public, america needs to see the truth. lots of other pedo's involved we need to prosecute.

bizzywiz ago

EVERY...SINGLE...guard on duty needs to be hung...

OK, that's not going to happen.

Therefore they need be doxxed...EVERY SINGLE ONE

DickTick ago

No. He was not on suicide watch anymore at the time of the incident. I haven't seen any reliable source that said he was still on suicide watch, but I've seen more than a few that said he wasn't.

They don't base suicide watch off of the information we know about here. They base whether you go on suicide watch or not off of an actual doctor or psychiatrist saying you're a danger to yourself or others.. A decision that clearly isn't made off of any information our movement knows about.

fujison ago


GritD2 ago

Why the fuck wasn't he in Gitmo? The DS is VERY Deep.

Woke33 ago

Trust the plan goy.

iontheball ago

I thought on suicide watch the guy is supposed to be under 24 hour video monitoring? Is there some guard today that's suddenly a lot richer?

Vibratron ago

they have it covered... https://files.catbox.moe/euiukn.jpg

LBQ ago

Suicide weekend?

51JesTuck ago

Arkancide I'm guessing. Hopefully we have everything we need regardless.

JasonTakesMAGAhattan ago

Everyone chill out. You are watching a SHOW.

UnbreakablePatriot ago

When I watch a good movie at home I discuss the twists and turns and speculate with my spouse. You are looking at the predictable clues in the movie that will tell you what plotline and predictable outcome you are watching. That is the fun of a good suspense thriller, right?

chocolatepatriot2 ago

great reminder to chill and watch the show. more popcorn please

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Except, America dies in the end.

firewaterdirt ago

Maybe its a countermove by the white hats? Remember that they would have to wait a year before he is in a court room, and also the news about Epstein was buried by the shootings but now less then a week later it resurfaces. Who cares if that scumbag is dead.

Jdtaylormm ago

BS story. Epstein was not even in NYC jail. He has been in Gitmo since the NYC blackout. Thats when they moved him

redeyes ago

Could that jail in NYC be a black site?

dalatecht ago

Or could he have been executed by a Military Tribunal, and that official story is the cover story? I agree, we need to wait for positive confirmation before we reach any solid conclusions.

ChimpStenographer ago

Or did Mossad extract him?


My thoughts: This is an interesting way to push more news or inject more truth out into the fake news media. If they cover this it pushes the pedo problem further out into the light waking more people up! And it emphasizes his connections with the elites. How do you inject the truth legally? Boom! I don’t think he is dead yet. If he was deceased they would have bagged and tagged him.

ditzee ago

Maybe Epstein was allowed to commit suicide after giving Feds what they needed. Remember Q posted, they won't be able to walk down the streets? Epstein would not want to sit through all his horrific garbage being out in public. There won't be a lot of black hats more reviled than he is/was. I just can't see the gov't making a deal for witness protection with a predator of children.

Hoping this will scare the f_ck out of other black hats.

Anonymous171717 ago

This is some seriously fucked up shit, here. Suicide watch...more like Watch Suicide (murder). This is way, way off.

UnderRadarWildCamper ago

So the guards on duty to prevent his suicide are going to be investigated? The footage from the cameras that monitor those on suicide watch will be released? I can't wait till DJT weighs in on this ridiculous DS bullshit. I can't wait till these crooks fry.

Ramp7 ago

He was on live TV 24/7. Proof

HighEnergyLife ago

Jared told the President to leave it alone, (((We'll handle this)))

Vibratron ago

.................sorry the cameras malfunctioned, we don't have any video

Dogsoldiertoo ago

Suicide watch? The question becomes "who were the watchers" CIA, Mossad? Epstein was a classic narcissist, that's what made him so valuable to the Deep State. Narcissists don't kill themselves, ever. They see themselves as the most important thing in creation, they worship themselves above all else. They are literally their own god. If one gets dead you can bet someone else did the deed.

MystikMa ago

That smirk of his is classic. Even shows in the courtroom drawings. He has always had that look of... I got a secret, smirk... master mind fucker. Demigod. The face is too bloated in comparison to the last pics & court drawings recently...

Nunyabizniz ago

Most dead people aren't able to keep their mouths closed either.

JasonTakesMAGAhattan ago

The cabal's whole GOAL is life EXTENSION. They want to become immortal because they "believe" they have seen life after death thru their little adrenochrome adventures and it scares the shit out of them. Obviously Epstein is privy to this as well, I hardly doubt he'd be chomping at the bit to be dead.

grannyluvsq ago

That's not true. Most narcissists don't kill themselves, but some do.

kidcip16 ago

No they don't. Ever. Evil people in general don't kill themselves.

Dogsoldiertoo ago

If they do they aren't true narcissists. Stop watching reruns of Criminal Minds.

grannyluvsq ago

I've never seen an episode of Criminal Minds, but spent my career (before retiring) studying psychology for many years and writing research papers.

Doglegwarrior ago

Trust the plan!

From: doglegwarrior

I think trump should pardon him now make it official. Then trump should go meet epstein bill and hillary in isreal and pop a babies head off and all 4 drink the babies blood. After letting bill and epstein rape the baby first of course.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

This can't be happening!

WhiteDragon ago



AlphabeticalAnon ago

Hey faggot, just a little reminder that Hillary lost. I know that still burns ya!

Patriot54 ago

I wonder. No Epstein means case closed? They all get off scot free...AGAIN?

Dogsoldiertoo ago

No, all his records and black books have been confiscated. 2000 records were just released. And let's not forget about all those videos and photos.

We have everything - Q

Phillylotus ago

I was thinking the same thing! This could be a total conver for witness protection...

Redditrefuge1 ago

Agree totally. Witness protection?

Dismal_Swamp ago

He’s probably on a private jet loaded with 12 year olds, flying to Israel right now.

GracieTracie2 ago


KyJane ago

Re the New York Post... how the crap do you suicide yourself by cardiac arrest???

GodsAngell ago

Everyone does realize what just happened today, don't they????

Even Trump Doesn't Believe "The Official Narrative"!!!

Even worse, Trump is indicating a CONSPIRACY to Murder Epstein!!!!

Yes, I know to many people who totally BELIEVE CNN and SNOPES, that the word CONSPIRACY is a VERY, VERY BAD Word, in fact it is total Lunacy, for anyone who believes in them. However the Legal Dictionary defines them, and Q has been teaching us all about them, and obviously POTUS believes in them too. Shock and horror to some I know. But, these FACTS seem to escaped many on this board. It went right over their heads.

Some still think CONSPIRACIES = LIES.....but TRUMP doesn't think so, in spite of Q pounding these FACTS into us for what?......2 years???

TRUMP'S TWEET TODAY Re: Epstein's "suicide":


Yep, SB2 Message: Don't believe everything you hear from Lame Stream Media, including Fox News.


Ouch that's going to SCARE a lot of people on this board....who fully TRUST in lame stream media's SPIN!!! (not to mention SNOPES...whom some think is the last word on TRUTH.)

HERE WE GO, the OFFICIAL Pronouncement by SNOPES (and CNN):


TRUMP'S TWEET TODAY Re: Epstein's "suicide":


Yes, this is very interesting. EVEN TRUMP DOESN'T BELIEVE THE "The Official Narrative"!!!!

This is truly funny.....although I realize it shatters the illusions of many on this Board who hold Fox News, and CNN and even SNOPES as the absolute LAST WORD ON "THE TRUTH", even after all of Q's warnings to the contrary!!!!!!!!

We should really bow our heads in a moment of prayer for these people who "just haven't caught on yet", and are in a DEEP, DEEP Depression tonight, realizing their ILLUSIONS of these BASTIONS of TRUTH and EVIDENCE just got shattered to pieces today BY......not Q,... but President TRUMP!!!!

Our Hearts and Prayers are with them.

My only hope is that they WAKE UP, before it is too late.


Yes, this is very interesting. Even Trump doesn't believe "The Official Narrative"!!!!

Trump is pointing the finger at the Clintons, and indicating it is not suicide but MURDER (Arkancide).

I don't think Trump would do that if Epstein's death was faked by the White Hats to put him into witness protection program. Or would he?

But then again, a little voice inside my head says, leaving Epstein out where he could get bumped off, knowing the Clintons's body count history, seems almost like dereliction of duty to me. Trump is not stupid.

On the other hand, maybe Epstein did sing his head off, and the white hats faked his death, so he could go into a witness protection program with the clintons no longer hunting for him. Not that Epstein will be set free, but he will be hidden away in a safe place while he cooperates in the take down of the bigger fish. And Trump is just pointing the finger at "the usual suspects" in such cases, to help seal the cover story.

I think Epstein was only put into the prison to get him to agree to talk. He hates the low life of the prison, and worried all the time the Clinton Assassins will get to him first. I think he finally agreed to talk, so now the white hats faked his death, and moving him as a cooperating witness to another secret safer location.

Jim Stone thinks Epstein is probably winging his way to Israel/Mossad where he will be under their witness protection program.

Either way, someone wants us to think Epstein is dead, in spite of the coincidences (all security cameras malfunctioning https://bigleaguepolitics.com/report-camera-malfunction-in-epsteins-prison-cell-prevented-recording-of-his-alleged-suicide/ ) and the photos of him don't quite match previous photos of him and official photos are apparently photoshopped:


Eye witness account, thinks they switched bodies....and a soldier in military dress uniform picked up Epstein:



And then there is this curious Q post:


Why did Q draw our attention to WHERE Epstein was being held, IF Epstein was where the press said he was???

There was an 8Chan post that at the same time as the power outage, this prison where Epstein was held (which was no secret it was splattered all over the press), was surrounded by many many police officers. We wondered if this power outage was a distraction (and to shut down communications) while Epstein was extracted and taken to a safer prison. He would subsequently go to and from court via helicopter.

Maybe Epstein was replaced with a body double that night? And that is why the photos today of his ears and nose don't line up exactly?

We know Hildabeast and Billy the rapist have body doubles.

SerialBrain2 says Epstein's Death was FAKED: https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/3376775

Message? Don't believe everything you hear from Lame Stream Media, including Fox News.

Eye The Spy says Epstein's death was faked too:




Do not jump to conclusions about Epstein.




10:04 AM - Aug 10, 2019



Epstein's Longtime Girlfriend (and Mossad Hangler): Ghislaine Maxwell Queen of Sex Trafficking Elite is Missing


I have to post this. NOBODY (who has been following Q) is buying the Official Narrative!

These are really funny tweet posts:



Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Lots of bacon, and no exercise.

GoatFree ago

Like how you shoot yourself in the back of the head.

Ramp7 ago


Ddboomer ago

I thought it was 3 time...:-!

SitelessVagrant ago

After the names of 2 dems were dropped this week... no it wasn't no damn suicide. There shouldn't have been a guard more than 3 steps away at any time. A high profile, previous suicide attempt on suicide watch? What the fuck did he hang himself with? This stinks to high heaven and even the idiots on the left are going to smell this shit.

Doglegwarrior ago

They should have treaed him they way our millitary treated the germans at the nuremberg trials. Stomped on his balls until he told us everything. Problem is epstein would have told the truth and after 4 days the german officers started to lie and read what ever script they handed them and then signed it

standwithuQ ago

That actually did happen at Nuremberg but it's wrong to do. When a person is tortured like that, people will 'admit' to ANYTHING to make the torture stop so what they say is totally unreliable.

Doglegwarrior ago

U dont even have to kick me in the balls and i will sign it. Or i will decide id rather die then nothing will make me sign anything. Humans that torture other humans are not humans

Skulati ago

Source? First time I hear that.

standwithuQ ago

If you really want to be red-pilled watch 'Europa:The Final Battle series. It's a documentary but it's NOT boring to watch.

ColonelFlag ago

Guess you only know the Deep State version of WW2

Primus_Pilus ago

Maybe that's the idea. Show the sleepers just how utterly corrupted this Just-Us system really is. Infuriate millions in one fell swoop.

I for DAMN sure do not ever expect a fair shake in the Just-Us system ever

KyJane ago

According to New York Post he committed suicide by cardiac arrest. Yeah... figure that one out.

Balthsgirl ago

Cardiac Arrest just means your heart has stopped. When you die, your heart stops. That's it. It doesn't mean he's having a heart attack.

chocolatepatriot2 ago

heart attack gun

KyJane ago

Yeah, there are those, but I seriously don't think they allow you to have those in your prison cell.

70times7 ago

Mate, when you die you are in "Cardiac arrest".

Regardless of how you got there.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Still, I'm betting on at least 17 more "WTF Cardiac Arrest?" posts today.

KyJane ago

I suppose you do have a point there come to think of it. Lol

hamman365 ago

Read where he killed himself last nihht and his body wasnt discovered until 7am - how does that happen on suicide watch? What did he hang himself with? Epstein became too dangerous to the cabal/clintons therefore he had to go.

DickTick ago

He wasn't on suicide watch. I can't count the amount of stories I've seen so far that said he was on suicide watch after the first incident, but in the last couple of weeks he was taken off because they don't base suicide watch off of the shit we know about here, they base suicide watch off of his current mental state as taken down by a doctor... Which has absolutely nothing to do with us, our movement, or information we know... all one needs to do is pretend to be not suicidal anymore and after a few days you'll be released out of SW.

GodsAngell ago

PROOF of this? You have provided zero proof your THEORY.

hamman365 ago

Makes sense, thanks for the correction

Darkkarma ago

As a correctional officer you have to scan the cell every 15 minute. There is nothing in that cell to help you commit the deed. You clothes are taken you wear a special suit and don't even have toilet paper. I call bull shit!

MystikMa ago

The skin color in those 2 pics (staged) look pretty damn normal. could be a swap& gitmo bound. Any plane fags on?

Vibratron ago

it's a bullshit story isn't it.......he's on suicide watch, meaning camera monitored, his room would have been cleared of all articles used in suicides.....and it would have been even more critical to watch him in light of the data dump that just happened....

TheAnonymousWorker ago

I had read he was just taken off suicide watch. As far as motive to kill himself people like him care only about themselves so after living for decades as a pimp king in the lap of luxury life in lockup/lockdown could easily be reason enough to off himself.

I tend to think he was murdered though. I doubt the dark circles he ran in spirited him away. Easier and more certain to just kill. dead men tell no tales is the saying but at least in todays world thanks to technology that is no longer true.

GodsAngell ago

Would it be normal to wheel the dying patient from jail to the NY Fire Dept before the hospital?

From Jim Stone, retired U.S. Intelligence Officer:




So who wants everyone to think Epstein is dead, and why?

Lord0Trade ago

That explanation seems fishy to me.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

That freak is still posting all-caps bullshit.

Lord0Trade ago

All caps means you either don't know how to use emphasis, or you're just retarded. That or your keyboard is broken.

Jasperrock ago

So, suicide watch means watch him commit suicide?

Jimmycrackerson ago

Commiting suicide is not hard all you have to d

Crpowell821 ago

I don't believe the story. White Hats have moved him to Gitmo for safe keeping. They know the lengths that the DS will go to protect themselves & they knew that he wasn't protected in a Manhattan jail. He's been moved. I don't believe that Q is stupid

Nachose ago

I think you are correct. Makes sense, along with the anonymous post that said a military person was in the van that took him away.

Crpowell821 ago

And the van wasn't signed in at the gate...

Doglegwarrior ago

Q is a fucking larp retard if he goes to gitmo he will be fucking raping 13 year old girls there before he is processed and sent to isreal. You fucking morons cant name the jew after a suspected mossad agent is fucking suppodly suicided on suicide watch! Until you Qtards name the fucking jew you can fuck off as you are the official useful fucking idiots at this point.

Crpowell821 ago

What? Did I touch a nerve? Go f off

Lauraingalls ago

If he was murdered, or even committed suicide, either way, that jail is just as corrupt as the Deep State.

51JesTuck ago

Well, the swamp goes deep, I mean how far does it reach? Who knows? Hoping this is witness protection, but, again, who knows? Trust the plan?

Lauraingalls ago

I do Trust the Plan. We need to pray too.

51JesTuck ago

Yes, I agree.

hamman365 ago

Yep, in his 1st attempt, he was celled w a corrupt police officer who is awaiting trial for murder, hmmm

Dogsoldiertoo ago

A corrupt police officer who only a week before had been caught with a contraband cell phone in his cell.

Lauraingalls ago

President Trump needs to open up an investigation for that corrupt jail.