20122538? ago

20122053? ago

Egg shaped?

20118843? ago

In the photo on the gurney---

Look at how large his head is compared to the height of the body. He normally does have a big head, but this thing is huuuuuge!

Look at the white outline at the top edge of his face. It looks like it was cut out of a paper photo with a pair of scissors!

Not good.

20118757? ago

Not only the ear structure; upper lip it is less supported. The underlying structures (bone, teeth, gums) that support the upper lip don't change after death. It almost looks like the dead guy is missing teeth compared with Epstein's pic. Some dentist keks here could take this further?

20117768? ago

The nose is TOTALLY different too.

20118271? ago

I agree

20117689? ago

I see the head, anyone know where the rest of the body is? There should be a body.

This pic IS phony.

20117636? ago

Glowniggers out in force for this one.

20117066? ago

Totally different noses. That’s a different man.

20116865? ago

The NOSES do not match!!

20116138? ago



At time stamp 2:35 this guy says, "The Russian mob reported to authorities that a contract had been put out on Epstein." LOL! "Russia - Russia - Russia!"

20116056? ago

Remember: "the man on the stretcher looked like Epstein." Remember Hillary's clone or double, whichever. Too important to allow to snuff himself out. Listen to the FagRats + MSM! "Russia & Trump offed Epstein!" The clowns will swallow a whale to catch a gnat. Confusion abounds and this confusion works in OUR favor!

20115598? ago

This ear looks a bit more like the dead guy... cdn01.dailycaller.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/epstein-e1494912313531.jpg

20115403? ago

I really don't understand how and why this photo was taken. There is always a sheet or the body is in a bag, never on an ambulance gurney. I sense something really wrong here.

20115376? ago

I'm I the only one who's going to question the legitimacy of this photo?

Look at the scale of his head. It's way too big for the distance to the camera. For reference the two police men are closer to camera yet their heads are significantly smaller. Look at the size of his head compared to where his feet would be on the gurney and you'll see what I mean.

Not to mention the lighting on Epstein's face doesn't match.

And before anyone jumps in with the "head is swollen and pale from hanging" know that the deviations are too much even for that.

20117054? ago

I appreciate questioning the photo. I don't think your criticism is definitive but it's worth doing. A head is fatter from front to back than side to side, and people have different size heads. His feet would be way out of frame so I don't know what you mean there, and it's hard to judge the lighting when we don't know what could be shading what. But at the end of the day, we always have to account the possibility the photos are faked even if we couldn't see the problems.

I find it odd that the security tucks his ears inside a ballcap, and that the edge of the cap seems to be an inch fatter than his head. Why would they be photoshopping a cap? I don't know. I never saw anyone tuck their ears inside their cap before though.

Also, when you look at the other photo (ny post), you can see his normal thickness torso and it just kind of disappears below the waist like they were carting a dummy with no legs.

Also, this photo is next to stretchers on a wall - doesn't seem like a public area. And it seems like the two photos could be in different locations.

My biggest question though, what is William Farrington, an NY Post staff reporter, doing inside an ambulance garage at 7:30AM Saturday morning? Someone from the prison phoned the Post to tell them which hospital to go to? Just seems staged.

Pretty impossible for us to know what happened to him but I am not one to take the word of the media or government or photographs that don't show much.

20115332? ago

looks the same to me

20115283? ago

I can't tell....BUT...if I was going to fake his death I would render him unconscious for a convincing photo op for the DS....use only White Hat/Paramedics.....etc.

20114830? ago

I heard, because he had so many close friends in Congress as well as many world leaders, there will be a Sate funeral with his open casket laying in the Capital for three days. Everybody wants to make damn certain he is really dead and pay their respects to him for not ratting them out.

20117841? ago

You must be making a funny. State Funeral?! I don't think so, LOL

20114819? ago

The nose is the really sloppy job mossad

20114800? ago

Excellent observation. Two different people. "They" should pay attention to details if they want the truth hidden.

20114786? ago

"Epstein Is Alive" will be another Seth Rich or Kennedy Jr. conspiracy waste of time. Ya just gotta face it. For our purposes, He's Dead. Weather he really is or not is anybodies guess but he is NEVER gonna be found.

20114604? ago

<< analysis of the ["dead" Epstein] photo >>


20114374? ago

Yup. This is a white hat operation. Patriots are in control. Extract and push his name in the news. Get normies to say “I’m not a conspiracy theorist, BUT”

20114364? ago

The fuck is this dumb shit

20113923? ago

Why does his ear go under his hair in the dead pic? His hair is not that long..

20114214? ago

How do you know how long his hair is exactly.

20115041? ago

I don't know how long exactly. That's why I didn't say .6875" long. I said "short". It a general term used to describe something that is not long. Let me know if you need help with "long".

20113846? ago

Nose isn't the same either.

20114441? ago

Agreed. I noticed that and hair is trimmed differently

20113757? ago

Seems a lot of us are on the same page about the ears. The dead man’s inner ear thing looks like my husband’s epiglottis that he complains about all the time.

20113779? ago

one is attached the other is not.

20113655? ago

Same guy

20113460? ago

Looks the same but swollen. If it's not him they went all out on a clone.

20114198? ago

Don't be so stupid. A silicone doll would provide the same results. No need for a silly clone. Wake up.

He could also be the person on the gurney but not dead. THINK people.

20114893? ago

They could definitely have him alive on the gurney for the photo op and then switched him out.

20114452? ago

Fuck you cunt.

20116631? ago

damn, your argument is weak and sad...

20128344? ago

You want something intellectual and strong don't start off with name calling like a child.

20113640? ago

It's probably him, he was intubated. You don't intubate a corpse. He was alive entering the hospital.

20113421? ago

From https://voat.co/v/QRV/3376418

Robert Steele: Epstein Not Dead, On His Way To Israel?

I consider the reports of Epstein being dead to be false. I believe he is on his way to Israel in an accommodation reached between President Trump and his enemies at CIA, FBI, and within the Government of Israel whose Mossad operation this was.

People on suicide watch with a prior suicide attempt simply do not die unless a very high price has been paid for their death OR — more likely — this is the agreed upon exit strategy.


20114231? ago

and the fact that the cameras were not conveniently working. No way he is dead.

20115576? ago

Or he is dead but it wasn’t suicide. Who knows other than that we have no reason to trust the official narrative

20113408? ago

oy vey how dare you racist nazi conspiracy terrorists do this!

20113279? ago

Looks the same to me. Sorry op

20113244? ago


Cartilage grows until the day you die. Look at the small corners and general pattern of the ear lobs in the first and middle pic (Nevermind the line on the nose, that was done by someone else).


20113222? ago

I thought the nose looked different, as well.

20113219? ago

What about the nose?

Any recent suspicious deaths or missing people?

20113204? ago

Not the same man. Possibly not even a human. Look at the gurney ....no body..... it's a fake head. Poorly done too it seems a bit over sized.

20113013? ago

Angles are too different to be conclusive. Too bad the pic when he was alive wasn't straight-on like the gurney pic.

20112792? ago

It is not the same guy...

20113885? ago

Definitely is. Fucking retards

20116606? ago

Yep. That is a fucking old guys ear, being compared to a 10 year younger pic of the same damn ear.

20112758? ago

is his dick egg shaped? That would solve this for sure.

20113677? ago

Bwaaa!!!!! That’s right!

20112731? ago

ears are unique like fingerprints!

20112692? ago

Got to have an autopsy or three, with teams of various doctors/MEs, a few Military guys and gals mixed in.

First, see if that is him, then verify he is deaddeaddead, then see what the heck?

Guard dindonuffin, prison dindonuffin, cameras dindonuffin, hillary says she has no recollection of anything like that...

All the lesser minions shiite their britches, first they demonstrate they can do such things by transferring Bulger and killing him.

Then Epstein is arkancided after document drops and FF shoots and stuff. Yeah, the non-billionaire players must be voiding their bowels.

20112743? ago

yea imagine being new to this crew and seeing this shit go down.

20114252? ago


20112563? ago

Nose different too. More curved on stretcher.

20112526? ago

Looks to me the same. In the death picture, the "channels in the ears are swollen. Perhaps as a result of hanging. My view....

20116333? ago

Those ears are nowhere near the same - even with factoring in the edema

20113701? ago

If it's fake it's well done, it looks what I'd expect his ear to look after swelling from hanging, but I'm no coroner. This is highly disappointing.

20113780? ago

Fake makes no sense to me. He's better dead to the Cabal. Dead men don't talk and all....

20114163? ago

The team removed him to GITMO before mossad could kill him.

20115781? ago

And JFK Jr. is alive. NOT.

20113601? ago

I concur

20112690? ago

the dangly thing twards the top of his ear

20113967? ago

Those are skin tags. Apparently they form in utero when the kidneys are forming. My grandson has them.

20113776? ago

i thought the same thing. but look at the pic of him alive and you'll see that's a continuation of the curvature of his hear that extends into the outer ear canal. I wouldn't rule anything out but we need a better profile pic of him alive

20112873? ago

Swollen and pushed up by whatever instrument is on his neck. Notice the ear flap is over the top of the instrument. That the part you referring to?

20117161? ago

no like the thing at the back of your throat

20122889? ago

You're right, something is odd here.

20122952? ago

Great side by side.comparison.

20112505? ago

Oh boy, here we go! Remember the time when a death was never questioned? We always just took the msm word for it.

20112459? ago

he is pulling a hannibal lecter escape

20112448? ago

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20112438? ago

This submission was linked from this v/GreatAwakening comment by @littlestown.

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20112401? ago

zoom in on the ear these are not the same person

20112576? ago

At least do a zoomed in side by side comparison!

20115462? ago

Thanks op!