Shizie ago

I’m sorry Qdini, but I have to delete this post since it’s about another user on this sub. Please present your info in the comment sections of posts that you feel are false or untrue.

Qdini ago

Hi @Shizie,

Thanks for letting me know. These false conspiracy posts especially from GodsAngell are damaging to the movement. She got 460 upvotes and refuses to take input or even validate her own claims. People on this board are incredibly frustrated. Nothing is being done about this unfortunately.

Shizie ago

Hi Qdini, thank you for understanding, and I hear your frustration. It has been decided that the mods will be flaring posts that are shown to be false/debunked or misleading. If the mods miss one, it is helpful if users can ping mods or send PM’s to let us know which posts are questionable and why so it can be properly flaired. Hopefully that will help.

Qdini ago

Hi Shizie,

Thanks so much for getting back to me. I think flaring the questionable posts is a great idea!

Have a great day!

ZetaReticulan ago

I was fooled. Thanks for the correction

70Bigglesworth ago

My point is simple to understand. Listen to the video. They were reporting on something that had not occurred....yet. There is not getting around it. All you wanna be genius's are missing the point. Respectfully.

Qdini ago

I've seen the video several times, thanks.

Fateswebb ago

Dude your ENTIRE FUCKING COMMENT was one huge ad homi em attack. Fuck off

Ddboomer ago

She does this often and I have stopped reading anything she puts out.

Perhaps she is a Deep State shill.

She acts like she has inside info.

This is NOT this first time.

boomeredpill ago

Sort of odd - in his post he put this ... Pandering?

Remember POTUS is Q+!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Patriots: Please Remember to Double Post Your KEY Posts on POAL our Back up site....because......many people NOW can't even see Voat Posts....

Qdini ago

I know.......very odd behavior

AlphabeticalAnon ago

The reporter who said that "this hasn't happened yet" or the cops checking out something else?

I'm confused.

Fateswebb ago

He won't respond to this because it destroys his argument..

AlphabeticalAnon ago

All I got out of the entire debacle about the LSM letting something slip was that a reporter had said, quite openly, that "something hadn't happened yet" and so I'm confused as to what exactly was the big deal about - other than a propaganda fake news bitch has a mouth problem.

That's literally all I got out of it.

Fateswebb ago

It was about a shooting occurring at a wall Mart. If it hasn't happened yet it shows foreknowledge of a shooting..

AlphabeticalAnon ago

That's what I mean! I don't care about some cops asking some random about his gun, I was focused mainly on the dumb bitch on TV spouting about something not happening yet because she was instructed to report fake news.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/GreatAwakeningMeta comment by @Crensch.

Posted automatically (#56139) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@Qdini: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @Crensch)

rokarljosef ago

I usually skip the hyperbolic postings of GodsAngell. They aren’t worth the time it takes to read them because they are usually just BS like one would find in a tabloid. By posting this crap, it does the rest of the board members a disservice.

Qdini ago

Exactly. She fools a lot of people.

59Geezer ago

Any time I see all caps and a dozen exclamation points, I am immediately suspicious.

Texasjoker ago

Good catch Patriot. Things are gona heat up in August and we all have to trust but verify. GOOD WORK>

Qdini ago


Qdini ago

I said over 400. It's now over 460. ;)

Black_beauty7 ago

This was pointed out before, regarding a different post this person shared and from that point on, I was always skeptical. So whenever I see a post from Godsangel, my skepticism meter instantly goes off.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Two days after the explosion, they still can't find the origin of the gas leak!!! HA HA, that's because the people doing the investigation don't know it was probably precision munitions.

I pointed it out after that gas explosion in the Paris Bakery. She/it also claimed it was hit by missiles.

Qdini ago

Honestly, that is well.........missiles? Really? She must be doing this on purpose.

Black_beauty7 ago

Thank you for pointing it out in the past. That might've been the post, but I don't remember exactly.

iDontShift ago

I'd point out the video quality was shit. could not see that the words matched her mouth.

Ag47 ago

Please explain


You're beginning to glow.

Qdini ago

She was looking at a post in a different time zone. Simple.

Likely news people in El Paso set their twitter feed to Dallas timezone which is 1 hour earlier.

Slates ago

Do you have proof of that?

Qdini ago

We have no proof of anything she was reading. It could have been a text, she could have made a mistake.

All you need to do is look at the tweet sent out by the police department saying it was a false alarm. End of story.

Fateswebb ago

🙄 you do realize Twitter displays tweets in the TIMEZONE that you're in. So it's your explanation that she didn't have her clock set to the local time zone? Boy you sure are stretching to explain this shit away....

Qdini ago

You have no idea what she was looking at. I have a phone number in a different locale than I am currently. I keep my timezone the same because I do a great deal of work in that zone. So you are wrong about this.

Fateswebb ago

This explanation makes no fucking sense dude. So your claim is a newscaster was looking at things in central time zone. But DIDNT FUCKING KNOW THAT. and even said "this hasn't happened yet" how do you not see that this is a huge stretch? Makes no sense. Why would she not realize she was looking in a different time zone? Why would she say THIS HASNT HAPPENED YET???

makes more sense that the police helped her cover her mistake up by 35 minutes later making a Twitter post so YOU can explain it.

Ag47 ago

So they predict the news?

Qdini ago

NO. If she set her Twitter feed to the Dallas timezone it would appear to be one hour ahead of the current time in El Paso. News folks in Texas do this because most of the local news comes out of Dallas or Houston

Fateswebb ago

Laughable explanation.

Ag47 ago

But last response your response was that it was 2 hours behind east coast time and they were feeding her out of the east coast office. It's actually 3, but either is irrelevant. How can they be feeding her info that "hasn't happened yet?"

Knowing that you are squirming to piece together a plausible explanation and that this 15 second video is consuming all of your time is interesting in itself. You're trying so hard.

Qdini ago

LOL. You and GodsAngell belong together. I had a hypothesis that the text was based on a NY timezone. Either Dallas or NY could be true, the point is that there is a logical explanation.

Fateswebb ago

No dude. Digging for answers here and considering all the possibilities is the whole point of this board. Not attacking other users for bringing stuff to look into. She sourced her post. You're trying hard to explain this and sorry dude you're not really passing the logic test. Now you're saying that she set her clocks to an hour ahead, but you're not thinking logically AT ALL. If it is so fucking common for new rooms to set their clocks to CST then WHY WOULDNT SHE KNOW THAT AND AS SUCH NOT OOPS THE STORY? WOULDNT ALL THE STUFF SHE READ FOLLOW THE SAME CHANGE IN TIME??

Ag47 ago

So what does any of that have to do with your REAL official frantic debunk hypothesis? You're talking in circles rabbi. None of what you have posited has accounted for "THAT HASN'T HAPPENED YET."

FatLadySings ago

YES, but the video didn't lie, she did look perplexed and said 'oh this didn't happen yet"?

Qdini ago

Because the post she was looking at was in a different timezone 1 hr ahead

Fateswebb ago

That explanation makes no sense, she was a local reporter, and so was the police department that tweeted. So why would it be in a different time zone?

Qdini ago

She either received a message from the Dallas or NY offices or she's set her twitter to Dallas timezone because that's where all of the major news in Texas comes from. It was likely a simple mistake in the heat of the moment

Fateswebb ago

Ridiculous explanation, both of them. If she received a message from Dallas, it would be displayed in her local time zone. Show me any messaging platform that doesn't.. not to mention one where it's CRITICAL that it's accurate like a new reporter.. NY? That makes no sense at all because that would have been 2 hours off..

You're trying hard to explain this. And I think that's fine, what's not okay is attacking other members, as if you had proven something... when you got less proof than they do..

You have proven nothing and owe her an apology!

You have violated the rules.

Are you a mod? If so you should have that privledge stripped away because clearly you can't even follow the rules so why should you be enforcing them.

BadPenny ago

This post is inappropriate. If you have a problem with a subscriber, then ban them. Making a sticky post is just drama, but hey GA is know for drama. We don't need you to monitor what we read and discern. #1 reason I stay away from GA usually. Freedom of speech doesn't exist here.

Fateswebb ago

The post violates the rules. But supposedly it was "vetted by a mod" let me guess qdini is a mod? So he can break the rules if he wants? Pretty sure I'll be unsubscribing then if this is how the board is going to be ran..

Qdini ago

I tell you what's inappropriate, being called all kinds of vile names by GodsAngell for questioning anything she posts. Including being called a Pedo by her.

Oh and I see you've been on Voat an entire month........

Fateswebb ago

Dude you're on here attacking anyone that disagrees and you have the nerve to bitch about others doing it to you? Just fucking wow. This post violates the rules. Fucking delete it.

zaakir1 ago

GodsAngell is an absolute clown and his army of troll bots always upvote him and downvote you when you call him out over it

DickTick ago

I feel so vindicated these last couple of weeks, like all of my incessant bitching paid off.. That's exactly why I've made a concerted effort to tone down the bitching lately, because now I have quite a few people, who have earned their own community respect around here, helping me keep others in check... All so that we don't end up looking as bad or worse than the Democrats themselves.

We absolutely must be better than them. That is the only way we will ever break this wheel.

Banky1974 ago

Don't tone it down, DT. I've noticed your voice of reason many times in threads. We must be better than this. Q has reiterated over and over to think critically, follow facts, verify, etc etc etc. Posts like this one from GodsAngell should have been downvoted into oblivion within a couple of hours. Instead it's sitting at 421 upvotes.

RainDrops ago

100% Agreed!

The crap she constantly posts reflects poorly on the entire sub and by extensions those who have been researching the Q drops. It also impacts the credibility of the movement and prevents the awaking of more people to the truth.

And GodsAngell, downvoting my posts constantly won't make your BS reality nor will it silence my dissent!

Qdini ago

@DickTick , you need to read her response above........

Black_beauty7 ago

Your comments always make me laugh, though. 😄

Qdini ago

Agreed. ;)

GodsAngell ago

Ignore Qdini's "Facts".

Qdini's FACTS come straight from SNOPES and CNN.

Qdini wouldn't know SPIN if it hit her in the face.


Cynabuns ago

Hello @GodsAngell - your repetitive almost identical comments found in numerous posts have come to our attention. I wanted to take a moment to let you know that this is considered Spamming on Voat and is subject to a sitewide ban of your account. Thank you for your help with this.

GodsAngell ago

Just curious did you give Qdini the same warning?

Did you see Qdini's 50+ spam posts on this post alone???

Just curious. Let me know. Qdini does this to me all the time.


Cynabuns ago

@GodsAngell: You seem not to have heeded my message concerning this Copypasta Spamming, a few examples just since I contacted you three days ago:

And then I stopped looking, this was plenty.

I told you that this type of activity was subject to a sitewide ban of your account and you seem not to have made any effort to comply. Okay then.

numina18 ago

But didn't that chiron below the reporter say there were ten victims?

DickTick ago

I love you /u/Qdini

No homo, but you are definitely my spirit animal.

Qdini ago

LOL. Thanks DT ;)

75usmc79 ago

I read it but didn’t bite. GA has no Credibility.

Qdini ago

I think GA has credibility, but this type of post really takes away from that. Good for you for not falling for the fake post!

TurquoiseLover ago

Qdini as moderator out here? WHAT A FRIGGING JOKE.

Fateswebb ago

Uh no?

Suzo ago

Seeding the community with false info to make us look crazy.

Titaniumman ago

Hey iv'e got an idea, why don't you take your shit eating ass back to your Huffpo homepage you fucking moronic liberal lemming tool.

Titaniumman ago

It's not the first time that Gods Angell has shit posted.

A total and complete shill to be ignored by all.

hamman365 ago

GodsAngell is a trainwreck. Consistently posting false info, in my opinion, to deliberately derail patriots. Don't know if it is a he or a she, but it is definitely a whack job.

Crpowell821 ago

I believe it's a "she". Another anon reported her about two months ago and all he got was "it's free speech". Whoever she/he is, they have an awful damn lot of time on their hands, she's on here all the time.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Possibly an alt of that "Suzi" something who disappeared shortly after the invasion. Crazy rants WITH every OTHER word CAPITALIZED or BOLDED.

Crpowell821 ago

Could be. There's a couple more here who type just like her.

petevoat ago

I've read lots of GodsAngels work, and he/she seems to be factful, for almost a year now. I don't know you though ...

Qdini ago

Did you see the post a week or so ago where she claims Epstein was gang raped in jail? Says he was "fisted". He shows up in court a few days later and not a mark on him, no bruising, nothing. Total fabrication. She got the info from a conspiracy site.

Fateswebb ago

She didn't fabricate that dude. She just passed it along, I saw it sourced in other places. Don't attack people for participating and trying to bring stuff to talk about. we investigate shit here, this isn't fucking Facebook it's voat. If someone says the world is flat we look into it and figure out if it's true or not, we don't attack them.. I would like to know what mod "vetted this" as it violates the rules so I wanna ask them why they woulf allow a clear rule violation.

insanitea ago

The constant caps and bold text was bad enough.

GodsAngell ago

UPDATE from Jim Stone (retired U.S. Intelligence Officer):




People are making the mistake of saying this newscast was for the first Wal Mart shooting, before it happened. This video instead has a Fox News anchor messing up and announcing the THIRD shooting ahead of time, it was supposed to happen at another Wal Mart nearby, which is why early on the news reports said there was a second shooter who left. This other shooter is something I reported here early on. He was going to show up at this other Wal Mart before this Fox news anchor blew it.


This is the most important 15 seconds of video you will ever see in your life. This proves the deep state is doing the shootings. In the video a FOX news announcer for a local station in the city a third shooting was supposed to happen in on Saturday (at another Wal Mart) announces the next shooting by accident, BEFORE IT HAPPENED, and she checks her twitter and re-checks, looks a little confused, and then says "that hasn't happened yet".

I am serving this from here for obvious reasons and have enough bandwidth to send it out a million times. LEFT CLICK TO PLAY, RIGHT CLICK TO SAVE AND NEVER LOSE THIS FILE, BUSTED BUSTED BUSTED!

MAKE SURE YOU SAVE THIS VIDEO, DO NOT PUT THAT OFF. As far as I can tell, it is going out over 200 times a minute but lots of people are saying it does not work. If so, it is more tech left debauchery, A SECOND COPY IS HERE for however long it lasts.

Folks, this proves Twitter is in on the shootings, Fox News is in on the shootings, Wal Mart is in on the shootings - they HAVE TO be a huge open joke among those who are "privileged", there's no way Twitter missed the fact that these people were using their platform to announce and plan the next shooting and there's no way Wal Mart had this happen at two of their stores by accident, and there's NO WAY FOX HAD THE REPORT AHEAD OF TIME WITHOUT BEING DIRECTLY INVOLVED, BUSTED BUSTED BUSTED.



The Ohio shooter's obituary appeared on page B7 in the Feb 23 2014 issue of the Hartford Courant.

Now fully confirmed to be a match. The Ohio shooter, who died in 2014, SHOT HIS OWN SISTER LAST SATURDAY, and she's in his 2014 obituary!!!! HA HA, this is not a hoax, it is directly from the source which is clearly embedded in the capture linked in the headline. This was recovered by Astromutt at Godlikeproductions, who subscribed to the paper to get the back issues and LOW AND BEHOLD, THERE IT WAS. This proves the Ohio shooting could not possibly have happened.

Here is what happened: The mom owns a security company that contracts with the government. She decided to use all the pics of her dead son to front as a shooter. And she even said her own daughter died!!! It just does not get any better than this, that is really what happened, the Dayton shooting NEVER HAPPENED and the obituary proves it.

HA HA, I KNEW THEY WERE ALL STAGED AND PROBABLY FAKED. SO PLEASE PAYPAL, PUNISH THIS SITE MORE. YOU CAN'T BAN IT IN MEXICO BUT YOU CAN CAUSE PROBLEMS AND FOR THAT YOU SUCK BECAUSE OF THIS yes, if you'd block a site that reported that totally independently, it is likely because you are involved in this stuff one way or another. No one is stupid, the point is obviously made, - BY YOU.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/GreatAwakeningMeta comment by @insanitea.

Posted automatically (#56372) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@GodsAngell: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @insanitea)

DickTick ago

Holy crap..... I don't even know what to say

Qdini ago

She just posted the same diatribe again, for the 3rd time.

Qdini ago

Posting your false conspiracy data again after it's been down voted is pathetic. Stop. You are really looking insane at this point.

Crpowell821 ago

Oh Jesus yes!

GodsAngell ago

Just showing there are two sides to every story. You reposted 34 times your above post, on my posts. I have only posted my side of the story 3 times:

crisis actors and were scheduled in Dayton Ohio August 6-8

UPDATE from Jim Stone (retired U.S. Intelligence Officer):




People are making the mistake of saying this newscast was for the first Wal Mart shooting, before it happened. This video instead has a Fox News anchor messing up and announcing the THIRD shooting ahead of time, it was supposed to happen at another Wal Mart nearby, which is why early on the news reports said there was a second shooter who left. This other shooter is something I reported here early on. He was going to show up at this other Wal Mart before this Fox news anchor blew it.


This is the most important 15 seconds of video you will ever see in your life. This proves the deep state is doing the shootings. In the video a FOX news announcer for a local station in the city a third shooting was supposed to happen in on Saturday (at another Wal Mart) announces the next shooting by accident, BEFORE IT HAPPENED, and she checks her twitter and re-checks, looks a little confused, and then says "that hasn't happened yet".

I am serving this from here for obvious reasons and have enough bandwidth to send it out a million times. LEFT CLICK TO PLAY, RIGHT CLICK TO SAVE AND NEVER LOSE THIS FILE, BUSTED BUSTED BUSTED!

MAKE SURE YOU SAVE THIS VIDEO, DO NOT PUT THAT OFF. As far as I can tell, it is going out over 200 times a minute but lots of people are saying it does not work. If so, it is more tech left debauchery, A SECOND COPY IS HERE for however long it lasts.

Folks, this proves Twitter is in on the shootings, Fox News is in on the shootings, Wal Mart is in on the shootings - they HAVE TO be a huge open joke among those who are "privileged", there's no way Twitter missed the fact that these people were using their platform to announce and plan the next shooting and there's no way Wal Mart had this happen at two of their stores by accident, and there's NO WAY FOX HAD THE REPORT AHEAD OF TIME WITHOUT BEING DIRECTLY INVOLVED, BUSTED BUSTED BUSTED.



The Ohio shooter's obituary appeared on page B7 in the Feb 23 2014 issue of the Hartford Courant.

Now fully confirmed to be a match. The Ohio shooter, who died in 2014, SHOT HIS OWN SISTER LAST SATURDAY, and she's in his 2014 obituary!!!! HA HA, this is not a hoax, it is directly from the source which is clearly embedded in the capture linked in the headline. This was recovered by Astromutt at Godlikeproductions, who subscribed to the paper to get the back issues and LOW AND BEHOLD, THERE IT WAS. This proves the Ohio shooting could not possibly have happened.

Here is what happened: The mom owns a security company that contracts with the government. She decided to use all the pics of her dead son to front as a shooter. And she even said her own daughter died!!! It just does not get any better than this, that is really what happened, the Dayton shooting NEVER HAPPENED and the obituary proves it.

HA HA, I KNEW THEY WERE ALL STAGED AND PROBABLY FAKED. SO PLEASE PAYPAL, PUNISH THIS SITE MORE. YOU CAN'T BAN IT IN MEXICO BUT YOU CAN CAUSE PROBLEMS AND FOR THAT YOU SUCK BECAUSE OF THIS yes, if you'd block a site that reported that totally independently, it is likely because you are involved in this stuff one way or another. No one is stupid, the point is obviously made, - BY YOU.

Qdini ago

Seriously? Enough.

Qdini ago

and a million exclamation marks too

Fateswebb ago

This violates the rules of the board. "Calling out other members in a post"

Also if what you say is true why did the lady say "this hasn't happened YET!"

Barfin ago

see a bad rule break it

Qdini ago

Dude, this has been vetted by the mods. And it isn't the first time either -- she frequently posts false conspiracies

Fateswebb ago

Do explain then why the news anchor said "this hasn't happened yet" kinda blows your whole explanation....

Just because after this the PD came out and said they stopped an open carry, doesn't mean it wasn't really what it appears to be. Notice the time on the tweet you used to explain it WAS AFTER the news report? Also it could have been a different incident altogether..

But your explanation isn't really amking sense based on the timestamp of the police tweet, the time of the news cast and WHAT THE ANCHOR SAID "this hasn't happened yet...."

I noticed you offer no explanation for those things you just attack her for reporting what she reported when she even provided a source (Jim Stone)

Qdini ago

Not a credible source. Read the tweet from the police department.

Fateswebb ago

You consider the fucking police a credible source? Seriously? Like the police MOST LIKELY aren't in on false flag shootings?

Titaniumman ago

I agree !!!

she has lost what little credibility she had left !!!

Fateswebb ago

"this hasn't happened yet"

TurquoiseLover ago


Boyakasha ago

Nice try, shill. Jet fuel can’t melt steel beams.

Titaniumman ago

Even the New York fire marshall on the scene right after the bogus attack said that in a live interview, He was never interviewed again by the deepstate/MSM

TurquoiseLover ago


singlebrain1 ago

Be careful who you follow. Check everything. Ask for sauce not speculation.

TurquoiseLover ago


TurquoiseLover ago

Oh so now we see who's upthumbing this post, WHACKED OUT PSYCHOPATH DEMOCRATS have to have the last word on piggy pelosi's PLANNED HIT JOBS that Q warned us about (HOT AUGUST).

TurquoiseLover ago

Qdini LIES

Qdini ago

What, you don't believe facts? When did I lie? Give me examples.

Fateswebb ago

When have you presented actual facts? This is all theory. Granted you're presenting it as facts, and attacking someone else as if it were facts but you have proven nothing, and are violating the rules. Ohhhh THE FUCKING RULES DONT APPLY TO YOU...

Your explanations don't make much sense, they definitely aren't proven facts.

TurquoiseLover ago

GO F yourself

lord_nougat ago

Very convincing rebuttal.

TurquoiseLover ago

Oh really, the FOX announcer clearly said "OH THIS HASN'T HAPPENED YET" and it appears it was the democrats THIRD PLANNED HIT JOB of the day.

Qdini ago

She mis-read the message. Could have been sent to her from the East Coast with a different timestamp. Critical thinking is your friend.

Fateswebb ago

Oh really? Your explanations make no fucking sense at all, even the sentence before you saying "critical thinking is your friend" makes no fucking sense, but what does make sense is you attack anyone that disagrees with you...

adlver ago

Thank you for posting!!!!! retracted and removed. I'm learning :(

Qdini ago

It's happened to all of us....

Lauraingalls ago

Thank YOU for the TRUTH. There is a LOT of evil in the world but we can't make up stories and pass false news to others.

It didn't sound right to me.

GodsAngell ago

UPDATE from Jim Stone (retired U.S. Intelligence Officer):




People are making the mistake of saying this newscast was for the first Wal Mart shooting, before it happened. This video instead has a Fox News anchor messing up and announcing the THIRD shooting ahead of time, it was supposed to happen at another Wal Mart nearby, which is why early on the news reports said there was a second shooter who left. This other shooter is something I reported here early on. He was going to show up at this other Wal Mart before this Fox news anchor blew it.


This is the most important 15 seconds of video you will ever see in your life. This proves the deep state is doing the shootings. In the video a FOX news announcer for a local station in the city a third shooting was supposed to happen in on Saturday (at another Wal Mart) announces the next shooting by accident, BEFORE IT HAPPENED, and she checks her twitter and re-checks, looks a little confused, and then says "that hasn't happened yet".

I am serving this from here for obvious reasons and have enough bandwidth to send it out a million times. LEFT CLICK TO PLAY, RIGHT CLICK TO SAVE AND NEVER LOSE THIS FILE, BUSTED BUSTED BUSTED!

MAKE SURE YOU SAVE THIS VIDEO, DO NOT PUT THAT OFF. As far as I can tell, it is going out over 200 times a minute but lots of people are saying it does not work. If so, it is more tech left debauchery, A SECOND COPY IS HERE for however long it lasts.

Folks, this proves Twitter is in on the shootings, Fox News is in on the shootings, Wal Mart is in on the shootings - they HAVE TO be a huge open joke among those who are "privileged", there's no way Twitter missed the fact that these people were using their platform to announce and plan the next shooting and there's no way Wal Mart had this happen at two of their stores by accident, and there's NO WAY FOX HAD THE REPORT AHEAD OF TIME WITHOUT BEING DIRECTLY INVOLVED, BUSTED BUSTED BUSTED.



The Ohio shooter's obituary appeared on page B7 in the Feb 23 2014 issue of the Hartford Courant.

Now fully confirmed to be a match. The Ohio shooter, who died in 2014, SHOT HIS OWN SISTER LAST SATURDAY, and she's in his 2014 obituary!!!! HA HA, this is not a hoax, it is directly from the source which is clearly embedded in the capture linked in the headline. This was recovered by Astromutt at Godlikeproductions, who subscribed to the paper to get the back issues and LOW AND BEHOLD, THERE IT WAS. This proves the Ohio shooting could not possibly have happened.

Here is what happened: The mom owns a security company that contracts with the government. She decided to use all the pics of her dead son to front as a shooter. And she even said her own daughter died!!! It just does not get any better than this, that is really what happened, the Dayton shooting NEVER HAPPENED and the obituary proves it.

HA HA, I KNEW THEY WERE ALL STAGED AND PROBABLY FAKED. SO PLEASE PAYPAL, PUNISH THIS SITE MORE. YOU CAN'T BAN IT IN MEXICO BUT YOU CAN CAUSE PROBLEMS AND FOR THAT YOU SUCK BECAUSE OF THIS yes, if you'd block a site that reported that totally independently, it is likely because you are involved in this stuff one way or another. No one is stupid, the point is obviously made, - BY YOU.

Qdini ago

You need to stop posting this conspiracy crap. This doesn't make you look good.

DickTick ago

I'm really happy to see you being a lot more skeptical of stuff the last few weeks. That is a great thing and it's specifically what Q has asked us to do many times. Keep it up!

Lauraingalls ago

A lot of times I don't say ANYTHING. Not worth the DRAMA so I ignore and move on.

rickki6 ago

holy cow, W T Flark ??

Qdini ago

I know. Totally false but 450 people believe it.

rickki6 ago

unreal. this is the LAST thing we need in the community, no joke.

Qdini ago


jcuriousity18 ago

Could the 19 year old, whose Grandma turned him in 2 days before his planned mass shooting, have been targeting a Walmart as well? As for the above, the tweet referenced doesn't say the 3pm she referenced on air. Not totally convinced one way or the other.

Qdini ago

No he was arrested two days before this incident.

And the Horizon Walmart was a false alarm.

jcuriousity18 ago

You miss my point.

Media was alerted to something going down Before these events.

Lubbock, Texas (where the 19 year old was picked up and had a hotel room) is 1 hr from Horizon City.

All I'm saying is, its possible there is more to the story.

hamman365 ago

try 6 hours away - 408 miles away. Nice try, but no cigar for you

jcuriousity18 ago

I stand corrected. First go at it said 1 hour - should have checked driving distance. 334 miles. Having said that, doesn't discount the possibility of what I commented earlier. The other shooter was from Dallas, well away from El Paso.

Fateswebb ago

It also crosses the time zone.. so an hour is gained on the clock.. but of course not in actual time

kydeplorable ago

I agree with you.

FreedBy45 ago

Yes there is. The news reporter stated the time as 3 PM, hence the "Well, that hasn't happened yet" comment.

And since when do we naively believe everything the police put out?

Fateswebb ago

Yeah this!!! So the news mistakes and reports it early, like the police can't fucking go and cover that base with a tweet...

derram ago :

Horizon City PD on Twitter: "About an hour ago, HCPD responded to a subject with a gun call at our local Wal-Mart

The HCPD were able to locate the individual with and found he was open carrying and checked okay. The store has since been reopened."

This has been an automated message.

Johnny_Ninja ago

Thanks for this. I'm very weary of seeing well meaning patriots jump into the knee jerk "I read it so it must be true" mindset, without every actually looking into any of it.

And don't even get me started on "Godsangel"....