DeadFox ago

Yeah it's fucking El Paso, there's millions of mexicans shooting each other.

fspu ago

I often do Google searches for specific time periods for work. Google frequently gets it wrong.

That's because Google doesn't use the time it first sees an article. Instead it uses the time reported by the web server.

In other words: ABC botched their server config or is purposely messing with you.

PacaGoat ago

Was not sure about it when I posted. Wanted you guys input.

New shooting now in Dayton. Sleepers activated.

scoripowarrior ago

It would help if a date was posted other than '2 days ago"

PacaGoat ago

It would

Magonia ago

Hmmm maybe some over eager “journalist” saw Q’s post and had a template going but didn’t realize that it’d appear that way online?

petevoat ago

They're going to say it's a technical glitch.

MudPuddlePie ago

Watched a video interview of the shooting...mexican gal being interviewed said there were three or four men in black t-shirts that came in and started the shooting.

Qdini ago

Someone on the chans also posted a Google Search that said the event occurred 8 hrs before it started.

Semlow ago

A better solution (compared to a screenshot) is to use an archive site with the complete search URL including all parameters. Example: (the language settings seem to be fucked up by the archive site that acts as the client doing the request). This can not be as easy manipulated as a screenshot.

DickTick ago

See above. Those "finds" are so easy to fake my seven-year-old self could have done it blindfolded. Be careful unless you actually find the discrepancies yourself.

Qdini ago

That's why I didn't post it. I couldn't verify it.

truguy ago

What search engine was this and what was search term?

PacaGoat ago


DammitMan ago

I’m surprised it hadn’t already been scrubbed.

ErrorHasNoRights ago

This stuff is very, very easy to fake.

All you have to do is right-click -> Inspect and then change the text.

PacaGoat ago

But then there is this also.

praying71 ago

Good spot! I remember this reporter asking us here. They were preparing for for it. Something big is comming. They also know it. They won't give up without a fight.

VolunteerForTrump ago

The same thing happened with the New Zealand shooting if I recall correctly. I forgot how they explained it away though.

PacaGoat ago

It smacks of a prearranged event or action. Means coordination between agencies and orgs.