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DickTick ago

I feel so vindicated these last couple of weeks, like all of my incessant bitching paid off.. That's exactly why I've made a concerted effort to tone down the bitching lately, because now I have quite a few people, who have earned their own community respect around here, helping me keep others in check... All so that we don't end up looking as bad or worse than the Democrats themselves.

We absolutely must be better than them. That is the only way we will ever break this wheel.

Qdini ago

Agreed. ;)

GodsAngell ago

Ignore Qdini's "Facts".

Qdini's FACTS come straight from SNOPES and CNN.

Qdini wouldn't know SPIN if it hit her in the face.


Cynabuns ago

Hello @GodsAngell - your repetitive almost identical comments found in numerous posts have come to our attention. I wanted to take a moment to let you know that this is considered Spamming on Voat and is subject to a sitewide ban of your account. Thank you for your help with this.

GodsAngell ago

Just curious did you give Qdini the same warning?

Did you see Qdini's 50+ spam posts on this post alone???

Just curious. Let me know. Qdini does this to me all the time.


Cynabuns ago

@GodsAngell: You seem not to have heeded my message concerning this Copypasta Spamming, a few examples just since I contacted you three days ago:

And then I stopped looking, this was plenty.

I told you that this type of activity was subject to a sitewide ban of your account and you seem not to have made any effort to comply. Okay then.