Goatspecter ago

Why did the shooter talk about using heat resistant gloves to over come the overheating problem of his gun and the not use them in the shooting? Why did he talk about maybe getting a AR as a second weapon and post his statement just hours before the event, don't they have 7 day waiting periods in Texas. What happened to cause him to rush his plan so much he left his gloves at home and never got the second gun or update his manifesto? Sure looks to me like something or SOMEONE pushed him into doing this ahead of his intended target date, or else the Manifesto was written by someone else!

boomeredpill ago

Re: #7, can someone plz screencap the waybackmachine page on him before it's scrubbed and post it here? It looks like a few anons did go look at it. Plz share. Thnx

HKr1 ago

Videos of people saying multiple shooters.. dont speak english! border or walmart,, you can find them... Blue light specials were speaking spanish in chula vista freaking years ago,,, all BC plates in the parking lot

NinaSparrow ago

Yea super weird right? I saw them literally all over Twitter & then Alex Jones showed all three shooters & the Gilroy & El Paso look scary similar, but the third one from Ohio looks like he could be a cousin.

Just freaky as hell.

elektra ago

Um hello, this is Texas the open carry state and yet I've heard of no one who was carrying and returning fire. I call bull shit on that alone.

Moln0014 ago

I remember the shooter in Vegas country music Festival. People said there were two shooters, but there was only one

Vibratron ago

I still believe there were more than two.......by virtue of how many witnesses went public......everything they told us about Vegas was a lie

Nadakai ago

Went public and then committed suicide, right?

Qdini ago

As to the number of magazines, he had on cargo pants with deep pockets. Likely where he kept the additional ammo.

ketoll ago

Trump 2020 tactics - revealing the truth of what's already there.

Deepstate 2020 tactics - create lies, dramas, fabricated events, and deceptions.

Smell_the_Covfefe ago

367 million guns in America.

330 million people in America.

If I were a BIG POWERFUL criminal, and the truth of my crimes was about to be revealed,

I'd do ANYTHING, EVERYTHING, to get those 367 millions guns confiscated.

Ravyn4179 ago

I’m on a time crunch- where is the photo of a search that had the shooting like, “posted two weeks ago” but it had just happened hours before?

COAnon ago

And with all the videos, no one was taken into an ambulance nor were no medical responders shown in the videos.

praying71 ago

  1. Issue around timing of event (time of the exact event, time of the first Police report, time of the first news in Google search results, sun/shadows on come pictures, not consistent).
  2. Antifa training day(s) earlier in TX in THE SAME CITY? Coincidence?
  3. Same "crisis actor" davidhogg111 well known from previous shooting has published his Texas photo on 28th July - see: "cowboy hat" photo in his media files on twitter and the text + date below.
  4. All leftists screaming about gun control while many accounts spreading reall news are blocked, see: Brenden Dilley twitter account (@realhublife) - blocked, one off the accounts who was sharing info quickly.
  5. Is Bryan Crusius somehow related? Was the "shooter" mind controlled to help media cover up the real squad (planned and organized)?

numina18 ago

Total MK Utlra or VOG set up. FF.

RainDrops ago

  1. Confusion, Schock, Mistaking police, bystanders, or not in uniform law enforcement as additional shooters.

    Several law enforcement agencies respond to the shooting at a Walmart in El Paso


  2. Sauce please. People are often held, until it is determined what exactly has occurred. Inital reports are always unofficial as reporters are trying to get information as quickly as possible and these are often inaccurate.

  3. I disagree with your opinion about the manifesto. I have read it and there's nothing it in that would indicate it was written by someone older than 21. How does one discern the age of an adult writer of an essay anyway?

  4. I'm not familar with this type of weapon. Could he have used multiple magazines? An extended magazine? Had more than one firearm?

  5. Ear protection so that he wouldn't hear the screams of his victims or because he is young and stupid and wore them while on the shooting range? Eye protection so that his sight would not be impeded by possible blood spatter or injured by any possible flying debris which would impact his ability to see.

  6. El Paso lies on the US/Mexico border. There were up to 3000 people at the mall and approximately 1200+ in Wal-Mart alone when the shooting took place.

    "Cielo Vista Mall is a popular shopping destination for people on both sides of the dividing line, as evidenced by the Texas and Mexican license plates in the parking lots..."

  7. The profile that was changed by angry libtards, who are blaming Trump etc. for what this shooter did. The deep state doesn't have to do much but enflame people's emotions, on both sides, to keep us divided and fighting with eacother. A divided population is a distracted and controlled population that's not critically thinking for themselves.

Obrez ago

I'm gonna tackle some of this, I plan to make an actual rebuttal to his manifesto and critique of the shooting soon.

  1. He was influenced or inspired by someone older, his ideas seen to be a mixture of my ideas and Tarrant's ideas, I have been idiologically consistent with my postings on voat, 8ch, 4chan over 4-5 years now. There is a solid chance I interested with him anonymously and inspired his ideas on automation, replacement, UBI, etc, the violence he's done was inspired by Tarrant.

  2. This is a good question, he had cargopants when he walked in and left in sweats, I assume he or the police changed his pants before leaving the store, but I too want more answers. I don't think he mentioned a spare mag in the manifesto which is out of place for his gear details.

  3. Ear pro and eye pro are simply best practice and he probably needs them to reduce his flinch when he fires a shot, he said he prepped the shooting in a month so I'm betting a few days of range time didn't solve his flinching and he already had the eye and ear protection so why not use it? I do think he fucked up, probably fired all his ammo and didn't have enough to shoot himself, cops probably realized it.

  4. Early reports indicate he only shot Hispanics and CNN is saying many of them were illegal. He understands that terrorism has been effective for many groups, he's hoping that more people would follow him, and that indiscriminate murder of Hispanic civilians would deter new immigration. He opposes all non white immigration into the US, and supports the deportation of all illegals, visa holders, and the rescinding of residency for all non whites, I think he even mentions rescinding citizenship for recent brown citizens.

He made clear early in the manifesto that he doesn't hate Hispanics racially, but that our civilization can not bear their weight.

6.1. liberals and deepstate are going to lie and manipulate about his intentions and politics to help them win 2020.

He was a former liberal, who went right, was probably too young to even vote for Trump, and became discussions with Trump after he has continually failed to fix the border and migration issues he promised he would.

I'm much less convinced of a FF now but we still need info.

boomeredpill ago

^^^^^^ SHILL ALERT ^^^^>

"I'm much less convinced of a FF now but we still need info.


RIGHT. Nice try @Obrez. SHURE, [they] changed his pants. Allllrighty then. Your post screams Lefty Journalist trying to appear rational and reasonable to move people into that last line. I'm much less convinced... right. And yes, I'm shuuuure he was influenced by you and your writings. Are we sure he isn't you? Good LORD. Go back to Fakebook. He is NOT a "former Liberal who went Right." These talking points of yours, how much did you get paid to post this pile of manure? Asking for a friend.

Obrez ago

I've been here years longer than you, go back to QRV retard.

Voaters_Gonna_Voat ago

The only thing that makes me question #1&2 is that perhaps a couple of armed shoppers tried to stop the 'lone' shooter. People are scared and only see shooting, perhaps not at who - and the police arrests everyone then find the cause. Just a thought, it is Texas.

ravenfac ago

1) If there’s only one shooter, why did so many eyewitnesses report multiple shooters at the scene?

I saw an interview with a young brother with a dew rag. In the interview he said "I pilled my gun out and hid" I imagine a few people with guns cleared leather and hid. Just because a person is armed does not mean they will have the courage to face an active shooter.

Perhaps this is people not having full situational awareness. They hear a firearm's pop and see a brother with a gun hiding. Not hard to figure this one out

AinzOown ago

Where do you find pics of the victims?

I haven't seen anything confirming his political affiliation or reasoning yet. Link?

SharpSliceOfMango ago

1) If there’s only one shooter, why did so many eyewitnesses report multiple shooters at the scene?

2) Why did the local police arrest and hold three suspects in custody, as was widely reported by the media before the story was changed to a “lone shooter?”

Don't know if the shooting was real or not but:

This is common for shootings or similar situations. People panic and report stuff like this to the police. Police takes this serious and starts to look for more shooters. In Germany there was a car that hit people in a cafe and the reports were so conflicting that the police looked for up to 3 people who supposedly exited the car. The reality was one driver killed at impact.

AyyAyyRon ago

Does anyone have a clip of witnesses saying there were multiple shooters?

ReverseDragon ago

1) Most witnesses are unreliable. Every early report of a mass shooting contains wildly inaccurate information.

2) Standard operating procedure. Police take into custody anyone who looks suspicious. "It's for your own protection."

3) Some people are able to write well. Other people simply copy vast expanses of text from scholarly works shat out by old philosophers, politicians, and other wretched creatures. That said, I have not yet read the manifesto of the El Paso shooter. It is not my habit to splash bullshit into my eyes first thing upon awakening.

4) Good question. It is easy to fit a single, 30-round AR-15 5.56 NATO magazine into each of one's back pockets, though.

5) I believe the shooter wore protection simply because he wanted to kill as many people as he could. If you have ever trained in a prolonged session of firing without ear protection, you will find that it rapidly becomes fatiguing and painful.

Did the shooter surrender simply because his ammunition was depleted? Did he begin to feel that the reality he was creating did not match his fantasy? Was he starting to become remorseful? More information is needed.

6) I completely agree. Something is very wrong here.

6.1) 4chan and 8chan versus the Alphabet Soup Agencies, I am assuming. The profile of the shooter changed a great deal. My wife kept making me refresh the profile just so she could see what new and ridiculous edit would appear. The shooter was, at one point, even reported to be owning a Yugo.

CokeOrPepe ago

Did you screenshot it?

ReverseDragon ago

By the time I finished explaining to my wife just how much a Yugo sucks, the car of the shooter had already been changed to a 1996 Ford Taurus. The mylife site is unsecured and openly editable bullshit, anyway. I thus assume it is a True and Valid trusted source for all MSM reporting!

TheRealAmalek ago

Simple this mofo knew Naratu Running

krytter4 ago

I think it was a message, loud and clear. You have guns in Texas, you can’t stop us.

redtoe_skipper ago

Or rather, you do not have guns in a gun-free zone at your own peril. The story may be a lie, yet it tells the truth.

Bonnie564 ago

Shooter gave reason why he chose a gun free zone - obviously!

krytter4 ago

Fair enough, still a FF. One that should be telling to all. Keep your guns & protect your freedom.

redtoe_skipper ago

Couldn't agree more, though I would say: check you skill, equipment and fitness.

zxcvzxcv ago

The shooter was a jew. Just like these guys: https://files.catbox.moe/0ty1es.jpg

boomeredpill ago

Holmes pic doesn't match the real James Holmes - https://files.catbox.moe/my32kc.png

kcunnin ago

I find it hard to believe that anywhere in Texas, especially a store of 3000+ people and the parking lot, that there wasn't at least one person carrying.

zxcvzxcv ago

i heard it was a gunfree zone

RedMower ago

Last 3 shootings near Military bases.

Hispeedtim2876 ago

Then there is this pic. ?


amarQ144 ago

not the same guy

krytter4 ago

Gamer doesn’t hold a gun like a pro. Only military would. Excellent catch.

satisfyinghump ago

Great critical analysis!

jcuriousity18 ago

Sick to death here of never hearing resolution on these mass shooting inconsistencies. I pray we are given the truth soon.

lifeduringwartime ago

Store, parking lot, mall cameras anywhere? Or did they go offline suddenly?

Rubydoobydo ago

This is why I think this whole hashtag NoNotoriety thing is so dangerous, where they say that we shouldn't name the killers. I get not wanting to make these people famous and all, but it keeps independent journalists from being able to investigate.

Bonnie564 ago

That's the idea. Not publishing the manifesto? So we can't see how he's a socialist, earlier named a Nazi, wants universal health care, wages, more.

eldorann ago

A witness inside the store says that there were four shooters. Men dressed all in black who methodically shot people.

It sounds like a CIA hit to disrupt the media flow. Can't have the news of "Russian Collusion being destroyed" circulating.

Yes, the CIA loves to work for the Cabal. Also love to kill people who learn to much.

AyyAyyRon ago

Do you have a link to a clip I can watch of someone who was there saying multiple shooters? I'm not a shill I just really wanna show others to them as more proof this was a FF. WWG1WGA!

1031grnis ago

Just saw it on Just Informed Talk on Yt this morning.

FatLadySings ago

C_A is the cabal

zxcvzxcv ago

israel is the cabal. cia is one of their weapons.

GreyhoundsAway ago

How come the Deep State waits to start memory-holing and altering online info about these perps until after these events?

You'd think that they'd preemptively make the edits and make it harder for Anons to catch them.

Either, to quote Q, "These people are stupid," or they're identifying actual perps at the last second before they strike and send their crisis teams into motion to exploit these tragedies.

Per what was said elsewhere on a related thread, these shootings aren't entirely fake and staged. They're likely doing little to stop actual sickos from taking action and letting real people get killed and wounded. It adds a layer of real credibility to the event. From there, they can send in "eyewitnesses" to further corroborate the event according to their desired narrative.

But if the latter is so, I ask this: if they're taking the time to generate manifestos and post them on 8chan ahead of these events, why not do the other online prep to make the perps' profiles fit? That's incredibly sloppy.

It's also absolutely disgusting to know that the Deep State sees all of us as more NPCs in their grand strategy game against the Patriots. We're all cannon fodder to them.

On the reverse of the coin, Q acknowledges us as an interactive audience and real players in this game.

And that tells you everything you need to know about what we're up against and who is allied with us.


Qdini ago

They do that on purpose, so we catch the inconsistencies. They are mocking us because they can openly do things half-assed and still convince the masses that their narrative is the right one. Just like Obama's birth certificate. They want us to question it so they can label us nutty conspiracy theorists.

Oracle64 ago


redtoe_skipper ago

Good points. But is not the issue that you expect perfect planning from these people? What if they are not that smart? I for one have watched these last 20 years people getting positions not fit to light a candle. But they are the ones who are now in a position to call shots.

DawnPendraig ago

What if it's also not am exact science? They trigger these people but cannot predict for sure every detail so must wait to change things etc

Lots of moving parts too. Compartmentalized as well, I'm sure.

I also wonder if it's people forced to work for these Bastards making mistakes hoping we will catch on.

redtoe_skipper ago

I am amazed that the alleged guy was able to write the word manifesto. When reading it, I could deduce two things:

  1. My 12 year old daughter does a better job at expressing logically in correct writing her thoughts

  2. His, eh ...gibberish .., is replete with social democrat poop. My guess his, his real motivation is in there: to foment the hispanic vote behind the dems. (UBI, environmentalism, Renaud Camus (gay + LBTQ+)) and completely contractdictory and not in line with Potus's accomplishments. An F would be a mild grade.

But yeah, would would you expect with a sound therapist father, a CNN producer who follows him on twitter, despite not twittering at all .....My guestimate: Fall guy.

I also wonder if it's people forced to work for these Bastards making mistakes hoping we will catch on.

Fall guy hypothesis does not go with that. Although, I would hope some level of conscience would force them to do so. But given all the chatter about this, especially from the dems ...I cannot help but think this is exactly what they were waiting for ....

DawnPendraig ago

Yeah I see people exclaiming how a 21 year old couldn't have written it but it's crap so I guess that depends on which public school he attended.

I am rather skeptical he wrote it at all even of he isn't a patsy but the actual shooter. Who goes to the trouble to explain themselves like that then posts it on an anon board?

Didn't have a copy on him for his planned dramatic suicide by cop? Or in his car? Or posted on his Facebook? I hear he posted something on Instagram but it's confusing if this supposed manifesto was actually put up there or not.

I do think this is the Rules for Radicals cosplay gambit. Alinsky advised not to protest a GHW Bush speech in the 70s but instead dress up in full KKK cosplay and cheer him on.

Seems Soros and his minions would do better egging on crazy Antifa to dress up as MAGA or "white supremacists" and mass murder rather than doing it as themselves.

If he really wants a civil war he does both.

SexMachine ago

The biggest red flag is that the shooter wasn't woke to the JQ.

t9spjtws ago

He's very woke to the JQ. He's a jew.

SexMachine ago

Appropriating nigger terminology is an /ourguy/ thing fam

FatFreddiesCat ago

The thing about these types of "incidents" is that they WORK as intended without fail, so the answer to your questions matters very little because the eyes and ears of both the media and the public will be closed and the undeniable and unavoidable consequences will be the vilification of everything Qanon, President Trump and everyone who supports him and, oh ya, Guns Are Bad. Expecting 8chan to be shut down in the process.

MatanuskaThunder ago

[24hr Warning] Be vigilant. See something. Say something. Know your surroundings at all times. Q

Just rather coincidental especially with declass and OIG coming, and Baltimore taking a beating and Epstein. Weird few weeks

Steinmacher ago

why does he bother to wear both eye protection and ear protection?

or, safety training kicked in... meaning... he was trained.

adds up the same either way.

relevantinfoman ago

I think 5 is the most important. It takes too long to MKUltra someone, they don't have time for it. They're resorting to grabbing anyone willing and making promises.

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

DS has plenty of these mind controlled assassins.

NinaSparrow ago

Can we add this to the list of things that dont make sense?

This is is eerily creepy. Lmk if this isnt accurate but I dug & seems to be.

On left is supposed to be Garlic shooter & right is El Paso Shooter..??

Looks like one is just a younger pic of same person. 🤷🏼‍♀️

Hmm https://imgur.com/gallery/yNLxzHl

Nachose ago

That is the same person! What is up with that?

RainDrops ago

The photos you've linked are of the same person, the El Paso shooter, Patrick Crusius.

Patrick Crusius


Santino William Legan


NinaSparrow ago

Kid doesnt look like a "Santino"

amarQ144 ago

Add a pic of the Dayton shooter

RainDrops ago

Conner Betts


He went to the city with his sister and he boyfriend. He left and returned with the weapon. Two of tge victims were his sister and her boyfriend, so to me there seems to be a personal motive involved.

amarQ144 ago

Sounds like...so wats up with the same name and sisters name? Just wierdness?

RainDrops ago

Same name?

"Among those slain was his younger sister, 22-year-old Megan Betts. The Dayton Daily News reports that Megan was a student at Wright State University and had been planning to graduate next year."


"The other victims include three women and five men, who ranged in age from 25 to 57. According to CNN, they have been identified as Lois L. Oglesby, Saeed Saleh, Derrick R. Fudge, Logan M. Turner, Nicholas P. Cumer, Thomas J. McNichols, Beatrice N. Warren-Curtis, and Monica E. Brickhouse."


amarQ144 ago

I was referring to the Connor Betts obit from 2014..."survived by sister Megan Betts"

RainDrops ago

This guy, Conner D. Betts, who was 22 in 2014 and lived & died in Suffolk, Connecticut?


The Ohio shooter was 24 in 2019 and they don't look the same.

The obituary Connor Betts' mother is on facebook. Her profile picture has her son, Conner, on the right and he's a different person than Ohio shooter Connor.



Funny story, there is a French actress that has both my first and last name, her brother has my brother's name too and my name is not common. The difference is we are too different people, she's older than me, we live in two different places, and look nothing alike...if you google my name, she's the first person to come up in the search but not the only one.

amarQ144 ago

Very cool!...so, you are like a copy?...of a snail eater???

RainDrops ago

The obituary Connor Betts' mother is on facebook. Her profile picture has her son, Conner, on the right and he's a different person than shooter Ohio shooter Connor.



RainDrops ago

This guy, Conner D. Betts, who was 22 in 2014 and lived & died in Suffolk, Connecticut?


The Ohio shooter was 24 in 2019 and they don't look the same.

Funny story, there is a French actress that has both my first and last name, her brother has my brother's name too and my name is not common. The diffefence is we are too different people, she's older than me, we live in two different places, and look nothing alike...if you google my name, she's the first person to come up in the search but not the only one.

Rondiggity ago

I was thinking they were from the same MKULTRA farm.

NinaSparrow ago

Ha! Good point! I wouldnt be surprised.. sadly, nothing surprises me anymore.

prettymuchbullshit ago

Yeah, back on the MK Ultra farm my parents had we raised Kevins and Michaels and Nicoles. I remember having to get up early and feed them everyday. I hated it then, but I like to think it has made me stronger as a person.

Rondiggity ago

Were you raised on Zorro Ranch or John of God's farm?

Qdini ago

That is definitely on purpose. It's to evoke the same feelings about all of the related events. And his name Patrick Crusius is a combo of two different shooters names.

Devin Patrick Kelly (TX Church shooter)

Nikolas Cruz (Parkland shooter)

NinaSparrow ago

OMG! What the actual fuck!?!?!?

That is chilling!!

Damn! 🙏

DawnPendraig ago

Remember when we had that Texas school shooter and within a day or so allegedly a military chopper or something dropped ammunition through a school roof?

School name? Parkland. On El Paso


There were other coincidence too. I should have written them down.

NinaSparrow ago

Omg whaaat!!!? No I never heard that before!?

I'd ask if you were kidding but sadly I know your not. I'm speechless. 😳

DawnPendraig ago

I wonder as the school was empty if it wasn't done by white hats to say they know what's really going on to try and prevent what happened the next day but the evil did it anyway

Qdini ago

Just of all the planning.....the NZ killings happened in March. The Angel's baseball player (who wore #45 and a red jersey & cap) died on July 1st. He was in TX for a game against the Texas Rangers. Died in a hotel room -- and the hotel chain is owned by an Illuminati connected Wall Street firm who also has ties to Epstein......

StormRanger ago

Maybe related.

NinaSparrow ago

To me, it looks like the same guy but like they used a photo from like 15yrs ago.

KyJane ago

Same person, just taken at different times. The one on the right was obviously a selfie.

NinaSparrow ago

Wow you're right!! That's what I thought, that it was same guy but just a way older pick.

U think they ckd out s little more effort into their bullshit.

KyJane ago

They definitely underestimate our brain power, and in addition, like Q says, these people are stupid.


That's exactly what I was thinking. They're fucking mocking us.

FatLadySings ago

and glasses

TexasInfidel ago

Not even close

hamman365 ago

You do not register a party affiliation in Texas. In voting during primaries you ask for a republican or democrat ballot. The whole change thing was SJW's trying to make this look bad for Q and Qannon's. I will bet that this p.o.s. was connected to antifa. Dad is a new age therapist, patrick was a spoiled sjw not made to work or do something with his life

DawnPendraig ago

That's not true. I'm a native Texan and been registering multiple decades and it does ask party affiliation and I am registered Republican since 2012 Ron Paul primary.

I saw this lie all over Twitter yesterday. Who started it??

hamman365 ago

Sorry Dawn, you are incorrect

Have my voter registration card right here, and link to voter registration card from Texas.gov

Voter Registration Certificate

VUID # , Gender, Year of Birth, Precinct #, Valid From/Valid To

Name and Address


Congressional district, State Senate District, State Rep District Com, JP, City, City District, ISD, ISD District, SBOE


DawnPendraig ago

I have mine too. Registered Republican.

hamman365 ago


Here is the application for a voter registration card in Texas - notice party affiliation anywhere on it?

Here is a link to an image of the texas voter card - notice no party affilition?


DawnPendraig ago

It isn't required. I never said it was but what people are claiming is El Paso shooter cannot be a registered Democrat and he definitely can be.

As I posted from the Texas SOS website.

hamman365 ago

I do believe he is a democrat, i do believe he is an antifa supporter, i just dont have proof. I have looked through voter rolls in collin county and do not find him on there. His address is Kingsbury Court, Allen Tx 75013, collin county Tx. There are 9 houses on that street with home values ranging between $565k $760k. In 2018 zip code donated almost 4x more to political candidates than the avg zip code in Texas - largest beneficiary was Beto O'Rourke $59k vs Ted Cruz $29k. So yeah i believe he is a democrat. BTW i enjoy your comments - keep on keeping on patriot

DawnPendraig ago

Yeah, I suspect he is too. All three shooters fit typical Antifa types.

That said I don't rule out an MK Ultra type situation either especially with El Paso shooter's father being a therapist and his connections.

Interesting article I have been sharing on that subject https://thewashingtonstandard.com/follow-the-dots-mkultra-the-el-paso-shooting/

Thanks re posts. I like yours too, patriot and appreciate our discussion and sorting out my confusion. =)

hamman365 ago

I just read that article!

ReverseDragon ago

Good thought. Several Social Justice Warriors have proven themselves capable of committing strong acts of deception, destruction, and violence. I believe many of them are practicing projection on a high level. A great number of them are delusional.

I fear a much worse attack will come, and the DS and MSM will attempt to push all blame onto the chans, VOAT, "racist" Trump supporters, and Qanon. Get ready for a full-court press.

Bonnie564 ago

Dad was director of the dual diagnosis unit of Timberlawn mhs hospital. From his Facebook page.

redtoe_skipper ago

Before the change it clearly stated he was a democratic socialist and an antifa member.

Oracle64 ago

I saw that too. wished I was able to screen shot it before it changed.

CokeOrPepe ago

I’m sure someone did 8chan anons are on it

Steinmacher ago

agreed... 21 yrs old... earning less than 10K according to mylife bio.

was in in college?

Qdini ago

Income info on that site is not accurate.

hamman365 ago

Was a student at Collin college, formerly Collin County Community College, as late as spring 2019. Read that his LinkedIn said he was on the computer 8 hrs a day, so i imagine he was a gamer

AUSAFVet ago

Great post! I was thinking the same things as I watch the videos. My first comment when I saw him walking in.."awww he is wearing ear protection"

SexMachine ago

What a pussy.


Regarding #6. If you hated illegals wouldn't a better plan be to stake out the border and pick them off as they were illegally crossing?

Anomalia ago

Subconscious programming does not work this way. You cannot get someone to do things they usually would not do or do not know about. He knows Walmart, been there, nothing unusual. He wore earmuffs, glasses, cargo pants, like you would go on a shooting range. In his reprogrammed mind he was doing some target practice at the range...


Yes, of course. That's why I said what I said! If someone who was just angry and screwed in the head had done this, instead of someone who had been mind screwed, they would have went to a place where they could have done the most damage to their intended target.

GodsAngell ago


Remember who your real enemy is.

Let Trump Team handle antifa when they come to Texas.

obvious-throwaway- ago

No, the best way to stop illegals would be going after the Jews in power who are making this happen.


Yes, that would be the best way. I just said picking them off at the border would be better than shooting Americans in a mall.

GrayGadfly ago

Oh hey you stole my plan, my theoretical plan in minecraft to keep my house safe from invading creepers.

BigWind ago

How about a taqueria. The welfare office. The mexican market. Even a park in a beaner neighborhood.

Maybe regular Americans don't really use any of those places, but nearly everybody, legal or foreigners illegally trespassing, buy shit from those chink shops.


Yep! Any of these would work as well. After thinking about it, that would be better! Get the ones that are already here!

SexMachine ago

Social Security office in El Paso would've been jam packed with Mexicans. Illegals qualify for workman's comp

Qdini ago

Just go to the DMV in CA. Lines for a mile.

Firevine ago

There was a screencap posted of news reports related to this that were dated two days previous. I didn't save it. If someone has that it would be awesome.

o0shad0o ago

2) Why did the local police arrest and hold three suspects in custody, as was widely reported by the media before the story was changed to a “lone shooter?”

Probably people in the area who had legal (or illegal) handguns and were detained while the event was going on. While there didn't seem to be anyone in position to take down the shooter, there must've been a few around.

Steelerfish ago

It’s Texas, how he fuck wasn’t there anyone carrying?

In the colossal shit-hole called Dayton - in the armpit of America called Ohio, I can understand, but in Texas?

o0shad0o ago

Because this isn't the wild west from the movies, and if you're confronted with an active shooter your first priority should be to run away or seek cover. You may choose to stand your ground to protect others, but unless you can do so effectively it's a poor move, and in a fast-evolving situation you may not be able to plan that.

Steelerfish ago

Too bad is isn’t. It would be nice if these shooters had aiming skills like the Storm Troopers in Star Wars...

Mscss ago

Democrats are losing everywhere, time to change the news cycle to bad everything we patriots love about our country, deep state is working overtime.

Black_beauty7 ago

This, right here. They know their platform is dead and people aren't buying what their selling, so now they have gun control, again, to use with 3 recent shootings.

Mscss ago

View my post on New Zealand mosque shooting, with video and I point out a lot of shit by frame number.

Oracle64 ago

and they threw in Hispanic targets (Immigration), Gamers, Q Followers/Right Wingers... They must be so proud of themselves. I pray they are finally caught. I saw information online being changed as we searched the net. They are indeed mocking us.

GutterTrash ago

I am shocked they did not blame beef, climate change, and transphobia since it looks like they are trying to beat this dead horse as much as possible.

QualityWhite ago

Everyone is just going to calmly accept being replaced in their own countries, and no one will ever act out. It will always be fake /

Lauraingalls ago

This is really frightening. The Deep State is very desperate and will do anything to bring down Q, President Trump and the spread of truth.

They are very afraid President Trump will win again and they will fax justice.

There are TOO many odd things happening with this story.

GodsAngell ago

Vibratron, Excellent analysis and post!

Clearly a DS false flag event, to get Patriots angry, so that when antifa arrives shortly there will surely be VIOLENCE. DON'T TAKE THE BAIT! Remember who your real enemy is. Let Trump Team handle antifa.

Killdozer6gozillian ago

We are dealing with terrorists

Peanuttles ago

The deep state are terrorists.

monsterdoggie ago